If Jesus was God ...

Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:09 am
It is your fabricated man-made Bible that inspires homosexuality and pedophiles:
Who wrote your book?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:18 am
SWORD of GOD;34919 wrote:
How about letting them use their nuke weapons to destroy all the muslim lands just to prove that the prophecies in your fabricated bible are all LIES!

Let me use your funny nonsense ZIONIST reasoning. Would it not be in your best interest to allow Muslims to build their own nuke weapons facilities and use them against Christian attrocitties to prove your big LIE that they might be the anti-christ !?

Your reply leads to violence where mine lead to a peaceful end.
Why would you object to a peaceful resolution of the question and prefer a harmful solution.
If a resolution to the question is what is what we aim for, why use your non peaceful method when a peaceful one is available.

0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:19 am
The Koran was written by Ibn Ishag, he died in 834, Allah died in 632. So how did this mortal man write the koran, did he speak with the dead.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:23 am

All nations and peoples have homosexual regardless of what faith they follow.
The religion that they belong to is what is being judged as to how their God deals with them.

How does yours deal with this situation?

Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 11:35 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34935 wrote:

All nations and peoples have homosexual regardless of what faith they follow.
The religion that they belong to is what is being judged as to how their God deals with them.

How does yours deal with this situation?


You are the one who posted this pathetic LIE against us -Muslims- and our Religion when you wrote

Should you then clean up your act as far as Jihad and homosexuals are concerned. Or is this of no concern?

Islam considers homosexuality as one of the major SINS.

Your fabricated bible condone homosexuality and pedophillie acts as I showed in my last post and the sexual scandals of the christian priests against children and the spreading of homosexuality among them are filling the newspapers and media. We are talking here about what you call 'MEN of GOD' not ordinary people!
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 05:36 pm
@Red cv,
Red;34933 wrote:
The Koran was written by Ibn Ishag, he died in 834, Allah died in 632. So how did this mortal man write the koran, did he speak with the dead.

Oops you did it again, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 07:19 pm
This is for all of those who let hate blind their hearts: When you sit alone, ask yourself those questions: If Islam is the TRUTH...

Do you think that When you spread LIES about Islam will that make your fabricated faith right and true !!!? and will your lies make the TRUTH (Islam) false !!!?

When you inentionally spread lies and deceptions about the TRUTH (Islam) is that going to save you from the eternal Hellfire !!?

We are not here to win a battle as you seem to believe. We are here to seek the TRUTH through proofs and evidences.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 07:28 pm
@Red cv,
Red;34933 wrote:
The Koran was written by Ibn Ishag, he died in 834, Allah died in 632. So how did this mortal man write the koran, did he speak with the dead.

Well melt down molly, aka Sword, did I get the date wrong? NO did I name the author of the Koran wrong? NO. As for pedophiles Islam rewards them, Christians we put them in prisons. Being gay isn't a crime being a pedophile like Allah is though. It must really piss you off Sword that you can't white wash Islam here as the rest of the globe panders to it's ego. No thanks, I'd rather pander to a homeless dog. It at least deserves my compassion the religion of violence doesn't. You kill and threaten anyone you can't control. Evil is as Evil does. Your religion or cult speaks for it's self, violence violence and more violence. Who do you think you are kidding?
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 02:07 am
Jesus said: "The Father is greater than I." (John 14:28 RSV)

People forget this and they say that Jesus is equal to the Father. Whom should we believe--Jesus or the people?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 03:37 am
SWORD of GOD;35048 wrote:
You are the one who posted this pathetic LIE against us -Muslims- and our Religion when you wrote

Islam considers homosexuality as one of the major SINS.

Your fabricated bible condone homosexuality and pedophillie acts as I showed in my last post and the sexual scandals of the christian priests against children and the spreading of homosexuality among them are filling the newspapers and media. We are talking here about what you call 'MEN of GOD' not ordinary people!

My Bible uses the word, abomination to describe homosexual behavior.
The writer must have been homophobic or as my guide to good and evil, showing me an example of evil.

Homophobic renderings belong with it's advice on killing children that have become unruly and on the ways to beat your wife.

As stated, all religions will be judged on how the various gods deal with these issues.

Your other remarks are not a true representation of my Bible (KJB) unless of course you would like to quote a few passages.

I don't know where I said "MEN of GOD" anything but I thought that men of God were ---ordinary people.

Tell me truthfully, what would you do if your son and or daughter were gay?
Would you stone them, as some Bibles call for?

I ask, not to challenge you but because I have stated that I would kill my own if my God asked. I wondered how you would enforce your law.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 03:49 am

Jihad is a subject that I said little about so for me to have lied about anything would be out of character for me. If this is to be a debate tactic, please stop or provide better references or people will start thinking that you are just doing it for purposes of discrediting Islam and that you are a wolf in sheep's clothing.

We would not want to think that you have a hidden agenda .

As to Jihad. Simply stated, if just about anybody can declare a Jihad of warfare, then just how many speak for God, and where did they get the authority.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 06:29 am
@Red cv,
Red;35233 wrote:
Well melt down molly, aka Sword, did I get the date wrong? NO did I name the author of the Koran wrong? NO. As for pedophiles Islam rewards them, Christians we put them in prisons. Being gay isn't a crime being a pedophile like Allah is though. It must really piss you off Sword that you can't white wash Islam here as the rest of the globe panders to it's ego. No thanks, I'd rather pander to a homeless dog. It at least deserves my compassion the religion of violence doesn't. You kill and threaten anyone you can't control. Evil is as Evil does. Your religion or cult speaks for it's self, violence violence and more violence. Who do you think you are kidding?

really RED i wish you would say were do you get your facts from, or do you just make em up?!! you are trying to portray the Quraan just like the bible, trying to make many versions of it , this one written by Ibn Ishaq tomorrow you will say another version written by Ibn Omar, well Quraan wasn't written by Ibn Isaaq , Gabriel brought the verses from God to Prophet Mohamed , Prophet Mohamed learned it by heart as they came, and then his followers (many of whom specialized in writing it since writing was not an easy matter then) wrote it down , and thats how we got the Quraan, end of story, so don't go asking me who wrote your book again, just come and read this post ( Drnaline this for you too Very Happy ) .

As for pedophiles Islam rewards them, Christians we put them in prisons

Lies and more lies Smile , where is it in Quraan that Say's to reward all pedophiles ??!! , and i didn't hear about church Imam's Razz going to jail?

Being gay isn't a crime being a pedophile like Allah is though

RED please pleaaaaaaaase differentiate you want to say Mohamed and not Allah OK , you get me confused , and yes being gay isn't a crime here either , but doing gay ( as in sexual relationships ) is a crime Very Happy get it ?!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 12:21 pm
I am new to this site, and to "blogging" in general. I find this conversation facinating. In my humble opinion, I believe far too many people (christians) focas way to much on who Jesus really was instead of why He was here. I know people (christians) who idolize the cross that so many churches use as there focal foint, but can't even tell you the basis of Jesus' message. I personally believe that Jesus was God come to earth in human form to not only deliver His message of Love (versus fear) but to at the same time show us that it is possible to live the lifestyle which He prached. I think people should focus more on Jesus' life and less on His death.
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 12:43 pm
The Questions No Christian Wants to Answer!

Jesus said in the bible: "but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery." [Matthew 5:32]

Now, a question for any honest christian woman: If you discover your husband cheating you by committing adultery or he's committing homosexual acts with men, would you stay with him (humilating yourself) or would you rather dignify yourself and ask for divorce !!?

Remember that according to your Bible, Jesus only gives the divorce authority to the husband and he forbids the divorce except when the wife commits adultery!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 01:11 pm
The Questions No Christian Wants to Answer!

I am curious about one thing and I want any christian to tell me:

What did your claimed God (Jesus) use to do or think while he was in the WOMB of an 11 years girl (Mary) !?
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 02:53 pm
SWORD of GOD;34919 wrote:
How about letting them use their nuke weapons to destroy all the muslim lands just to prove that the prophecies in your fabricated bible are all LIES!

Let me use your funny nonsense ZIONIST reasoning. Would it not be in your best interest to allow Muslims to build their own nuke weapons facilities and use them against Christian attrocitties to prove your big LIE that they might be the anti-christ !?

The Bible teaches us that the day will come when Russia and the Islamic nations will band together to destroy the state of Israel. However, God will not allow this, and this Islamic army will be destroyed. The reaction from Russia will be that America was behind their armies destruction. According to the Scriptures, Russia then will attack America without warning, and all of American's cities will burn, and America will surrender. America will not use her weapons. At this time, the Bible tells us the moon will appear blood red, and the stars will not shine, and the Sun will be dimmed. America will be a land that no man will be able to return to, not even to get a rock for a foundation to be used some place else, for the land will be polluted. It will be after this time, the new leader of the west will rise up in Europe, he will be the worlds worst nightmare.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:42 pm
CHRISTBIKER69;35442 wrote:
I am new to this site, and to "blogging" in general. I find this conversation facinating. In my humble opinion, I believe far too many people (christians) focas way to much on who Jesus really was instead of why He was here. I know people (christians) who idolize the cross that so many churches use as there focal foint, but can't even tell you the basis of Jesus' message. I personally believe that Jesus was God come to earth in human form to not only deliver His message of Love (versus fear) but to at the same time show us that it is possible to live the lifestyle which He prached. I think people should focus more on Jesus' life and less on His death.

That is an astute evaluation, his message was one of love and peace. Unfortunatly in this thread a Wahhabi Islamist is doing all he can to insult Christians and their bible while badly attempting to elevate Islam to a higher level. Sorry but Islam is spread by violence and it's followers face death if they renounce Allah. Hardly comparable.
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:55 pm
CHRISTBIKER69;35442 wrote:
I am new to this site, and to "blogging" in general. I find this conversation facinating. In my humble opinion, I believe far too many people (christians) focas way to much on who Jesus really was instead of why He was here. I know people (christians) who idolize the cross that so many churches use as there focal foint, but can't even tell you the basis of Jesus' message. I personally believe that Jesus was God come to earth in human form to not only deliver His message of Love (versus fear) but to at the same time show us that it is possible to live the lifestyle which He prached. I think people should focus more on Jesus' life and less on His death.

The thing about Jesus is that He was said to be our redeemer and savior. Many call Him those titles but then say that there is a Hell.
If Jesus was the redeemer and savior then He forgave all sin and ended the need for a hell. Did He forgive sin or not? Just for Christians as some think or for all as I think.
This plus the belief of physical resurrection is why people focus on His death.
If Jesus was divine as some think then His sacrifice would not mean much as a God cannot die.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 06:07 pm
SWORD of GOD;35456 wrote:
The Questions No Christian Wants to Answer!

I am curious about one thing and I want any christian to tell me:

What did your claimed God (Jesus) use to do or think while he was in the WOMB of an 11 years girl (Mary) !?

I was under the impression that Islam believed in the purity of Mary and considered Jesus a wholly human prophet. Who can say what thoughts pass within the womb.

I am disappointed though that you ignored my question to you.
I guess that you are better at asking questions than answering with any grace and clarity.

I will try to keep any new questions simple. Or was I right in thinking that someone else is helping you pre-package your questions?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 11:18 pm
If you christians trust Jesus -which I doubt you do, then you must free your hearts from hate that blinds them, read what Jesus (peace be upon him) in your own Bible said about those WHO would take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God:


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