If Jesus was God ...

Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 06:42 am
SWORD of GOD;35606 wrote:
then you must free your hearts from hate that blinds them, read what Jesus

I think that you should really look in the mirror for this one Sword.

You demonstrate your venom with every post and expect to draw a non responsive response. Forget it.

I am truly beginning to believe that you are of some other faith and are trying to discredit Islam.

I hope others recognize what you are doing.
Why not come clean with us and give us your real faith. Catholic perhaps.

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 08:17 am
SWORD of GOD;35270 wrote:
Jesus said: "The Father is greater than I." (John 14:28 RSV)

People forget this and they say that Jesus is equal to the Father. Whom should we believe--Jesus or the people?

I did not forget anything, the Father is Greater because Jesus does the Fathers will, yet the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit exist as three beings which equal one God. And that is why we read in the Old Testament when the Father tells them, Let US, make man in OUR image, and in OUR likeness. God is speaking with the other two of the Trinity, for only GOD alone was involved in creation. GOD was not talking to His neighbors when He made that statement. Or did you forget?
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 08:31 am
SWORD of GOD;35606 wrote:
If you christians trust Jesus -which I doubt you do, then you must free your hearts from hate that blinds them, read what Jesus (peace be upon him) in your own Bible said about those WHO would take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God:

If you believe that the Islamics are the last that are going to be first, you are sadly mistaken. The Bible tells us that at the end of time God will bring back the Jews to the land of Israel, the Bible tells us certain nations will think an evil thought and try to destroy the Jews by war. On the day these nations do this, God will destroy five sixths of their army. If you read the Bible you will find most of the nations mentioned in one of the last battles to be fought here on earth, are Islamic nations. And it is the armies of these Islamic nations that God will destroy. Look at the nations today that have vowed to destroy Israel.
Your Islamic hatred for the Jews will bring the rath of God on your own heads. The Islamic nations are going to do a repeat of the Pharoahs armies fate. You poor folks, after all this time, you still don't get.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 08:03 am
Jesus says he is not God and that God is the all and all literally hundreds of times in the bible Sword.

Bravo that you get this very important truth.

But one little piece of advice. these people that think Jesus is God have been blinded to the truth by God himself. Scripture tells me so.

You can reach some of them if its God's will, but most through their own choice prefer to remain blind to the truth of God's word. So its a waste of time , with most people.:dunno:

SWORD of GOD;35270 wrote:
Jesus said: "The Father is greater than I." (John 14:28 RSV)

People forget this and they say that Jesus is equal to the Father. Whom should we believe--Jesus or the people?
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:11 am
wvpeach;35887 wrote:
Jesus says he is not God and that God is the all and all literally hundreds of times in the bible Sword.

Bravo that you get this very important truth.

But one little piece of advice. these people that think Jesus is God have been blinded to the truth by God himself. Scripture tells me so.

You can reach some of them if its God's will, but most through their own choice prefer to remain blind to the truth of God's word. So its a waste of time , with most people.:dunno:

JESUS SAID HE IS NOT GOD? Please give us a verse where Jesus said this.

For in Hebrews 1:8 even the Father speaks of Jesus and tells Him, "Thy throne OH GOD is forever and ever!"
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:32 am
start with Corinthians 15: 23

But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits, afterward they that are Christs at his coming.

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

For he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

For he has put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him , that God may be all in all.

note : modern translations say it better, but I find when dealing with people who have swallowed this lie of Satan's its best to stick to the king James version as they usually read only that version.

The above text clearly says campbell that when this world is finished and Christ has finished his job , that Christ himself will be subject to the one true God.

Campbell34;35921 wrote:
JESUS SAID HE IS NOT GOD? Please give us a verse where Jesus said this.

For in Hebrews 1:8 even the Father speaks of Jesus and tells Him, "Thy throne OH GOD is forever and ever!"
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:52 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Now campbell if you read the entire first chapter of Hebrews you will see it is one of the best in the bible that pays tribute to just who Jesus really is.

Its one of my favorite books in the bible as it's a love sonnet to our Lord Jesus Christ.

this book (hebrews) says that the Lord Jesus created this world.

Hebrews 1: 2 Hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom he also made the worlds.

notice Heir . heir is one who had it handed down to them by agreement with the original owner. Not the all in all as the almighty God is.

Notice God through Christ ( Jesus ) made the WORLDS

You quoted Hebrews 1: 8 in fact campbell. Bravo! read the entire chapter!

God is well able being the one true God to appoint Jesus as heir of all and Lord of all . But the trinity the three being one is a lie of Satan.

read the entire first chapter of hebrews campbell and you'll see that Jesus was chosen of God above the angels and all other men, to be Lord and yes God. But not God above the one true God.

Jesus himself many times in the new testament warns that we are not to worship him, but only the one true God.

Jesus himself many times says the Father is greater than he.

But never fear campbell all this will be set right one day during the 1000 year reign of the Lord ( Jesus ) here on earth.

I am sure at that time nobody will confuse him with the one true almighty God . The one who gave Jesus the authority to rule.

This lie of Satan's will be exposed just like the lie in the garden .

Remember : You shall surely not die?

Its the same as the three are one.

The three are one, in unity, because Jesus never does anything the Father has not told him to do .

But they are not the same. Jesus himself and the bible makes this perfectly clear many times .
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:54 am
wvpeach;35923 wrote:
start with Corinthians 15: 23

But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits, afterward they that are Christs at his coming.

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

For he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

For he has put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him , that God may be all in all.

note : modern translations say it better, but I find when dealing with people who have swallowed this lie of Satan's its best to stick to the king James version as they usually read only that version.

The above text clearly says campbell that when this world is finished and Christ has finished his job , that Christ himself will be subject to the one true God.

I have no problem with Christ answering to the Father, that is His role, yet this does not take away the fact that Christ is part of the God head. And this is why in Jude 1:25 we read the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. This is not a slam at the Father when we read Jude say that our Saviour is the only wise God. For Jude understands that Christ and the Father equal one God. If you believe that Christ is a seperate God from the Father then you would have to believe that Jude just insulted the Father in this verse.
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:19 am
@Greatest I am cv,

what I believe is very simple and very biblical.

Christ himself said to not worship him.

The bible in many places tells us that the worship of false or other Gods is what God really really hates and punish's.

yet many Protestant denominations put Jesus on the same level as God where worship is concerned. Never mind Jesus himself told us worship no one but God the Father.

This idol worship will not go unpunished . Not even the idol worship of Jesus Christ our Lord.

It is wrong!

We are to ask in Jesus name.

But we to worship only God the father as per the instructions of Jesus .

and to understand like the Lord Jesus told us , that without God the Father Jesus himself could do nothing.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:42 am
wvpeach;35924 wrote:
Now campbell if you read the entire first chapter of Hebrews you will see it is one of the best in the bible that pays tribute to just who Jesus really is.

Its one of my favorite books in the bible as it's a love sonnet to our Lord Jesus Christ.

this book (hebrews) says that the Lord Jesus created this world.

Hebrews 1: 2 Hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom he also made the worlds.

notice Heir . heir is one who had it handed down to them by agreement with the original owner. Not the all in all as the almighty God is.

Notice God through Christ ( Jesus ) made the WORLDS

You quoted Hebrews 1: 8 in fact campbell. Bravo! read the entire chapter!

God is well able being the one true God to appoint Jesus as heir of all and Lord of all . But the trinity the three being one is a lie of Satan.

read the entire first chapter of hebrews campbell and you'll see that Jesus was chosen of God above the angels and all other men, to be Lord and yes God. But not God above the one true God.

Jesus himself many times in the new testament warns that we are not to worship him, but only the one true God.

Jesus himself many times says the Father is greater than he.

But never fear campbell all this will be set right one day during the 1000 year reign of the Lord ( Jesus ) here on earth.

I am sure at that time nobody will confuse him with the one true almighty God . The one who gave Jesus the authority to rule.

This lie of Satan's will be exposed just like the lie in the garden .

Remember : You shall surely not die?

Its the same as the three are one.

The three are one, in unity, because Jesus never does anything the Father has not told him to do .

But they are not the same. Jesus himself and the bible makes this perfectly clear many times .

(Hebrews) says that the Lord Jesus Christ created this world.

Now heres the problem, if Jesus and God are not one God, then one of them would not be telling us the truth. For in Isaiah 44:24 we read, "Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: "I am the LORD, who MAKES ALL THINGS, who stretches out the heavens ALL ALONE, Who spreads abroad the earth BY MYSELF. Do you notice how God fails to mention that He had Jesus helping Him. God tells us He did this ALL ALONE and BY HIMSELF. Did He just forget to say that His Son created this world? God doesent forget. God could only make such a statement if He and Jesus were one God. Otherwise that statement would be outright lie. And God is not a liar. Do you believe the Fathers words when He tells us He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF?
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:51 am
@Greatest I am cv,
No campbell

what is going on here is that Satan has closed your eyes to the truth.

All though I can tell christ is trying to get the truth through to you.

Hebrews says that Jesus created the world and did so with God's consent and help.

Because obviously as Jesus says in the bible he can do nothing without the consent of God the father.

Now this lie of Satan is the same as the one in the garden of Eden.

Satan is after the same thing he has been since way back then.

All Satan cares about is taking worship away from our God.
If Satan cannot get people to worship him directly , he is content of keeping people from worshiping the one all mighty true God.

This lie that Jesus and Father God are same and equal is a lie of Satans and takes worship away from where it belongs.

I can say this decisively because the bible and Holy Spirit tells me so.

This will all be set straight soon , I am sure of that. Jesus is the first born of many brethren. Jesus is not God. Jesus says this repeatedly in the bible.

I pray God hold it not against the people who Satan has deceived with this big fat lie. Because most Protestant churches seem to have swallowed this lie of Satan's hook line and sinker.

Personally I try not to let Satan deceive me! He is the enemy of my God and I do not want to help the enemy of my God.:thumbup:
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:02 pm
wvpeach;35930 wrote:

what I believe is very simple and very biblical.

Christ himself said to not worship him.

The bible in many places tells us that the worship of false or other Gods is what God really really hates and punish's.

yet many Protestant denominations put Jesus on the same level as God where worship is concerned. Never mind Jesus himself told us worship no one but God the Father.

This idol worship will not go unpunished . Not even the idol worship of Jesus Christ our Lord.

It is wrong!

We are to ask in Jesus name.

But we to worship only God the father as per the instructions of Jesus .

and to understand like the Lord Jesus told us , that without God the Father Jesus himself could do nothing.

I have asked this question of you, and I will ask it one more time. Would you please tell us where Christ Himself told us not to worship Him? I donot believe there is such a verse, and I doubt that you can supply it.
Because there are places in the Scripture where they do worship Him, and where He is called God, and Christ does not rebuke them at all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:11 pm
wvpeach;35951 wrote:
No campbell

what is going on here is that Satan has closed your eyes to the truth.

All though I can tell christ is trying to get the truth through to you.

Hebrews says that Jesus created the world and did so with God's consent and help.

Because obviously as Jesus says in the bible he can do nothing without the consent of God the father.

Now this lie of Satan is the same as the one in the garden of Eden.

Satan is after the same thing he has been since way back then.

All Satan cares about is taking worship away from our God.
If Satan cannot get people to worship him directly , he is content of keeping people from worshiping the one all mighty true God.

This lie that Jesus and Father God are same and equal is a lie of Satans and takes worship away from where it belongs.

I can say this decisively because the bible and Holy Spirit tells me so.

This will all be set straight soon , I am sure of that. Jesus is the first born of many brethren. Jesus is not God. Jesus says this repeatedly in the bible.

I pray God hold it not against the people who Satan has deceived with this big fat lie. Because most Protestant churches seem to have swallowed this lie of Satan's hook line and sinker.

Personally I try not to let Satan deceive me! He is the enemy of my God and I do not want to help the enemy of my God.:thumbup:

So let me ask this question of you one more time, Do you believe that when the Father tells us in Isaiah 44:24 that He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF, do you believe He was speaking the truth? A simple YES or NO will do. This should be slam dunk, unless your doctrine gets in the way.
The Bible will not decieve you, but doctrines of demons will.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:23 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Matthew 19:16 Why callest me good? There is none good but one, that one is God, but if thou will enter life keep the commandments.

Note Campbell the above is in red because it is the words of christ.

Matthew 4: 10 get thee hence Satan : for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God , and him only shalt thou serve.

Also in Red because these are the words of our Lord Jesus campbell.

Remember also

John 14:28 You have heard how I said unto you, I go away and will come again unto you. If you loved me you would rejoice, for I said unto you , I go unto the Father and my Father is greater than I

Also in Red as the words of our Lord Jesus !

The problem is not that people revere and love Christ campbell.

The problem is that people are not following the teachings of Jesus.

Christ taught that God the Father is greater than Christ and that God should be held in the greatest esteem and worship , even above Christ Jesus the son.

This doctrine that came about to make them one and the same and equal is a lie of Satans , pure and simple!

I love the Lord Jesus and he is my Lord and ruler of my life.

But I love God the father as the one who as the bible says is all and all more. I do this because the bible and Jesus tells me this is what God wants and so does our Lord Jesus
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:27 pm
I do not believe this is speaking of God the father at all campbell .

I believe that Christ ( Jesus ) with God's consent and with god's power created the earth and its inhabitants.

Isaiah is Christ speaking.

God seems to be a great delegater . God created Christ who then created this world and all in it.

But as Christ said. I can do nothing on my own. I do only what the Father tells me too.

Campbell34;35964 wrote:
So let me ask this question of you one more time, Do you believe that when the Father tells us in Isaiah 44:24 that He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF, do you believe He was speaking the truth? A simple YES or NO will do. This should be slam dunk, unless your doctrine gets in the way.
The Bible will not decieve you, but doctrines of demons will.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 01:10 pm
wvpeach;35970 wrote:
I do not believe this is speaking of God the father at all campbell .

I believe that Christ ( Jesus ) with God's consent and with god's power created the earth and its inhabitants.

Isaiah is Christ speaking.

God seems to be a great delegater . God created Christ who then created this world and all in it.

But as Christ said. I can do nothing on my own. I do only what the Father tells me too.

Well if you read for the orginal Hebrew it states "Thus says Jehovah, (the one) redeeming you, And forming you from the womb: I (am) Jehovah, making all things; stretching out the heavens alone; spreading out the earth on my own...." Jehovah is the name given here. If this verse was speaking of Christ as you believe, then it would not be useing the name Jehovah. I have no problem with this verse because I believe that Christ and Jehovah are one in the same. You on the other hand will have a problem with this verse because your doctrine will not permit you to acknowledge that Jehovah made the earth by Himself. It's sad when you cannot accept the written Word because it does not agree with your doctrine. And that is where Jesus tells us the doctrines of men have made the Word of God null and void.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 01:54 pm
@Greatest I am cv,

[SIZE="3"]Did Jesus say "I am God, Worship Me" ?[/SIZE]

View this 5:42 minutes video lecture that will answer this question with logical evidences and proofs. Khalid Yassen speaks about the Luka, Matthew and Paul. Did they meet Jesus? Did Jesus tell them that he is the son of God ??? Did he tell them about trinity?? Did he tell them I am God, Worship Me ????

YouTube - Did Jesus say "I am God, Worship Me"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 02:20 pm
Well there in campbell is the problem. The translation is way off. That causes problems all the way around. Ever wonder why the translators were so eager to do away with all the jehovah's in the bible? At least the king James version of the bible?

Still doesn't change the fact that Jesus and God are not the same being.

Campbell34;35987 wrote:
Well if you read for the orginal Hebrew it states "Thus says Jehovah, (the one) redeeming you, And forming you from the womb: I (am) Jehovah, making all things; stretching out the heavens alone; spreading out the earth on my own...." Jehovah is the name given here. If this verse was speaking of Christ as you believe, then it would not be useing the name Jehovah. I have no problem with this verse because I believe that Christ and Jehovah are one in the same. You on the other hand will have a problem with this verse because your doctrine will not permit you to acknowledge that Jehovah made the earth by Himself. It's sad when you cannot accept the written Word because it does not agree with your doctrine. And that is where Jesus tells us the doctrines of men have made the Word of God null and void.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 02:25 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Jesus said: "I'm the Way; I and Father are One" ... Christians claim that this passage proves the Divinity of Jesus! Are they right ?

Zakir Naik addresses the saying of Jesus in the Bible that he is the truth and the way and that he and the father are one:

YouTube - Zakir Naik - Jesus said I'm the Way; I and Father are One
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:32 pm
wvpeach;35991 wrote:
Well there in campbell is the problem. The translation is way off. That causes problems all the way around. Ever wonder why the translators were so eager to do away with all the jehovah's in the bible? At least the king James version of the bible?

Still doesn't change the fact that Jesus and God are not the same being.

Well the translation is Jehovah. And the reason you cannot agree with that verse is because your doctrine comes first, and the Bible comes second. When Jehovah makes a bold statement like we find in that verse and you can
not agree with His very words, it's time to start considering what it is you really do believe. I believe in the Bible and it's truth, I have no problem agreeing with any statement I find in the Scriptures, because my doctrine is first based on the Scriptures not the other way around. If you cannot agree with Jehovah's statements, then it appers to me your doctrine has made the word of God null and void.
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