Dmizer;25466 wrote:The United States, in order for it to remain a bastion of religious freedom, must remain secular in it's nature. There is not a single argument that anyone can make to prove otherwise. The only way for religious freedom to flourish is to have no one religion in control or making the laws. I will argue that that many of the values that many of you claim to be Christian values are indeed human decency that cannot be monopolized by one religion as their own. If a Jewish man performs an act of kindness for a stranger, he is not exhibiting christian values, he is exhibiting human decency and compassion. Many of the founding fathers were indeed christian, and their values influenced the constitution, but there were many founding fathers who were not christians who's values influenced the constitution. Values that may be attributes of Christianity are also attributes of many other religions that come together to make up the fabric of this society.
The bolded text is your statement. It is a statement that proves you are ignorant of the nature of Christianity and the basis for Christianity, Yahweh and His Son's sacrifice to redeme us all, Gentile and Jew.
Stating otherweise is an assertion, not based on fact.
The initial government of the US was
not composed solely of ministers or Priests.
However, many members of congress were ministers. Stating otherweise is also an assertion, not based on fact.
There is no need to argue that a fact is a fact.