RED DEVIL;46499 wrote:Due to the fact that the Christ is the "product" of the one and only "TRUE GOD" who's relationship between man and Himself can be found only in one place, "THE HOLY SCRIPTURES". Where should one look to confirm the history of Christ, the book of Islam, the "KORAN", the book of "MORMON", or any of the other numerous books that were written after the fact that man had been lead into "ALL" truth (John 16:13) and the true doctrine has been delivered "ONCE" (Jude 3). To look elsewhere would be to deny the "truth" of New Testament writings that were indeed inspired by the "HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD" (2Tim 3:16) in which we are to rightly divide the word of "truth" (2Tim2:15) which indeed is, "....profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, "THROUGHLY" furnished unto all good works(2Tim3:16-17). No those list of Gods can't be invalidated by the scriptures but the Christ can be validated, and due to the fact that there is only one truth, the other examples without said verification must therefore be "FALSE". A simple defense of my faith, due to the fact that my faith is the one attacked, not the converse, I attacked no one. Though it must appear some times to look like an attack as the "truth" is very much like a stone wall, which cannot be moved. RD
'Truth' is interpretation, I believe my truth you believe yours, as did the people of Mithra, Dionysys and Horace, all believed theirs was the one true god and their own holy scriptures and teachings were inspired by a God.
If you lived in Iraq you would believe in Islam and the would call God Allah, Pakistan and it would Be Hindu, Tibet and you would be buddist. There is no getting away from where you live and where your teachings come from represent the religion you will follow from childhood into adulthood, there are of course exceptions to the rule but ultimately ones religion is determined by ones culture.
I am guessing you are American, white, Republican and conservative Christian who probably takes the bible as a literal teaching, haveing conplete distain for anything liberal. you believe in god because your Parents did, their parents and their parents and on on we go back in time.
Somewhere in an Islamic country is your doppleganger in terms of your beliefs, however they will be Muslim.
All of us are products of our surroundings, cultures, religous and political enviroments and the people we interact with. This helps sculpt us into the adults we become, religion is one part of that.