How many sons does God have?

Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 08:08 am
@Greatest I am cv,
All I want is a verse that states that God created the Jesus.

I have read your verses and NONE of them state that Jesus was created by God.

In fact, Jesus states that he is the beginning and the end.

So which is it?
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 08:58 am
[SIZE="3"]Well then as the bible says you see as though through a thick veil and have scales on your eyes. I cannot help you , you'll have to pray yourself for God to help you see. [/SIZE]

JesusDiedForU;39693 wrote:
All I want is a verse that states that God created the Jesus.

I have read your verses and NONE of them state that Jesus was created by God.

In fact, Jesus states that he is the beginning and the end.

So which is it?
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 09:10 am
wvpeach;39701 wrote:
[SIZE="3"]Well then as the bible says you see as though through a thick veil and have scales on your eyes. I cannot help you , you'll have to pray yourself for God to help you see. [/SIZE]

Just provide a verse that states God created Jesus... I'll wait (probably for a long time)[/SIZE]

There are NO verses that state they Jesus was created by God. You say there are hundreds of them... that is a lie.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 09:20 am
This is all I will give you now , read it again.

wvpeach;39701 wrote:
[SIZE="3"]Well then as the bible says you see as though through a thick veil and have scales on your eyes. I cannot help you , you'll have to pray yourself for God to help you see. [/SIZE]
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 09:43 am
wvpeach;39705 wrote:
This is all I will give you now , read it again.

The Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, and correcting. You spew the doctrine that Jesus is not God. But remember, "I am the bread of life" "Before Abraham, I AM" and let's not forget that Jesus AND Jehovah created the world. Oh yeah and Jehovah created the world ALONE and BY HIMSELF.

Your beliefs look good at first until you get to the fine details. Then, it is clear that your doctrine is only a wolf in sheeps clothing. You use the scapegoat that I need to pray and have God open my eyes. I tell you this, I see the Bible clearly and there is no doubt in my mind that Jesus claimed to be God. Your beliefs are built on a sanding foundation. Mine are built on a rock and are congruent with God's word.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 09:47 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 10:01 am
This is what I have to say about you . I will pray for you.

wvpeach;39701 wrote:
[SIZE="3"]Well then as the bible says you see as though through a thick veil and have scales on your eyes. I cannot help you , you'll have to pray yourself for God to help you see. [/SIZE]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 10:06 am
One of my previous posts in this thread goes into the meaning of one in Jesus own words. But I expect you have never read that post of mine. [SIZE="3"]Because you really do not care what the scripture says.[/SIZE]

Died for you,,,,, you are only concerned with spewing the teachings and traditions of men as doctrine. I used to believe just like you. But God opened my eyes to know the truth. And I thank him for being so gracious to me.

I pray it happens to people like you. But God does allow free will in this and you have closed your mind and hold out as truth the traditions of men.

[SIZE="4"] Read the post where I talked about the meaning of "One " in this thread if you care about the truth. [/SIZE]

JesusDiedForU;39707 wrote:
Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 03:22 pm
JesusDiedForU;39707 wrote:
Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."

Well JesusDiedForU, this is the same person who if I understand her would say that abortion is ok because the spirit does not enter the body until birth. Now I know that is not Biblical, yet this is what she believes. I also believe she sees nothing wrong with a doctor inserting a knife opening a passage way to allow the vacuum tube through the back of an unborn childs neck to suck out its brain allowing it's head to be crushed for a late term abortion.
According to the Old Testament, if a man strikes a woman and kills her, or her unborn child that man should be put to death. Yet she does not believe that either. In her belief, the Bible is full of counterdictions and errors, so her Holy Spirit tells her the way things should be. And even if her Holy Spirit counterdicts the Bible thats ok, because she believes the Bible is full of errors and counterdictions. So from my read on this, she has a belief system which does not always agree with Scripture. It appears to me, she agrees with the Bible when it agrees with her politically, yet if it does not, she will receive new knowledge from the Holy Spirit. And of course, that knowledge almost always agrees with the Democratic partys stand on abortion. See unless you are really grounded in Scriptures, even murder can be justified by some.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:26 pm
I did not say that Jesus was not a god, but he says himself he is not God the Father the one true God above all. There are many gods spoken of in the bible . Where would you say Jesus ranks among the other gods in the bible?

JesusDiedForU;39706 wrote:
The Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, and correcting. You spew the doctrine that Jesus is not God. But remember, "I am the bread of life" "Before Abraham, I AM" and let's not forget that Jesus AND Jehovah created the world. Oh yeah and Jehovah created the world ALONE and BY HIMSELF.

Your beliefs look good at first until you get to the fine details. Then, it is clear that your doctrine is only a wolf in sheeps clothing. You use the scapegoat that I need to pray and have God open my eyes. I tell you this, I see the Bible clearly and there is no doubt in my mind that Jesus claimed to be God. Your beliefs are built on a sanding foundation. Mine are built on a rock and are congruent with God's word.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:29 pm
Campbell you are condemning me my brother in Christ.

I hope you know what you are doing ?

For every idle word out of your mouth you will be called to account for.

I hope you are willing and able to give account of yours words when you stand before Christ our Lord in judgment.

I happen to know that God and Christ love me very much. That is enough for me. I need nothing else.

Campbell34;39737 wrote:
Well JesusDiedForU, this is the same person who if I understand her would say that abortion is ok because the spirit does not enter the body until birth. Now I know that is not Biblical, yet this is what she believes. I also believe she sees nothing wrong with a doctor inserting a knife opening a passage way to allow the vacuum tube through the back of an unborn childs neck to suck out its brain allowing it's head to be crushed for a late term abortion.
According to the Old Testament, if a man strikes a woman and kills her, or her unborn child that man should be put to death. Yet she does not believe that either. In her belief, the Bible is full of counterdictions and errors, so her Holy Spirit tells her the way things should be. And even if her Holy Spirit counterdicts the Bible thats ok, because she believes the Bible is full of errors and counterdictions. So from my read on this, she has a belief system which does not always agree with Scripture. It appears to me, she agrees with the Bible when it agrees with her politically, yet if it does not, she will receive new knowledge from the Holy Spirit. And of course, that knowledge almost always agrees with the Democratic partys stand on abortion. See unless you are really grounded in Scriptures, even murder can be justified by some.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 09:40 pm
@Greatest I am cv,

Do you remember the INSPIRED words of Paul.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness

Your beliefs are like a sheep in wolves clothing.

Jesus IS God.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 06:52 am
wvpeach;39740 wrote:
Campbell you are condemning me my brother in Christ.

I hope you know what you are doing ?

For every idle word out of your mouth you will be called to account for.

I hope you are willing and able to give account of yours words when you stand before Christ our Lord in judgment.

I happen to know that God and Christ love me very much. That is enough for me. I need nothing else.

WVPeach I am not condemning you, I am just repeating your own statements.

You said abortion is not a voting problem for you. Because on post 31 you said the unborn child is just flesh until it's actual birth.

On post 142 you said you could show me hundreds of counterdictions in the Bible. I'm just pointing our what you have already stated. So another words, no murder has taken place before birth.

I said your belief system does not always agree with Scripture. And then gave the example where Scripture speaks about the two men that were fighting. One of them strikes a woman and kills either her, or her unborn child.
As a result, the Bible clearly states that mans life will be required.
You said, I DON'T SEE IT THAT WAY. Another words you donot agree with what is clearly stated. When Jehovah said He made the earth alone and by Himself, you cannot agree with His statement, again, another departure from the Scriptures because of your belief system. If you can't agree with Jehovahs bold statement, then either the Bible is wrong, or your belief system is wrong. Either way, it's what you have been saying and it's what I have been pointing out. So how is it that you saying I am condemning you? I'm just pointing out what you have already stated?

I said when the Holy Spirit tells you something about abortion, it appears only to agree with the stand of the Democratic party. TRUE or FALSE
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:43 am
Campbell and died for you if you want to have further discussions i suggest we start with you two answering at least one question at a time. Anybody who reads this thread can see that I have answered many questions and spent considerable time giving you scriptures to back them up.

While you two like a broken record keep returning to Dogma you have learned from the traditions of mankind.

So if you want to talk show some good faith from now one. I will answer on question for you and then would like you two to answer one question.

[QUOTE=wvpeach;39739]I did not say that Jesus was not a god, but he says himself he is not God the Father the one true God above all. There are many gods spoken of in the bible . Where would you say Jesus ranks among the other gods in the bible?[/QUOTE]

The question I would like answerd now is the one I asked way back in the beginning of this thread and you never answered it.

[SIZE="4"] Who are the other gods spoken of in the bible? [/SIZE]
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 08:56 am
[SIZE="4"] By the way guys here is the first post where I asked you to explain who the gods in the bible are [/SIZE]

[SIZE="4"] You'll find way back about page 4 of this thread. I believe I have asked this question of you both more than once ,yet you are afraid to attempt to answer it. [/SIZE]

So here it is , lets have a answer from both of you please![/SIZE]

wvpeach;36828 wrote:
You do realize campbell that "GOD " is a generic term? That the name of our creator is not GOD?

Psalm 82 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty ; he judgeth among the [SIZE="4"]gods[/SIZE]...... Notice the plural gods

John 10:34 Jesus said Is it not written in your law that I said [SIZE="4"]ye are Gods? [/SIZE]If he called them gods to whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Say ye of him [SIZE="4"]whom the father has sanctified and sent unto the world,[/SIZE] thou blasphemeth because I said I am the son of God.
......notice again the plural gods and these are the words of jesus himself. [SIZE="4"] Notice also in Jesus own words that The Father sanctified him and sent him into the world. [/SIZE] Not the other way around!

And how many sons of Gods are there Campbell? No way of counting but it appears that in genesis 6:1 there are many

Genesis 6:2 the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took them wifes all of which they chose.

Campbell you really have to do some extensive study with Gods help to learn that the English translation of the bible leaves much to be desired.

The word God is often used in our english translation where the word Lord, ruler, official would have been used in the original greek and hebrew.

So I agree Christ Jesus is Lord, is ruler,[SIZE="4"] is a God [/SIZE], but he [SIZE="4"]is not the one true God .[/SIZE] Christ is not the Father Yewah. Christ is a son as you and I are sons and daughters of God and Christ was sanctified to die for our sins a sacrifice for many. And 1st Corinthians tells us that when Jesus finishes this task he will turn the whole thing back over to the one real God the great I am Yewah .The Father , the one who's name we probably still do not know.

Read the entire first chapter of Hebrews its a love letter to Jesus and explains that he was chosen by the creator to serve the purpose he did and that has set him above all of us. But Christ is not God.

I am sad now. It is really sad, that satan has been so able to distort the Holy word in the English language.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 09:02 am
Well lets see I voted Reagan twice and bush senior , have been registered as two things in my life. First a Republican for about 12 years. Then I switched to independent. I have never been a Democrat . In fact John Kerry and Billy Carter are the two Democrat's I voted for . Kerry because I could see from a mile away after Bush's first term that he was a fake Christian with smelly rotten fruit.

This election I may not even vote. I can feel it God is saying its time to really come out of the world and elections do not matter.

Campbell you really do not have a clue what you are talking about. LOL:dunno:

[SIZE="3"] But the truth is all that matters so I needed to say it just for the record. [/SIZE]

Campbell34;39793 wrote:
WVPeach I am not condemning you, I am just repeating your own statements.

You said abortion is not a voting problem for you. Because on post 31 you said the unborn child is just flesh until it's actual birth.

On post 142 you said you could show me hundreds of counterdictions in the Bible. I'm just pointing our what you have already stated. So another words, no murder has taken place before birth.

I said your belief system does not always agree with Scripture. And then gave the example where Scripture speaks about the two men that were fighting. One of them strikes a woman and kills either her, or her unborn child.
As a result, the Bible clearly states that mans life will be required.
You said, I DON'T SEE IT THAT WAY. Another words you donot agree with what is clearly stated. When Jehovah said He made the earth alone and by Himself, you cannot agree with His statement, again, another departure from the Scriptures because of your belief system. If you can't agree with Jehovahs bold statement, then either the Bible is wrong, or your belief system is wrong. Either way, it's what you have been saying and it's what I have been pointing out. So how is it that you saying I am condemning you? I'm just pointing out what you have already stated?

I said when the Holy Spirit tells you something about abortion, it appears only to agree with the stand of the Democratic party. TRUE or FALSE
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 09:07 am
I remember these words very well my brother.

So I have asked one of the questions from scripture that I have asked you and campbell repeatedly. So since all scripture we know is useful for teaching , rebuking and training in righteousness. .

[SIZE="4"] How about you answer the question about who the other gods spoken of in the bible are? [/SIZE] Then I think we can go from there and look at other scripture all good for teaching , training and rebuking. Yep that is what the bible says .Not just the scriptures the two of you find acceptable. How can the two of you just pick and choose from the word of God its apparent to me you have discarded 9/10ths of the bible as not acceptable to you. Got news for you guys God meant for the entire bible to be used.

JesusDiedForU;39762 wrote:

Do you remember the INSPIRED words of Paul.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness

Your beliefs are like a sheep in wolves clothing.

Jesus IS God.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:06 am
wvpeach;39802 wrote:
Campbell and died for you if you want to have further discussions i suggest we start with you two answering at least one question at a time. Anybody who reads this thread can see that I have answered many questions and spent considerable time giving you scriptures to back them up.

While you two like a broken record keep returning to Dogma you have learned from the traditions of mankind.

So if you want to talk show some good faith from now one. I will answer on question for you and then would like you two to answer one question.

The question I would like answerd now is the one I asked way back in the beginning of this thread and you never answered it.

[SIZE="4"] Who are the other gods spoken of in the bible? [/SIZE]

I answered that question long ago. Anyone that is born into Gods kingdom. All who are born into Gods relm are Gods. We are not equal to the Father, yet we will have eternal existance in His Kingdom. And this includes all that followed God even before the time of Christ. When the Father stated there will be no God formed before Him and no God formed after Him, He was speaking of a God of His equal. We who are born into His kingdom are His severants, and we will serve at His pleasure. A god is a person who has supreme value, and that is what all humans will have if they have been born into God's Kingdom.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:11 am
I approve very much of your answer campbell. For lack of a better word I say approve.

Let me say that what you say is TRUE to clarify this matter.

Now lets see what ( JesusdiedforU) has to say and we can go on from there.

Campbell34;39815 wrote:
I answered that question long ago. Anyone that is born into Gods kingdom. All who are born into Gods relm are Gods. We are not equal to the Father, yet we will have eternal existance in His Kingdom. And this includes all that followed God even before the time of Christ. When the Father stated there will be no God formed before Him and no God formed after Him, He was speaking of a God of His equal. We who are born into His kingdom are His severants, and we will serve at His pleasure. A god is a person who has supreme value, and that is what all humans will have if they have been born into God's Kingdom.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:18 am
wvpeach;39807 wrote:
Well lets see I voted Reagan twice and bush senior , have been registered as two things in my life. First a Republican for about 12 years. Then I switched to independent. I have never been a Democrat . In fact John Kerry and Billy Carter are the two Democrat's I voted for . Kerry because I could see from a mile away after Bush's first term that he was a fake Christian with smelly rotten fruit.

This election I may not even vote. I can feel it God is saying its time to really come out of the world and elections do not matter.

Campbell you really do not have a clue what you are talking about. LOL:dunno:

[SIZE="3"] But the truth is all that matters so I needed to say it just for the record. [/SIZE]

If Bush is a Fake Christian, at least this fake Christian was the first president to sign into law the banning of Late term ABORTIONS. And now there will be many more children walking around, who will not have had their brains sucked out. And I can assure you, your candidate Kerry never would of signed that bill. And oh, how the Democratic party hated to see that bill signed into law.
Yes, and that is the truth.

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