BREAKING NEWS: Lebanon Military attacks Al Qaeda camp

Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 08:44 am
FOXNews.com - Lebanese Troops Tighten Siege of Refugee Camp; Death Toll Nears 50 - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

good for Lebanon, discuss
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 11:33 am
Pretty misleading title, since they themselves deny it, and the US State Department said they, at this time do not think they are linked to Al Qaeda. Of course if they throw it at them enough, they can garner some more support for their "anti terrorism" funding.

In a news conference in March, al-Absi denied he was sending fighters to Iraq.

"Fighting in our homeland (Palestine) is more important," he said then. "We have no connection with any regime or organization on this earth. Our connection is with 'There is no God but God' (the slogan of Islam). We have come to raise it over the skies of Jerusalem."

Lebanon's national police commander, Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi, said Damascus was using Fatah Islam as a covert way to wreak havoc in the country. He denied Fatah Islam's Al Qaeda links, saying it was a Syrian-bred group.

"Perhaps there are some deluded people among them but they are not Al Qaeda. This is imitation Al Qaeda, a 'Made in Syria' one," he told the AP.

The State Department gave its support to the Lebanese army's battle with Fatah Islam.

"This is a group that has been involved in violence to achieve whatever their stated objective may be," spokesman Sean McCormack said.

McCormack declined to discuss whether the group may be tied to Al Qaeda or other groups outside Lebanon. Asked about a possible Syrian link, McCormack said, "At this point I wouldn't draw that connection."

But apparently, I am in islamic militant sympathizer, so the above quotes might be skewed by my blind devotion to islam, lol.
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 12:33 pm
Article;16932 wrote:
The troops were fighting a group called Fatah Islam, whose leader has said he is inspired by Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden and was training militants for attacks in other countries. Lebanese officials have also accused Syria of using Fatah Islam to stir up trouble in Lebanon, a charge Damascus has denied.


this is rooted both in keeping radical Islam out of Lebanon and dealing with Syria's meddling in their "Lebanon's" sovereignty (who remembers the mortar attacks on Israel by pro Syrian militants within Lebanon last year). If Iran and Syria would butt out both Iraq and Lebanon would become much more stable within 6 months. It is those two countries who want to overthrow their neighbors because they understand that any degree of Freedom and Free Market economy will hurt their Tyrannous stance.
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 01:37 pm
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 05:07 pm
The troops were fighting a group called Fatah Islam, whose leader has said he is inspired by Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden and was training militants for attacks in other countries. Lebanese officials have also accused Syria of using Fatah Islam to stir up trouble in Lebanon, a charge Damascus has denied.

Silverchild79;16949 wrote:

Actually no, reading > you x2. Once you finished letting that sink in, go back and read the text I quote from teh same article. kthanxbye.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 05:17 pm
great you've got a collection of political sidestepping and some police chief's opinion

the Fatah leader in that camp said he was inspired by Bin Laden, just because you don't want to believe that doesn't make it true, and even is what is was not it's still radical Islam gaining a foothold in Lebanon which is bad. Would you disagree with that?
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 05:27 pm
Crush terrorist spine.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 07:27 pm
Silverchild79;16975 wrote:
great you've got a collection of political sidestepping and some police chief's opinion

the Fatah leader in that camp said he was inspired by Bin Laden, just because you don't want to believe that doesn't make it true, and even is what is was not it's still radical Islam gaining a foothold in Lebanon which is bad. Would you disagree with that?

I never said he wasn't inspired by Binny, just that they weren't working for Binny, and not an Al Qeada base. Ludicrous assertion, as, per the US STATE DEPARTMENT says he isn't, and the HEAD police commander, they are sidestepping? and you sitting at your computer know this? They are just "sidestepping"?
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 08:46 pm
92b16vx;16988 wrote:
I never said he wasn't inspired by Binny, just that they weren't working for Binny, and not an Al Qeada base. Ludicrous assertion, as, per the US STATE DEPARTMENT says he isn't, and the HEAD police commander, they are sidestepping? and you sitting at your computer know this? They are just "sidestepping"?

he isn't in BIn Laden's chain of command but over half of Al Qeada is disconnected from the mother ship. Al Qeada is the first franchiseable terrorist organization.

No they are under the control of Syria. It's a little two convenient that this thing kicks off exactly at the same time Lebanon seeks a tribunal with the UN over their former PM who has allegedly assassinated by Syria.
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 09:25 pm
It's a little too convenient how everything that can be labeled terrorism can somehow be linked to Al Qeada at the same time is Bush is waging his war.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 10:20 pm
Do you deny links to Al Qaeda?
Support your denial without blaming everything on Bush, if you can.
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 11:23 pm
Curmudgeon;16996 wrote:
Do you deny links to Al Qaeda?
Support your denial without blaming everything on Bush, if you can.

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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 06:21 am
Curmudgeon;16996 wrote:
Do you deny links to Al Qaeda?
Support your denial without blaming everything on Bush, if you can.

I don't have to deny anything, but considering people that would actually know, like the head of the countries police, and our very own State Department, it makes it pretty asinine for you to be arguing the other way. Just because some nitwit at Fox published an article with a title calling them Al Qaeda, an article who's very text rebukes that, of course they must be. You must have a direct line to some pretty inside intel.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 07:19 am
92b16vx;17013 wrote:
way. Just because some nitwit at Fox published an article with a title calling them Al Qaeda

Lebanon Refugee Camp Siege Enters Day 3, Government Throws Full Force At Militants; Fear Over Political Stability Grows - CBS News

Lebanese, militants renew fighting - Mideast/N. Africa - MSNBC.com

just some nitwit from Fox News eh?

Why are you defending a terror organization?
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 07:22 am

Don't be a typical neocon douchebag like Dranline, I am not defending anyone, but for fucks sake the article said they were NOT connected to Al Qeada, our very own State Department said they were NOT Al Qeada, and they say they are NOT Al Qeada.
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 07:30 am
Syrian lies

"They've been in jail for supporting Al Qaeda, but they aren't affiliated with us."


BBC NEWS | Middle East | Lebanese militants call ceasefire

BBC News;17020 wrote:
Syria's ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Jaafari, has denied his country has any link to the group, and said some of them had been in jail in Syria for their support for al-Qaeda.

I couldn't be arrested and jailed for supporting Gotti and not be considered in his network, why do you give terror organizations a pass?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 07:46 am
I'm not giving anyone a pass, but why are you trying to be judge, jury, and executioner without even having anything more than news articles? I know first hand about how they accuse over in the middle east, you know how many raids we conducted that were complete bullshit? I've seen guys beaten within an inch of their life only to find out they were just farmers in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now, I am not saying this guys are farmers before you go putting words in my mouth, and even if they are performing terrorist activities, simply saying they are something does NOT make it true, no matter if it fits your version of the story. But then again, you buy into this whole "war on terrorism" charade, and I don't, so naturally you are leaning to that side, while I get to look at facts more objectively. No, I am not sympathizing, I am just not buying into the whole propaganda machine.

What I do find funny is the the Syrian government is being accused of facilitating this terrorist organization, and you are using a quote from the Syrian ambassador to make you claim. Irony? Yea, irony.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:07 am

Great day for Lebanon, it's about time they stood up to the assholes.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:11 am
92b16vx;17026 wrote:
I'm not giving anyone a pass, but why are you trying to be judge, jury, and executioner without even having anything more than news articles?...

What I do find funny is the the Syrian government is being accused of facilitating this terrorist organization, and you are using a quote from the Syrian ambassador to make you claim. Irony? Yea, irony.

nice try but I called him a lier, he is right though they were imprisoned for exactly that reason. But he is spinning, because they are linked to his country.

I've been following the Lebanon situation since the assassination, namely because if Lebanon can liberate itself it's one less country full of crazy's to worry about in the WOT.

This attack happened exactly when the UN was meeting to set up a tribunal to look into Syrian involvement in the Lebanese PM assassination, there is no way this isn't connected, it's too convenient.
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:15 am
92b16vx;16944 wrote:
Pretty misleading title, since they themselves deny it, and the US State Department said they, at this time do not think they are linked to Al Qaeda. Of course if they throw it at them enough, they can garner some more support for their "anti terrorism" funding.

But apparently, I am in islamic militant sympathizer, so the above quotes might be skewed by my blind devotion to islam, lol.
But apparently, I am in islamic militant sympathizer, so the above quotes might be skewed by my blind devotion to islam, lol.
LOL, biased is as biased does.
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