If Jesus was God ...

Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 10:29 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46469 wrote:
No he gave a list of gods similar to jesus, and you then tried to invalidate those gods using the bible....i don't believe anyone said other gods can be validated by the prophecies of the bible, so i have no idea why you even brought it up!

and no the scriptures don't offend me in the least, don't jump to conclusions!

Due to the fact that the Christ is the "product" of the one and only "TRUE GOD" who's relationship between man and Himself can be found only in one place, "THE HOLY SCRIPTURES". Where should one look to confirm the history of Christ, the book of Islam, the "KORAN", the book of "MORMON", or any of the other numerous books that were written after the fact that man had been lead into "ALL" truth (John 16:13) and the true doctrine has been delivered "ONCE" (Jude 3). To look elsewhere would be to deny the "truth" of New Testament writings that were indeed inspired by the "HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD" (2Tim 3:16) in which we are to rightly divide the word of "truth" (2Tim2:15) which indeed is, "....profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, "THROUGHLY" furnished unto all good works(2Tim3:16-17). No those list of Gods can't be invalidated by the scriptures but the Christ can be validated, and due to the fact that there is only one truth, the other examples without said verification must therefore be "FALSE". A simple defense of my faith, due to the fact that my faith is the one attacked, not the converse, I attacked no one. Though it must appear some times to look like an attack as the "truth" is very much like a stone wall, which cannot be moved. RD
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 12:31 pm
RED DEVIL;46467 wrote:
I do believe that I must be speaking to one that is of the "liberal" mindset, the way the spinning of facts are being addressed. If I am not mistaken, the one that presented the post in which my "retort" was addressed was a person who has said that he is a non believer in the scriptures and has no faith there of, one "NUMPTY",(Post # 1098) who made the leading statement and questioned the deity of the Christ and compared him with other "pagan" false gods of history, and suggested that the Christ had stolen his position of deity from others of history. And I pointed out that the Christ is the only one who's claim can be validated in the prophecies of the Holy Bible, a history that goes back to the recorded history of mankind. If any reference is to be made of "insult" you are the one propagating it, not I. I defend only my own faith, and if the words that are written in the Holy Scriptures offend you, that would be of a personal nature and no fault of mine, I simply defend what is written. RD

No, I implied there never exsisted a Jesus, there is no God and one of the reasons I believe this is because The 'STORY' of Jesus is just that a 'STORY'. You can't use a book written 1700 years ago as 'PROOF' a man existed. Of all the great writers of the day not a single one of them has written about Jesus, those who claim to have seen him refer to him as ' The Anointed one', 'Christ' or Messiah, 'NEVER' by his name Jesus. Those who talk of him in the day are second, third or fourth hand. I do not refer to those in the bible. But other 'CREDIBLE' sources

Have you watched the documentries yet? Or can you not bare to watch them? Again here they are http://www.conflictingviews.com/t2533/

Until I saw them myself I didn't realise the significance of astrology and pagan ritual in christianity. To say they were all false gods is a very weak statement. I of course believe none existed and were all stories created to for each culture to make sense of the world, Christianinty, Islam and Hinduism are no different all are the same and have their roots buried deep in Myth and Legend.

If it is an insult because I say to you that I don't believe in God and like to talk about it and offer up talking points and believe I speak the truth, then you will just have to live with it, I make no apologies, I am not rude and always try to be respectful and am always willing to eat humble pie if necessary.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 02:38 pm
RED DEVIL;46499 wrote:
Due to the fact that the Christ is the "product" of the one and only "TRUE GOD" who's relationship between man and Himself can be found only in one place, "THE HOLY SCRIPTURES". Where should one look to confirm the history of Christ, the book of Islam, the "KORAN", the book of "MORMON", or any of the other numerous books that were written after the fact that man had been lead into "ALL" truth (John 16:13) and the true doctrine has been delivered "ONCE" (Jude 3). To look elsewhere would be to deny the "truth" of New Testament writings that were indeed inspired by the "HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD" (2Tim 3:16) in which we are to rightly divide the word of "truth" (2Tim2:15) which indeed is, "....profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, "THROUGHLY" furnished unto all good works(2Tim3:16-17). No those list of Gods can't be invalidated by the scriptures but the Christ can be validated, and due to the fact that there is only one truth, the other examples without said verification must therefore be "FALSE". A simple defense of my faith, due to the fact that my faith is the one attacked, not the converse, I attacked no one. Though it must appear some times to look like an attack as the "truth" is very much like a stone wall, which cannot be moved. RD

'Truth' is interpretation, I believe my truth you believe yours, as did the people of Mithra, Dionysys and Horace, all believed theirs was the one true god and their own holy scriptures and teachings were inspired by a God.

If you lived in Iraq you would believe in Islam and the would call God Allah, Pakistan and it would Be Hindu, Tibet and you would be buddist. There is no getting away from where you live and where your teachings come from represent the religion you will follow from childhood into adulthood, there are of course exceptions to the rule but ultimately ones religion is determined by ones culture.

I am guessing you are American, white, Republican and conservative Christian who probably takes the bible as a literal teaching, haveing conplete distain for anything liberal. you believe in god because your Parents did, their parents and their parents and on on we go back in time.

Somewhere in an Islamic country is your doppleganger in terms of your beliefs, however they will be Muslim.

All of us are products of our surroundings, cultures, religous and political enviroments and the people we interact with. This helps sculpt us into the adults we become, religion is one part of that.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:19 pm
Numpty;46505 wrote:
No, I implied there never exsisted a Jesus, there is no God and one of the reasons I believe this is because The 'STORY' of Jesus is just that a 'STORY'. You can't use a book written 1700 years ago as 'PROOF' a man existed. Of all the great writers of the day not a single one of them has written about Jesus, those who claim to have seen him refer to him as ' The Anointed one', 'Christ' or Messiah, 'NEVER' by his name Jesus. Those who talk of him in the day are second, third or fourth hand. I do not refer to those in the bible. But other 'CREDIBLE' sources

Have you watched the documentries yet? Or can you not bare to watch them? Again here they are http://www.conflictingviews.com/t2533/

Until I saw them myself I didn't realise the significance of astrology and pagan ritual in christianity. To say they were all false gods is a very weak statement. I of course believe none existed and were all stories created to for each culture to make sense of the world, Christianinty, Islam and Hinduism are no different all are the same and have their roots buried deep in Myth and Legend.

If it is an insult because I say to you that I don't believe in God and like to talk about it and offer up talking points and believe I speak the truth, then you will just have to live with it, I make no apologies, I am not rude and always try to be respectful and am always willing to eat humble pie if necessary.

This is why I went to the scriptures to defend my faith, that is where it rests, within the truths contained therein. I present only the words contained therein, and like I said, if any find that insulting.....that would be of a personal nature, ignore it if you wish, just as I choose to ignore your "faith". RD
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:24 pm
RED DEVIL;46522 wrote:
This is why I went to the scriptures to defend my faith, that is where it rests, within the truths contained therein. I present only the words contained therein, and like I said, if any find that insulting.....that would be of a personal nature, ignore nor if you, just as I choose to ignore your "faith". RD

Why does your faith need defending?

What are you defending it from,...me? I hardly rank as a serious threat.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:30 pm
RED DEVIL;46499 wrote:
Due to the fact that the Christ is the "product" of the one and only "TRUE GOD" who's relationship between man and Himself can be found only in one place, "THE HOLY SCRIPTURES". Where should one look to confirm the history of Christ, the book of Islam, the "KORAN", the book of "MORMON", or any of the other numerous books that were written after the fact that man had been lead into "ALL" truth (John 16:13) and the true doctrine has been delivered "ONCE" (Jude 3). To look elsewhere would be to deny the "truth" of New Testament writings that were indeed inspired by the "HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD" (2Tim 3:16) in which we are to rightly divide the word of "truth" (2Tim2:15) which indeed is, "....profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, "THROUGHLY" furnished unto all good works(2Tim3:16-17). No those list of Gods can't be invalidated by the scriptures but the Christ can be validated, and due to the fact that there is only one truth, the other examples without said verification must therefore be "FALSE". A simple defense of my faith, due to the fact that my faith is the one attacked, not the converse, I attacked no one. Though it must appear some times to look like an attack as the "truth" is very much like a stone wall, which cannot be moved. RD

try arguing on a level playing field, by this i mean use something that we both agree on to prove you are right, quoting the bible won't prove anything to me or Numpty because we don't believe the bible as an absolute truth...so try using something we can both agree on like using scientific facts or logic to argue against other gods!
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 05:28 pm
Numpty;46525 wrote:
Why does your faith need defending?

What are you defending it from,...me? I hardly rank as a serious threat.

When you present an untruth about my faith, the only defense I have is from the scriptures themselves. There are may misunderstandings about the nature of what actually is written concerning many subjects. Some simply believe what they have heard, not what is actually written. I AM DEFENDING THE TRUTH....my Christian duty. RD
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 08:44 am
RED DEVIL;46531 wrote:
When you present an untruth about my faith, the only defense I have is from the scriptures themselves. There are may misunderstandings about the nature of what actually is written concerning many subjects. Some simply believe what they have heard, not what is actually written. I AM DEFENDING THE TRUTH....my Christian duty. RD

Whose untruth? It isn't my untruth, you are defending your truth. Don't be so holy than thou to pressume that what you believe is 100% true. you may 'BELIEVE' it to be true, but it certainly can not be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Only proof that really exsists is the Bible, that may be good enough for you, however i am far more Enquisitive than that and seek to extend my knowledge from a wider range of literature and experiences.

If you feel on the defensive just because of a few sentances I write and a few sites I post that question the validity of a Jesus, then you are a bit of a sensitive soul, prehaps this site is not for you.

I like to question statements, i have to do it as part of my job and it is a natural trun for me, again I make no apologies. QUESTIONING FUNDAMENTALISTS on both sides of the religous coin is my duty as an Athiest and human being who hopes for a world free of Religous Dogma and Doctrine.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:54 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46526 wrote:
try arguing on a level playing field, by this i mean use something that we both agree on to prove you are right, quoting the bible won't prove anything to me or Numpty because we don't believe the bible as an absolute truth...so try using something we can both agree on like using scientific facts or logic to argue against other gods!

Why should I continue to look for something that "I" have already found? It seems the one's that continue to search are the one's that continue to tear down and destroy the faith of others, they are the ones that need to defend their quest, not "I", my quest is over, I have found my "spiritual" road, and it leads directly to eternal rest. I defend only the truths that I have found, by pointing out the truths thereof when they are questioned. The path that you have chosen to follow is your's alone to follow. In other words I do not argue for arguments sake, it is irrelevant but you believe. I defend only my own faith, I do not wish to destroy another's. As far as questioning why I believe as I do, please continue. Ask what you will about my faith and the Holy Scriptures, IT IS MY JOB TO LEAD YOU INTO THE TRUTH THEREOF. RD
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 12:04 pm
RED DEVIL;46543 wrote:
Why should I continue to look for something that "I" have already found? It seems the one's that continue to search are the one's that continue to tear down and destroy the faith of others, they are the ones that need to defend their quest, not "I", my quest is over, I have found my "spiritual" road, and it leads directly to eternal rest. I defend only the truths that I have found, by pointing out the truths thereof when they are questioned. The path that you have chosen to follow is your's alone to follow. In other words I do not argue for arguments sake, it is irrelevant but you believe. I defend only my own faith, I do not wish to destroy another's. As far as questioning why I believe as I do, please continue. Ask what you will about my faith and the Holy Scriptures, IT IS MY JOB TO LEAD YOU INTO THE TRUTH THEREOF. RD

I am not asking you to look for anything, i am simply asking you to defend you belief with something we can both agree upon!
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:19 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46555 wrote:
I am not asking you to look for anything, i am simply asking you to defend you belief with something we can both agree upon!

As I said, I do not engage in argument for the sake of argument nor in any attempt to circumvent anyones belief. My faith is grounded in the Holy Scriptures. My question is the same as you asked me "why"....why should I defend something that I do not believe? If we both agree there there would be no argument, as we both would be of the same faith and belief. Ask me a specific question concerning my faith, and I will provide you a specific answer, a specific answer from the foundation of my faith, the Holy Scriptures. RD
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:49 pm
"In the days of His flesh, He (Jesus) offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety" [Hebrews 5:7]

In the corrupted Christianity:

So God (Jesus) was praying with loud crying and tears to Himself asking Himself to save Himself from death!!

Then He heard the loud crying of Himself and accepted to answer Himself and to save Himself!! But He did not (changed His mind!) and He let Himself to DIE on the Cross !!!!!!

No senisble person even will try desperately to defend such nonsense hallucination..unless he wants to make himself look real bad then!!!

In Islam:

Indeed Allah (God) allmighty heard Jesus's supplications and saved his messenger, Jesus (peace be upon him) from death. This is in agreement with what Allah says in the Quran:

"And because of their saying (in boast), "We killed Messiah 'Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah," - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of 'Isa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not (i.e.'Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)(peace be upon them)). But Allah raised him ('Isa (Jesus)) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he (peace be upon him) is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise." [Quran 4: 157-158]
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 03:51 pm
RED DEVIL;46543 wrote:
Why should I continue to look for something that "I" have already found? It seems the one's that continue to search are the one's that continue to tear down and destroy the faith of others, they are the ones that need to defend their quest, not "I", my quest is over, I have found my "spiritual" road, and it leads directly to eternal rest. I defend only the truths that I have found, by pointing out the truths thereof when they are questioned. The path that you have chosen to follow is your's alone to follow. In other words I do not argue for arguments sake, it is irrelevant but you believe. I defend only my own faith, I do not wish to destroy another's. As far as questioning why I believe as I do, please continue. Ask what you will about my faith and the Holy Scriptures, IT IS MY JOB TO LEAD YOU INTO THE TRUTH THEREOF. RD

Why is it your job? surely you work for a living in some other capacity. Bearing in mind that FF is an ATHIEST you my friend are going to have your work cut out convincing him. The more I read from yourself and Mr campbell the MORE I am convinced that ALL religion is an EVIL this planet can do without.
I would like to take this oportunity to thank You, Mr Campbell and Mr Sword_Of_God for helping me see clearly that fundamentalist religion and religion in general really are the greatest threats to the human race. Reason and common sense are left at the door when ones religion is the guiding light in decission making. When a decission that could ensure the saftey of a town, city, country or even the world is based upon the teachings of religions that openly encourage the raping of women the stoning of non-believes and where gods do not punish incest and people who practise homeopathic medicine are condemed as witches we really are lost to the backward thinking darkages.

Think I am attacking faith in religion,..erm yup. Think I am wrong, read your Bibles and Korans then you may call me a liar if I am wrong.
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:51 pm
Numpty;46562 wrote:
Why is it your job? surely you work for a living in some other capacity. Bearing in mind that FF is an ATHIEST you my friend are going to have your work cut out convincing him. The more I read from yourself and Mr campbell the MORE I am convinced that ALL religion is an EVIL this planet can do without.
I would like to take this oportunity to thank You, Mr Campbell and Mr Sword_Of_God for helping me see clearly that fundamentalist religion and religion in general really are the greatest threats to the human race. Reason and common sense are left at the door when ones religion is the guiding light in decission making. When a decission that could ensure the saftey of a town, city, country or even the world is based upon the teachings of religions that openly encourage the raping of women the stoning of non-believes and where gods do not punish incest and people who practise homeopathic medicine are condemed as witches we really are lost to the backward thinking darkages.

Think I am attacking faith in religion,..erm yup. Think I am wrong, read your Bibles and Korans then you may call me a liar if I am wrong.

As I said, the attacks come form the seculars not the Christians, and then the accusations that the Christians are the one's attacking, Oh the duality of the liberal mind. I said ask a question, the answer will be forthcoming and all I get are accusations of "opinion" grounded in the facts found between the ears of a "non-believer". I shall hold them and consider them with the "weight" of their worth. As I have said, "you" have chosen "your" road, and your salvation is yours to work out, or not. If you have more faith in the intellect of man than you do in the words of God, that is "your" choice and not "mine". It is just as the Christ proclaimed in (Matt: 7:16), there are some that just chose not to listen to the wisdom of the scripts and thus should be "ignored" in their insults, " Give not which is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, least they trample them under their feet, and turn again and render you." You have given a perfect example of such, as you continually try to bait others with insults and then make false accusations without proof, only words based on secular opinion. If you were really interested in religion and finding out specifics thereof, you would ask questions instead of tossing insulting opinions. RD
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:57 pm
RED DEVIL;46565 wrote:
As I said, the attacks come form the seculars not the Christians, and then the accusations that the Christians are the one's attacking, Oh the duality of the liberal mind. I said ask a question, the answer will be forthcoming and all I get are accusations of "opinion" grounded in the facts found between the ears of a "non-believer". I shall hold them and consider them with the "weight" of their worth. RD

Yup and George .W. Bush isn't a Christian and didn't invade Iraq. Thank you I am glad we got that straight.

Oh and four Islamics didn't strsp bombs to their back and blow up four different places in London a couple of years ago. Again glad we got that straight.

Could you elaborate on the 'Duality of a iberal mind' Honestly here, I am quite lost by what you mean. Not very bright me sometimes, i need a nudge in the right direction on occasion.
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 05:20 pm
Numpty;46566 wrote:
Yup and George .W. Bush isn't a Christian and didn't invade Iraq. Thank you I am glad we got that straight.

Oh and four Islamics didn't strsp bombs to their back and blow up four different places in London a couple of years ago. Again glad we got that straight.

Could you elaborate on the 'Duality of a iberal mind' Honestly here, I am quite lost by what you mean. Not very bright me sometimes, i need a nudge in the right direction on occasion.

Now you make the false assumption that someone with a "liberal mind" is involved in playing politics. The duality of the liberal mind is a simple concept, one that accepts conclusions from polar opposites without cognation of logic to due such, just emotion. An example would be, as such, Corporal punishment is wrong, placing an open hand across the backside of a "disobeying" child to prevent potential endangerment or harm to others is considered by many liberal minded people as "cruel and unusual" with the potential for future mental impairment. But until that same child's head breaches the birth canal, it is considered a "personal" right of the parent to kill them....and the cognation to reason concludes that this is not cruel and unusual punishment? RD
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 07:46 pm
Numpty;46511 wrote:
'Truth' is interpretation, I believe my truth you believe yours, as did the people of Mithra, Dionysys and Horace, all believed theirs was the one true god and their own holy scriptures and teachings were inspired by a God.

If you lived in Iraq you would believe in Islam and the would call God Allah, Pakistan and it would Be Hindu, Tibet and you would be buddist. There is no getting away from where you live and where your teachings come from represent the religion you will follow from childhood into adulthood, there are of course exceptions to the rule but ultimately ones religion is determined by ones culture.

I am guessing you are American, white, Republican and conservative Christian who probably takes the bible as a literal teaching, haveing conplete distain for anything liberal. you believe in god because your Parents did, their parents and their parents and on on we go back in time.

Somewhere in an Islamic country is your doppleganger in terms of your beliefs, however they will be Muslim.

All of us are products of our surroundings, cultures, religous and political enviroments and the people we interact with. This helps sculpt us into the adults we become, religion is one part of that.

And yet there are Moslems and Islamics today who are in countries where the Gospel is not being preached, and Jesus is coming to them through their dreams and telling them to follow Him. Those who are really seeking God will find Him. And even if the Gospel cannot be preached in those countries, Jesus will come to them that seek the true and living God. It appears, Jesus does not care about the surrounding cultures or religious enviroments.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:33 pm
RED DEVIL;46560 wrote:
As I said, I do not engage in argument for the sake of argument.

You are in a debate group are you not? If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:36 pm
Campbell34;46571 wrote:
And yet there are Moslems and Islamics today who are in countries where the Gospel is not being preached, and Jesus is coming to them through their dreams and telling them to follow Him. Those who are really seeking God will find Him. And even if the Gospel cannot be preached in those countries, Jesus will come to them that seek the true and living God. It appears, Jesus does not care about the surrounding cultures or religious enviroments.

HA, I'd like to see you prove that! If this were true, how exactly did you find this out? Unless he sought outside reference you wouldn't know about it!
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 12:39 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46580 wrote:
HA, I'd like to see you prove that! If this were true, how exactly did you find this out? Unless he sought outside reference you wouldn't know about it!

It is a fact that in many Islamic countries preaching the Gospel is against the law. Yet you can't hide the truth forever. And as these people start to pass on what has happened to them, that truth begins to reach the West. I doubt CNN, ABC, or CBS will be reporting on this, yet there are to many stories already out there to believe this is just a big Christian lie, and now all the Christian religions have all gotten together to push this lie.

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