If Jesus was God ...

Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 11:26 am
chico;46165 wrote:
My answer: For God has given all things into his hand in John 3.35 and therefore Jesus has the power to forgive all sin. But this does not mean that Jesus is God.....

Remember these words from Jesus. This is not intended not only to you Red Devil but to all who wanted the truth... Jesus Said in John13.16 'THE SERVANT IS NOT GREATER THAN HIS MASTER NOR IS HE WHO IS SENT GREATER THAT HE WHO SENT HIM' Jesus was sent by God in John 7.28 says 'JESUS PROCLAIMED AS HE TAUGHT IN THE TEMPLE, 'YOU KNOW ME AND YOU KNOW WHERE I COME FROM BUT I HAVE NOT COME OF MY OWN ACCORD HE WHO SENT ME IS TRUE AND IN HIM YOU DO NOT KNOW'.. You see, Jesus was sent by the Father and as Jesus says the Father is greater than Jesus John 14.28. How can there be equality between the Father and the Son?

Red Devil, do not assume. Overly assuming will lead to wrong conclusion as Science stated.......[/I]

Some do not want to accept the "lordship" of the Christ, but on the other hand they want to accept his salvation offered. On EARTH, the Christ was God. He had the power of God, the omnipresence of God, the authority of God to forgive sin and the BLESSINGS OF GOD to act and make doctrine and lastly to judge all mankind by the words that he had spoken on the final day of judgment. I have given you already enough scripture to hang a horse with and you choose to ignore it and say that the Bible does not say that the Christ is God.....ONE MORE ATTEMPT, ignore it at your will.

MATTHEW chapter 1 verse 23......BEHOLD, A VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD, AND SHALL BRING FORTH A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL, WHICH BEING INTERPRETED IS........'God with us'. That child was Jesus the Christ. One more question to ask you in the manner in which the Christ would ask....."Why call ye me Lord, and do not the things which I say?" There is no more doctrine to be given after the Christ delivered his message of salvation (Jude 3), if anything is added to this complete work or to these teachings that was once delivered to man, they shall be under a curse from God (Galatians 1:8-9) RD
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 11:49 am
RED DEVIL;46191 wrote:
Some do not want to accept the "lordship" of the Christ, but on the other hand they want to accept his salvation offered. On EARTH, the Christ was God. He had the power of God, the omnipresence of God, the authority of God to forgive sin and the BLESSINGS OF GOD to act and make doctrine and lastly to judge all mankind by the words that he had spoken on the final day of judgment. I have given you already enough scripture to hang a horse with and you choose to ignore it and say that the Bible does not say that the Christ is God.....ONE MORE ATTEMPT, ignore it if your will.

MATTHEW chapter 1 verse 23......BEHOLD, A VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD, AND SHALL BRING FORTH A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL, WHICH BEING INTERPRETED IS........'God with us'. That child was Jesus the Christ. One more question to ask you in the manner in which the Christ would ask....."Why call ye me Lord, and do not the things which I say?" There is no more doctrine to be given after the Christ delivered his message of salvation (Jude 3), if anything is added to this complete work or to these teachings that was once delivered to man, they shall be under a curse from God (Galatians 1:8-9) RD

Just a few who have exactly the same story.

[SIZE="3"]Horace- Sun God of Egypt from 3000 B.C[/SIZE]
Born on Dec 25th
Born of a Virgin
Accompanied by a star in the east
Adorned by three kings
Teacher at 12
Baptised at 30
Had 12 disciples
Performed miracles
was known as the 'Lamb of God, The Light, Gods Anointed son
Betrayed by Typhon
Was crucified
Dead for three days
Then resurrected.

[SIZE="3"]Attis - Greece 1200 B.C[/SIZE]

Born of a virgin
Born on the Dec 25th
Dead for three days

[SIZE="3"]Krishna - India 900 B.C[/SIZE]

Born of a Virgin
Star in the East signaling his coming
Performed miracles with his disciples

[SIZE="3"]Dionysus - Greece 500 B.C[/SIZE]

Born of a Virgin
Born on Dec 25th
Performed miracles (turned water into wine)
King of Kings
Alpha and Omega

[SIZE="3"]Mithra - Persia 1200 B.C[/SIZE]

Born of a virgin
Born on Dec 25th
12 disciples
Performed miracles
Dead for three days
Sunday worship

Here are a few more that have very similar stories to that of Jesus.

Budha Sakia of India
Salivahana of Bermuda
Zulis, or Zhule, also Osiris ans Orus of Egypt
Odin of the Scandinavians
Crite of Chaldea
Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia
Ball and Taut 'the only begotten God' of Phoenocia
Indra of Tibet
Bali of Afganistan
Jao of Nepal
Wittoba of the biligonese
Thammuz of Syria
Atys of Phrygia
Xamolxis of Thrace
Zoar of the Bonzes
Adad of Assyria
Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam
Alcides of Thebes
Mikado of the Sintoos
beddru of Japan
Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillahof the Druids
Thor, son f Odin of the Gauls
Cadmus of Greece
hil and feta of the Mandaities
Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico
Universal Monach of the Siblys
Ischy of the Island od Formosa
Divine Teacher of Plato
Holy One of Xaca
Fohi and Tien of China
Adonis, son of the Virgin Io of Greece
Ixion and Quirinus of Rome
Prometheus of Caucasus.

ALL of these MYTHICAL Gods/ Messiahs share exactly the same or similar characteristics as Jesus' story, and that is what it is A STORY. here is a link to three short documentaries that may help you understand where the MYTH of Jesus comes from.

Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 12:20 pm
Numpty;46192 wrote:
Just a few who have exactly the same story.

[SIZE="3"]Horace- Sun God of Egypt from 3000 B.C[/SIZE]
Born on Dec 25th
Born of a Virgin
Accompanied by a star in the east
Adorned by three kings
Teacher at 12
Baptised at 30
Had 12 disciples
Performed miracles
was known as the 'Lamb of God, The Light, Gods Anointed son
Betrayed by Typhon
Was crucified
Dead for three days
Then resurrected.

[SIZE="3"]Attis Greece 1200 B.C[/SIZE]

Born of a virgin
Born on the Dec 25
Dead for three days

There have been many false versions of prophecies contained in the Bible. All men came from the same origins, one Adam. After Adam's generation mankind fragmented into different sects. All these sects contain versions that were foretold of the coming Son of God in future generations. The fact that there may be hundreds of different "false" teachings concerning these prophecies does not mean that when the "valid" prophecy comes to fulfillment that it also is false. As I said there may be perhaps 100 stories or tails making claims of the one true Son of God to come, they all could be wrong but all of them could not be right. When the one that does come along and is "validated" from the records of the scriptures that go back to the beginning of man's recorded history, it does not take away from his "deity" simply because there have been "false" claims made in the past, that cannot be verified and backed up by the writings of man's religious history. RD
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 12:24 pm
RED DEVIL;46193 wrote:
There have been many false versions of prophecies contained in the Bible. All men came from the same origins, one Adam. After Adam's generation mankind fragmented into different sects. All these sects contain versions that were foretold of the coming Son of God in future generations. The fact that there may be hundreds of different "false" teachings concerning these prophecies does not mean that when the "valid" prophecy comes to fulfillment that it also is false. As I said there may be perhaps 100 stories or tails making claims of the one true Son of God to come, they all could be wrong but all of them could not be right. When the one that does come along and is "validated" from the records of the scriptures that go back to the beginning of man's recorded history, it does not take away from his "deity" simply because there have been "false" claims made in the past, that cannot be verified and backed up by the writings of man's religious history. RD

Have you watched the documentaries?

Edit: I'll take that as a no then.
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 04:30 pm
Numpty, why the heck did you say I ruin every thread, when I haven't read a single word of your many tomes here, after finding absolutely no redeeming quality to your reasoning?????? I haven't done JACK to you, yet you attacked me. WHY, MAN, WHY???????????????????
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 04:43 pm
Numpty;46194 wrote:
Have you watched the documentaries?

Edit: I'll take that as a no then.

If I am to have "faith" it is to be placed in a direction more suited to hold authority than mankind, as his track record for stewardship is less than a "shinning example" thereof. As Paul has spoken so do I believe, "For do I now persuade men or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Gal.1:10 No, I do not go in for the pompous nature of men that think they are superior to God or Nature and base their faith on nothing more than theory and expect everyone to hold hypothesis on the same or more superior level as facts actual...which they seem to be always searching for yet never producing. Life is to short, I prefer to just accept my place as inferior to whatever the nature of our creator, be it deity or nature. And until my cognation to reason comes to accept something that is presented in the form of factual evidence instead of theory, my faith shall remain grounded where logic dictates it should, in basic theology and the practice thereof. There is nothing personal, I just prefer to take my advise from a book that makes claim to being the design behind the gestation to my being. RD
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 06:28 pm
RED DEVIL;46193 wrote:
There have been many false versions of prophecies contained in the Bible. All men came from the same origins, one Adam. After Adam's generation mankind fragmented into different sects. All these sects contain versions that were foretold of the coming Son of God in future generations. The fact that there may be hundreds of different "false" teachings concerning these prophecies does not mean that when the "valid" prophecy comes to fulfillment that it also is false. As I said there may be perhaps 100 stories or tails making claims of the one true Son of God to come, they all could be wrong but all of them could not be right. When the one that does come along and is "validated" from the records of the scriptures that go back to the beginning of man's recorded history, it does not take away from his "deity" simply because there have been "false" claims made in the past, that cannot be verified and backed up by the writings of man's religious history. RD

The problem is you're using the bible to criticize the valadidity of other religions! That's like using the Qu'ran to disprove Hinduism....
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2007 09:44 pm
RED DEVIL;46191 wrote:
Some do not want to accept the "lordship" of the Christ, but on the other hand they want to accept his salvation offered. On EARTH, the Christ was God. He had the power of God, the omnipresence of God, the authority of God to forgive sin and the BLESSINGS OF GOD to act and make doctrine and lastly to judge all mankind by the words that he had spoken on the final day of judgment. I have given you already enough scripture to hang a horse with and you choose to ignore it and say that the Bible does not say that the Christ is God.....ONE MORE ATTEMPT, ignore it at your will.

MATTHEW chapter 1 verse 23......BEHOLD, A VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD, AND SHALL BRING FORTH A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL, WHICH BEING INTERPRETED IS........'God with us'. That child was Jesus the Christ. One more question to ask you in the manner in which the Christ would ask....."Why call ye me Lord, and do not the things which I say?" There is no more doctrine to be given after the Christ delivered his message of salvation (Jude 3), if anything is added to this complete work or to these teachings that was once delivered to man, they shall be under a curse from God (Galatians 1:8-9) RD

In John 3.16 says 'FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON FOR WHOSOEVER BELIEVE IN HIM SHOULD NO PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE'..It is clear in this text that salvation comes from God not from Jesus and this was supported by Jude v25 says '..TO THE ONLY GOD OUR SAVIOUR THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, BE GLORY....' This is very clear that through Jesus Christ salvation was performed but salvation comes from God...

Immanuel 'GOD WITH US' - Yes this is right. God is with us working through Jesus. In 2Cor5.19 says '..that is, God in Christ reconciling...' This is clear that God in Christ is working through Jesus. This does not mean that Jesus is God.....

You know, your argument is very shallow full of assumptions. You have given phrases in the Bible but it does not support and confirm that Jesus is God.....
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:18 am
chico;46324 wrote:
In John 3.16 says 'FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON FOR WHOSOEVER BELIEVE IN HIM SHOULD NO PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE'..It is clear in this text that salvation comes from God not from Jesus and this was supported by Jude v25 says '..TO THE ONLY GOD OUR SAVIOUR THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, BE GLORY....' This is very clear that through Jesus Christ salvation was performed but salvation comes from God...

Immanuel 'GOD WITH US' - Yes this is right. God is with us working through Jesus. In 2Cor5.19 says '..that is, God in Christ reconciling...' This is clear that God in Christ is working through Jesus. This does not mean that Jesus is God.....

You know, your argument is very shallow full of assumptions. You have given phrases in the Bible but it does not support and confirm that Jesus is God.....

Then when Thomas said to Jesus my Lord and my God. Thomas was mistaken?
And Jesus was wrong for not rebuking Thomas for his mistake? And when the Father said He made the earth alone and by Himself, He was wrong to because everyone knows that Jesus made the earth? And when the Father spoke to Jesus and said, "Your Throne oh God is for ever and ever" The Father was wrong again for adressing Jesus as God? lol
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 05:34 am
Campbell34;46346 wrote:
Then when Thomas said to Jesus my Lord and my God. Thomas was mistaken?
And Jesus was wrong for not rebuking Thomas for his mistake? And when the Father said He made the earth alone and by Himself, He was wrong to because everyone knows that Jesus made the earth? And when the Father spoke to Jesus and said, "Your Throne oh God is for ever and ever" The Father was wrong again for adressing Jesus as God? lol

I am sure Thomas did not call Jesus God, I am 101% sure of that. If only Thomas said my Lord and God. This can be acceptable that Thomas was addressing to Jesus alone. But since Thomas said my Lord and my God, he's speaking of two entity, to Jesus and to God the Father. Since Jesus did not accept the greetings of the young rich man when he said GOOD teacher (Mark 10.17-18) Jesus rebuked him and said 'WHY DO YOU CALL ME GOOD? NO ONE IS GOOD BUT GOD ALONE' how much more when he was called God? Jesus did not rebuke Thomas because Jesus knew that he was not the one Thomas was refering when he said 'MY GOD'....

You are insisting of the wrong translation of the old King James version. This is the correct translation 'AND THE WORLD WAS MADE THROUGH HIM'. Look for the original Greek manuscript and you will find this text complete..

'Your throne oh God is forever and ever..' This is the most corrupted translation of the Bible just to justify that Jesus is called God... Is this realy the correct translation? Granting without accepting that this is the correct translation, my question is Where did Jesus get his throne? Do the Bible tell us that Jesus has throne? In Hebrew 12.2 says 'LOOKING INTO JESUS.....DESPISING THE SHAME AND IS SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE OF GOD...' It is clear that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God and can be said that the throne is from God and the phrase 'YOUR THRONE OH GOD' is refering to God the FAther not Jesus....
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 10:02 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46260 wrote:
The problem is you're using the bible to criticize the valadidity of other religions! That's like using the Qu'ran to disprove Hinduism....

I am using the bible to "validate" my "faith", I never made the claims that Jesus the Christ was not what He claimed to be....I merely justified my beliefs by using the scriptures. Its seems that some other religion is trying to lay claims that the Holy Bible is not speaking the truth. I never attack anyones faith, I merely defend the justification for my own, THE HOLY BIBLE AND THE TRUTHS CONTAINED THEREIN. RD
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 11:04 am
chico;46324 wrote:
In John 3.16 says 'FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON FOR WHOSOEVER BELIEVE IN HIM SHOULD NO PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE'..It is clear in this text that salvation comes from God not from Jesus and this was supported by Jude v25 says '..TO THE ONLY GOD OUR SAVIOUR THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, BE GLORY....' This is very clear that through Jesus Christ salvation was performed but salvation comes from God...

Immanuel 'GOD WITH US' - Yes this is right. God is with us working through Jesus. In 2Cor5.19 says '..that is, God in Christ reconciling...' This is clear that God in Christ is working through Jesus. This does not mean that Jesus is God.....

You know, your argument is very shallow full of assumptions. You have given phrases in the Bible but it does not support and confirm that Jesus is God.....

It is clear that you do not comprehend the concept the the "Godhead", the fact that 3 separate and distinct entities makeup the "ONE TRUE GOD". It is the same God, just existing in three distinct forms. Like water, at normal temperature it is a liquid, below freezing it is ice, a solid, at the boiling point it is in the nature of a Gas or vapor. Yet it is the same thing in all three states of reality in which we interact with it. The concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is much the same. As I said before, the term Godhead is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures 3 times (Acts 17:29, Rom.1:20, and Col.2:9 KJV). The scriptures never refer to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, (Godhead) as gods, in the plural nature but always in the single as one.

Consider the very clear and obvious writing of John Chapter One in which it deals with the incarnation of God (becoming flesh), "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"(when you stand with someone you are equal on the same level)......now surely you cannot deny that in very clear and simple language the scriptures in John 1:1 state that the "WORD WAS GOD", these are not my words but the words taken from the Bible. Then in the same chapter we read (John 1:14) again in very clear and simple language, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as the only "BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER,) full of grace and truth. If there is one passage in the Holy Bible that teaches that Jesus the Christ is God, in the flesh and a part of the Godhead, this is it.

Now consider the writings of Paul in Col.1:15-16."Who is the image of the invisible God......For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and earth......". Then we go to the Book of Genesis in 1:26 and read, "And God said let "US" make man in "OUR" image......" Just whom do you say are the "US" and the "OUR" God is referring to? Its true there is only one God, but God is invisible and cannot be seen by man, he had to take the form of Man to interact with man, in times past he only interacted through the Spirit. For you to claim that the Bible does not say that JESUS(THE WORD) is not God is just not so, because the apostle Paul states also that in Jesus rests the fullness of the Godhead, "For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Col 2:9) RD
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 11:33 am
RED DEVIL;46363 wrote:
It is clear that you do not comprehend the concept the the "Godhead", the fact that 3 separate and distinct entities makeup the "ONE TRUE GOD". It is the same God, just existing in three distinct forms. Like water, at normal temperature it is a liquid, below freezing it is ice, a solid, at the boiling point it is in the nature of a Gas or vapor. Yet it is the same thing in all three states of reality in which we interact with it. The concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is much the same. As I said before, the term Godhead is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures 3 times (Acts 17:29, Rom.1:20, and Col.2:9 KJV). The scriptures never refer to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, (Godhead) as gods, in the plural nature but always in the single as one.

Consider the very clear and obvious writing of John Chapter One in which it deals with the incarnation of God (becoming flesh), "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"(when you stand with someone you are equal on the same level)......now surely you cannot deny that in very clear and simple language the scriptures in John 1:1 state that the "WORD WAS GOD", these are not my words but the words taken from the Bible. Then in the same chapter we read (John 1:14) again in very clear and simple language, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as the only "BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER,) full of grace and truth. If there is one passage in the Holy Bible that teaches that Jesus the Christ is God, in the flesh and a part of the Godhead, this is it.

Now consider the writings of Paul in Col.1:15-16."Who is the image of the invisible God......For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and earth......". Then we go to the Book of Genesis in 1:26 and read, "And God said let "US" make man in "OUR" image......" Just whom do you say are the "US" and the "OUR" God is referring to? Its true there is only one God, but God is invisible and cannot be seen by man, he had to take the form of Man to interact with man, in times past he only interacted through the Spirit. For you to claim that the Bible does not say that JESUS(THE WORD) is not God is just not so, because the apostle Paul states also that in Jesus rests the fullness of the Godhead, "For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Col 2:9) RD

LOL, three christians and none of you can agree on the interpretation of the scriptures. If you guys can't agree how do the other millions get by?
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 01:11 pm
Numpty;46366 wrote:
LOL, three christians and none of you can agree on the interpretation of the scriptures. If you guys can't agree how do the other millions get by?

You see therein lies the problem. The scriptures are not for private "INTERPRETATION" (2 Peter 1:20), "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Paul went on to say in (chapter 2:1-4), "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even DENYING THE LORD that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be spoken evil of. And through covetousness shall they with FEIGNED WORDS make merchandise of you; whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnations slumbereth not.

Also one must "rightly divide the word" (2 Tim. 2:15), "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, But shun profane and vain babblings; for they will increase unto more ungodliness."

And all scripture is inspired of God (2 Tim 3:16-17), "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That a man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

The scriptures do not need to be interpreted, they self interpret, although they do need to be "comprehended". When one reads the scriptures to make 'contradiction to any other passage' they are not rightly dividing the word, for in the end all have the same author of inspiration, "THE HOLY SPIRIT".

This can lead to only one conclusion, all of us can be wrong, but only one can be right. As, everyone is welcome to their "opinion", but not their own truth, there is but one truth, and it lies in the WORDS of the scripture not from the mind of man. RD
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 01:59 pm
RED DEVIL;46388 wrote:
You see therein lies the problem. The scriptures are not for private "INTERPRETATION" (2 Peter 1:20), "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Paul went on to say in (chapter 2:1-4), "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even DENYING THE LORD that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be spoken evil of. And through covetousness shall they with FEIGNED WORDS make merchandise of you; whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnations slumbereth not.

Also one must "rightly divide the word" (2 Tim. 2:15), "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, But shun profane and vain babblings; for they will increase unto more ungodliness."

And all scripture is inspired of God (2 Tim 3:16-17), "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That a man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

The scriptures do not need to be interpreted, they self interpret, although they do need to be "comprehended". When one reads the scriptures to make 'contradiction to any other passage' they are not rightly dividing the word, for in the end all have the same author of inspiration, "THE HOLY SPIRIT".

This can lead to only one conclusion, all of us can be wrong, but only one can be right. As, everyone is welcome to their "opinion", but not their own truth, there is but one truth, and it lies in the WORDS of the scripture not from the mind of man. RD

Only if you BELIEVE the scriptures are A. True, B. Relevent, C. Inspired by God

I personally believe none of the above.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 02:18 pm
Numpty;46398 wrote:
Only if you BELIEVE the scriptures are A. True, B. Relevent, C. Inspired by God

I personally believe none of the above.

Like I said I will put my "FAITH" into the place where "I" think it will harvest the most good and not in the faith of man made concepts of theory, humanism, spiritualism, atheism, etc.....as faith is an individual way of life, and everyone should work out their own salvation, or not. But it is my duty to defend my faith by the only methodology at my disposal, the Holy Scriptures, after all that is were "my" faith is based, and nothing personal but my salvation does not hinge upon "your" beliefs, only my accepting the words that I believe to be true. I can present the "truth", for that also is my duty, both in words and deeds, but I can judge no one, for I, like all mankind are not worthy to judge anyone as I am a part of the sinful nature of mankind, so ultimately the very words as proclaimed by the Christ in the Holy Bible will judge everyone, not I. RD
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 02:34 pm
RED DEVIL;46356 wrote:
I am using the bible to "validate" my "faith", I never made the claims that Jesus the Christ was not what He claimed to be....I merely justified my beliefs by using the scriptures. Its seems that some other religion is trying to lay claims that the Holy Bible is not speaking the truth. I never attack anyones faith, I merely defend the justification for my own, THE HOLY BIBLE AND THE TRUTHS CONTAINED THEREIN. RD

No you did try to invalidate other faiths! you said and i quote:

The fact that there may be hundreds of different "false" teachings concerning these prophecies...
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 08:41 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46400 wrote:
No you did try to invalidate other faiths! you said and i quote:

I do believe that I must be speaking to one that is of the "liberal" mindset, the way the spinning of facts are being addressed. If I am not mistaken, the one that presented the post in which my "retort" was addressed was a person who has said that he is a non believer in the scriptures and has no faith there of, one "NUMPTY",(Post # 1098) who made the leading statement and questioned the deity of the Christ and compared him with other "pagan" false gods of history, and suggested that the Christ had stolen his position of deity from others of history. And I pointed out that the Christ is the only one who's claim can be validated in the prophecies of the Holy Bible, a history that goes back to the recorded history of mankind. If any reference is to be made of "insult" you are the one propagating it, not I. I defend only my own faith, and if the words that are written in the Holy Scriptures offend you, that would be of a personal nature and no fault of mine, I simply defend what is written. RD
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 09:27 pm
RED DEVIL;46467 wrote:
I do believe that I must be speaking to one that is of the "liberal" mindset, the way the spinning of facts are being addressed. If I am not mistaken, the one that presented the post in which my "retort" was addressed was a person who has said that he is a non believer in the scriptures and has no faith there of, one "NUMPTY",(Post # 1098) who made the leading statement and questioned the deity of the Christ and compared him with other "pagan" false gods of history, and suggested that the Christ had stolen his position of deity from others of history. And I pointed out that the Christ is the only one who's claim can be validated in the prophecies of the Holy Bible, a history that goes back to the recorded history of mankind. If any reference is to be made of "insult" you are the one propagating it, not I. I defend only my own faith, and if the words that are written in the Holy Scriptures offend you, that would be of a personal nature and no fault of mine, I simply defend what is written. RD

No he gave a list of gods similar to jesus, and you then tried to invalidate those gods using the bible....i don't believe anyone said other gods can be validated by the prophecies of the bible, so i have no idea why you even brought it up!

and no the scriptures don't offend me in the least, don't jump to conclusions!
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 09:56 am
chico;46349 wrote:
I am sure Thomas did not call Jesus God, I am 101% sure of that. If only Thomas said my Lord and God. This can be acceptable that Thomas was addressing to Jesus alone. But since Thomas said my Lord and my God, he's speaking of two entity, to Jesus and to God the Father. Since Jesus did not accept the greetings of the young rich man when he said GOOD teacher (Mark 10.17-18) Jesus rebuked him and said 'WHY DO YOU CALL ME GOOD? NO ONE IS GOOD BUT GOD ALONE' how much more when he was called God? Jesus did not rebuke Thomas because Jesus knew that he was not the one Thomas was refering when he said 'MY GOD'....

You are insisting of the wrong translation of the old King James version. This is the correct translation 'AND THE WORLD WAS MADE THROUGH HIM'. Look for the original Greek manuscript and you will find this text complete..

'Your throne oh God is forever and ever..' This is the most corrupted translation of the Bible just to justify that Jesus is called God... Is this realy the correct translation? Granting without accepting that this is the correct translation, my question is Where did Jesus get his throne? Do the Bible tell us that Jesus has throne? In Hebrew 12.2 says 'LOOKING INTO JESUS.....DESPISING THE SHAME AND IS SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE OF GOD...' It is clear that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God and can be said that the throne is from God and the phrase 'YOUR THRONE OH GOD' is refering to God the FAther not Jesus....

In John 20:28 Thomas answered and said unto him,(JESUS) (my Lord and my God.) Thomas adressed Jesus directly. Thomas was not speaking to anyone else, but Jesus. And in verse 29 Jesus tells Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Did you notice how there was no rebuke from Jesus because Thomas had mis spoke. The only way you could get Thomas adressing the Father here is if you played word games with the Scriptures.

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