@Greatest I am cv,
First of all Greatest let me say I am not a Jehovah's Witness . I have studied for over 2 years with them and have many friends due to that study time I count among their numbers. I have studied with many denominations and faiths during my life time . I am a student of religion so to speak. Seeking all my life to know God's truth I have investigated every religious persuasion man has come up with almost. Almost I say because some smack of Satan right off the bat, no need to look into those.
My belief about the 144,000 is they were made by God to serve as kings and priests under Christ. These 144,000 are to help keep us all on the right path when this system of the world is finished. And for most of us we will be living on a new earth created by God, building our own homes and tending our own vineyards.
The bible tells us that Satan and fallen angels will be chained in a abyss, being a big hole, I believe may be right here on earth. I do not believe God would torment any being, even Satan for eternity, but I have not been made privy as to what will be the final fate of Satan or the fallen angels.
As I said I am not a Jehovahs witness . I believe through the Holy Spirit God teaches his own . This teaching can be audible, or in our minds through prayer, or in the written word. I do believe the bible Greatest, but believe we need the Holy Spirit to guide us as to what is God's Word in it and as to what has been corrupted by man. There are many other sacred texts other than the bible the Holy Spirit has led me to to learn the truth about God.
Greatest what writings do you use to learn of God?
As for talking snakes and talking animals for that matter. I believe God is the great I am, the one true God ; all powerful and able to do or create anything he wants. If God wants a animal of any kind to be able to speak it will. Or for that matter a tree, a flower, a cloud, a mountain. God is just that powerful.
Good discussion with you Greatest.
Greatest I am;36603 wrote:I am not well versed on Jehovah's but I remember something about 144,000 or some such number. Care to refresh my memory?
If there is no Hell then what does God eventually do with His fallen angels?
I should tell you that I do not read the Bible literally and do not believe in angels, good or otherwise.
Do Jehovah's believe in the talking snake?