SWORD of GOD;45210 wrote:You claim that the whole bible was a Divine book, and that implies no contradiction should exist in it, otherwise it would not have been from God:
In Exodus 33:20, God declares, "You cannot see My face, for no one may see Me and live."
If you believe that Jesus is God then he was the one who declared that "no one can see ME and live". If you reject this decleration then you deny that Jesus was God of the OT.
Choose your option!
God exist in 3 persons, and it was the Father who spoke those words, and that is why Jesus said no one has seen the Father at any time. Yet remember, the Father adresses Jesus as God as well. There is only One God, but He = three persons.
And again, this is why when God created man God tells us. Let (US) make man in (OUR) image, and in (OUR) likness. God is speaking with the other members of the Godhead. For only God alone was involved in Creation.