Gonzlaes Resigns

scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 12:13 pm
the rats are deserting a sinking ship :thumbup: Very Happy
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 12:18 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
Next target: CHENEY

Then bushie will be all by his lonesome with his love interest Condi.
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 01:29 pm
Drnaline;33271 wrote:
When all you all think you can do better, step on up to the plate. You still have time to get in this campaign.

Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
My dog would have done better than Bush, by default. If he extended his right paw for yes, and the left one for no, when asked a question by his administration...he would have invariably made better choices than George Bush, by chance. Most people and pundits think that this is the worst administration in US history.............except you. Anyone could have done better....Gore would have done infinitely better. And he would have, had not the election been "stolen".
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 01:31 pm
FedUpAmerican;33350 wrote:
Next target: CHENEY

Then bushie will be all by his lonesome with his love interest Condi.

You ain't stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 01:34 pm
aaronssongs;33366 wrote:
My dog would have done better than Bush, by default. If he extended his right paw for yes, and the left one for no, when asked a question by his administration...he would have invariably made better choices than George Bush, by chance.

Your dog aint stupid. Very Happy
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 01:52 pm
FedUpAmerican;33371 wrote:
Your dog aint stupid. Very Happy

LOL, obliged!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2007 07:17 pm
Gonzo botched his public hearings, horribly. He looked silly and dumb.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 10:01 am
Pinochet73;33453 wrote:
Gonzo botched his public hearings, horribly. He looked silly and dumb.

just like the his former boss !
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 10:35 am
I’d almost forgotten how breathtakingly dishonest former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer can be.

Monday, on Fox News, he blamed congressional Dems for “politicizing the Justice Department, unfairly so and dangerously so.”

– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who fired attorneys for political reasons.

– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who gave the White House political team unprecedented power to intercede in the affairs of the Justice Department.

– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who allowed his department to illegally hire attorneys based in part on their loyalty to the Republican Party and the Bush administration.

– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who dissembled and misled about the administration’s spying activities.

– It was Alberto Gonzales, not Congress, who lied in stating that all Bush appointees would be Senate confirmed.

It’s been years since Fleischer embarrassed himself regularly to a national audience.

Welcome back to the show, Ari.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 10:46 am
FedUpAmerican;33520 wrote:

Puh-leeze! As Press Secretary, wasn't his job, professionally speaking, "to lie", on a daily basis? I could never be in the same room , with the likes of him....he stinks to high heaven...I'm sure there are skeletons in that there closet, that we would be surprised.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 11:01 am
Wouldn't surprise me. This administration has done some pretty scandalous things. What DOES surprise me is that they keep gettng away with it.

I was at a peace rally yesterday, in a largely republican suburb of Chicago, and there was around 400 people there. A lot of pissed off people that have had loved ones killed and maimed from fighting for this corrupt president and his minions.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 07:44 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;33516 wrote:
just like the his former boss !

I like Bush, but he has made some bad personnel decisions. No doubt.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 07:48 pm
FedUpAmerican;33532 wrote:
Wouldn't surprise me. This administration has done some pretty scandalous things. What DOES surprise me is that they keep gettng away with it.

I was at a peace rally yesterday, in a largely republican suburb of Chicago, and there was around 400 people there. A lot of pissed off people that have had loved ones killed and maimed from fighting for this corrupt president and his minions.

I wouldn't call it corruption. It's overzealous nationalism. Clinton was corrupt. The nasty stuff he perpetrated was for personal gain. He wanted fresh sex (AKA: 'strange' in the Army) and money. He got both.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 08:04 pm
That really compares to 4,000+ American deaths and how many maimed?

Thats more than the 9/11 casualties.

Good job!
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2007 09:22 pm
Pinochet73;33660 wrote:
I wouldn't call it corruption. It's overzealous nationalism. Clinton was corrupt. The nasty stuff he perpetrated was for personal gain. He wanted fresh sex (AKA: 'strange' in the Army) and money. He got both.

Lies and sissy chatter.
Clinton was a boy scout compared to George Bush and Dick Cheney.
You want corruption...I'll give you corruption...how about Bush and his ties to the Saudi royal family? What about Cheney's ties to Halliburton, and Halliburton receiving the bulk of the no bid contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq?
What about the millions of missing funds meant for reconstruction? Corruption?
What about the corruption surrounding Gonzales? What about Rove and Libby? Corruption....it's part and parcel of the way this administration works.
Where was the corruption of Clinton?...seems he's as popular as ever...are you saying that the public is crazy for holding him as one of the most popular presidents ever? And crazy for regarding Bush as one of the worst ever?
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2007 05:43 pm
aaronssongs;33671 wrote:
Lies and sissy chatter.
Clinton was a boy scout compared to George Bush and Dick Cheney.
You want corruption...I'll give you corruption...how about Bush and his ties to the Saudi royal family? What about Cheney's ties to Halliburton, and Halliburton receiving the bulk of the no bid contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq?
What about the millions of missing funds meant for reconstruction? Corruption?
What about the corruption surrounding Gonzales? What about Rove and Libby? Corruption....it's part and parcel of the way this administration works.
Where was the corruption of Clinton?...seems he's as popular as ever...are you saying that the public is crazy for holding him as one of the most popular presidents ever? And crazy for regarding Bush as one of the worst ever?

Clinton hired hitmen to bump off his enemies. He's a mafioso, Arkansas-style. You only like him because he panders to African-Americans. He's a charlatan. If he likes Blacks so much, why have none of his extra-marital affairs involved Black women? Sure, he moved his office to Harlem, but where does he live? I guarantee his neighborhood isn't even 'Salt and Pepper'. Betcha a beer.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2007 05:45 pm
FedUpAmerican;33664 wrote:
That really compares to 4,000+ American deaths and how many maimed?

Thats more than the 9/11 casualties.

Good job!

Don't gimme that crap. If it had been Hillary's idea, you'd be a hawk.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2007 06:24 pm
Pinochet73;33837 wrote:
Clinton hired hitmen to bump off his enemies. He's a mafioso, Arkansas-style. You only like him because he panders to African-Americans. He's a charlatan. If he likes Blacks so much, why have none of his extra-marital affairs involved Black women? Sure, he moved his office to Harlem, but where does he live? I guarantee his neighborhood isn't even 'Salt and Pepper'. Betcha a beer.

Since everyone here is so hellbent on documentation to back up one's argument, I'm so sure you have documentation for your assertions.
Again, you only think you know me...don't pretend that you do.

"If he likes Blacks so much, why have none of his extra-marital affairs involved Black women?"

I am dumbfounded by your statement...is this how you gauge affiliation and or empathy? You seem to like guns, but I doubt you've tried to introduce them into your bodily orifices? Or, perhaps you have? I'm just saying...deduction.
One has to call your reasoning ability into question, based on a Twilight Zone statement like that...I'm sorry.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2007 08:05 pm
Pinochet73;33838 wrote:
Don't gimme that crap. If it had been Hillary's idea, you'd be a hawk.



0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2007 04:29 am
aaronssongs;33846 wrote:
Since everyone here is so hellbent on documentation to back up one's argument, I'm so sure you have documentation for your assertions.
Again, you only think you know me...don't pretend that you do.

"If he likes Blacks so much, why have none of his extra-marital affairs involved Black women?"

I am dumbfounded by your statement...is this how you gauge affiliation and or empathy? You seem to like guns, but I doubt you've tried to introduce them into your bodily orifices? Or, perhaps you have? I'm just saying...deduction.
One has to call your reasoning ability into question, based on a Twilight Zone statement like that...I'm sorry.

You're blockading, that is, hunkering down behind barriers to protect yourself from addressing certain important issues because they're too uncomfortable for you to face. Think about it. Clinton is a notorious cock-hound from the South. He's forever chasing women, obsessed with conquering as many as he possibly can. Why has he never, to the best of the media's knowledge, been with a Black mistress? Yeah....it sounds nutty. But why hasn't he? Anyone raised in the South is in constant contact with African-Americans. I know. I lived there for seven years. What a coincidence it is that Slicky Boy will not lay down with a Black woman. Why not? I'll tell you why: racism, and the knowledge that he'd better not play games with the most important part of his constituency.

And....what about his neighborhood? Why doesn't he deliberately live amongst Blacks? Face it, aarronssongs -- Clinton is using African-Americans, big time. Don't fall for it.

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