Your views on suspected terrorists who are from your country...

Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:45 pm
rugonnacry;19586 wrote:
If the KKK are terrorists, then so are the bloods right?

And to the comment about Search and seizure. IN 1776 there wasnt anybody strapping bombs to their chests to blow up a plane either.

Just like the right to own and bear arms. I doubt the founding fathers were talking about uzis and ak's

Not really, the crips, bloods, LK's, and other street gangs are just that, gangs. While they do terrorize, and I am all for applying more stringent punishments to them based on AT laws, they lack the ideology behind their use of violence to truely be classified as a "terrorist" organization.

I don't think anyone on any of the planes in 9/11 attacks had bombs on their chest, but that's beside the point. Sorry, we aren't going to throw away the constitution because measures have become more extreme.

When you start doing that, terrorist have WON. When terrorism causes free men to disregard theirs and other freedom, than it has acheived it's goal.

Don't think so either, but there are firearms, and we are allowed by our constitution to have them as free Americans. And I bet dollars to donuts that any of the Founding Fathers would fall in LOVE with an AK47.

It isn't the firearm that is the problem. Guns do NOT kill people, people kill people with guns, and knives, and bats, and cars, and planes, so what, are we going to ban everything that irresponsible people choose to kill someone with?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:01 pm
92b16vx;19510 wrote:
So...you seperate people of different races from their citizenry? Hmmmm...

Draline, you a Klan supporter now? Cool, I guess if I can defend ismalofascism, you have every right to defend the Klan.
Draline, you a Klan supporter now?
I support there rights, just like i would support yours.
Cool, I guess if I can defend ismalofascism,

You go girl!!!
you have every right to defend the Klan

Damn right.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:21 am
92b16vx;19376 wrote:
Have you ever been detained in an airport for...nothing? I have so have many. Video surveillance on every street corner, national ID cards, stripping of gun rights, bills going up the chain trying to broaden the scope of the Patriot Act. Things most people accept because they are scared of "terrorist", or "criminals" allow overzealous lawmakers to incrementally take a little more, than a little more, than a little more. Though I guess as long as sheeple can still watch American Idol, and get a Big Mac nothing really matters, and those that worry about things like this, and the broader implications are wingnuts. Sorry if our privacy is important, yes I consider privacy a freedom.

hmm get searched at an airport everynow and then or... get on the plane and get blown up...

you think you have a right to fly on a plane but its the same as having a drivers license, it should be seen as a privelge, and if you dont like it then drive your car, oh thats right, it will take too long... too bad mate.

unfortunatly to have freedome we need to loose some of it, i guess the point is, there CANNOT be ABSOLUTE freedom, its just NOT REALISTIC at all.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 11:45 am
cornnfedd;19361 wrote:
i thought id share my view with everyone here as some were asking. In my opinion if you are a terrorist or suspected terrorist (with good reason) then i dont have any sympathy for you. Im sorry but i love my country and to think that someone would want to kill people from their own country is discusting and these people deserve to be shot on site or rot in prison.

In regards to David Hicks, this guy was clearly guilty of treason yet he will be released back into society by the end of this year (im in Adelaide, my house is 50km away from the jail he is now in) my only issue with the whole 'hicks affair' is that the australian government should have convicted him here in australia. Would have saved alot of time and money if someone just put a bullet through his head instead of capturing him.

Strong view you say? Anyone that threatens my freedom or anyones freedom doesnt deserve to have any of their own. :headbang:

WTF, The Taliban had no intention of attacking Australia, it has never killed or had the intention to kill aussie prior to war, until our government took part in it by sending troops to Afghanistan, remember if you play with fire, your bound to get burnt, its a two-way road. David Hicks deserves freedom and i vouch for the likes, your problem is that your nationalistic. Nationalism is a ******* desease and should be wiped clean from the minds of sheep. What is there to be proud of Australia, all you pure-breds are diciples of convicts. Your heritage have derived from every ******* criminal act known to man and your telling me that your all upset because one man was in search of guidance that happens to be in a war with the US is getting released. You disgust me.

92b16vx is dead on right, Im always the last person off the plane and it makes me sick everytime and i dont even look like the "stereo-typical" muslim, Freedom only exists in the mind of the creative.

Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 12:15 pm
cornnfedd;19657 wrote:
hmm get searched at an airport everynow and then or... get on the plane and get blown up...

you think you have a right to fly on a plane but its the same as having a drivers license, it should be seen as a privelge, and if you dont like it then drive your car, oh thats right, it will take too long... too bad mate.

unfortunatly to have freedome we need to loose some of it, i guess the point is, there CANNOT be ABSOLUTE freedom, its just NOT REALISTIC at all.

Exactly how many planes have blown up by terrorist? And yea, If I have to pay outrageous fees to fly somewhere, I expect, as a free citizen, to not be hassled and treated like a ******* criminal. Same damn thing when I am in my car, and get pulled over for nothing, I expect to be treated like a citizen, not a criminal for no reason. No, to have freedom we do not have to lose any, people have to be responsible. I am not going to let the terrorist control me with fear, I'm sure they (terrorist) are having a great laugh everytime they catch a "Terror Alert Level" on TV as the sheeple scramble. You just keep letting them treat you like criminals, that's EXACTLY what terrorist want.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:01 pm
Exactly how many planes have blown up by terrorist?

How many planes would be the venue for terrorism if we didn't have such security? So we wait until they use 20 planes for terrorism, then we suspect they may not be secure enough and heighten security?

You just keep letting them treat you like criminals, that's EXACTLY what terrorist want.

The terrorists want us dead, converted, or subjugated, not afraid.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:06 pm
Reagaknight;19721 wrote:
How many planes would be the venue for terrorism if we didn't have such security? So we wait until they use 20 planes for terrorism, then we suspect they may not be secure enough and heighten security?

You tell me, how many? Seriously, out of the thousands and thousands of flights a day, how many? Before 9/11, and the Patriot act, and the undertrained farce that is the TSA, how many planes were highjacked out of LAX, and blown up? I don't see metal detectors, and unwarranted search and seizures of the clientele in banks, do you? But they get robbed everyday, and people get killed in them.

The terrorists want us dead, converted, or subjugated, not afraid.

They want to destroy our way of life, freedom, and that's what you people are giving them.
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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:11 pm
You tell me, how many? Seriously, out of the thousands and thousands of flights a day, how many? Before 9/11, and the Patriot act, and the under trained farce the is the TSA, how many planes were highjacked out of LAX, and blown up? I don't see metal detectors, and un warranted search and seizures of the clientele in banks, do you? But they get robbed everyday, and people get killed in them.

With 9/11, they figured out that it works pretty well.

They want to destroy our way of life, freedom, and that's what you people are giving them.

They won't be satisfied with that (even if they had), they want to be the destroyers of freedom and the dictators themselves so as to enforce sharia under a global caliphate.

On that subject, I'm pretty sure another thing they would want us to do is loosen airport security and make it easier for them.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:15 pm
Reagaknight;19728 wrote:
On that subject, I'm pretty sure another thing they would want us to do is loosen airport security and make it easier for them.

You do realize there are other ways to blow **** up besides airplanes right? And no, you don't need to "loosen" up security, but show people some respect, and have train professionals conducting security instead of the half ass ill trained monkeys that do it now. Of course, nothing is to stop said terrorist from just detonating a bomb in over crowded security lines, and killing even MORE people than he would on a plane.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:20 pm
The government can't stop some people you met from being assholes just because they happen to work as airport security.

Maybe the terrorists aren't that smart, or maybe they don't have the technology to cause an explosion over such a wide radius without help from a feul tank of a plane, or they can't get the stuff they need in the U.S. After all, they do do that in other countries and they decided to with exploding a bomb on a plane in England rather than using an explosive vest in the airport lobby, there must be some other explanation.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:32 pm
Reagaknight;19734 wrote:
The government can't stop some people you met from being ***s just because they happen to work as airport security.

Maybe the terrorists aren't that smart, or maybe they don't have the technology to cause an explosion over such a wide radius without help from a feul tank of a plane, or they can't get the stuff they need in the U.S. After all, they do do that in other countries and they decided to with exploding a bomb on a plane in England rather than using an explosive vest in the airport lobby, there must be some other explanation.

I'll go with they are just stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 02:41 pm
Stupid but determined and smart enough to know at least one book inside and out and do what it says.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Jun, 2007 02:43 am
Azmr;19688 wrote:
David Hicks deserves freedom and i vouch for the likes, your problem is that your nationalistic. Nationalism is a ***ing desease and should be wiped clean from the minds of sheep. What is there to be proud of Australia, all you pure-breds are diciples of convicts. Your heritage have derived from every ***ing criminal act known to man and your telling me that your all upset because one man was in search of guidance that happens to be in a war with the US is getting released. You disgust me.

you sir are a fool.

how can you vouch for someone that was caught with the gun in their hand fighting against people from his own country?

and then it gets funnier, he was in search of guidance? boo ******* hoo, thats no excuse to end up fighting for the taliban in iraq. That SIR is a joke, and IS NO EXCUSE, and doesnt mean he deserves to get off. Lets hope you never go into politics otherwise there will be no such thing as law. ARE YOU FORGETTING he broke the law?

why dont you go fly to iraq and give them all cuddles because in your world that will work and will obviously solve all the issues. :beat: :beat: :beat:

oh and lastly im sorry for loving my country and enjoying freedom and the convict thing is a little old, we had steve erwin.
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Reply Fri 8 Jun, 2007 07:09 am
Hey, All we can do is speculate, all those things flying around here and there are theories, only David Hicks knows what hes intention was. David Hicks and Mr Habib mentioned that they were torchered while detained by the authorities with disregards of the Geneva Convention as usual, the majority of the Australian citizen are like "Yeah, hes a liar.", why the **** do you talk with no proper facts. All you know is a picture was found with him holding an RPG-7, he was caught in Afghanistan, detained and i bet you disagree that he was torchered for many years you lunatic. My fathers side in Lebanon has a ******* treasure box of AK-47s, a Dragunov, handguns, subbies and a RPG-7, all with ammo and ive held them all and even fired most of them minus the RPG on hes huge land, does that make me a terrorist, no, there is no proof. We are all fond on weapons made for war. Who gives a rats ass. Unfortunately the truth is, you and many Australians didnt even know where Afghanistan was situated nor if it existed, If Taliban was mentioned, youd be scratching your head asking "who?". One more thing, the Taliban is situated in Afghanistan, not Iraq smart ass.

Steve Irwin loved animals, he ******* molested the crocs, I was told by a little birdy, so it must be true. Didnt you know? If i had a hat, id take it off to the sting-ray.

Its good to love the country your in, i do love Australia only to an extent, If it got bombed id think "Pay back is a bytch" and i knew it was coming.

Politics is dirty, why dont you save the world Captain Amerikkka. You my friend are a joke.
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Reply Fri 8 Jun, 2007 09:14 am
Azmr;19688 wrote:
WTF, The Taliban had no intention of attacking Australia, it has never killed or had the intention to kill aussie prior to war, until our government took part in it by sending troops to Afghanistan, remember if you play with fire, your bound to get burnt, its a two-way road. David Hicks deserves freedom and i vouch for the likes, your problem is that your nationalistic. Nationalism is a ***ing desease and should be wiped clean from the minds of sheep. What is there to be proud of Australia, all you pure-breds are diciples of convicts. Your heritage have derived from every ***ing criminal act known to man and your telling me that your all upset because one man was in search of guidance that happens to be in a war with the US is getting released. You disgust me.

92b16vx is dead on right, Im always the last person off the plane and it makes me sick everytime and i dont even look like the "stereo-typical" muslim, Freedom only exists in the mind of the creative.


It is the God-mandated duty of Western Christian nationalists to oppose Islam with all their might. :AR15firing: :cussing: :mad:
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 06:03 am
@Red cv,
Red;19572 wrote:
Anyone whom thinks it's okay to use violence to kill innocents in the name of Religion, race, color or creed, or ethos/dogma is a terrorist. Currently international terrorists are Arab Muslims not Joe blow but the PCers have not allowed such open and frank statements to be made thus the "Normals" have been subjected to breaches in their rights in Canada under our Charter of Rights and freedoms. Domestic terrorists, in my opinion, include the KKK and the religious fundies who are willing to kill for their dogma. To date all terrorist attackes against the US, excluding domestic, have been Arab Muslims. There are those who like us to forget that little tid bit, so my government can spy on me, profile me and generally annoy me but pander and pucker up to the Muslim Community lest they offend and we ordinary citizens have our rights eroded. NO thankyou, I don't think so take the fight to the groups that want to do us harm and leave the unwashed masses alone. I do not agree with taking my chartered rights away from me in the name of Terror. It allows those scum bags to win yet another round against us. So I say no to Gitmo and no to the Security Certificates my government tried to envoke. Go after those who we know want to harm us, and leave the rest of society alone.

i just came across this website and when i read red's post of 06-06-07 i had to reply, ur words are the basis of discrimination (is it spelled that way?) , u r obviously saying ok only arab muslims constitute a threat to the US, let all others raom freely and scrutinize all arab muslims u can find, based on what? all terrorist attacks till date has been by arab muslims ? it is true but does that justify (taking my chartered rights away from me in the name of Terror) these r ur words RED , (those scum bags ) as u said win another round when the US no longer recognizes individual right and suspects purely on (background) without any logic behind these suspicions, this kind of treatment will only serve as evidence that the US is targeting muslims and islam , this evidence will be used for recruitment of more (scum bags ) by senior (scum bags), do u believe that this kind of scrutiny will stop further attacks on the US, think again , we r talking about suicidal attacks , there is no escape plan , i really thought that it was obvious what to do if the US wanted to cure islamic terrorisim, find the reason's (or what terrorists beleive to be the reason) in other words the motive , deal with it and destroy the source of the disease, otherwise get ready for a war on terrorisim that could continue till forever
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:39 am
So can we take it you are Muslim? Do you have an opinion as to how we differentiate Extremists from regular Muslims?
otherwise get ready for a war on terrorisim that could continue till forever
Were ready and i think they are too.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:59 am
Drnaline;27685 wrote:
So can we take it you are Muslim? Do you have an opinion as to how we differentiate Extremists from regular Muslims?

Just round them all up like they did the japanese in WWII huh? Good times for you and your ilk huh?

Were ready and i think they are too.

You got a nice soft cushion, and giant bag of cheetos, and a 12 pack of pop chillin' in the fridge?
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 08:28 am
92b16vx;27692 wrote:
Just round them all up like they did the japanese in WWII huh? Good times for you and your ilk huh?

You got a nice soft cushion, and giant bag of cheetos, and a 12 pack of pop chillin' in the fridge?
Just round them all up like they did the japanese in WWII huh?
Time will tell.
Good times for you and your ilk huh?
You saying it was good times then? I think we were at war.
You got a nice soft cushion, and giant bag of cheetos, and a 12 pack of pop chillin' in the fridge?
Not a full 12er.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 10:24 am
cornnfedd;19361 wrote:
i thought id share my view with everyone here as some were asking. In my opinion if you are a terrorist or suspected terrorist (with good reason) then i dont have any sympathy for you. Im sorry but i love my country and to think that someone would want to kill people from their own country is discusting and these people deserve to be shot on site or rot in prison.

In regards to David Hicks, this guy was clearly guilty of treason yet he will be released back into society by the end of this year (im in Adelaide, my house is 50km away from the jail he is now in) my only issue with the whole 'hicks affair' is that the australian government should have convicted him here in australia. Would have saved alot of time and money if someone just put a bullet through his head instead of capturing him.

Strong view you say? Anyone that threatens my freedom or anyones freedom doesnt deserve to have any of their own. :headbang:

I hear ya. Truthfully, I would love to personally drop the hammer on one-each, Adam Gudan, AQ's No. 1 American traitor on its payroll. I hate that bastard.:rocketwhore:
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