Actually I decided to take the time
Is where Paul stands on issues... and NOT just the part of an issue that you like, but the ENTIRE issue.
f you read Paul’s issue positions, most sound like things I agree with and could support. But there’s more to a candidate than simply reading his positions.
in the second Republican debate (
Captain's Quarters) (Dr Paul virtually said that al Qaeda was justified in the September 11th attacks. And now he’s trying to blame the United States for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto (
), and claiming that we ought not to be involved in supporting the government of Pakistan, even though Pakistan is facing the possibility of takeover by Islamic militants and is armed with nuclear weapons.
He has, in effect, taken principle (his 1920s-1930s isolationism) to the point of inanity; he is simply not realistic.
I see plenty of support for Ronnie , mostly from people who don’t really know much about him. the far left like his disengagement-from-the-world, anti-NAFTA and CAFTA policies, and his opposition to the PATRIOT Act, but I doubt they’ve really read what he has said about Social Security, socialized medicine and abortion? Dr Paul would have made the perfect Republican nominee......................... in 1924
Isolationism as a coherent policy can work, if it is uniformly applied, the United States would not have troops abroad, nor engage in police actions or other ventures to help other countries, but on the same token neither would the US contribute when Indonesia gets swamped by a tsunami or Iran or Turkey or Mexico get devastated by an earthquake. However, even that has its limits: we cannot start over, with a tabula rasa, but have to formulate our policies based on what has already be done; we cannot uninvade Iraq, nor take back our rioles in two World Wars, and even if we decided upon a complete disengagement from the Middle East, we cannot undo our past support for Israel nor our support for the Saudi kings, nor can we just flip a switch and cease being dependent upon imported petroleum. (this will take 30 years by my calculations in the oil biz)
In a nutshell, The most support I see for Ronnie Boy, is internet SPAM, and his own websites.