If Jesus was God ...

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 05:02 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
I do believe all Jehovah God has ever said .

You are making no sense what so ever campbell except to prove one must find God through the Holy Spirit and not depend on the poor translation of the KJV of the bible.

You have pointed out yourself where the translation has been altered.

Yet you say you believe every word of it. Does that make any sense?

Have you read the added books of the catholic bible ?

Have you read the Apocrypha ?

Have you read any of the ancient sacred texts excluded by man from both?

I have this truth for you campbell all of God's truth is not found in the mainstream Protestant bible. The Holy Spirit has taught me much that is not in the bible.

Ask and you'll learn too. That is if your open to learning.

It boils down to the original question of this thread.

Did Jesus ever say he was God?

No in fact he spent a great deal of time telling people he was not and that God the father was greater than he.

I serve and follow Christ campbell daily in my life. I am just not confused about who he is.

But my worship is reserved for the one true God , just as Christ told us to do, in the bible that you have pointed out so well is badly mis translated.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 06:00 am
wvpeach;36021 wrote:
I do believe all Jehovah God has ever said .

You are making no sense what so ever campbell except to prove one must find God through the Holy Spirit and not depend on the poor translation of the KJV of the bible.

You have pointed out yourself where the translation has been altered.

Yet you say you believe every word of it. Does that make any sense?

Have you read the added books of the catholic bible ?

Have you read the Apocrypha ?

Have you read any of the ancient sacred texts excluded by man from both?

I have this truth for you campbell all of God's truth is not found in the mainstream Protestant bible. The Holy Spirit has taught me much that is not in the bible.

Ask and you'll learn too. That is if your open to learning.

It boils down to the original question of this thread.

Did Jesus ever say he was God?

No in fact he spent a great deal of time telling people he was not and that God the father was greater than he.

I serve and follow Christ campbell daily in my life. I am just not confused about who he is.

But my worship is reserved for the one true God , just as Christ told us to do, in the bible that you have pointed out so well is badly mis translated.

You say you believe all of what JEHOVAH GOD has said. So when JEHOVAH GOD tells us He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF. Do you believe then HE did this without anyone helping Him. YES or NO.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 09:16 pm
It was a yes or no question...
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Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:06 am
wvpeach;36021 wrote:
I do believe all Jehovah God has ever said .

You are making no sense what so ever campbell except to prove one must find God through the Holy Spirit and not depend on the poor translation of the KJV of the bible.

You have pointed out yourself where the translation has been altered.

Yet you say you believe every word of it. Does that make any sense?

Have you read the added books of the catholic bible ?

Have you read the Apocrypha ?

Have you read any of the ancient sacred texts excluded by man from both?

I have this truth for you campbell all of God's truth is not found in the mainstream Protestant bible. The Holy Spirit has taught me much that is not in the bible.

Ask and you'll learn too. That is if your open to learning.

It boils down to the original question of this thread.

Did Jesus ever say he was God?

No in fact he spent a great deal of time telling people he was not and that God the father was greater than he.

I serve and follow Christ campbell daily in my life. I am just not confused about who he is.

But my worship is reserved for the one true God , just as Christ told us to do, in the bible that you have pointed out so well is badly mis translated.

How do you feel about His Heaven being so small compared to His Hell.

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:03 am
The title of the thread says if "Jesus was God", not if he said it.
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:11 am
@Greatest I am cv,
I do not believe God will be sending mankind to hell. God may have a place like hell he will be keeping Satan and the other fallen angels, but not mankind.

The words hell and hades are mistranslations in the bible. The translations come from sheol and Hades and mean the grave - as in death or the place that trash is burned.

The mistranslation happened about the time that Origon was head of the church and he is quoted as having said.

" while this idea of eternal torment by God is false , let it continue that the common man might in fear serve his God better"

God will destroy a sinful man or woman. Kill, put to death whatever term you prefer. God will not eternally torment mankind for deeds done in their short 70-90 years on this earth.

So great I am . I do not think there ever was a place called hell. So I can't compare the size of something that doesn't exist.

May God in Christs name shine the truth of this on whomever seeks this truth.

Greatest I am;36573 wrote:
How do you feel about His Heaven being so small compared to His Hell.

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:13 am
Drnaline am I missing something in your post?

How else are we to determine if Jesus was God except by the words of Jesus himself?

I would think the words ( if he said it as you say) would be the only way to determine who Jesus was.

But maybe you meant something else and I am not understanding so I will wait to see your response.

Drnaline;36579 wrote:
The title of the thread says if "Jesus was God", not if he said it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:22 am
How else are we to determine if Jesus was God except by the words of Jesus himself?
For that matter how do you determine he was the son of God? I would suppose you would use the same process.
I would think the words ( if he said it as you say) would be the only way to determine who Jesus was.
I think with science there are a few other ways. Also i didn't have any other point but to correct what the thread really said.
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:32 am
Campbell you are forgetting the fact that the bible has been tranlated and changed by man hundreds of times. You also forget that many books of the bible have been taken out slowly over the centuries. I'd be happy to show you my research on the councils that have put the various versions of the bible together over the centuries. The picking and choosing , the out right changing of the meaning in translations to suit their political needs.

I like to use a Hebrew/ Arabic/ English edition I have it helps to get to the truth of God's word. But even in that translation many of the books have been left out.

Through the Holy Spirit's teachings in my studies I know that Christ created this world. I've been taught that at the hand of God through the Holy Spirit.

If I just had the bible to go on I can understand how people get confused.That is why the bible tells us that they shall each seek God on their own and have need for no man to teach them. Because God knew that man would corrupt ( take away from and add to) the Holy word. So Christ promised us the Holy Spirit to teach us all truth.

If I have read the bible once cover to cover, I have read it a thousand times cover to cover. I have been seeking that truth since I was a young adult. I can testify to the fact that my first dozen readings left me wondering and upset about all the contradictions in the bible. ( like the one you mention where at one point it seems God created the earth and then in others that Christ created it) It was only when I learned to pray for God to send the Holy Spirit to teach me and to drop the scales from my eyes so that I might see clearly and understand in truth God's Holy word that I began to see it in truth.

God also led me to the Apocrypha , the books in the Catholic bible that are not in the Protestant version of the KJV and sacred texts and devotions written over the centuries that contain God's truth.

Campbell34;35944 wrote:
(Hebrews) says that the Lord Jesus Christ created this world.

Now heres the problem, if Jesus and God are not one God, then one of them would not be telling us the truth. For in Isaiah 44:24 we read, "Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: "I am the LORD, who MAKES ALL THINGS, who stretches out the heavens ALL ALONE, Who spreads abroad the earth BY MYSELF. Do you notice how God fails to mention that He had Jesus helping Him. God tells us He did this ALL ALONE and BY HIMSELF. Did He just forget to say that His Son created this world? God doesent forget. God could only make such a statement if He and Jesus were one God. Otherwise that statement would be outright lie. And God is not a liar. Do you believe the Fathers words when He tells us He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:16 am
wvpeach;36580 wrote:
I do not believe God will be sending mankind to hell. God may have a place like hell he will be keeping Satan and the other fallen angels, but not mankind.

The words hell and hades are mistranslations in the bible. The translations come from sheol and Hades and mean the grave - as in death or the place that trash is burned.

The mistranslation happened about the time that Origon was head of the church and he is quoted as having said.

" while this idea of eternal torment by God is false , let it continue that the common man might in fear serve his God better"

God will destroy a sinful man or woman. Kill, put to death whatever term you prefer. God will not eternally torment mankind for deeds done in their short 70-90 years on this earth.

So great I am . I do not think there ever was a place called hell. So I can't compare the size of something that doesn't exist.

May God in Christs name shine the truth of this on whomever seeks this truth.

I am not well versed on Jehovah's but I remember something about 144,000 or some such number. Care to refresh my memory?

If there is no Hell then what does God eventually do with His fallen angels?

I should tell you that I do not read the Bible literally and do not believe in angels, good or otherwise.

Do Jehovah's believe in the talking snake?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:22 am
wvpeach;36588 wrote:

If I just had the bible to go on I can understand how people get confused.That is why the bible tells us that they shall each seek God on their own and have need for no man to teach them. Because God knew that man would corrupt ( take away from and add to) the Holy word. So Christ promised us the Holy Spirit to teach us all truth.

I agree.
A rather Gnostic approach. Yes?

Not a critisism, just a comment.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:29 am
Drnaline;36583 wrote:
For that matter how do you determine he was the son of God? I would suppose you would use the same process.I think with science there are a few other ways. Also i didn't have any other point but to correct what the thread really said.

Off topic.

I would think that most Christians are liberals in the greater sence of the word. We allow other to **** up all they like and are happy to criticize them.

Conservatives are more like our fundamentalist brothers. They of course are thoroughly fucked up. Not surprising when they start with the belief in talking snakes and go on from that strange position.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:41 am
@Greatest I am cv,
First of all Greatest let me say I am not a Jehovah's Witness . I have studied for over 2 years with them and have many friends due to that study time I count among their numbers. I have studied with many denominations and faiths during my life time . I am a student of religion so to speak. Seeking all my life to know God's truth I have investigated every religious persuasion man has come up with almost. Almost I say because some smack of Satan right off the bat, no need to look into those.

My belief about the 144,000 is they were made by God to serve as kings and priests under Christ. These 144,000 are to help keep us all on the right path when this system of the world is finished. And for most of us we will be living on a new earth created by God, building our own homes and tending our own vineyards.

The bible tells us that Satan and fallen angels will be chained in a abyss, being a big hole, I believe may be right here on earth. I do not believe God would torment any being, even Satan for eternity, but I have not been made privy as to what will be the final fate of Satan or the fallen angels.

As I said I am not a Jehovahs witness . I believe through the Holy Spirit God teaches his own . This teaching can be audible, or in our minds through prayer, or in the written word. I do believe the bible Greatest, but believe we need the Holy Spirit to guide us as to what is God's Word in it and as to what has been corrupted by man. There are many other sacred texts other than the bible the Holy Spirit has led me to to learn the truth about God.

Greatest what writings do you use to learn of God?

As for talking snakes and talking animals for that matter. I believe God is the great I am, the one true God ; all powerful and able to do or create anything he wants. If God wants a animal of any kind to be able to speak it will. Or for that matter a tree, a flower, a cloud, a mountain. God is just that powerful.

Good discussion with you Greatest.

Greatest I am;36603 wrote:
I am not well versed on Jehovah's but I remember something about 144,000 or some such number. Care to refresh my memory?

If there is no Hell then what does God eventually do with His fallen angels?

I should tell you that I do not read the Bible literally and do not believe in angels, good or otherwise.

Do Jehovah's believe in the talking snake?

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:56 am
ONe of my good friends is a none practicing Jehovah Witness, LOL.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 10:05 am
wvpeach;36611 wrote:
First of all Greatest let me say I am not a Jehovah's Witness . I have studied for over 2 years with them and have many friends due to that study time I count among their numbers. I have studied with many denominations and faiths during my life time . I am a student of religion so to speak. Seeking all my life to know God's truth I have investigated every religious persuasion man has come up with almost. Almost I say because some smack of Satan right off the bat, no need to look into those.

My belief about the 144,000 is they were made by God to serve as kings and priests under Christ. These 144,000 are to help keep us all on the right path when this system of the world is finished. And for most of us we will be living on a new earth created by God, building our own homes and tending our own vineyards.

The bible tells us that Satan and fallen angels will be chained in a abyss, being a big hole, I believe may be right here on earth. I do not believe God would torment any being, even Satan for eternity, but I have not been made privy as to what will be the final fate of Satan or the fallen angels.

As I said I am not a Jehovah's witness . I believe through the Holy Spirit God teaches his own . This teaching can be audible, or in our minds through prayer, or in the written word. I do believe the bible Greatest, but believe we need the Holy Spirit to guide us as to what is God's Word in it and as to what has been corrupted by man. There are many other sacred texts other than the bible the Holy Spirit has led me to to learn the truth about God.

Greatest what writings do you use to learn of God?

As for talking snakes and talking animals for that matter. I believe God is the great I am, the one true God ; all powerful and able to do or create anything he wants. If God wants a animal of any kind to be able to speak it will. Or for that matter a tree, a flower, a cloud, a mountain. God is just that powerful.

Good discussion with you Greatest.

Our learning curve is similar.
Wisdom can indeed be found in many diverse places. This aptitude places you with the Gnostic view of a personal God, holy spirit, guiding you.

I use the Christian Bible as a road map to God and Jesus as a guide. This is more because of my knowledge of scripture because I recognize that most Bibles are worthy and useful to a universal God.
It has the odd blunder of course and within it's pages are found the Christ as well as the Antichrist. Not surprising because it is to represent the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

It does it's job well and perhaps this helps me in focusing on the true God. I always have to first figure out who is speaking to me, the Christ or the Antichrist.
It keeps me sharp. I hope.
If you like to read I would suggest the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Check em out.
They will make you think.
Also, Zeitgeist the movie is interesting.

If I was more computer literate I would supply the links but.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 10:16 am
Drnaline;36616 wrote:
ONe of my good friends is a none practicing Jehovah Witness, LOL.

I have to thank Jehovah's for bringing me to where I am today in religious thought.

When I was a non believer I had tons of fun argueing religion with them. Unfortunately as I got better at it they would basically runaway from my arguments because they could not easily refute them. I hope I converted some of them to, shall we say, a better form of Christianity. On e not so self centered.

Thank God for different folks.

If all Christians were practicing Christians then the world would be a much better place. Unless of course we all became fundamentals, then the world would be a strange place indeed.

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 03:36 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
I have one question to this topic which has been raised. How do any of you understand the meaning of Luke, Chapter 13 vs, 23, 24 and 25? Also Luke Chapter 16, vs. 19 through 31. Is the only place the New Testament Hades is put into prospective that I know of. If anyone has more then please enlighten me.
I understand it to mean the grave (6 feet under) is hell. The body is there and the soul which in the rich mans case is beginning to come to understand that he is seperated from God. So those not going to heaven find hell in the grave. The rest in knowledge they are saved and only their body is in the grave. have I missed something?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 05:39 pm
No mlurp it sounds like you have it right . Except we sleep in the grave and know nothing till God calls us back.

mlurp;36684 wrote:
I have one question to this topic which has been raised. How do any of you understand the meaning of Luke, Chapter 13 vs, 23, 24 and 25? Also Luke Chapter 16, vs. 19 through 31. Is the only place the New Testament Hades is put into prospective that I know of. If anyone has more then please enlighten me.
I understand it to mean the grave (6 feet under) is hell. The body is there and the soul which in the rich mans case is beginning to come to understand that he is seperated from God. So those not going to heaven find hell in the grave. The rest in knowledge they are saved and only their body is in the grave. have I missed something?

The word hell is derived from roman myths . The goddess helena known as ruler of the firey under world in Roman mythology is where they came up with the word and concept of hell . The word hell was nowhere in the original writings of the bible. When speaking of where man goes when he dies the original writings speak of sheol the grave and hades the place where trash was burned and what happens when you burn something it is consumed and is no more.

Hell is a lie
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:55 pm
wvpeach;36704 wrote:
No mlurp it sounds like you have it right . Except we sleep in the grave and know nothing till God calls us back.

The word hell is derived from roman myths . The goddess helena known as ruler of the firey under world in Roman mythology is where they came up with the word and concept of hell . The word hell was nowhere in the original writings of the bible. When speaking of where man goes when he dies the original writings speak of sheol the grave and hades the place where trash was burned and what happens when you burn something it is consumed and is no more.

Hell is a lie

Well how is it that the theif on the cross who died would be in pardise with Jesus that very day?

And the Bible tells us that whosoever was not found in the Book of life was cast into the Lake of fire. The Book of life involves people, not angles or the Devil.

wvpeach one of the only groups that believe any of this are the JWs. And they do not believe in Hell because the founder of the JWs was so fearful of Hell he removed it from the JWs rewritten Bible. A Bible that has been condemed by scholars world wide. Also the Bible we read today is not just a copy of one Book but a copy made from thousands of copies of the Bibles covering many years and countries. This is called the Majority Text. It is not something a small group could some how change.

When you follow a doctrine that does not agree with the Word of God you are often unable to even agree with blatent statements that are made by God. Such as how some are unable to even agree that the Father alone and by Himself created the earth. JWs cannot agree with the Father here because the Fathers statement does not agree with the JWs belief. So JWs ignore the Fathers Words rather than correct their belief system.
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:13 am
mlurp;36684 wrote:
I have one question to this topic which has been raised. How do any of you understand the meaning of Luke, Chapter 13 vs, 23, 24 and 25? Also Luke Chapter 16, vs. 19 through 31. Is the only place the New Testament Hades is put into prospective that I know of. If anyone has more then please enlighten me.
I understand it to mean the grave (6 feet under) is hell. The body is there and the soul which in the rich mans case is beginning to come to understand that he is seperated from God. So those not going to heaven find hell in the grave. The rest in knowledge they are saved and only their body is in the grave. have I missed something?

God is a decisive fellow.
Unless He wants to admit to screwing up on soul creation then we can be sure that all our destinies are in Heaven.
God does not need a book of name or any theatrics.
We die, we go to Heaven.
God initially was the master of all. At the end the same condition remains.
To say that He looses us to anything else would make Him a back slider. This cannot be.
It is impossible to be separated from God. Can you leave this universe. No.


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