Giuliani to drop out, casting his support to McCain

Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 01:36 pm
rugonnacry;52366 wrote:
I dont Like Ron Paul for more than just Constitution, but I shant defend that because I can't, it easier to throw around insults than actually formulate any type of real defense for attacking someone who's position I do not comprehend.

Fixed it for ya.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 01:58 pm
92b16vx;52389 wrote:
Fixed it for ya.

I am going to sit here for an hour explaining how worthless Ron Paul is, and how MOST of his ideas are either ONE not his own, or TWO ignorant. When the Country has already proven Paul will not be the next president?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:12 pm
Actually I decided to take the time Is where Paul stands on issues... and NOT just the part of an issue that you like, but the ENTIRE issue.

f you read Paul’s issue positions, most sound like things I agree with and could support. But there’s more to a candidate than simply reading his positions.

in the second Republican debate (Captain's Quarters) (Dr Paul virtually said that al Qaeda was justified in the September 11th attacks. And now he’s trying to blame the United States for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto (), and claiming that we ought not to be involved in supporting the government of Pakistan, even though Pakistan is facing the possibility of takeover by Islamic militants and is armed with nuclear weapons.

He has, in effect, taken principle (his 1920s-1930s isolationism) to the point of inanity; he is simply not realistic.

I see plenty of support for Ronnie , mostly from people who don’t really know much about him. the far left like his disengagement-from-the-world, anti-NAFTA and CAFTA policies, and his opposition to the PATRIOT Act, but I doubt they’ve really read what he has said about Social Security, socialized medicine and abortion? Dr Paul would have made the perfect Republican nominee......................... in 1924

Isolationism as a coherent policy can work, if it is uniformly applied, the United States would not have troops abroad, nor engage in police actions or other ventures to help other countries, but on the same token neither would the US contribute when Indonesia gets swamped by a tsunami or Iran or Turkey or Mexico get devastated by an earthquake. However, even that has its limits: we cannot start over, with a tabula rasa, but have to formulate our policies based on what has already be done; we cannot uninvade Iraq, nor take back our rioles in two World Wars, and even if we decided upon a complete disengagement from the Middle East, we cannot undo our past support for Israel nor our support for the Saudi kings, nor can we just flip a switch and cease being dependent upon imported petroleum. (this will take 30 years by my calculations in the oil biz)

In a nutshell, The most support I see for Ronnie Boy, is internet SPAM, and his own websites.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:16 pm
What do you feel about this.

A bunch of arabs come to jefferson county, set up fort, and have 20,000 armed men there out to kill us in order to 'protect their interest in corn'.

We'd flip out and retalite/attack them too, don't you think? he makes a very valid point.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:18 pm
Now if the governor of (wherever jefferson county is) where committing mass genocide against its people, while using Corn as a negotiating weapon, I think we would see things a bit different.
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:19 pm
but what right do they have to set up fort in our country?
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:22 pm
Apparently we cant take care of oourselves, so this hypothetical arab nation apaprently dummed the world Police (like it or not, thats what we are) would have the backing of 40 countries in this endeavor (IE Coalition of the willing)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:25 pm
you need to see how they see, fell how they feel... go watch saw iv lol
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:27 pm
I still havent stayed awake for saw 3
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 03:23 pm
I think the 14th amendment should be changed, Thats the one that made everyone vote equal (used to be black peoples only counted as 3/5ths of a vote.

What should be changed about it?

And wasn't it that they were 3/5ths of a person for purposes of apportionment of representatives? They didn't get to vote at all.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 03:28 pm
rugonnacry;52394 wrote:
Actually I decided to take the time Captain's Quarters

A prime example of your lack of grasp. First he didn't "virtually" say anything. He said that US foreign policy is what caused the anger from radical islam, and what lead to the attacks, and that is 110% backed up, not only by the radical extremist themselves, but our very own CIA, present, AND former members that are experts and have been dealing with them for years. You "Hot Air" link is aptly named.

As far as isolationism, I suggest you learn a little more about what your blabbering on about, because you obviously have zero clue about his positiopns, as you have just proven. He is not an insolationist, he is a non-interventionalist, there is a difference the size of the pacific.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:03 pm
Reagaknight;52410 wrote:
What should be changed about it?

And wasn't it that they were 3/5ths of a person for purposes of apportionment of representatives? They didn't get to vote at all.

Popular Vote doesnt count now anyhow... its based on an electoral college which to my understanding the number of college members is based on population( i did not look that up so I could be completely off)

And If you look below that line about the 14th amendment, I have given what I would like it to be... Elitist pig I shall eb called
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:05 pm
92b16vx;52412 wrote:
A prime example of your lack of grasp. First he didn't "virtually" say anything. He said that US foreign policy is what caused the anger from radical islam, and what lead to the attacks, and that is 110% backed up, not only by the radical extremist themselves, but our very own CIA, present, AND former members that are experts and have been dealing with them for years. You "Hot Air" link is aptly named.

As far as isolationism, I suggest you learn a little more about what your blabbering on about, because you obviously have zero clue about his positiopns, as you have just proven. He is not an insolationist, he is a non-interventionalist, there is a difference the size of the pacific.

Just because thats what you heard on a Ron Paul is GOD website, does not make it so. Sorry.

Hot Air is aptly named... Thats Pauls entire message... Hot Air, that the majority is not buying.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:11 pm
Popular Vote doesnt count now anyhow... its based on an electoral college which to my understanding the number of college members is based on population( i did not look that up so I could be completely off)

Exact same thing as House of Representatives, except the House gets more opportunities to vote against their supposed beliefs.

And If you look below that line about the 14th amendment, I have given what I would like it to be... Elitist pig I shall eb called

That's sort of broad, how could you accurately define "mooching off the system" in a legal sense? If you can, why not just stop them mooching off the system instead of taking away their voting rights?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:13 pm
I foresee voting rights being taken away before welfare reform Sad isnt it?

As far as house of reps... They should be punished as well by MOOCHERS of the system
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:21 pm
rugonnacry;52417 wrote:
Just because thats what you heard on a Ron Paul is GOD website, does not make it so. Sorry.

Hot Air is aptly named... Thats Pauls entire message... Hot Air, that the majority is not buying.

Actually, I didn't hear it from Paul first, I already knew this, some of us care enough about the goings on in the world to make it a point to know why things happen, especially when we were being sent over there. The only hot air around here is you. I know, I know, Mr. I don't need the Constitution. Sorry to tell you this, but the reason you can sit on the internet and wave your little globalist flag is because of the Constitution.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:56 pm
92b16vx;52429 wrote:
Actually, I didn't hear it from Paul first, I already knew this, some of us care enough about the goings on in the world to make it a point to know why things happen, especially when we were being sent over there. The only hot air around here is you. I know, I know, Mr. I don't need the Constitution. Sorry to tell you this, but the reason you can sit on the internet and wave your little globalist flag is because of the Constitution.

All I read in that foaming lunacy was IM RIGHT I KNOW EVERYTHING AND SO DOES RON PAUL

You are not winning an argument... as far as debate you lost that too.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 05:15 pm
rugonnacry;52436 wrote:
All I read in that foaming lunacy was IM RIGHT I KNOW EVERYTHING AND SO DOES RON PAUL

You are not winning an argument... as far as debate you lost that too.

Considering you haven't presented a fact yet to back up you opinion, this never was a debate. You are not capable of debating because you know nothing of his policies, all you can do is spew you rhetoric that means nothing.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 05:48 pm
My rhetoric LOL

Mine and apparently the Majority of the populations Rhetoric seeing as how Paul is running a distant 4th right now (People beating him have dropped out allready)

5 million agree with me... 2 people and a spam generator agree with you.... who is the crazy one?

Thats right sit there and look pretty.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 08:01 pm
2 people and a spam generator agree with you

Excuse me, it's at least three people who agree with him, maybe even four.

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