If Jesus was God ...

Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 09:37 am
Numpty;59050 wrote:
Great isn't it? Like being at school again.

" My Gods better than your God "
" My God Can beat your God up "
" My Religous Book is more truer than your religous book "

Ever get bored gents?

Truth is just that...truth, until it is proven not be as such, and thus far only OPINION AND SPECULATIVE THEORY is all that is offered in any attempt to invalidate what is ACTUALLY written in the Holy Scriptures. I find it amazing that someone claims that faith can be selected as if one is going shopping and picking from an available list, simply choosing one that best suits the ideology of the individual. In reality, a person does not chose the faith that worships the one and only true God of Creation....the selection is made by God as He calls any individual out from among the world that He so chooses. (the church literally means Ecclesiste in the Greek, or those that are called out and separated). A person is called into the faith by the Word, in modern times this circumstance occurs when someone hears the truth of God presented by someone that actually presents the truth as revealed by God in the written word (a product of the Holy Spirit of Truth -- ll Tim 3:16). Further truth is revealed by reading and comprehending the truth that God reveals to us through the Word.

We all realize that in today's society and especially in this great nation we are taught to be inclusive and tolerant of everyone, but as far as true faith goes...this could not be further from the truth. No one can be CALLED OUT and separated from the world and still practice what the world teaches as doctrine. For the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of Truth still are preforming their commissioned work, even in our modern society....even though the need for the miraculous has ceased due to the revelation being completed, God still calls out for more citizens to be added into His Kingdom. For indeed, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." -- Heb. 10:31.

When one is revealed the truth by God, by simply reading and comprehending that which was ONCE DELIVERED (Jude 3), the true faith of the living God, one can not be so tolerant of LIES and Deceptions with the knowledge of the truth having been contacted and ingrained into their mortal spirit. Thus, it becomes our commission to defend the truth of God and allow it to continue its commissioned work until such time as Father God declares that the time of man has come to an end....only He knows of when He has planned such, for it is not revealed unto us -- Matthew 24:36.

As always, even in this supposed modern age of enlightenment...the church is still subject to persecution for carrying out their work of faith (most often by the ones that claim to be so tolerant of everyone, apparently with the exception of the faithful) ...IT CAN BE NO OTHER WAY, as evidenced by the grinding and gnashing of teeth when the truth is presented that eats away and decays the deceit made upon the Word of God by man. (R)
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 10:09 am
Campbell34;59084 wrote:
It was the only sanctuary that existed at the time,

Plenty of sanctuaries existed all over the world at that time.
Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 10:44 am
Campbell34;59053 wrote:
According to Jesus Christ, the generation that sees the rebirth of Israel would not pass away until all end prophecies would be fulfilled. Israel was reborn as a nation in the year 1948, God's third day according to the Old Testament will begin in the year 2034. And those born in 1948 will be 86 years old. Yes, 1948 is very close to the end of time. The prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled as the Bible stated they would be. Hitlers ovens were not a pre-requisite for the fulfillment of Ezekiels prophecy, yet those events went a long way to speed there fulfillment. And that was beyond the control of the Jews to speed up such a prophecy.

The prophecy of the Jews return is not just 2 prophecies, but a number of prophecies that are detailed and cannot be ignored. These prophecies are found in Ezekiel chapters 36,37,38, and 39. The Bible goes in to deep detail as to why God is allowing the Jewish people to return, and it tells us what is going to happen when they do. The bible clearly tells us in these prophecies that this would all happen in the latter days, and the whole world will be effected by the events that will occur in the Middle East when the Jews return. It is all part of God's bigger plan to reveal to the World and to the Jews, who He is.

Jerusalems East Gate prophecy is not just one that I alone know of. Anyone who has taken an active intrest in the prophecies of the Bible knows of this prophecy. You might consider the link below. There are a number of links that speak of Jerusalems East Gate in prophecy.

I would ask but one simple question, if the ends times are to play out as you suggest, what is the meaning of these two passages, "Even so I will break this people (Israel) and this city (Jerusalem), as one breaks a potters vessel, which CAN NOT be made whole again; and they shall bury them at Tophet....." -- Jer. 19:11. Also, "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs to THE PROMISE." -- Gal 3:29.

Did not the Prophet declare that Biblical Israel would be destroyed from the face of the earth and its seed never return when the NEW COVENANT would do away with the Old Law? "If these ordinances (LAW) depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever." -- Jer. 31:36. When the whole prophecy is read and comprehended it makes it very clear that when the New Covenant of Christ comes into effect the nation of Israel would be punished for continuing to disobey the will of God....even after the fact of He being their Husband, and considering only their salvation, before offering salvation to the entirety of mankind. ".....which my covenant they brake, although I was a husband unto them, saith the Lord;" -- Jer. 31:32.

Just what prophecy in the entirety of the Holy Scriptures mentions the fact of Israel being lost from the earth and then returning after a two thousand year absence? The nation of Biblical Israel, at least in part, always existed until such time as God released them from the protection of the Law of Moses, and allowed them to be destroyed by the Roman Empire....just as Both Jer. and Jesus declared in prophecy -- Jer. 31: 31-36, Matt. 23:36, 24:34.

In fact...what does modern Israel have in common with Biblical Israel, except the name? This is not the nation that God made a covenant with. They have no TRIBAL IDENTITY, THEY HAVE NO KING, THEY HAVE NO ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (a requirement of the old law), NO TEMPLE, as described by Jesus and Daniel in prophecy, as Jesus himself describes the destruction of Jerusalem as the fulfilled of Daniels prophecy. -- Matthew 24:15.

The ONLY WAY of any of these people to come to salvation is to accept the same salvation as the entirety of the world....through the acceptance of Christ Jesus and his teachings for the scriptures clearly tell us there is but ONE WAY to find righteousness in the sight of God and Jesus is that way -- John 14:6. Jesus clearly stated that the kingdom would be taken from the Jews and given to another -- Matthew 21:43. Also did not the prophets inform us that God would recognize the entire world as his people even though the only ones that accepted God at that time were Jews? "Then I will will sow her for Myself in the earth, and I will have mercy upon her who had not obtained mercy; then I will say to those who were NOT MY PEOPLE, You are My people! And they shall say, ' And, You are my God." -- Hosea. Just as described in Gal 3:29.

Thus, clearly...no one knows when the end shall come, except Father God -- Matthew 24:36 (RD)
dattaswami cv
Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 04:43 pm
markx15;12916 wrote:
I agree with you that people sanctify Jesus to the point of saying he is God, but then again the religion is called Christianity.

Jesus was God in flesh.God comes in human form in every human genearation to preach and uplift human beings.He select the most eligible soul (Son of God)uponthis earth for propagation of the knoweldge.Thus when Son of God is alive in this world, God is fully filled in Him. It is like a metallic wire charged by a live current. Thus for all practical purpose Son of God and God are one and the same. Whoever has seen Son of God (Human Incarnation) has seen the Heavenly Father. This is the only way.Otherthan this no other way to see the Unimaginable God (Absolute God).

In fact the meaning of Immanueal is the that God who has come to stay with us.So that His devotees can approach Him without any tension and co-live with Him, Hear Him, touch Him and clear all their doubts. This is the main reason for the Human Incarnation.

Human incarnaiton is an alloy of soul (Son of God) and the God homogeneously. There is no difference between Son of God and God when Human incarnaiton is alive.Who ever worship Son of God has worshiped the God.

Please who do not know all these concpets and truth , crucified Lord Jesus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2008 03:18 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59090 wrote:
Plenty of sanctuaries existed all over the world at that time.

It took 40 years to build this temple, and there was only one Jewish temple in Jerusalem at this time, and it was on Mt. Moriah. And it was the temple where the ark of the covnant was placed. All other sanctuaries were pagan, and were not the one's the Bible spoke of. According to the scriptures, there was no other place on earth except Mt. Moriah where God's temple could be built. And that is why the Jews today who want to rebuild their third temple, will have to build it on the same location were the first and second temples use to be located. It is believed that the orginal temples would be about 100 feet or so from where the Moslem temple is located today.
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2008 03:29 pm
Numpty;59087 wrote:
So we can't see it, ok.

Have there been any sort of tests done to determin what is under the ground? Like when they are looking for old buildings think they use sonar and the like. It's very easy to see these things now, the technology is available.

Are there acurate drawings from 2000 years ago that depict what this temple looks like? I would like to see them.

There has been a number of tests and the link below speaks of some of the findings. Including Radar and Infra-red studies.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2008 03:49 pm
RED DEVIL;59092 wrote:
Campbell34;59053 wrote:
According to Jesus Christ, the generation that sees the rebirth of Israel would not pass away until all end prophecies would be fulfilled. Israel was reborn as a nation in the year 1948, God's third day according to the Old Testament will begin in the year 2034. And those born in 1948 will be 86 years old. Yes, 1948 is very close to the end of time. The prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled as the Bible stated they would be. Hitlers ovens were not a pre-requisite for the fulfillment of Ezekiels prophecy, yet those events went a long way to speed there fulfillment. And that was beyond the control of the Jews to speed up such a prophecy.

The prophecy of the Jews return is not just 2 prophecies, but a number of prophecies that are detailed and cannot be ignored. These prophecies are found in Ezekiel chapters 36,37,38, and 39. The Bible goes in to deep detail as to why God is allowing the Jewish people to return, and it tells us what is going to happen when they do. The bible clearly tells us in these prophecies that this would all happen in the latter days, and the whole world will be effected by the events that will occur in the Middle East when the Jews return. It is all part of God's bigger plan to reveal to the World and to the Jews, who He is.

Jerusalems East Gate prophecy is not just one that I alone know of. Anyone who has taken an active intrest in the prophecies of the Bible knows of this prophecy. You might consider the link below. There are a number of links that speak of Jerusalems East Gate in prophecy.

I would ask but one simple question, if the ends times are to play out as you suggest, what is the meaning of these two passages, "Even so I will break this people (Israel) and this city (Jerusalem), as one breaks a potters vessel, which CAN NOT be made whole again; and they shall bury them at Tophet....." -- Jer. 19:11. Also, "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs to THE PROMISE." -- Gal 3:29.

Did not the Prophet declare that Biblical Israel would be destroyed from the face of the earth and its seed never return when the NEW COVENANT would do away with the Old Law? "If these ordinances (LAW) depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever." -- Jer. 31:36. When the whole prophecy is read and comprehended it makes it very clear that when the New Covenant of Christ comes into effect the nation of Israel would be punished for continuing to disobey the will of God....even after the fact of He being their Husband, and considering only their salvation, before offering salvation to the entirety of mankind. ".....which my covenant they brake, although I was a husband unto them, saith the Lord;" -- Jer. 31:32.

Just what prophecy in the entirety of the Holy Scriptures mentions the fact of Israel being lost from the earth and then returning after a two thousand year absence? The nation of Biblical Israel, at least in part, always existed until such time as God released them from the protection of the Law of Moses, and allowed them to be destroyed by the Roman Empire....just as Both Jer. and Jesus declared in prophecy -- Jer. 31: 31-36, Matt. 23:36, 24:34.

In fact...what does modern Israel have in common with Biblical Israel, except the name? This is not the nation that God made a covenant with. They have no TRIBAL IDENTITY, THEY HAVE NO KING, THEY HAVE NO ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (a requirement of the old law), NO TEMPLE, as described by Jesus and Daniel in prophecy, as Jesus himself describes the destruction of Jerusalem as the fulfilled of Daniels prophecy. -- Matthew 24:15.

The ONLY WAY of any of these people to come to salvation is to accept the same salvation as the entirety of the world....through the acceptance of Christ Jesus and his teachings for the scriptures clearly tell us there is but ONE WAY to find righteousness in the sight of God and Jesus is that way -- John 14:6. Jesus clearly stated that the kingdom would be taken from the Jews and given to another -- Matthew 21:43. Also did not the prophets inform us that God would recognize the entire world as his people even though the only ones that accepted God at that time were Jews? "Then I will will sow her for Myself in the earth, and I will have mercy upon her who had not obtained mercy; then I will say to those who were NOT MY PEOPLE, You are My people! And they shall say, ' And, You are my God." -- Hosea. Just as described in Gal 3:29.

Thus, clearly...no one knows when the end shall come, except Father God -- Matthew 24:36 (RD)

The God of the Old Testament will tell you that in the latter years He will gather the Jewish people from all the lands where they have been scattered and He will allow them to return to the land of Israel. They will retake Jerusalem, and yet this will anger many nations around the world. And God tells us, He is not doing this (for their sakes), because they have polluted His name where ever they wandered. God is doing this to reveal to both the Jews and the world who He is. God is not bringing them back because they know Him, He is bringing them back, because they do not know Him. The prophecies of the Bible are true, and if you believe that, then you should consider the prophecies of Ezekiel chapters 36,37,38, and 39. These prophecies have never occured in distant history, yet they are happening today. Do we ignore them? Or do we believe them? They describe God's bigger plans for the last days. And God has a plan for Israel. I believe God, and I believe in His plan.
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2008 06:13 pm
Campbell34;59124 wrote:
There has been a number of tests and the link below speaks of some of the findings. Including Radar and Infra-red studies.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Thanks for the links.

But I don't see any evidence of an East Gate. I have looked at the Infa-Red pictures and see nothing, the site they are on do not make a claim it is there either. Also the person who wrte much of what i was looking at made a lot of assumptions

It may be assumed that we have here evidence of the existence of a pentagonal boulder with its western extremity protruding above the paved surface - the"Sakra" under the Golden Dome (see Fig 5). The pentagonal boulder may be described as a 45-meter square with its western corner cut off. It would seem to be an artificially quarried and processed boulder.

If indeed the rock under the Golden Dome is a remnant of Strato's Tower, then according to the route followed by Antigonus from the Temple to the Northern fortifications it may be assumed that the Temple was located south of the Golden Dome. This conclusion is yet a further indication of the Jewish Temple having been located between the Golden Dome and the El-Aqsa Mosque, and not as claimed by most sholars, on the precise location of the Golden Dome. (8)

It is quite possible that the rock under the Golden Dome, the rock under the "Dome of the Spirits" and that the area under the present-day El-Umriyya school make up an idolatrous compound associated with the First Temple. This site may have existed since the tenth century B.C.E. up till the sixth century B.C.E. - over three hundred years. This idolatrous center was rooted in the pagan world of Amman and Moab to the east, and in the Phoenician world on the Mediterranean coast. Therefore, the pentagonal foundation stones under the Golden Dome could be the remains of a high place dedicated to Ashtoreth, the idol of Sidon. It should be noted that the ancient symbol representing the goddess Ashtoreth (Astarte) is an octagon and a pentagon, the two forms that we find are impressed upon one another at this site.

Not really that conclusive is it? Things are assumed and possibilities played out, now I am sure there is a fair amount of interesting arcaeological finds to be had and a wealth of information to be sourced and identified by carrying out further digs and investigations in the Temple Mount area.

But what you speak of, there is no arcaeological evidence that suggest you are correct, add to this that the One passage in the Bible you have pointed to us as evidence of this East Gate>
Revelation 21:25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.
Does not indicate what gate it is and even that it is an East Gate.

How do you get from this small Passage to this?
Oh if it was only that simple. The fact is, the Old Testament tells us that near the end of time the Jewish people would first return to the land of Israel, they would establish souther Israel first(1948), and second they would retake Jerusalem(1967). The Bible tells us that when this would occur, it would anger the nations, and this would result with the world focusing on who would control Jerusalem. The Bible tells us, that in the end, many nations around the world would try to take Jerusalem back by force. All of this is occuring as the Bible predicted. Maybe the Jews incourage Hilter to kill six million of them to help fulfill this prophecy? LOL
And then we have Jerusalems East Gate prophecy. The prophecy found in the Book of Ezekiel states that Jerusalems East Gate would survive till the time of the end. And that Gate would have a Porch Gate added to it. And the Porch Gate would be sealed up. And all attempts to open the Gate would fail. And the Gate will only be opened when the Prince to come, comes and opens it Himself. Today, Jerusalems Old East Gate will be found buried, however, non believers in the Bible came and built a second Gate and used the Old East Gate as a foundation for the newer Porch Gate. The non believers later sealed up the Porch Gate as the Bible predicted they would. When Moslems found out about the prophecy, they tried to break through the Gate in order to make the Bible null in void, but on both attempts failed to do so. Just as the Bible said they would. Now, since most of this prophecy has been fulfilled by (NON BELIEVERS,) you cannot claim that believers just acted out their desires to make the Bible read true. And to understand Gods plans for the future, it requires both the prophecies found in the Old and New Testaments. Your assumptions about Bible prophecy can only be believed, if your are willing to ignore factual information.
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2008 07:17 pm
Numpty;59126 wrote:
Thanks for the links.

But I don't see any evidence of an East Gate. I have looked at the Infa-Red pictures and see nothing, the site they are on do not make a claim it is there either. Also the person who wrte much of what i was looking at made a lot of assumptions

Not really that conclusive is it? Things are assumed and possibilities played out, now I am sure there is a fair amount of interesting arcaeological finds to be had and a wealth of information to be sourced and identified by carrying out further digs and investigations in the Temple Mount area.

But what you speak of, there is no arcaeological evidence that suggest you are correct, add to this that the One passage in the Bible you have pointed to us as evidence of this East Gate> Does not indicate what gate it is and even that it is an East Gate.

How do you get from this small Passage to this?

I did not give you that link to show you the East Gate, I thought you were looking to see the Temple. And the prophecy about the East Gate is found in Ezekiel 44:1,2,3. The link below has a great deal of information on the East Gate. This is not rocket science, the East Gate is well known by most people in Israel. The link below on page 9 has a picture of the East Gate, and if you just type in Jerusalems East Gate you will be able to see a number of pictures of it. Saying there is no evidence of Jerusalems East Gate, you could easily say there is no evidence of Jerusalem.

The Third TEMPLE Entrance In Alignment With The East Gate
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2008 10:34 am
Campbell34;59123 wrote:
It took 40 years to build this temple, and there was only one Jewish temple in Jerusalem at this time, and it was on Mt. Moriah. And it was the temple where the ark of the covnant was placed. All other sanctuaries were pagan, and were not the one's the Bible spoke of. According to the scriptures, there was no other place on earth except Mt. Moriah where God's temple could be built. And that is why the Jews today who want to rebuild their third temple, will have to build it on the same location were the first and second temples use to be located. It is believed that the orginal temples would be about 100 feet or so from where the Moslem temple is located today.

now you've got me curious.....if there is only one place where god's temple can be built then why are there so many temples/synagogues in the world?

Where is this said in the bible because i don't remember that part.
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2008 04:42 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59147 wrote:
now you've got me curious.....if there is only one place where god's temple can be built then why are there so many temples/synagogues in the world?

Where is this said in the bible because i don't remember that part.

There are many temples and synagogues around the world, yet there is only one place on earth where the Jews can offer up animal sacrifices to the Lord. And that place is on Mount Moriah. Both the first and second temples were built there, and the third temple will also have to be built there.

In Deuteronomy 12:5 it reads. But you are to seek the place the LORD your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. TO THAT PLACE YOU MUST GO;

2 Chronicles 7:11-12 When Solomon had finished the temple of the LORD and the royal palace, and had succeeded in carrying out all he had in mind to do in the temple of the LORD and in his own palace, 12 the LORD appeared to him at night and said:

"I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices.
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2008 06:53 pm
Campbell34;59127 wrote:
I did not give you that link to show you the East Gate, I thought you were looking to see the Temple. And the prophecy about the East Gate is found in Ezekiel 44:1,2,3. The link below has a great deal of information on the East Gate. This is not rocket science, the East Gate is well known by most people in Israel. The link below on page 9 has a picture of the East Gate, and if you just type in Jerusalems East Gate you will be able to see a number of pictures of it. Saying there is no evidence of Jerusalems East Gate, you could easily say there is no evidence of Jerusalem.

The Third TEMPLE Entrance In Alignment With The East Gate

My apologies, I thought the East Gate and the Temple were one and the same thing. That the old buried Temple contained within it, the East Gate you talk about. Am I way off the mark here and they are two seperate buildings in different places?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2008 07:18 am
Campbell34;59156 wrote:
There are many temples and synagogues around the world, yet there is only one place on earth where the Jews can offer up animal sacrifices to the Lord. And that place is on Mount Moriah. Both the first and second temples were built there, and the third temple will also have to be built there.

In Deuteronomy 12:5 it reads. But you are to seek the place the LORD your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. TO THAT PLACE YOU MUST GO;

2 Chronicles 7:11-12 When Solomon had finished the temple of the LORD and the royal palace, and had succeeded in carrying out all he had in mind to do in the temple of the LORD and in his own palace, 12 the LORD appeared to him at night and said:

"I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices.

but it doesn't say that is the ONLY place that it could happen...
Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2008 12:18 am
Numpty;59157 wrote:
My apologies, I thought the East Gate and the Temple were one and the same thing. That the old buried Temple contained within it, the East Gate you talk about. Am I way off the mark here and they are two seperate buildings in different places?

The East Gate is not part of the Temple building, it is the main gate that leads to the temple.
Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2008 12:26 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59164 wrote:
but it doesn't say that is the ONLY place that it could happen...

When God says, "He has chosen this place for Himself", that is pretty binding. You could go other places, yet when God says He has chossen this place, thats pretty much it for true believers. And that is why both temples were built on that spot in the past, and that is why the Jews in Israel are planning to build their third Temple there in the future.
Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2008 07:02 am
Campbell34;59185 wrote:
The East Gate is not part of the Temple building, it is the main gate that leads to the temple.

Ok thank you for clarifying that. So we can see the East Gate then right but not the temple as it is buried?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2008 09:47 am
Campbell34;59186 wrote:
When God says, "He has chosen this place for Himself", that is pretty binding.

...and i choose something to eat everyday. Doesn't mean i will only ever eat that!
Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2008 10:46 pm
Numpty;59199 wrote:
Ok thank you for clarifying that. So we can see the East Gate then right but not the temple as it is buried?

Thats correct, the Gate that we see is the newer Porch Gate. The orginal Gate was buried, yet still exist, and has become the foundation of the sealed Porch Gate. The Temple itself was destroyed, and only the foundation remains.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2008 10:55 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59218 wrote:
...and i choose something to eat everyday. Doesn't mean i will only ever eat that!

The God of the Bible is not like us. When He says something, He really means it. When God said that He would allow the Jewish people to return to Israel in the latter days, that's what He will do. Whatever the Biblical God says will happen, that is what will happen. And the prophecies tell us that not only will the Temple be rebuilt, but the Jewish people will begin the pratice of animal sacrifice once again.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 6 Sep, 2008 06:10 am
Campbell34;59231 wrote:
The God of the Bible is not like us. When He says something, He really means it. When God said that He would allow the Jewish people to return to Israel in the latter days, that's what He will do. Whatever the Biblical God says will happen, that is what will happen. And the prophecies tell us that not only will the Temple be rebuilt, but the Jewish people will begin the pratice of animal sacrifice once again.

and when i say i want a Hot Pocket for Lunch, I REALLY MEAN IT!

You're little statement about it being the ONLY place is unsupported by scriptures.

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