@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;54430 wrote:What the Bush government did,was try to link 9/11 and AlQueda to Saddam and the war on terror,what was the real reason they ent to war in Iraq,Saddam was not a threat,he had no intentions of attacking the US or invading Kuwait again,the no-fly zones in the north & south of the country kept him firmly in check.
I've posted this several times before, I'm surprised you haven't read it by now
I was in the military during the Clinton Administration, I received annual terrorism briefings which claimed a link between Bin Laden and Iraq well before Bush was in office. I don't really fault you because it's not like you were in the room. You have however come to endorse the ignorant belief that everything was concocted by Bush; the fact is not only did Bush have bad intel, Clinton had bad intel, the English had bad independent intel, even the UN had the wrong info. This could have been avoided had Saddam kept to his agreement and not kicked inspectors out, that act alone warranted military action as per the 1991 agreement which ended the Kuwait conflict.
The reality is less popular because it doesn't have a singular bad guy, it's more of a collection of poorly made observations and decisions over a 12 year period (91-03). But that's hardly entertaining enough, Michael Mooooooooore could never make a movie about that.