If Jesus was God ...

Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 12:45 pm
Campbell34;46571 wrote:
And yet there are Moslems and Islamics today who are in countries where the Gospel is not being preached, and Jesus is coming to them through their dreams and telling them to follow Him. Those who are really seeking God will find Him. And even if the Gospel cannot be preached in those countries, Jesus will come to them that seek the true and living God. It appears, Jesus does not care about the surrounding cultures or religious enviroments.

Yes, yes, yes,....as I said 'EXCEPTION TO THE RULE' geez do you not read.

Does it not make you think that where you live decides your Religion. Do you henestly believe if you were born a Palestinian you would not be Islamic. Sorry....wrong question to the wrong fundamentalist. I know the answer, don't bother replying.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 01:10 pm
RED DEVIL;46567 wrote:
Now you make the false assumption that someone with a "liberal mind" is involved in playing politics. The duality of the liberal mind is a simple concept, one that accepts conclusions from polar opposites without cognation of logic to due such, just emotion. An example would be, as such, Corporal punishment is wrong, placing an open hand across the backside of a "disobeying" child to prevent potential endangerment or harm to others is considered by many liberal minded people as "cruel and unusual" with the potential for future mental impairment. But until that same child's head breaches the birth canal, it is considered a "personal" right of the parent to kill them....and the cognation to reason concludes that this is not cruel and unusual punishment? RD

WOW,..you do make some personal assumptions based on some generic stereotypes.
How I parent my child has nothing to do with subjects we are discussing. If I wasn't such a liberal open minded type of person I may be offended.

Fortunately for you my ability to see both sides of an argument helps me have a broad minded view of the world and not a narrow minded dogmatic, gun totting, negro hating inbread readneck thinking the death penalty is a right society is justified in carrying out. (Just making a point Mr Moderator)

Stereo types are such horrible things and I myself pay no attenion to them. You have made your mind up about me as a person based on a few views I have on a web site that is about 'CONFLICTING VIEWS' we are debating in a section where we are at opposite ends of the spectrum, that much we know.

Now had this site been about parenting we would be on the same 'side' as I have no problem with parents smaking children for the reasons you stated, and on occassion I have resorted to a little smack of the hand to serve as a waring of danger myself.

I vote Conservative which is the equivelent of your Republican party.

It's a shame that the religion you follow and your views of certain stereo types do not allow you to interact with a more vibrant and multi cultural enviroment and people of different ideas than yourself. You might be supprised and enjoy the different impact in your life.

In future I hope we can keep to the subject matter and not attack one anothers families and social interactions.

Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 01:17 pm
Numpty;46600 wrote:
Yes, yes, yes,....as I said 'EXCEPTION TO THE RULE' geez do you not read.

Does it not make you think that where you live decides your Religion. Do you henestly believe if you were born a Palestinian you would not be Islamic. Sorry....wrong question to the wrong fundamentalist. I know the answer, don't bother replying.

Please forgive me for replying, but God always makes exceptions to the rule. Especially when He sees someone seeking Him. Because those are the one's that God is looking for. No one who really wants God in their life will end up in Hell. The only one's who end up in Hell, are the one's who don't care, and the one's who don't seek Him.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 01:19 pm
Campbell34;46602 wrote:
Please forgive me for replying, but God always makes exceptions to the rule. Especially when He sees someone seeking Him. Because those are the one's that God is looking for. No one who really wants God in their life will end up in Hell. The only one's who end up in Hell, are the one's who don't care, and the one's who don't seek Him.

And those that lead good selfless lives that don't believe in the diety that is 'God' and himself /son Jesus. remember they go to hell too.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:00 pm
Numpty;46603 wrote:
And those that lead good selfless lives that don't believe in the diety that is 'God' and himself /son Jesus. remember they go to hell too.

A truly selfless life, would require one to seek after God. Selfish people seek their own why, and could care less about God. Because it's all about them.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:02 pm
Campbell34;46605 wrote:
A truly selfless life, would require one to seek after God. Selfish people seek their own why, and could care less about God. Because it's all about them.

Is it not selfish to choose god before the needs of ones family? i provide for my my family, protect them, love them and cherish them as I am sure you do your family, is that selfish?
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:23 pm
Numpty;46606 wrote:
Is it not selfish to choose god before the needs of ones family? i provide for my my family, protect them, love them and cherish them as I am sure you do your family, is that selfish?

If you were really thinking of your family you would choose God first, because God is the one who can help your family the most. Choosing God takes seconds. How much time do you need to choose God?
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:46 pm
Campbell34;46610 wrote:
If you were really thinking of your family you would choose God first, because God is the one who can help your family the most. Choosing God takes seconds. How much time do you need to choose God?

Oh behave, don't start preaching me into some sort of guilt trip, think of something more constructive. That was a cheap shot and you should be ashamed of yourself. Trying to use my family to blackmail my into accepting Jesus. Has it really come to this? That you would try to use such a tactic on someone less stong willed to get them to join your 'club'.

Truely you have sunk to a low if this is how you boost your congregation.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 04:00 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46579 wrote:
You are in a debate group are you not? If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen!

I debate the truth of the scriptures with evidence offered therein. I do not play by someone others rules. As I said, I defend only my "faith", I shall not attempt to destroy another's with secular humanistic ideology, In fact I find it amusing that some try to disprove what they know knowing about, as proven by the ignorance on the topic. And thus try to bait people into humanistic argument, grounded only in the pomposity of secular pride. RD
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 04:22 pm
Numpty;46601 wrote:
WOW,..you do make some personal assumptions based on some generic stereotypes.
How I parent my child has nothing to do with subjects we are discussing. If I wasn't such a liberal open minded type of person I may be offended.

Fortunately for you my ability to see both sides of an argument helps me have a broad minded view of the world and not a narrow minded dogmatic, gun totting, negro hating inbread readneck thinking the death penalty is a right society is justified in carrying out. (Just making a point Mr Moderator)

Stereo types are such horrible things and I myself pay no attenion to them. You have made your mind up about me as a person based on a few views I have on a web site that is about 'CONFLICTING VIEWS' we are debating in a section where we are at opposite ends of the spectrum, that much we know.

Now had this site been about parenting we would be on the same 'side' as I have no problem with parents smaking children for the reasons you stated, and on occassion I have resorted to a little smack of the hand to serve as a waring of danger myself.

I vote Conservative which is the equivelent of your Republican party.

It's a shame that the religion you follow and your views of certain stereo types do not allow you to interact with a more vibrant and multi cultural enviroment and people of different ideas than yourself. You might be supprised and enjoy the different impact in your life.

In future I hope we can keep to the subject matter and not attack one anothers families and social interactions.


You see, the duality of cognation was just presented, when you consider the death of a child as a parenting skill. Death under any circumstance is more than a consideration of ones parenting ability, especially when that death is brought about by the secular semantic rationalization of "declaring" a life as "worthless". Death is the finality of the human stage and by so flippantly dismissing the concept, proves the point of no foundation in the cognative process to rational thought. Some might call this sociopathic in nature, placing one's own interest above all others. Perhaps "liberalism" is a disease, as it seems to be grounded in self-interest. Now that is an argument outside, the bounds of scripts. And on this subject we both seem to have common ground, as we both are conservative in relation to society. Best regards to you and yours also RD
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 04:33 pm
RED DEVIL;46617 wrote:
You see, the duality of cognation was just presented, when you consider the death of a child as a parenting skill. Death under any circumstance is more than a consideration of ones parenting ability, especially when that death is brought about by the secular semantic rationalization of "declaring" a life as "worthless". Death is the finality of the human stage and by so flippantly dismissing the concept, proves the point of no foundation in the cognative process to rational thought. Some might call this sociopathic in nature, placing one's own interest above all others. Perhaps "liberalism" is a disease, as it seems to be grounded in self-interest. Now that is an argument outside, the bounds of scripts. RD

OMFG!! Nicely side stepped. Appology accepted.

Where in my last post did you get all of that bollocks from, you certainly have a knack have misinterpreting things. Where did I say the death of child is a parenting skill? Would you please highlight the quote in your next post please.

You are certainly not a very forgiving and peacful christian are you.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 05:08 pm
Numpty;46611 wrote:
Oh behave, don't start preaching me into some sort of guilt trip, think of something more constructive. That was a cheap shot and you should be ashamed of yourself. Trying to use my family to blackmail my into accepting Jesus. Has it really come to this? That you would try to use such a tactic on someone less stong willed to get them to join your 'club'.

Truely you have sunk to a low if this is how you boost your congregation.

Blackmail? I believe every word I said. God has helped my family, and God healed my father overnight when he was 6 years old of weeping exzema when the doctors had no cure. And even my fathers atheist dad had to do a double take when that happened.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:23 pm
Numpty;46618 wrote:
OMFG!! Nicely side stepped. Appology accepted.

Where in my last post did you get all of that bollocks from, you certainly have a knack have misinterpreting things. Where did I say the death of child is a parenting skill? Would you please highlight the quote in your next post please.

You are certainly not a very forgiving and peacful christian are you.

I said that comparing parenting skills with the personal rights of abortion was an example of the "duality" of the cognative thought process of the liberal minded, and sense you, as you stated do not believe in such we are on common footing in our shared relation toward society....in that regard. Or rather that was the intended message. There is nothing that I should be granting anyone any forgiveness for. I do not feel that "I" have been insulted or infringed upon, also as I said, concerning a "subject" not grounded in scripture,the political mind of America. I am sorry that you took it on a personal basis, that was not the intended point. The point was an attempt to show you an example as you requested, just poorly stated when given a closer observation of the message structure. RD
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Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:28 pm
RED DEVIL;46616 wrote:
I debate the truth of the scriptures with evidence offered therein.

So you are only able to defend the truthfulness of a book by quoting the very book that is in question of being fiction?

I do not play by someone others rules. As I said, I defend only my "faith", I shall not attempt to destroy another's with secular humanistic ideology,

i am not asking you to "destroy" anyone's belief, i am asking you to defend you own faith with known facts and evidence.

In fact I find it amusing that some try to disprove what they know knowing about, as proven by the ignorance on the topic.

Really!? I am ignorant because i disagree with you? Are you able to back that claim up? You will find that i am quite educated in the area of religion, shown be the fact the you are running in circles everytime i ask you to provide evidence for any of the number of claims you make!

And thus try to bait people into humanistic argument, grounded only in the pomposity of secular pride. RD

What of theist pride? Are the theists not prideful? And will you define "Humanistic argument" for me?

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:32 pm
Campbell34;46599 wrote:
It is a fact that in many Islamic countries preaching the Gospel is against the law. Yet you can't hide the truth forever. And as these people start to pass on what has happened to them, that truth begins to reach the West. I doubt CNN, ABC, or CBS will be reporting on this, yet there are to many stories already out there to believe this is just a big Christian lie, and now all the Christian religions have all gotten together to push this lie.

You seem to assume that just because preaching the "Gosphel" is against the law that means it doesn't happen!
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:51 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46628 wrote:

There you go trying to bait again, I am not bitting. What I defend is my "faith" and the truth of the Scripture. As I said faith is an "individual" concept of belief, and requires no proof as it is an example of believing in the things hoped for. What I defend in the scriptures are the "ignorant" misrepresentations of the content thereof, when the context of the message is subverted by picking single verses away from the whole subject matter that is being presented. And as I also said, all I can do is present the truth as written, whether you want to accept it or not is a personal matter, and is "Your" concern, not mine, as it is written when anyone fails to accept the truth that God presents they are proud, and destined to live out their life without truth, again their choice. In other words I feel no need to offer any debate outside the truth contained in scripture, as it is irrelevant to my salvation, as what you believe does not effect my faith or life, only "YOURS". RD
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:59 pm
RED DEVIL;46633 wrote:
There you go trying to bait again, I am not bitting. What I defend is my "faith" and the truth of the Scripture. As I said faith is an "individual" concept of belief, and requires no proof as it is an example of believing in the things hoped for. What I defend in the scriptures are the "ignorant" misrepresentations of the content thereof, when the context of the message is subverted by picking single verses away from the whole subject matter that is being presented. And as I also said, all I can do is present the truth as written, whether you want to accept it or not is a personal matter, and is "Your" concern, not mine, as it is written when anyone fails to accept the truth that God presents they are proud, and destined to live out their life without truth, again their choice. In other words I feel no need to offer any debate outside the truth contained in scripture, as it is irrelevant to my salvation, as what you believe does not effect my faith or life, only "YOURS". RD

So you are unable or unwilling to defend your faith with mutualy agreeable concepts? What you have just said further validates by atheism, by the fact that you are unable(or unwilling) to defend your belief with evidence!
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 08:04 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46629 wrote:
You seem to assume that just because preaching the "Gosphel" is against the law that means it doesn't happen!

I did not assume anything, you are assuming that I think preaching the Gospel never happens. I never even suggested that. Yet if you read the accounts of Christians in some of the Islamic countires, you will soon understand that a Christian could very quickly lose his life for doing so.
So it is a fact, you will not see to many churches in many of the Islamic countries. Remember, before the crusades began, Islamics killed off half of the Christians in the world.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 03:36 pm
Campbell34;46644 wrote:
I did not assume anything, you are assuming that I think preaching the Gospel never happens. I never even suggested that. Yet if you read the accounts of Christians in some of the Islamic countires, you will soon understand that a Christian could very quickly lose his life for doing so.
So it is a fact, you will not see to many churches in many of the Islamic countries. Remember, before the crusades began, Islamics killed off half of the Christians in the world.

no, it was you that said that someone learned about jesus without any outside reference, and yet when i ask you to prove it you simply state that is illegal to preach the gosphel in that country, but now you say that doesn't mean preaching the gosphel doesn't happen but if thats true then how does that prove your original statement?
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 03:51 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46663 wrote:
no, it was you that said that someone learned about jesus without any outside reference, and yet when i ask you to prove it you simply state that is illegal to preach the gosphel in that country, but now you say that doesn't mean preaching the gosphel doesn't happen but if thats true then how does that prove your original statement?

Reports that I have been reading state that God alone has been speaking to a number of these Islamic people that have heard from Him. There was no minister that was coaching them on Jesus. One report that I read about yesterday has a (now) minister of the Gospel asking Islamic people if any of them have seen a white man lately. Because according to these dream accounts, Jesus appears dressed in white and appears in white in the dreams. He stated that if someone responds with a yes he then feels it to be ok to start to talk with that person about Jesus. If they don't say they saw a man in white he does not speak with them because of the danger of spreading the Gospel.
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