they didn't break the law, in fact Clinton (also legally) fired 10X the federal prosecutors for the same reasons
since the last election there have been over 600 inquiries in congress, most with less ground to stand on then this, meanwhile the reason the Dem's were voted in (to figure out the Iraq War) has only been touched by Bush and company, the Dem's were elected on this and haven't sniffed it since (why else is congressional approval at an all time low?). In fact passed legislation is way down when compared to any other year in the Bush administration, and that is not Bush's fault, it's the newly elected majority.
Let me recap the actual series of events
-Bush hired an inexperienced friend to be AG
-GOP congress is cool with it
-Dems get Elected and ask why Bush fired some people
-Gonzales shows his inexperience with terrible wishy washy responses
-Dems shut down government to go fishing and really find dickall
-Gonzales faces unyielding pressure, doesn't have the experience to deal with it and still be effective, Bush realizes it wasn't such a good idea to hire his buddy to run a portion of the county
-Al resigns
All things fair he wasn't qualified to begin with, but the runaway witch hunt being conducted by Democrats is going to bite them in the booty during the general election, watch it happen