Iraq connection in UK bomb plot?

Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 07:18 am
Drnaline;24905 wrote:
I have gone back, ever see a time line for Iraq? It didn't start at 9/11, but you know that and yet you keep saying it even though you know the difference. I must take it as you intentionally are trying to deceive others, not very honest don't you think? Special for an x servicemen.

No, you're right, it didn't start at 9/11 this war started in 2003, based on lies that Iraq had WMD, which is proven they didn't, and that makes the UN resolution practically worthless. As far as I am concerned anything the UN says is worthless anyway.
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 07:39 am
92b16vx;24910 wrote:
No, you're right, it didn't start at 9/11 this war started in 2003, based on lies that Iraq had WMD, which is proven they didn't, and that makes the UN resolution practically worthless. As far as I am concerned anything the UN says is worthless anyway.

No, you're right, it didn't start at 9/11 this war started in 2003,
Nope, you yourself have said it started way earlyer then that, shall i quote you? First is was 9/11, then 2003, where do you go from here? Possible to where it really began, na?
based on lies that Iraq had WMD
If you could prove that you wouldn't have to beat around the preverbial Bush!
which is proven they didn't,
WE did not find any, does not mean they were not there.
and that makes the UN resolution practically worthless.
Worthless maybe, a fact definately.
As far as I am concerned anything the UN says is worthless anyway
I feel the same, but hey, you have to go through the motions for people like yourself. Otherwise they bitch to high heaven, some whether you do or not.
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 07:47 am
Drnaline;24915 wrote:
Nope, you yourself have said it started way earlyer then that, shall i quote you?

The causes started long before we invaded Iraq, this war was declared in 2003. You can try to hack up the truth any which way to suit whatever witless argument you think you have, but sorry, it doesn't change a thing.

If you could prove that you wouldn't have to beat around the preverbial Bush!WE did not find any, does not mean they were not there.

No one found any, because they weren't there. I don't have to prove it, the US military, and the UN have proved it. There was never any proof he had started a WMD program after the first time we took his toys, and there were only reminents of previous WMD left. You can believe he somehow managed to sneak them out if it helps you sleep at night, but it still isn't true
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 08:11 am
92b16vx;24917 wrote:
The causes started long before we invaded Iraq, this war was declared in 2003. You can try to hack up the truth any which way to suit whatever witless argument you think you have, but sorry, it doesn't change a thing.

No one found any, because they weren't there. I don't have to prove it, the US military, and the UN have proved it. There was never any proof he had started a WMD program after the first time we took his toys, and there were only reminents of previous WMD left. You can believe he somehow managed to sneak them out if it helps you sleep at night, but it still isn't true
History will not account your story except in books for conspiracy.
Presidential Letter
Presidential Letter
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President Pro Tempore of the Senate

March 21, 2003

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

On March 18, 2003, I made available to you, consistent with section 3(b) of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243), my determination that further diplomatic and other peaceful means alone will neither adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq, nor lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.

I have reluctantly concluded, along with other coalition leaders, that only the use of armed force will accomplish these objectives and restore international peace and security in the area. I have also determined that the use of armed force against Iraq is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organiza-tions, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. United States objectives also support a transition to democracy in Iraq, as contemplated by the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-338).
Consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148), I now inform you that pursuant to my authority as Commander in Chief and consistent with the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1) and the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243), I directed U.S. Armed Forces, operating with other coalition forces, to commence combat operations on March 19, 2003, against Iraq.

These military operations have been carefully planned to accomplish our goals with the minimum loss of life among coalition military forces and to innocent civilians. It is not possible to know at this time either the duration of active combat operations or the scope or duration of the deployment of U.S. Armed Forces necessary to accomplish our goals fully.

As we continue our united efforts to disarm Iraq in pursuit of peace, stability, and security both in the Gulf region and in the United States, I look forward to our continued consultation and cooperation.



this war was declared in 2003
Declared? I've also inboldened another comment you are in disagreement with. So there were no plans for democracy huh? Sure shoots that theory to ****?
You can try to hack up the truth any which way to suit whatever witless argument you think you have, but sorry, it doesn't change a thing.
Didn't take me long huh? Hack hack hack.
No one found any, because they weren't there.
Can't prove a negative with another negative.
I don't have to prove it, the US military, and the UN have proved it.
You don't because you can't?
There was never any proof he had started a WMD program after the first time we took his toys, and there were only reminents of previous WMD left.
It looks rather incriminating when you agree to letting inspectors in and then throw them out. What would you think?
You can believe he somehow managed to sneak them out if it helps you sleep at night, but it still isn't true
Doesn't make it false?
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 09:09 am
Drnaline;24919 wrote:
History will not account your story except in books for conspiracy.Declared? I've also inboldened another comment you are in disagreement with. So there were no plans for democracy huh? Sure shoots that theory to ****?Didn't take me long huh? Hack hack hack.Can't prove a negative with another negative.You don't because you can't?It looks rather incriminating when you agree to letting inspectors in and then throw them out. What would you think?Doesn't make it false?

History has already PROVEN they didn't. You prove they had them, and we'll talk, till then, I go with the proven facts, which are NO WMD present in Iraq. Lap up your Bush dogma all you want.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 09:59 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;24797 wrote:
silver the war in iraq has made the problem worse,alqueda wasnt a problem in iraq prior to the invasion

The militant element was always there, well before our liberation from Saddam's "government".

The difference was they were independent, the majority of Iraq's terrorists joined Al Qaeda in an effort to ban together. It was more of a merger then anything else. Just because Payless became Rite-Aid doesn't mean you couldn't shop there before the merger. Just because they didn't go by the name Al Qaeda doesn't mean terror wasn't there before.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 09:59 am
Drnaline;24831 wrote:
I think Scoob has a destiny with Radical Islam. He's probably convert like STNGfan.

lol im an athiest :thumbup: and that music the mosques play really does my head in lol or is that the calling to prayer
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:04 am
Pinochet73;24837 wrote:
Scoob needs a couple of hardcore Muslim neighbors. Maybe he'd change his mind if he could see them drool over his neck, while holding dull butcher knives and small swords.Very Happy

:eek: pino ive just pissed my pants lol i am a tasty big bastard Very Happy
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:07 am
Pinochet73;24779 wrote:
Has anyone ever accused you of being an enemy sympathizer? Arguing with war-vets-turned-sympathizers is a very delicate matter. As a patriot, I don't want to disrespect you or your service. But, I find your sentiments disturbing. Somehow I'll work through this. After all, my son, whom I raised to be a patriot and good Catholic, is now enthralled by college radicalism, and has embraced the Muslim cause as part of that thought-process.

your son hasnt embraced the muslim cause as part ot that thought-process pino,he is trying to understand it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:10 am
92b16vx;24910 wrote:
No, you're right, it didn't start at 9/11 this war started in 2003, based on lies that Iraq had WMD, which is proven they didn't, and that makes the UN resolution practically worthless.

I love how some people actually still use this argument, they found over 500 WMD in Iraq, everybody knows this.

the altered liberal argument is "Well, um, they err, they didn't have enough WMD!" :beat:

if Iran nukes NYC today there will be a liberal tomorrow who will advocate that war isn't justified because "they only nuked one city"

give it up dood, the bad guy are in Iraq, and they're being backed by Iran. It's an unfortunate truth but the truth nonetheless
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:13 am
Silverchild79;24929 wrote:
The militant element was always there, well before our liberation from Saddam's "government".

The difference was they were independent, the majority of Iraq's terrorists joined Al Qaeda in an effort to ban together. It was more of a merger then anything else. Just because Payless became Rite-Aid doesn't mean you couldn't shop there before the merger. Just because they didn't go by the name Al Qaeda doesn't mean terror wasn't there before.

believe it or not iraq was actually one of the most secular muslim country's in the middle east,women doctors, lawyers,teachers etc,everthing that radical islam hates,as i said before alqueda,came to iraq after the invasion,not before.
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:41 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;24934 wrote:
believe it or not iraq was actually one of the most secular muslim country's in the middle east,women doctors, lawyers,teachers etc,everthing that radical islam hates,as i said before alqueda,came to iraq after the invasion,not before.

Yeah....the Iraqis were so much better of under Saddam. What a guy. He was particularly loved by his national soccer team, they whom his son tortured whenever they lost international matches. :headbang:
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:47 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;24934 wrote:
believe it or not iraq was actually one of the most secular muslim country's in the middle east,women doctors, lawyers,teachers etc,everthing that radical islam hates,as i said before alqueda,came to iraq after the invasion,not before.

only in name, the people were always there. Well most of them, some were sent in by Iran and Syria. But hell if there are terrorists comming from Iran and Syria to Iraq all the better, we can shoot at them in Iraq :-D
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 10:56 am
Pinochet73;24940 wrote:
Yeah....the Iraqis were so much better of under Saddam. What a guy. He was particularly loved by his national soccer team, they whom his son tortured whenever they lost international matches. :headbang:

pino,do you think bush invaded iraq because he really cared about the iraqi people ? saddam was always a evil dictator,but that didnt stop the USA backing him in the 80s,remember the donald rumsfield handshake with saddam,that was after the massacre of the kurds in 1982,do you think they really giive a **** about the iraqi people.,they knew what he was like back then,but he was seen as useful back then,so they turned a blind eye.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 11:04 am
Pinochet73;24940 wrote:
Yeah....the Iraqis were so much better of under Saddam. What a guy. He was particularly loved by his national soccer team, they whom his son tortured whenever they lost international matches. :headbang:

who said he was a great guy ? i certainly didnt,the point im making is his regime wasnt a radical islamic regime,what about the great frienf of the USA,saudi arabia,home of bin-laden and most of the 9/11 bombers,home of wahabism and extreme sharia law,what is bush gonna do about them ?
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 11:27 am
Silverchild79;24933 wrote:
I love how some people actually still use this argument, they found over 500 WMD in Iraq, everybody knows this.

the altered liberal argument is "Well, um, they err, they didn't have enough WMD!" :beat:

if Iran nukes NYC today there will be a liberal tomorrow who will advocate that war isn't justified because "they only nuked one city"

give it up dood, the bad guy are in Iraq, and they're being backed by Iran. It's an unfortunate truth but the truth nonetheless

You can cling to finding remenents of his long exstinguished WMD program as "proof" he had WMD, but it is sadly not true, and the UN backs this up, as well as our own military, there was nothing found that was part of a renewed WMD program, period.

The difference was they were independent, the majority of Iraq's terrorists joined Al Qaeda in an effort to ban together.

From the article you just posted...

Several large Iraqi Sunni insurgent groups publicly denounced Al Qaeda, saying its fighters were killing theirs and pressuring them to join the Islamic State. One group, the 1920 Revolution Brigades, has begun overtly cooperating with U.S. forces and Sunni tribal leaders to attack Al Qaeda.

And this is good stuff too...

He denounced Egypt, Jordan and Saudi at length. He warned Iraq's Sunni minority against seeing them as allies, saying they pretend to support the Sunni cause while allying themselves with the United States.

Funny how the guys on the 9/11 flights were from mostly those countries, now he is renouncing those countries, lol.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 12:02 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;24931 wrote:
:eek: pino ive just pissed my pants lol i am a tasty big bastard Very Happy

It's your neck they want. They want to saw through that dang old thang with a dull knife, screaming, "GOD IS GREAT. GOD IS GREAT.":thumbdown:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 12:04 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;24945 wrote:
who said he was a great guy ? i certainly didnt,the point im making is his regime wasnt a radical islamic regime,what about the great frienf of the USA,saudi arabia,home of bin-laden and most of the 9/11 bombers,home of wahabism and extreme sharia law,what is bush gonna do about them ?

Bush is to blame for every evil that's ever befallen Man. Therefore, we should read the Bible if we want to know what he'll do next. :dunno:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 12:09 pm
Pinochet73;24957 wrote:
Bush is to blame for every evil that's ever befallen Man. Therefore, we should read the Bible if we want to know what he'll do next. :dunno:

im not saying that,but do you think i have a point about SAUDI ARABIA
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 12:23 pm
No.....there is NO solution to the Middle East except one idea: get off oil. Once we get off oil, the chit will end, as Bush said about Hezbollah and Israel. Other than that, there is no way to civilize and/or tame the Muslims. They're crazy barbarians who have centuries to go before they can even begin to get their act together. Centuries. That's right -- they are hundreds of years behind the West. Islam has totally screwed them over. It's their curse.
0 Replies

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