If Jesus was God ...

Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:28 am
politically-wrong;34676 wrote:
be assured aaronssongs that i never judge any one for anything but his own actions, and its quite clear how many americans stand up for whats right and are not ashamed of admiting mistakes on one's part if any , still i have to make it clear that there is nothing that could have possibly justified the attacks on WTC .

Of course, nothing would justify the loss of innocent life. Nothing short of an attack on the US, would justify invading a country that was contained, and lacked the sophistication and material for producing a nuke, as Joe Wilson revealed in his Op-Ed....so based on a lie, we're at war, killing and maiming, and being killed and maimed....for a lie. And all under the guise of liberation and democratization of the Iraqi people, when really the truth of the matter is the procurement of oil ( by any means necessary), regardless of the collateral damage, and the lies told to the American public...which many are all too willing to believe...not just sheep, but "blood-thirsty", over zealous, and belligerent sheep...never once stopping for breath and a serious look at the insanity of it all. We're doomed...common sense has died an untimely death. Let us mourn for it, and pray for deliverance....not from government, but from God Almighty.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 05:49 am
SWORD of GOD;34485 wrote:
You seem always to miss understand all the messages (even your bible messages!).

The film was made by British ITV Channel. The film producers are christians (not muslims) and not all the ones interviewed in it are muslims (some are/or jews/christians).

Again and again..As there is only ONE GOD, there is only One Religion...Islam is the preserved pure religion of all prophets from ALLAH (GOD) (the pure true Monotheism). Islam means the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).

Islam is not a new religion but the final culmination and fulfillment of the same basic truth that ALLAH (God) revealed through all His prophets to every people.

"Not a single messenger did We (Allah) send before you (Muhammad) without this inspiration sent by Us to him - that there is no god but I, therefore worship and serve Me." [Quran 21:25]

You did not speak to the lineage of Islam in terms of Christianity or the Christian bible. Is Christianity the older brother of Islam or not.
If it is, should Islam not venerate it?
If the Islamic Bible is to be the next book meant to follow the Christian Bible, it should say so. Is It?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 05:56 am
aaronssongs;34690 wrote:
Of course, nothing would justify the loss of innocent life. Nothing short of an attack on the US, would justify invading a country that was contained, and lacked the sophistication and material for producing a nuke, as Joe Wilson revealed in his Op-Ed....so based on a lie, we're at war, killing and maiming, and being killed and maimed....for a lie. And all under the guise of liberation and democratization of the Iraqi people, when really the truth of the matter is the procurement of oil ( by any means necessary), regardless of the collateral damage, and the lies told to the American public...which many are all too willing to believe...not just sheep, but "blood-thirsty", over zealous, and belligerent sheep...never once stopping for breath and a serious look at the insanity of it all. We're doomed...common sense has died an untimely death. Let us mourn for it, and pray for deliverance....not from government, but from God Almighty.

The guilty of the WTC have yet to be found. There is much yet to be uncovered. Especially how WTC 6 was already ready to be pulled when usually these pulling need much planning and preparation. The Government has yet to make public much of the Pentagon video tape footage as well. Why.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:27 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34701 wrote:
You did not speak to the lineage of Islam in terms of Christianity or the Christian bible. Is Christianity the older brother of Islam or not.
If it is, should Islam not venerate it?
If the Islamic Bible is to be the next book meant to follow the Christian Bible, it should say so. Is It?


There is nothing called Islamic Bible! It is called "Quran". The original message of Jesus (peace be upon him) was also Islam as for all the prophets. Allah in the Quran said that the jews and christians had corrupted and fabricated the original Torah and Injeel (The Gospel of Jesus). So, the Bible (OT & NT) you got with you now is not the true book(s) revealed by God. You got gospel of John, gospel of Mark, gospel of Luke, and gospel of Matthew, but not gospel of Jesus!. Can you tell me where is the Gospel of Jesus!!?

‘And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is "Ahmad" the (Praised One)’ (Quran 61: 6)

*Ahmad is the second name of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Have you seen this clip from Passion of the Messiah movie:

YouTube - Learn to Say ALLAH
Red cv
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:31 pm
Islam came into being four hundred years the bible, Islam or Allah in fact stole the holy words of the Christians and the Jews. FACT.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 05:47 pm
I wouldn't believe that to be a problem for christians. Actually it is a good thing to have these similarities to work off, without them there is no agreement between Islam and Christianity.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 09:47 pm
aaronssongs;34666 wrote:
So arrogant...you think that America has the right to invade other countries and tell them how to govern their people? What if they did that here? What would you think? You'd be outraged. But it's perfectly fine for America to be in cahoots with the Saudi royal family, who, by the way, are not favored by their own people for their dealings with America, hence Bin Laden's hatred, because we have interfered with his country...but that's perfectly fine, isn't it...because "We're America, and can do any frigging thing we want to...no matter the cost to anybody else, man, woman or child...gotta get that oil, don't we? Get outside of yourself, for a moment, and put yourself in their shoes, if you can....or are you blinded by your hatred, as well?>

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait first, and Kuwait is our allie. What gives Saddam the right to invade our alli, you keep pointing the finger at America and we are operating within the existing law. When other countries threaten world peace they need to be invaded. America ignored the rants of another dictator years ago, the result was 60 million people had to die in World War II. Bin Laden a spoiled rich kid, who gets off on murdering others because he thinks he's so perfect and doesent like the Saudie Royal family so we have to listen to him. Give me a brake. It is Bin Laden the murder, that is interfering with established laws and governments. I don't have to get outside of my self, Bin Laden is murder and a coward who justifies the murder of woman and children because he thinks his cause is just.
He's a rich little punk who's day is coming. I don't hate anyone, but I really don't care for self appointed murders.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:08 pm
aaronssongs;34672 wrote:
Polit wrong,
Don't think for one minute that all Americans think this way...some acknowledge America's complicity in the hatred the rest of the world feels for us..and justifiably so. It's not the righteous American people running things....it's a corrupt hierarchy, that is executing foreign policy that is exempt of compassion and the rule of law. The Democrats "will win" in 2008, and reclaim the country back, and govern with wisdom, intelligence, and respect for human life....while protecting the American people with a strong military, deployed effectively, defending our interests and protecting our borders and our ports (which have been neglected), from external and internal terrorism...instead of the nonsense going on at present.

If the Democrats have respect for human rights, why does their party platform have for its cornerstone the right of a woman to murder her child by abortion? 60 million American children murdered with the blessing of the Democratic Party. RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE? GIVE ME A BREAK.
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 12:21 am
politically-wrong;34669 wrote:
you are 100% mistaken , the attackers of 911 believed they were responding to atrosities commited by the US (notice that i didnot say govrnment) against Muslims and Islam world wide , the support to Israel, the armies present in the gulf area , and the general attitude of your foriegn policy which is usualy and almost constantly anti-Islamic , Iraq was a tiny part of the whole picture , please dont deceive your self into believing that you were attacked because you rightfully freed kuwait , you are painting your self as a victim a totaly innocent one , which you are not

Yes I believe that was the unofficial belief. The fact is the Islamics are doing the very thing the God of the Bible wants them to do. The Islamics I'm sure donot understand that the God of the Bible states very plainly that He brought the Jews back to their land to anger the nations. It is the God of the Bibles desire to so anger the Islamic nations that they will try to finally drive the Jews out be force. It's part of Gods bigger plan. God put the Jews back in their land as nothing more then bait. God intends to encourage the Islamics to attack the Jewish state. When all looks lost for the Jews and the state of Israel God will come to their aid and destroy five sixths of this massive invading Islamic army. The Bible has a lot to say about this. Today we are just working up to this great battle. This is much farther down the road however.
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 12:59 am
Campbell34;34863 wrote:
Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait first, and Kuwait is our allie. What gives Saddam the right to invade our alli, you keep pointing the finger at America and we are operating within the existing law. When other countries threaten world peace they need to be invaded. America ignored the rants of another dictator years ago, the result was 60 million people had to die in World War II. Bin Laden a spoiled rich kid, who gets off on murdering others because he thinks he's so perfect and doesent like the Saudie Royal family so we have to listen to him. Give me a brake. It is Bin Laden the murder, that is interfering with established laws and governments. I don't have to get outside of my self, Bin Laden is murder and a coward who justifies the murder of woman and children because he thinks his cause is just.
He's a rich little punk who's day is coming. I don't hate anyone, but I really don't care for self appointed murders.

Oh, but you do hate...you're no different from bin Laden, or any of the 9/11 terrorists...you would do to them what was done to us.....there goes the "Golden Rule"...you don't really believe in the Bible...it's just a front for you, to hide your hate behind...you're really very sad.
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 01:05 am
Campbell34;34865 wrote:
If the Democrats have respect for human rights, why does their party platform have for its cornerstone the right of a woman to murder her child by abortion? 60 million American children murdered with the blessing of the Democratic Party. RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE? GIVE ME A BREAK.

It's not murder, because embryos are not children...and no amount of screaming and shrieking on your part, can change the fact that there are millions of people who believe this to be true...hence the divide, and the rub.
Until Roe V. Wade is overturned, it's the law of the land, and you and everyone else must respect the rule of law.
I don't know why you people are up in arms about unborn embyros...because, as soon as they are born...they and their families are on their own...you wash your hands of them...you don't care about their health and well-being, nutrition, education, their safety...nothing....so, in some cases, they are better off never being born, because of systemic neglect. So what?
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 01:06 am
Campbell34;34875 wrote:
Yes I believe that was the unofficial belief. The fact is the Islamics are doing the very thing the God of the Bible wants them to do. The Islamics I'm sure donot understand that the God of the Bible states very plainly that He brought the Jews back to their land to anger the nations. It is the God of the Bibles desire to so anger the Islamic nations that they will try to finally drive the Jews out be force. It's part of Gods bigger plan. God put the Jews back in their land as nothing more then bait. God intends to encourage the Islamics to attack the Jewish state. When all looks lost for the Jews and the state of Israel God will come to their aid and destroy five sixths of this massive invading Islamic army. The Bible has a lot to say about this. Today we are just working up to this great battle. This is much farther down the road however.

First important thing, the main objective of this thread was/is to prove to you that your bible is not credible and it was fabricated by men. I have posted to you many proofs and evidences from your own bible that it's a man-made book that contradicts itself and full of errors from page one to the last page.

Even, your bible itself admits that it has become a lie:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' " (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)

"How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie!

Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible - Times Online

JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, VIII:44
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.- then answered the Jews - "
(which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)

"Now at the Feast the Jews were watching for Jesus and asking, 'Where is the man?'. Amongst the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, 'He is a good man'. Others replied, 'No, he deceives the people.' But no-one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews'." (John, 7/10-13)

Benjamin Franklin's opinion about Jews:

"For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race".

(Passage of Benjamin Franklin's speech in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION," at the Philadelphia Constitutio-nal Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the diary of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.)

Israel, the number one offender of crimes against humanity in the world, has always refused to join the international community's extradition agreements. Israel has never extradited a Jew and never will, no matter how serious the crime committed, to the country where the offence took place. Jews believe that: "God is giving [them this land] as an inheritance, so that anyone who kills a man may flee there." (The Bible, Deuteronomy 19:1-3).

Israeli former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Oct. 3, 2001 said to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio, "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that...I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Christian Zionism Justifying Apartheid in the Name of God:
The Israelphiles (the Christian Zionists) warn Americans that their country will be blessed only as they give their unfailing support to natural Israel, no matter what that rogue entity does to her neighbors.

I quote Rabbi David Weiss:
"Our prayer to God is that the Israeli state be speedily and peacefully dismantled without any further shedding of Jewish or Palestinian blood and that we be worthy of seeing the full revelation of God's glory in the world. Amen".

Now, The Truth, what Allah had said in the Noble Quran about the return of Jews back to Palestine:

[SIZE="3"]End of Israel is a Qur'anic Imperative[/SIZE]

"And We (Allah) decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant

So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fulfilled.

Then We gave you a return of victory over them. And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in man-power.

(And We said): "If you do good, you do good for your own selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves." Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to disgrace your faces and to enter the mosque (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands."

(Quran 17: 4-7)

Sign of the second (last) promise:

"And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land (Earth), then, when the final and the last promise comes near We shall bring you back altogether as mixed crowd (gathered out of various nations)." (Quran 17: 104)

Read more details by clicking here: http://www.conflictingviews.com/t1923/
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:04 am
aaronssongs;34876 wrote:
Oh, but you do hate...you're no different from bin Laden, or any of the 9/11 terrorists...you would do to them what was done to us.....there goes the "Golden Rule"...you don't really believe in the Bible...it's just a front for you, to hide your hate behind...you're really very sad.

The Bible tells us we have a right to defend ourself. You can defend yourself without hate. And Bin Laden killed a lot of innocent people. And no, I'm nothing like Bin Laden. I don't sit in a cave and plan how to smash planes into buildings to create maximum deaths. I don't make plans to blow up embasies in Africa. Only a subhuman, who's thinking comes out of the stoneage does this sort of thing. Only a man filled with the Devil, and evil does this sort of thing. And can you tell me anything about the Golden Rule. Can you tell me who it was spoken to, and why? The Golden Rule for you is nothing but a ploy for you to use, attempting to protect murders, and evil men who imbrace deeds of darkness.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:22 am
aaronssongs;34877 wrote:
It's not murder, because embryos are not children...and no amount of screaming and shrieking on your part, can change the fact that there are millions of people who believe this to be true...hence the divide, and the rub.
Until Roe V. Wade is overturned, it's the law of the land, and you and everyone else must respect the rule of law.
I don't know why you people are up in arms about unborn embyros...because, as soon as they are born...they and their families are on their own...you wash your hands of them...you don't care about their health and well-being, nutrition, education, their safety...nothing....so, in some cases, they are better off never being born, because of systemic neglect. So what?

EMBRYOS ARE CHILDREN. In the Old Testament it states that two men were fighting, and by accident one of the men struck a woman that was pregnant. The woman lost her child, the Bible tells us that the man in question would have to pay a fine for her loss, and then states that if any more folly should follw, another words he refuses to pay the fine ect. Then his life will be required, because as the Bible states, IT IS A LIFE FOR A LIFE. The Bible sees no difference between embryos and life outside of the womb, only this sick generation does that. You really do need to check your Bible on these subjects, God is not as cavalier about human life as you appear to be.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:30 am
aaronssongs;34877 wrote:
It's not murder, because embryos are not children...and no amount of screaming and shrieking on your part, can change the fact that there are millions of people who believe this to be true...hence the divide, and the rub.
Until Roe V. Wade is overturned, it's the law of the land, and you and everyone else must respect the rule of law.
I don't know why you people are up in arms about unborn embyros...because, as soon as they are born...they and their families are on their own...you wash your hands of them...you don't care about their health and well-being, nutrition, education, their safety...nothing....so, in some cases, they are better off never being born, because of systemic neglect. So what?

And if we lived in Germany in World War II the law of the land was to turn over to the government any Jews. So would you obey the law of that land?
Would you turn over the Jews to the German authorities? I can't wait to hear your answer.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:50 am
SWORD of GOD;34878 wrote:
First important thing, the main objective of this thread was/is to prove to you that your bible is not credible and it was fabricated by men. I have posted to you many proofs and evidences from your own bible that it's a man-made book that contradicts itself and full of errors from page one to the last page.

Even, your bible itself admits that it has become a lie:

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' " (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)

"How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie!

Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible - Times Online

JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, VIII:44
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.- then answered the Jews - "
(which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)

"Now at the Feast the Jews were watching for Jesus and asking, 'Where is the man?'. Amongst the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, 'He is a good man'. Others replied, 'No, he deceives the people.' But no-one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews'." (John, 7/10-13)

Benjamin Franklin's opinion about Jews:

"For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race".

(Passage of Benjamin Franklin's speech in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION," at the Philadelphia Constitutio-nal Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the diary of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.)

Israel, the number one offender of crimes against humanity in the world, has always refused to join the international community's extradition agreements. Israel has never extradited a Jew and never will, no matter how serious the crime committed, to the country where the offence took place. Jews believe that: "God is giving [them this land] as an inheritance, so that anyone who kills a man may flee there." (The Bible, Deuteronomy 19:1-3).

Israeli former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Christian Zionism Justifying Apartheid in the Name of God:
The Israelphiles (the Christian Zionists) warn Americans that their country will be blessed only as they give their unfailing support to natural Israel, no matter what that rogue entity does to her neighbors.

I quote Rabbi David Weiss:
"Our prayer to God is that the Israeli state be speedily and peacefully dismantled without any further shedding of Jewish or Palestinian blood and that we be worthy of seeing the full revelation of God's glory in the world. Amen".

Now, The Truth, what Allah had said in the Noble Quran about the return of Jews back to Palestine:

[SIZE="3"]End of Israel is a Qur'anic Imperative[/SIZE]

"And We (Allah) decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant

So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fulfilled.

Then We gave you a return of victory over them. And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in man-power.

(And We said): "If you do good, you do good for your own selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves." Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to disgrace your faces and to enter the mosque (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands."

(Quran 17: 4-7)

Sign of the second (last) promise:

"And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land (Earth), then, when the final and the last promise comes near We shall bring you back altogether as mixed crowd (gathered out of various nations)." (Quran 17: 104)

Read more details by clicking here: http://www.conflictingviews.com/t1923/

Say what you want about the Bible, yet the Bible tells us that in the latter days God would allow the Jews to return to Israel. Guess what, their back.
The Bible tells us they would take southern Israel first. Guess what, they did.(1948)
The Bible tells us they would take back Jerusalem second. Guess what, they did. (1967)
The Bible tells us at this time the porch gate of the East gate of Jerusalem would be sealed and all attempts to open it would fail. Guess what, it's sealed, and all attempts to open it have failed.
And the Bible gives the names of nations that God is going to teach a lesson to because of their hatred for the Jews, guess what, most of those nations listed are Islamic.
The Bible is speaking the truth, you just don't want to see it. And that's why when the Islamic nations march on Israel, they are going to be slaughtered by God because they failed to read or listen to that Old Testament prophecy.
I understood many of these prophecies when I was in my teens, and that was before Hal Linsy came along. God taught the Pharoah a lesson and now He's getting ready to teach the Islamics the same.
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 07:51 am
SWORD of GOD;34759 wrote:
There is nothing called Islamic Bible! It is called "Quran". The original message of Jesus (peace be upon him) was also Islam as for all the prophets. Allah in the Quran said that the jews and christians had corrupted and fabricated the original Torah and Injeel (The Gospel of Jesus). So, the Bible (OT & NT) you got with you now is not the true book(s) revealed by God. You got gospel of John, gospel of Mark, gospel of Luke, and gospel of Matthew, but not gospel of Jesus!. Can you tell me where is the Gospel of Jesus!!?

*Ahmad is the second name of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Have you seen this clip from Passion of the Messiah movie:

YouTube - Learn to Say ALLAH

So if you consider yourself the next and best followers of Christ via Mohamed this only means that at end time you get to compete with all the other Jesus' that are to compete at end time.

Should you then clean up your act as far as Jihad and homosexuals are concerned. Or is this of no concern?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 07:57 am

Would it not be in your best interest to allow the rebuilding of the temple to prove that the Jewish God will not return at that point in time?

Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:58 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34900 wrote:

Would it not be in your best interest to allow the rebuilding of the temple to prove that the Jewish God will not return at that point in time?


How about letting them use their nuke weapons to destroy all the muslim lands just to prove that the prophecies in your fabricated bible are all LIES!

Let me use your funny nonsense ZIONIST reasoning. Would it not be in your best interest to allow Muslims to build their own nuke weapons facilities and use them against Christian attrocitties to prove your big LIE that they might be the anti-christ !?
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:04 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34899 wrote:
So if you consider yourself the next and best followers of Christ via Mohamed this only means that at end time you get to compete with all the other Jesus' that are to compete at end time.

Should you then clean up your act as far as Jihad and homosexuals are concerned. Or is this of no concern?


It is your fabricated man-made Bible that inspires homosexuality and pedophiles:

"And he (Elisha) went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth and his eyes on his eyes and his hands on his hands, and he stretched himself on him; and the flesh of the child became warm." [2 Kings 4:34]

The fabricated man-made Bible that inspires this pedophiles and homosexuality:

"I (Jesus) am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; You have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was more wonderful Than the love of women." [2 Samuel 1:26]

The fabricated man-made Bible inspires this pedophiles and homosexuality:

"Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved." [John 13:23]

[SIZE="3"]LA Church to Pay $600M for Clergy Sexual Abuse [/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]By GILLIAN FLACCUS, Associated Press Writer
Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:45 PM ET
LA church to pay $600M for clergy abuse - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES - The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles will settle its clergy abuse cases for at least $600 million, by far the largest payout in the church's sexual abuse scandal, The Associated Press learned Saturday.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]American Paedophile Priests[/SIZE]

BBC News
Tuesday, 2 April, 2002
Source: BBC NEWS | Americas | Paedophile priests 'damage church'

The Roman Catholic Church in the United States is being urged to set up independent bodies to investigate allegations of sexual abuse by priests.

The call comes from the influential Catholic magazine America, which devoted a large part of its Easter issue to a crisis it says has caused "enormous pain and great scandal" in the church.

In a strongly-worded editorial, the magazine says that crimes committed by priests have physically, psychologically and spiritually damaged hundreds, perhaps thousands, of children and their families.

[SIZE="3"]A Christian jihad?[/SIZE]

July 14, 2007
Guardian Online, UK

Comment is free: A Christian jihad?

"...As the creationism debate clearly demonstrates, the USA is home to a well-organised and motivated movement with intelligent designs on power. It is becoming increasingly difficult to write off Christian fundamentalism and other conservative Christian groups - aka the Christian right - as some kind of loony fringe as its agenda "Christianises" the mainstream. It is no accident that just about every single presidential hopeful in the US has asked God to endorse his or her campaign.

The vision of marrying church and state and constructing a "Christian nation" - every bit as contrary to modern secular values as Islamism - may still seem remote, partly thanks to the tough constitutional protections against such an eventuality, but it is surprisingly enduring.

"We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country," thundered Randall Terry, religious activist and founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. "We must have a Christian nation built on God's law, on the Ten Commandments, no apologies."

Here is the Truth: Christian TERRORISM

100 Years of American Terrorism in the World 100 years of American terrorism and military intervention -- Islamic articles and information on Islam for Muslims at VictoryScent

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News you won't find on CNN or FOXNEWS

See pictures & videos you will not see on CNN or FOX News Albasrah.net

Here is the famous british journalist "Robert Fisk" who exposed the the Anglo-American Aggression (war crimes) in Iraq Pictures of Civilian Victims of the Anglo-American Aggression in Iraq - March, 2003 onwards

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : Guant namo and beyond: The continuing pursuit of unchecked executive power...violation of human rights!!(from the Amnest International Org)
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