If Jesus was God ...

Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 04:10 am
Campbell34;43628 wrote:
Adam Bing;43517 wrote:

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Book of Job chapter 40:15-24 and Job chapter 41: 1-34
Links below may help.
Are Dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible?
"Behemoth" & "Leviathan"
Dinosaurs in the Bible

Intersting stuff, but it really is a stretch to say that there were dinosaurs in the bible. Clutching and straws would be used in a sentance methinks.

Now let me enlighten you with some proper evidence. Please read as have done your eveidence.

Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" controversy
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 04:31 am
Numpty;43634 wrote:
Campbell34;43628 wrote:

Intersting stuff, but it really is a stretch to say that there were dinosaurs in the bible. Clutching and straws would be used in a sentance methinks.

Now let me enlighten you with some proper evidence. Please read as have done your eveidence.

Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" controversy

So you believe an elephant had a tail the size of a ceder tree. And elephants only live in swamps. OK
Also, I might point out there are many other pictures of dinosaurs that early man has drawn of such, and these are not that easy to dismiss.
Also the human and dinosaur tracks were found intact under undisturbed rock and the believers in evolution still refused to believe. And the reason they would not believe it was because it did not agree with their theory.
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 03:04 pm
Also, I might point out there are many other pictures of dinosaurs that early man has drawn of such, and these are not that easy to dismiss.

What do you think about cave drawings that portray aliens?
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 07:34 pm
They're cave drawings that portray aliens (drawn by people). Hey....how is your quest for Communism coming along down there in Brazil? You should read Carlos Marighella's handbook on urban guerrilla warfare. Excellent stuff. He was killed by the cops, fighting for his cause in the hood.
0 Replies
Adam Bing
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 08:56 pm
Campbell34;43635 wrote:
Numpty;43634 wrote:

So you believe an elephant had a tail the size of a ceder tree. And elephants only live in swamps. OK
Also, I might point out there are many other pictures of dinosaurs that early man has drawn of such, and these are not that easy to dismiss.
Also the human and dinosaur tracks were found intact under undisturbed rock and the believers in evolution still refused to believe. And the reason they would not believe it was because it did not agree with their theory.

I read your evidence in those sites. There is no way that evidence will withstand scrutiy unless you believe in the Bible in the first place.

I would like you to conduct an exercise. For a while, try to be objective ie. do not believe in the Bible (god will forgive you a 1 hour suspension in the interest of truth) and do not believe in evolution or the fact that man and dinasaurs are seperated by at least 60 million years. Suspend both convictions and thrn read the evidence in your links and the one Numpty has provided : Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" controversy

Then try and assess the two different ways the arguments are being made.

Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 09:14 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43726 wrote:
Campbell34;43635 wrote:

I read your evidence in those sites. There is no way that evidence will withstand scrutiy unless you believe in the Bible in the first place.

I would like you to conduct an exercise. For a while, try to be objective ie. do not believe in the Bible (god will forgive you a 1 hour suspension in the interest of truth) and do not believe in evolution or the fact that man and dinasaurs are seperated by at least 60 million years. Suspend both convictions and thrn read the evidence in your links and the one Numpty has provided : Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" controversy

Then try and assess the two different ways the arguments are being made.


Why are you going there with him....Galileo, and Columbus, were but a few who turned beliefs on their heads...yet, there were hardcores who believed the Earth was the center of the universe and that it was "flat", despite evidence to the contrary...what are you going to do? Let people remain in their quandaries.
Adam Bing
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 09:28 pm
aaronssongs;43735 wrote:
Adam Bing;43726 wrote:

Why are you going there with him....Galileo, and Columbus, were but a few who turned beliefs on their heads...yet, there were hardcores who believed the Earth was the center of the universe and that it was "flat", despite evidence to the contrary...what are you going to do? Let people remain in their quandaries.

It is not him aaronssongs. It is the rest of those who read these views. The fact that our children are being told that dinasaurs were killed off only 15000 years ago and beng taken to Creation Museums where they show Dinasaurs and man together, is the reason why we as a nation are begining to lag behind in the sciences versus the rest of the world.

Just think of the consequences here. Genetic related discoveries and advancements have ensured that Biology is going to be the bulwark of this century just as physics was of the last. Evolution is the bedstone of biology. The rest of the world be it Europe or Asia has no problem accepting that and are not therefore confuding their children with creation theories nor are they stretching the truth - the 'man & dinasaur together' claim is a case in point - to give credence to creationism.

Ergo, their kids are kicking ass in Biological sciences whether in their own country or if they are here while ours are groping through a confusion caused by us adults. Its nothing less than a national shame.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 01:10 am
markx15;43692 wrote:
What do you think about cave drawings that portray aliens?

It is my belief that the aliens are demons that want us to believe they are from an advanced race. I believe this will be part of the end time deception.
They are actually advanced, but they are also the evil one's that the Bible speaks of. I myself have had encounters with these guys. And there is nothing nice about them.
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 01:26 am
Campbell34;43762 wrote:
It is my belief that the aliens are demons that want us to believe they are from an advanced race. I believe this will be part of the end time deception.
They are actually advanced, but they are also the evil one's that the Bible speaks of. I myself have had encounters with these guys. And there is nothing nice about them.

Okay Mr.Campbell. You win. I cannot even being to match your thought process. Many thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 04:15 pm
Hey....how is your quest for Communism coming along down there in Brazil?

Great! We increased our health expenses for next year by 10 billion today! But don't worry, my countrymen aren't prone for revolution, we like democracy, our last dictatorship was too recent for us to try anything that might harm civil rights. I will probably see nothing other than a change to a social democracy, but thats enough for me.
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 04:16 am
[SIZE="3"]The debates that Christian apologists are scared to watch![/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]A Collection of Ahmad Deedat's Debates/Lectures High Quality Videos[/SIZE]

You can download the following debates or watch them online here TRUTHWAY TV

1. Deedat's Encounter with Christians Missionaries

2. Christ in Islam:
Presentation for Sheikh Ahmad Deedat about Christ in Islam.

3. What the Bible Says About Muhammad PBUH

4. Muhammad PBUH the Greatest:
A lecture presented by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Bless be Upon Him), Sheikh Ahmad Deedat Well-Known as a muslim scholar who has had many debates in comparative religion with many christians scholars.

5. Was Christ Crucified ? :
It's a great debate between Sheikh Ahmad Deedat who is well-known as a muslim scholar in comparative religion and Dr.Floyd E. Clark who is a professor emeritus at Johnson Bible College USA. In this debate was the first appearance for Dr. Anis Shorrosh whom Sheikh Ahmad Deedat had many debates with.

6. The Quran or The Bible Which is God's Word? :Is the Bible God's Word? : Is the Bible God's Word Q&A

9. Muhammad in the Bible in response to Swaggart: Crucifixion Fact or Fiction (Debate):
A great debate between Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and Dr. Robert Douglas who has PhD in Religion; the debate took place at the University of Kansas on 16th November 1986. Recommended.

11. Popes Pious Pronouncement:
One of the Greatest debates in the last century; Sheikh Ahmad Deedat accepted the challenge and debated Dr. Anis Shorrosh in this debate u can see how Anis dealt with the audience, how weak is his Arabic language though he is an Arab! And many other things, worth seeing ...

13. Is the Bible True Word Of God?
One of the Greatest Debates, It's between Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and Pastor Sjoberg, it's worth seeing don't miss it.

14. Is Jesus God?
One of the greatest debates, where Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and Pastor Stanley Sjoberg was discussing one of the most important issues in Christianity... it's really a great debate and worth seeing .. don't miss it!

15. Tribute and Times of Sheikh Ahmad Deedat:
How did Sheikh Ahmad live? How did he start the Dawah? Who were coming to his work place to practice?! How did he find the book?... This Film talks about Sheikh Deedat's Story the Great Muslim Scholar in Comparative religion in the 20th Century.
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 06:10 am
Campbell34;43762 wrote:
It is my belief that the aliens are demons that want us to believe they are from an advanced race. I believe this will be part of the end time deception.
They are actually advanced, but they are also the evil one's that the Bible speaks of. I myself have had encounters with these guys. And there is nothing nice about them.

You really are quite mentally unstable.

I myself am undecided on whether we have been 'visited' from another race. But to label them demons, say you have met them, understand they are advanced and say that they were written about in the bible.

Bloody hell mate you are a sandwich short of a picnic
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 06:19 am
SWORD of GOD;43991 wrote:
[SIZE="3"]The debates that Christian apologists are scared to watch![/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]A Collection of Ahmad Deedat's Debates/Lectures High Quality Videos[/SIZE]

You can download the following debates or watch them online here TRUTHWAY TV

1. Deedat's Encounter with Christians Missionaries

2. Christ in Islam:
Presentation for Sheikh Ahmad Deedat about Christ in Islam.

3. What the Bible Says About Muhammad PBUH

4. Muhammad PBUH the Greatest:
A lecture presented by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Bless be Upon Him), Sheikh Ahmad Deedat Well-Known as a muslim scholar who has had many debates in comparative religion with many christians scholars.

5. Was Christ Crucified ? :
It's a great debate between Sheikh Ahmad Deedat who is well-known as a muslim scholar in comparative religion and Dr.Floyd E. Clark who is a professor emeritus at Johnson Bible College USA. In this debate was the first appearance for Dr. Anis Shorrosh whom Sheikh Ahmad Deedat had many debates with.

6. The Quran or The Bible Which is God's Word? :Is the Bible God's Word? : Is the Bible God's Word Q&A

9. Muhammad in the Bible in response to Swaggart: Crucifixion Fact or Fiction (Debate):
A great debate between Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and Dr. Robert Douglas who has PhD in Religion; the debate took place at the University of Kansas on 16th November 1986. Recommended.

11. Popes Pious Pronouncement:
One of the Greatest debates in the last century; Sheikh Ahmad Deedat accepted the challenge and debated Dr. Anis Shorrosh in this debate u can see how Anis dealt with the audience, how weak is his Arabic language though he is an Arab! And many other things, worth seeing ...

13. Is the Bible True Word Of God?
One of the Greatest Debates, It's between Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and Pastor Sjoberg, it's worth seeing don't miss it.

14. Is Jesus God?
One of the greatest debates, where Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and Pastor Stanley Sjoberg was discussing one of the most important issues in Christianity... it's really a great debate and worth seeing .. don't miss it!

15. Tribute and Times of Sheikh Ahmad Deedat:
How did Sheikh Ahmad live? How did he start the Dawah? Who were coming to his work place to practice?! How did he find the book?... This Film talks about Sheikh Deedat's Story the Great Muslim Scholar in Comparative religion in the 20th Century.

Mr Sword of God, take your pathetic propaganda else where, if you are open to debate in a civilised way regarding this issue instead of trying to prove at evey opporuntiy how much you hate Christians and jews, then stay and be welcomed. If not, crawl back under you stone and stay there. You are begining to bore me now with your bigoted self obsessed views.

Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 01:49 pm
Numpty;43993 wrote:
Mr Sword of God, take your pathetic propaganda else where, if you are open to debate in a civilised way regarding this issue instead of trying to prove at evey opporuntiy how much you hate Christians and jews, then stay and be welcomed. If not, crawl back under you stone and stay there. You are begining to bore me now with your bigoted self obsessed views.


So why are you scared of my pathetic propaganda as you call it !!!?

Why you bother yourself in reading my thread and responding to my posts if they are pathetic propaganda !!!!!?
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 01:50 pm
[SIZE="3"]Questions No Christian Wants to Answer![/SIZE]


Do you really believe that the following barbaric awuful passages were inspired by GOD !? .... Do you really trust and follow a book that contains such evil acts and teachings !!?

" If you hear that in one of the towns which Yahweh your God has given you for a home, there are men, scoundrels from your own stock, who have let their fellow-citizens astray, saying "Let us go and serve other gods," hitherto unknown to you, it is your duty to look into the matter, examine it, and inquire most carefully. If it is proved and confirmed that such a hateful thing has taken place among you, you must put the inhabitants of that town to the sword; you must lay it under the curse of destruction - the town and everything in it. You must pile up all its loot in the public square and burn the town and all its loot, offering it all to Yahweh your God. It is to be a ruin for all time and never rebuilt".
(Deuteronomy 13:12-16).

No sane person could ever believe that God isnpired his prophets in this barbaric way, and as such must attribute this to further examples of massive fabrications and lies found in the Bible.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 06:05 pm
Numpty;43992 wrote:
You really are quite mentally unstable.

I myself am undecided on whether we have been 'visited' from another race. But to label them demons, say you have met them, understand they are advanced and say that they were written about in the bible.

Bloody hell mate you are a sandwich short of a picnic

I been trying to tell y'all.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 06:44 pm
SWORD of GOD;44015 wrote:
So why are you scared of my pathetic propaganda as you call it !!!?

Why you bother yourself in reading my thread and responding to my posts if they are pathetic propaganda !!!!!?

Not entirely sure where I wrote I was scared. If you could point me to the post I would be very gratefull.

I read your thread so I can highlight to the other people who view these pages what a bigoted hateful person you are. All you are interested in is forcing your hate of Jewish and Christian on the rest of us.

Your Religion and your belief systems has made you resentfull, to the point that all you can do is persicute. If you truely wanted everyone to know what a peacefull and enlightening Religion Islam is you would have already done so. But no, all you want to do is taunt the others with your holier than thou attitude. You are exactly what is wrong in the world right now, narrow minded backward thinking fundamentalists.

I have no love of religion, this much you know. It is my duty as a person of this world we ALL live in to make sure religous fanatics are questioned at every opportunity on all aspects of their agendas, YOU included. So that we do not decend into a self profecised Armagedden. Reason and acceptance are they way forward not your religous dogma entrenched in a medievil mind set of persicussion by the wielders of 'Gods word'.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 01:06 pm
Numpty;43992 wrote:
You really are quite mentally unstable.

I myself am undecided on whether we have been 'visited' from another race. But to label them demons, say you have met them, understand they are advanced and say that they were written about in the bible.

Bloody hell mate you are a sandwich short of a picnic

Well if you ever take the time to read a book on the subject, you might try reading one by John Keel call. "Why UFOs". Keel himself I believe is not a Christian, yet points out that the more he researched UFOs, the more he found himself and his friends being influnced by the age old world of demonology. Keel states that to really understand who they are, it is best to pay attention to the actual contact stories. Keel is one of the formost writers on the subject. Many researchers have thrown up their hands because UFOs often fall into the camp of the paranormal.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 08:36 pm
Campbell34;43762 wrote:
It is my belief that the aliens are demons that want us to believe they are from an advanced race. I believe this will be part of the end time deception.
They are actually advanced, but they are also the evil one's that the Bible speaks of. I myself have had encounters with these guys. And there is nothing nice about them.


Demon aliens!???? The funniest part is that you actually believe in this ****!!!!


Reply Mon 5 Nov, 2007 10:26 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44371 wrote:

Demon aliens!???? The funniest part is that you actually believe in this ****!!!!



Laugh all you want but I too have and some of my friends have had experiences with evil spirits, and yes they are not nice.

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