chico;45589 wrote:This is a big contradiction in 1Cor8.5-6 wherein Paul said there is only one God the Father.... How can Jesus be equal to the Father wherein Jesus said that the Father is greater than him?
Where is the contradiction? Jesus the Christ never said nor made claim to being God the Father, but the Son of God who had the Spirit of God without measure (John 3:34). Jesus did say that if you had seen Him that you had also seen the Father, thus making claims to being equal and a part of the Godhead as he said, ".......he that has seen me hath seen the Father, and how sayest thou then, show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am IN the Father and the Father IN Me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that Dwelleth in Me( via the Spirit), he doeth the works (miracles)."(John 14:9-10).
The concept of there being 3 distinct yet equal parts of the Godhead is greatly misunderstood by many yet is clearly explained in great detail in scripture. The word "Godhead" is mentioned 3 times in the scriptures (Acts 17:29, Rom1:20,Col2:9). There in fact are 2 different Greek words translated Godhead in these scriptures, Theiotes and Theotes. My Greek translator edition(Thayers Greek-English Lexicon) on pg. 285 says "theiotes" means divintity while "theiotes" is described as being the attributes of God or the personality of God.
The Godhead consists of 3 entities. The term God(divinity) is applied to Father in scriptures (Romans 1:7), the Son in (Hebrews 1:8) and the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-4). There are 3 entities that comprise or makeup the Godhead (the state of being God), they all are one in their nature, purpose, and thinking (John 14:8-11). The term Gods, as being plural is never used in scripture when referring to either of the 3. In fact any time that God/s is used in its plurality it is always used in describing false worship of idols or pagan practices of Pantheon(temple were many gods are worshiped), such as mentioned in (Ex.12:12). The scriptures clearly and unmistakably present 3 separate and distinct entities or personalities of God, but they are always addressed in the singular as ONE. (2Cor.13:14, Eph.4:4-6,Matt3:13-17). Thus the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-existent, co-eternal, and co-equal.
When the Word(Logos/translation) became flesh, he assumed the position of Son (John 3:16). The incarnation is mentioned in detail when comparing Jesus as the Word in (John 1:1-11). Jesus (the Word) existed at the beginning and did the actual creating of all things which are created (Col.1:16), in fact Jesus said, "......Before Abraham was, I am" (John 8:58). The verb "I am" indicates deity or eternal.....thus he said, "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (Jn.14:9).
The Holy Spirit was present at the time of creation also (Genesis 1:2). It seems that the role of the Spirit of God is that of creating order and communicating Gods will in the physical world (Gen 1:1-2,John 14-16). The Spirit is presented as on the same level and equality as Jesus as the translation for spirit(allos) actually means another of the same sort or same as (John 14:16).
One might look at the Godhead like a triangle with 3 distinct and equal sides yet making up One geometrical shape with one purpose......ONE GOD. RD