@Red cv,
Red;35537 wrote:First rule of Liberaltards Pino when they are losing a debate it comes down to personal insults and your ability to spell. I personally spell as many words as I can wrong as a social science experiment. Someday I shall publish all the tripe and slather and blather the left posts on forums. It will be a hoot to read.
Well, it's a case of "do as I say, not as I do'? Isn't it? Wouldn't "Liberaltards" be considered "an insult"...oh, but it's ok if you do it, right?
Nope, when "we" are on the short end of winning a debate, we "usually", just concede or capitulate, and say the best man ( or your case, "woman") won.
Or we declare a stalemate, or tie...and leave it at that...it really shouldn't come down to histrionics and insults...but often it does, simply because conservatives (notice I didn't impugn your ideology) are known to be "poor losers".
And there are plenty of material available, including online dictionaries, to aid in one's intelligent discourse...it is a "cop out" and an indication of 'being trifling" for one to repeatedly "misspell words'...Lazy.