BREAKING NEWS: Lebanon Military attacks Al Qaeda camp

Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:19 am
Silverchild79;16993 wrote:
he isn't in BIn Laden's chain of command but over half of Al Qeada is disconnected from the mother ship. Al Qeada is the first franchiseable terrorist organization.

No they are under the control of Syria. It's a little two convenient that this thing kicks off exactly at the same time Lebanon seeks a tribunal with the UN over their former PM who has allegedly assassinated by Syria.
It's a little two convenient that this thing kicks off exactly at the same time Lebanon seeks a tribunal with the UN over their former PM who has allegedly assassinated by Syria
Sounds like Iran snatching some sailors heah?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:16 pm
Al Qaeda is more of a movement than organization. It's an ethereal, malevolent spirit adrift in the world, with deep pockets, enticing for any would-be, Muslim terrorist with ideas, opportunity, capacity and guts.
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:54 pm
exactly, it's been disconnected as a survival mechanism ever sense Afghanistan. It's their survival mechanism and it lends local organizations the big name to draw followers. A terror franchise...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 09:08 pm
Thanks, I said this on Hondaswap a couple years ago. Now, how do you figure that being in Iraq is fighting it?
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 09:45 pm
92b16vx;17137 wrote:
Thanks, I said this on Hondaswap a couple years ago. Now, how do you figure that being in Iraq is fighting it?
No attacks on our soil.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 09:59 pm
Drnaline;17143 wrote:
No attacks on our soil.

Yea, ok, except as already stated, the attacks did not come from Iraq. You really are dense. If the war had anything to do with terrorism we would be in Syria, Iran, or any number of other countries that not only support, but commit terrorist acts to this day.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 10:16 pm
I don't have to deny anything

Is that so? Why then do you insist that we support our opinions?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 04:32 am
The war is now an Al Qaeda magnet. Terrorists go there to exact revenge and directly attack us. Why not keep drawing them in to kill them? Moreover, what they want now more than anything else is another international staging base, as they had in Afghanistan. Iraq, with its oil money, geo-centric location in the Persian Gulf, and potential for perennial, internal chaos and conflict, is a perfect match. Al Qaeda would flourish in an Iraq abandoned by the West.
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 08:21 am
Pinochet73;17164 wrote:
Terrorists go there to exact revenge and directly attack us.

Not correct, most violence is internal, and even more is directed at Iraqs new government from it's own population. Like I said before, Iraq is going to cause Iraq to fail.

Why not keep drawing them in to kill them?

Because that is not happening.

Moreover, what they want now more than anything else is another international staging base, as they had in Afghanistan. Iraq, with its oil money, geo-centric location in the Persian Gulf, and potential for perennial, internal chaos and conflict, is a perfect match. Al Qaeda would flourish in an Iraq abandoned by the West.

Our presence has helped terrorist organizations ranks recruit by occupying Iraq. More and more Iraqis have joined to help get us out of their country. Previous to our invasion, Saddam did not like Binny, and had no part of him, as he stood for something Iraqis didn't have, "freedom", or at least a sick and twisted, muslim version of it. Read the article I posted in the Ron Paul thread. If the middle east was united and parked themselves in Ohio, and was policing the US after decades of telling us what to do, and setting up state dictatorships, we'd be up in arms against them too. But let me guess? It's ok, because they are muslim scum, and deserve to die? amirite?!?
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 08:53 am
92b16vx;17137 wrote:
Thanks, I said this on Hondaswap a couple years ago. Now, how do you figure that being in Iraq is fighting it?

oh man terrible timing, this morning Bush is releasing a recently declassified conversation between Bin Laden and Al Qeada in Iraq about plans to strike the USA.

The thing most people don't understand about Iraq is that it's a mousetrap battlefield. And when the alternative is searching for them across deserts and attacks on American soil the Iraq conflict, while difficult, is preferable.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 09:02 am
Yea, from 2005 saying they were planning to use Iraq as a staging ground, nice timing on his part with all push to get out of Iraq. Hook, line, and sinker. Smells like a load of poop to me. What could they possibly gain from moving operations against America, not American troops in Iraq, but against America, closer to American forces? Nothing, it's completely nonsensical.

And don't you find it the least bit suspisious that Bush goes democrat on immigration, and decides to declassify parts of intel reports at the same time he is trying to gain some more support for his farce of a war?
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 09:05 am
92b16vx;17148 wrote:
Yea, ok, except as already stated, the attacks did not come from Iraq. You really are dense. If the war had anything to do with terrorism we would be in Syria, Iran, or any number of other countries that not only support, but commit terrorist acts to this day.
Yea, ok, except as already stated, the attacks did not come from Iraq.
Wrong again. Townhall.com::The News::News Article
You really are dense.
Care to guess what my opinion is of you?
If the war had anything to do with terrorism we would be in Syria, Iran, or any number of other countries that not only support, but commit terrorist acts to this day
So you believe Saddam didn't terrorise Kuwait, what about the kurds? Syria and Iran are at the head of the list or didn't you know? North Korea is on the list too. And any other country the harbors terrorists.
So in your own words what do you think this was is about, you gonna go for the War for Oil senario again, yet you admit you and your fellow soldiers were not there for that? That Bush is one smart dude, he's got you convinced you didn't kill over there for oil, who's the fool?
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 09:11 am
Drnaline;17181 wrote:
Wrong again.

Nope, I am correct, and it has been proven, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Remember, that's why Bush had to change the story ten times before we invaded.

So you believe Saddam didn't terrorise Kuwait, what about the kurds? Syria and Iran are at the head of the list or didn't you know? North Korea is on the list too. And any other country the harbors terrorists.
So in your own words what do you think this was is about, you gonna go for the War for Oil senario again, yet you admit you and your fellow soldiers were not there for that? That Bush is one smart dude, he's got you convinced you didn't kill over there for oil, who's the fool?

You are the fool. There's a big difference between why we as soldiers were fighting, and why Bush sent us there. And I don't give a **** about Kuwait, or the Kurds, neither does Bush.
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 09:28 am
92b16vx;17177 wrote:
Not correct, most violence is internal, and even more is directed at Iraqs new government from it's own population.
Like I said before, Iraq is going to cause Iraq to fail.

Because that is not happening.

Our presence has helped terrorist organizations ranks recruit by occupying Iraq. More and more Iraqis have joined to help get us out of their country. Previous to our invasion, Saddam did not like Binny, and had no part of him, as he stood for something Iraqis didn't have, "freedom", or at least a sick and twisted, muslim version of it. Read the article I posted in the Ron Paul thread. If the middle east was united and parked themselves in Ohio, and was policing the US after decades of telling us what to do, and setting up state dictatorships, we'd be up in arms against them too. But let me guess? It's ok, because they are muslim scum, and deserve to die? amirite?!?
Not correct, most violence is internal, and even more is directed at Iraqs new government from it's own population.
Another comment your not prepared to back up?
Because that is not happening.
Of the civilian death count in Iraq, what percentage do you think were terrorists? You can include the ones that blow themselve up if you like? On the news media why don't they have enemy death counts, just American deaths and civi's?
Our presence has helped terrorist organizations ranks recruit by occupying Iraq.
Do you mean to say there are terrorist organizations in Iraq. Or there outside Iraq and are recruiting terrorist to go there? Or both?
More and more Iraqis have joined to help get us out of their country.
Can you back that up?
Previous to our invasion, Saddam did not like Binny, and had no part of him, as he stood for something Iraqis didn't have, "freedom", or at least a sick and twisted, muslim version of it.
Nice try, The proof that Saddam worked with bin Laden | Iraq | Middle East | International News | News | Telegraph
Case Closed
Saddam, bin Laden link found: Canadian reporter
If you like you can try and discredit all three but there are plenty more?
Read the article I posted in the Ron Paul thread. If the middle east was united and parked themselves in Ohio, and was policing the US after decades of telling us what to do, and setting up state dictatorships, we'd be up in arms against them too. But let me guess? It's ok, because they are muslim scum, and deserve to die? amirite
As usual, no you are not right. Unless of course you fought for oil?
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 09:39 am
92b16vx;17182 wrote:
Nope, I am correct, and it has been proven, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Remember, that's why Bush had to change the story ten times before we invaded.

You are the fool. There's a big difference between why we as soldiers were fighting, and why Bush sent us there. And I don't give a **** about Kuwait, or the Kurds, neither does Bush.
You just completed another lap, congrats. Lap two is in the books.
For your history lesson of the day. Iraq started when Saddam invaded Kuwait, we kicked his ass and sent him packing. To stop the beating we were giving him he sign a treaty, of which would allow UN inspeactors in, observe a no fly zone and many, many other things. Guess what he did? and then guess our reply? I suggest you go to the library and read up if you don't believe me? Or ask any one else here?
You are the fool. There's a big difference between why we as soldiers were fighting, and why Bush sent us there.
What is the difference? IMO if Bush did commit this theory you have of fighting for oil, i think that would make you a murderer not a liberator?
And I don't give a **** about Kuwait, or the Kurds, neither does Bush
I know you don't give a **** but for some reason you have yourself convinced otherwise?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 10:44 am

Do you not find it interesting that both of your "sources", one canadian, and one from the UK, both claim to have "discovered" the same document?

Secret documents uncovered in the bombed headquarters of Iraq's former spy agency show the first clear link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, according to a Canadian journalist.
Mitch Potter, a foreign correspondent with the Toronto Star, says he discovered the file while digging through what's left of the Mukhabarat intelligence office. The CIA had already looked over the rubble and left.

Iraqi intelligence documents discovered in Baghdad by The Telegraph have provided the first evidence of a direct link between Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda terrorist network and Saddam Hussein's regime.

Papers found yesterday in the bombed headquarters of the Mukhabarat, Iraq's intelligence service, reveal that an al-Qa'eda envoy was invited clandestinely to Baghdad in March 1998.

LOL. And if it was so legit, why wasn't it exploited for everything it is worth in the US? Let me guess, the liberals covered it up?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 10:54 am
92b16vx;17180 wrote:
Yea, from 2005 saying they were planning to use Iraq as a staging ground, nice timing on his part with all push to get out of Iraq. Hook, line, and sinker. Smells like a load of poop to me.

If it were fabrication, unfortunatly it's very much fact. And the fact is it could be attempted again. The problem with the "Ron Paul" stance on Iraq is it's rooted in ignorance.

The idea that we can change radical sects of Islam by changing ourselves is what smells like a load of poop and YOUVE fallen for it hook line and sinker. The only way we'll change their opinion about us is if we succumb to Islamic law, any sort of accomidation to these barbarians is a step in that direction.
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 11:12 am
Silverchild79;17195 wrote:
If it were fabrication, unfortunatly it's very much fact.

Kind of like the fact that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction?
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 11:32 am
he did, over 500 pieces were found in Iraq and the government suspects the rest were given to Syria (they turned over a large chace during gulf war II)

500 isn't the scale we thought but from a legal standpoint 1 was enough to violate the UN brokered ceasefire of the first gulf war. They also had Missiles they fired at Kuwait in 2003 when went 30-40 miles farther then the UN ceasefire said they could have.

Again just because you don't want something to be a reality doens't mean it isn't. Al Qaeda is in Iraq and after 911 we have to fight AL Qaeda, wherever they appear in any form.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 12:12 pm
Oh, you mean the left overs from the 80's and 90's we already knew were there, oh...ok.
You do remember that we had inspectors over there in the 90's, with drew them, bombed the crap out of him, then he let them back in, and we declared tht we had successfully stopped his attempts to manufacturer WMD. And later the 9/11 commission reported, and I quote..."no evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States," and no evidence of any "collaborative operational relationship."

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