Bush-"US has no intention to strike inside Pakistan"

Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2007 11:17 am
US has no intention to strike inside Pakistan: Bush

Friday August 3, 11:21 PM
Islamabad, Aug 3 (IANS) US President George W. Bush Friday assured President Pervez Musharraf that his country fully respects the sovereignty, integrity and geographical frontiers of Pakistan and has no intention to go for a military strike inside the country.

Bush said this in a telephonic conversation with Musharraf, Online news agency reports.

He underlined that both the counties would make their cooperation more effective in the war against terrorism as winning this war is not only in the interest of the US and Pakistan but is also inevitable for global peace.

Foreign office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam confirmed the telephonic talk.

The talk lasted more than 35 minutes.

Musharraf reiterated Pakistan's resolve with reference to eradication of terrorism and extremism saying the country was fighting this war in its own interest.

'We will take it to its logic end along with US and other coalition partners. However, we are concerned over the statements which have come from US officials and people of Pakistan have also voiced their strong concern. Our armed forces and security forces are dealing with the menace of terrorism in a befitting manner,' he said.

The president expressed his reservations on a bill passed in the US Congress tying US assistance to Pakistan to the progress in war on terror saying US should review this bill as relations between the two countries on war against terrorism could be affected in the presence of this bill.

He also apprised Bush of Pakistan' reservations on civil nuclear technology pact between India and the US.

According to sources, Bush expressed deep sorrow over the loss of precious lives and casualties of security forces in the recent terrorists acts.

US has no intention to strike inside Pakistan: Bush - Yahoo! India News

Sweeeeet appeasement.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,566 • Replies: 87
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Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 12:34 pm
So you want him to strike in pakistan?
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Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 02:12 pm
Yes B16 as a Ron Paul supporter who is Anti Bush wants the President to stay out of other countries affairs, unless that's what they actually plan to do. Then he's against non interference as well

while this may sound odd to the average person, to the Ron Paul supporter the truth is quite obvious. Just like the obvious truth the Ron Paul pointed out in the GOP debate. Iraq had no ties to 911, but, America brought 911 on itself by bombing Iraq for ten years. [/sarcasm]

sometimes when you're strongly against someone you sometimes forget what you're actually for and focus on just being agaisnt a person. This as policy is completely unhealthy and counterproductive.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 02:59 pm
Silverchild79;29328 wrote:
Yes B16 as a Ron Paul supporter who is Anti Bush wants the President to stay out of other countries affairs, unless that's what they actually plan to do. Then he's against non interference as well

while this may sound odd to the average person, to the Ron Paul supporter the truth is quite obvious. Just like the obvious truth the Ron Paul pointed out in the GOP debate. Iraq had no ties to 911, but, America brought 911 on itself by bombing Iraq for ten years. [/sarcasm]

sometimes when you're strongly against someone you sometimes forget what you're actually for and focus on just being agaisnt a person. This as policy is completely unhealthy and counterproductive.

You sarcasm is wasted. Too bad you can't comprehend my stance on the "war on terrorism" and critisism of BushCo, and use it effectively.

Bush wrote:
"We will make no distinction between those who committed these acts and those who harbor them." Sept. 11, 2001

We are no actively avoiding going after known terrorist camps, and as much as giving money to those that are enabling these terrorist to function in their country. If you are going to start a mini WWIII than have the conviction to stick to your own rhetoric and follow through. BushCo didn't care about the complications of going into Iraq, we were going to do that anyway, but he has not only stopped cold in his tracks, and NOT going after the terrorist in Pakistan, is giving billions to nations such as Pakistan, Saudi, Afghanistan where opium production is up, foreign fighters are pouring out of, and rouge elements of taliban and AQ are freely reorganizing, but somehow the the "politics" are too complicated now.

If you weren't so wrapped in the blinders the MSM has you in, and you could even begin to comprehend what Ron Paul said, you might have an excuse for your ignorance. He voted FOR going after AQ and the Taliban in Afghanistan, so your strawman that he is an isolationist, and doesn't want to protect America is BS.

Ron Paul wrote:

Do I want to invade Pakistan? If that's where the enemy is, than yes. If not invade, than put boots down with the local military to remove the threat. What we shouldn't be doing is selling 20 billion in weapons to the ******* House of Saud, or letting the Taliban opium farmers prosper because it's "too political" to stop them.

Hell, if all we did was secure the borders, I might be inclined to buy that Bush was a little serious about keeping America safe. But since he didn't, as a matter of fact, he tried to do exactly the opposite, and has since we went into Iraq, stopped pushing back against terrorist "where they hide", it is easy to assess that the war in Iraq is just an opportunity for BushCo, not a serious campaign to keep America safe.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 03:14 pm
Silverchild79;29328 wrote:
Yes B16 as a Ron Paul supporter who is Anti Bush wants the President to stay out of other countries affairs, unless that's what they actually plan to do. Then he's against non interference as well

while this may sound odd to the average person, to the Ron Paul supporter the truth is quite obvious. Just like the obvious truth the Ron Paul pointed out in the GOP debate. Iraq had no ties to 911, but, America brought 911 on itself by bombing Iraq for ten years. [/sarcasm]

sometimes when you're strongly against someone you sometimes forget what you're actually for and focus on just being agaisnt a person. This as policy is completely unhealthy and counterproductive.

Yeah....liberal logic these days is totally convoluted. It's not sure if it should be Communist, Muslim, secular-progressive or Pentecostal, 'Clinton-When-Pandering-to-Blacks' Christian. It's neurotic, to say the very least.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 03:21 pm
Pinochet73;29337 wrote:
Yeah....liberal logic these days is totally convoluted. It's not sure if it should be Communist, Muslim, secular-progressive or Pentecostal, 'Clinton-When-Pandering-to-Blacks' Christian. It's neurotic, to say the very least.

I am as much a liberal as you are a fanatical, fundi, genocidal, nazi.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 03:33 pm
92b16vx;29341 wrote:
I am as much a liberal as you are a fanatical, fundi, genocidal, nazi.

You're somewhere in that crowd. Look at your posts. You've sided with Liberals here on everything except guns. To the best of my knowledge, you've vouched for everything Aaron has yelled in our faces, although you did refer to him as a 'her', for which I salute you.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:02 pm
Pinochet73;29348 wrote:
You're somewhere in that crowd. Look at your posts. You've sided with Liberals here on everything except guns. To the best of my knowledge, you've vouched for everything Aaron has yelled in our faces, although you did refer to him as a 'her', for which I salute you.

I am more of a centerist, I believe in the Constitution, and do not think religion and other peoples morals should play any part in determining other peoples liberties. I support peoples rights to be with whoever they want, and I do not want the government telling me how me and my wife are permitted to have sex. As far as foreign policy, I think we should be a lot more like the founding fathers invisioned, limit our entanglements with foreign nations, and have free open trade. We should NOT use our military to further political agendas, and this is very evident in our current situations around the world. Our government NEEDS checks and balances, and it hasn't had any. Bush is pushing government expansion at an alarming rate in the name of the "war on terrorism" and it needs to stop. We are financially, and militarily spreading ourselves way too thin, and living over our heads in debt, this is NOT sustainable for an extended period of time. Someone needs to reel us back in because the two party system of **** we have right now certainly isn't going to do it. As far as this thread, it is another perfect example of why the War on Terror is a sham. We do not want to go into Pakistan, even though it is known that our enemy is alive and well in there, but we are giving them lots of cash because they are supposedly "working with us" in the war on terror, yet Musharraf makes no effort to rid the area, as a matter of fact just the opposite, makes deals with tribal leaders. It is a scam to get US money.

My point is, if you are going to drag your country into a war, do it for the right reasons, and follow though with the intent. We elected teh fool, we are paying for it, stop lying about it, and do it right.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:10 pm
92b16vx;29331 wrote:
You sarcasm is wasted. Too bad you can't comprehend my stance on the "war on terrorism" and critisism of BushCo, and use it effectively.

I don't consider that necessarily a bad thing. I don't understand why Volunteer wants to turn our country over evangelists and I don't understand why Aaronsprings thinks "the man" is out to get him. Frankly I'm glad I don't get you.

The fact remains that Ron Paul wants to criticize the Iraq War by saying Iraq had no connection to 911, and then blame 911 on Americans for bombing Iraq. You simply can't have it both ways. Just as you can't say we shouldn't attack Iran on the premise of non intervention and then criticize Bush when he won't attack Pakistan.

and before you claim I'm not educated on BushCo (or as I refer to it Exoniburton) you might want to read up on some of my posts. But there's a huge difference between supporting their get rich(er) scheme, and supporting the eradication of radical terrorists so that a democracy of a people we freed with our own blood won't be in vain.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:12 pm
I've tried to explain our dilemma with Pakistan before. It's old news, and discussed constantly in the media. Mushareff is hanging on by a thread, in the tradition of the Sha of Iran. If we invade Pakistan, he'll fall to Islamic rebellion, and then we'll really be screwed. The bad guys will possess yet more territory in the Middle East, and will also have access to nukes. WE HAVE TO BE VERY, VERY CAUTIOUS IN THE CASE OF PAKISTAN. This is some complicated chit. I know you can fathom that. I'm sure you executed some compicated missions over there, right?
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:21 pm
Silverchild79;29370 wrote:
The fact remains that Ron Paul wants to criticize the Iraq War by saying Iraq had no connection to 911, and then blame 911 on Americans for bombing Iraq. You simply can't have it both ways.

What's so hard to comprehend about this...

Iraq wasn't involved with AQ, Iraq had no part in planning 9/11.

Islamic militants have not wanted us in their countries, and part of the reason they attacked us is the fact that we bombed inside Iraq during the 90's, set up shop in their the "holy land", have been playing chess for decades in the middle east.

It isn't about "having it both ways" Ron Paul never said the only reason they attacked on 9/11 was because we were bombing Iraq, and if you think he did, you are just being stupid, and simplistic, and ignoring our part in the turmoil in the middle east.

Just as you can't say we shouldn't attack Iran on the premise of non intervention and then criticize Bush when he won't attack Pakistan.

I don't want to attack Pakistan, I want us to work militarily with their government to get rid of islamic extremist, not give them more money for them to keep backing off. And if they won't do it, than BushCo needs to have the balls to carry through with his threats that are now ringing hollow. Extremist know they can hide there because Bush never really wanted to go after them, it was just an excuse to invade Iraq.

and before you claim I'm not educated on BushCo (or as I refer to it Exoniburton) you might want to read up on some of my posts. But there's a huge difference in supporting their get rich(er) scheme, and supporting the eradication of radical terrorists so that a democracy of a people we freed with our own blood won't be in vain.

We can stay there for a hundred years, that isn't going to make Iraq a success. At some point they are going to have to do it themselves. Iraq will fail because Iraqis will fail.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:30 pm
92b16vx;29331 wrote:
You sarcasm is wasted. Too bad you can't comprehend my stance on the "war on terrorism" and critisism of BushCo, and use it effectively.

We are no actively avoiding going after known terrorist camps, and as much as giving money to those that are enabling these terrorist to function in their country. If you are going to start a mini WWIII than have the conviction to stick to your own rhetoric and follow through. BushCo didn't care about the complications of going into Iraq, we were going to do that anyway, but he has not only stopped cold in his tracks, and NOT going after the terrorist in Pakistan, is giving billions to nations such as Pakistan, Saudi, Afghanistan where opium production is up, foreign fighters are pouring out of, and rouge elements of taliban and AQ are freely reorganizing, but somehow the the "politics" are too complicated now.

If you weren't so wrapped in the blinders the MSM has you in, and you could even begin to comprehend what Ron Paul said, you might have an excuse for your ignorance. He voted FOR going after AQ and the Taliban in Afghanistan, so your strawman that he is an isolationist, and doesn't want to protect America is BS.

Do I want to invade Pakistan? If that's where the enemy is, than yes. If not invade, than put boots down with the local military to remove the threat. What we shouldn't be doing is selling 20 billion in weapons to the ******* House of Saud, or letting the Taliban opium farmers prosper because it's "too political" to stop them.

Hell, if all we did was secure the borders, I might be inclined to buy that Bush was a little serious about keeping America safe. But since he didn't, as a matter of fact, he tried to do exactly the opposite, and has since we went into Iraq, stopped pushing back against terrorist "where they hide", it is easy to assess that the war in Iraq is just an opportunity for BushCo, not a serious campaign to keep America safe.

If that's where the enemy is, than yes.

So in essence you would be willing to commit another Iraq? You think Musharraf would be able to maintain power while you committed this heinous act against a sovereign nation? If Musharraf folded would you feel compelled to stay and fix it? It is your baby, remember?
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:31 pm
Pinochet73;29372 wrote:
I've tried to explain our dilemma with Pakistan before. It's old news, and discussed constantly in the media. Mushareff is hanging on by a thread, in the tradition of the Sha of Iran. If we invade Pakistan, he'll fall to Islamic rebellion, and then we'll really be screwed. The bad guys will possess yet more territory in the Middle East, and will also have access to nukes. WE HAVE TO BE VERY, VERY CAUTIOUS IN THE CASE OF PAKISTAN. This is some complicated chit. I know you can fathom that. I'm sure you executed some compicated missions over there, right?

We are not talking about invading and toppling Pakistan, and while I know we can not just go in, with causing some kind of backlash from the people, he needs to get with the picture. Either he needs to get with it, or we need to with draw funding. If not, than we are continuing to aid a government that harbors terrorist. THAT is more in line with our troops dying in vain than with drawing from Iraq.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:35 pm
92b16vx;29365 wrote:
I am more of a centerist, I believe in the Constitution, and do not think religion and other peoples morals should play any part in determining other peoples liberties. I support peoples rights to be with whoever they want, and I do not want the government telling me how me and my wife are permitted to have sex. As far as foreign policy, I think we should be a lot more like the founding fathers invisioned, limit our entanglements with foreign nations, and have free open trade. We should NOT use our military to further political agendas, and this is very evident in our current situations around the world. Our government NEEDS checks and balances, and it hasn't had any. Bush is pushing government expansion at an alarming rate in the name of the "war on terrorism" and it needs to stop. We are financially, and militarily spreading ourselves way too thin, and living over our heads in debt, this is NOT sustainable for an extended period of time. Someone needs to reel us back in because the two party system of **** we have right now certainly isn't going to do it. As far as this thread, it is another perfect example of why the War on Terror is a sham. We do not want to go into Pakistan, even though it is known that our enemy is alive and well in there, but we are giving them lots of cash because they are supposedly "working with us" in the war on terror, yet Musharraf makes no effort to rid the area, as a matter of fact just the opposite, makes deals with tribal leaders. It is a scam to get US money.

My point is, if you are going to drag your country into a war, do it for the right reasons, and follow though with the intent. We elected teh fool, we are paying for it, stop lying about it, and do it right.
We elected teh fool, we are paying for it, stop lying about it, and do it right
LOL, yeah "do it right" attack pakistan!
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:37 pm
92b16vx;29385 wrote:
We are not talking about invading and toppling Pakistan, and while I know we can not just go in, with causing some kind of backlash from the people, he needs to get with the picture. Either he needs to get with it, or we need to with draw funding. If not, than we are continuing to aid a government that harbors terrorist. THAT is more in line with our troops dying in vain than with drawing from Iraq.

We need him! Just having him in charge is the whole point. It's either Mushareff, or The Enemy. We can't afford that. :no: :no: :no: :thumbdown:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:46 pm
Drnaline;29383 wrote:
So in essence you would be willing to commit another Iraq? You think Musharraf would be able to maintain power while you committed this heinous act against a sovereign nation? If Musharraf folded would you feel compelled to stay and fix it? It is your baby, remember?

Apples and oranges, but good try (well, not that good).

We support Musharraf, we did not support Saddam (well, not in the last couple decades). Iraq wasn't harboring taliban AQ camps in the nether regions of his empire, as a matter of fact, he kept them out because he was a dictator that didn't like sharing power.

Do you like being duped by islamic extremist sympathizers like Mushaffar? Do you like being duped by Bush? You must. This whole situation just goes to show that BushCos fake war is a sham, as they are not following through with what they preached and lathered the American people up real good with. We invaded a sovergien, secular country and everybody was all for it, now you buy that this is "delicate situation" when we had more reason to invade Pakistan than Iraq, before we even went into Iraq. Instead of eradicating terrorism all over, attention has been turned to nieghborhood, by neighborhood victories in Iraq. Every week the "number 2" leader in AQ gets arrested in Iraq, yet we KNOW the taliban and AQ are working hard and reconstituting in Pakistan, and we KNOW that 40+% of foreign fighters in Iraq are coming from Saudi, but what are we doing about it? Nothing.

Do you want to fight terrorism, or not? I don't think you do. I think it's good enough for you to pretend that we are.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:50 pm
Drnaline;29387 wrote:
LOL, yeah "do it right" attack pakistan!


How about fight terrorism where terrorism hides? How about making no distinction between the terrorist, and those that harbor/support them? Nope, you're happy with Iraq. You don't actually want to do it right.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 04:58 pm
Doesn't change your point. You feel it justified to attack another nation under the same pretext of terrorism yet complain about the tactics already employed by this admin. What make's you better, because it's your idea?
Do you like being duped by Bush?
Doesn't hurt as bad when your getting paid for it heah?
We invaded a sovergien, secular country and everybody was all for it,
And your all for invading another one heh.
and we KNOW that 40+% of foreign fighters in Iraq are coming from Saudi, but what are we doing about it?
We are doing great, we are giving them a place to go if they want to kill Americans. We know there coming and were are well armed.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 05:04 pm
92b16vx;29399 wrote:

How about fight terrorism where terrorism hides? How about making no distinction between the terrorist, and those that harbor/support them? Nope, you're happy with Iraq. You don't actually want to do it right.

Your dancing around the fact that you have to invade a sovereign nation to do it. How you gonna get the UN on board? Or are you gonna do it without them? Would that piss off the rest of the world, aren't you worried about our worldly image? You must have a plan otherwise you'd be doing the same thing you claim of Bush, fools rush in right?
You don't actually want to do it right
Your assuming you are right, i happen to think you are not.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 05:55 pm
Drnaline;29404 wrote:
Your dancing around the fact that you have to invade a sovereign nation to do it. How you gonna get the UN on board? Or are you gonna do it without them? Would that piss off the rest of the world, aren't you worried about our worldly image? You must have a plan otherwise you'd be doing the same thing you claim of Bush, fools rush in right?Your assuming you are right, i happen to think you are not.

You are flip flopping like Bush on the terrorism issue. You think Iraq is hunkydory, but don't want to actually go after them. Appease much?

Now point to where I said we need to invade Pakistan and you might be able to salvage some credibility.

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