@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;54410 wrote:Just like the US had TONS of information about WMDs in Iraq,and trying to link Saddam to Al Qaeda :wtf: what would you call that pino :beat:
congrats on buying into the hype machine
The standard spin on GW Bush is that
1. He's an under-evolved uneducated person, who is able to be president only because his father was and it just a tier above retarded.
2. He brilliantly masterminded two global conflicts
quite the contrast, his detractors can't even figure out what kind of bad politician he is...
To believe he started both wars you would have to ignore that other countries, not named the USA, had there own intelligence on Iraq and they did. Inconvienient for the anti bush people, also happens to be fact.
You would also have to believe that Bush engineered 911 and bought off Popular Mechanics (who did a whole special report debunking conspiracy theories like loose change). Also not the case and poor science at best...
What Bush is guilty of, IMO, is taking advantage of a bad situation. The fact of the matter is while all this stuff has been going on Halliburton and Big Oil have been making ridiculous profits. Bush and Cheney happen to be ex Big Oil, and ex Halliburton, respectivly.
Sadder still, this isn't even a new idea. When LBJ recommend us to Vietnam after Kennedy's assassination Bell Helicopters made HUGE money. Who held a king share of their stocks at the time? LBJ's wife...
And Bush will get away clean, just like LBJ did. Because we're more interested in Loose Change and the Grassy Knowl then what's actually happening...