If Jesus was God ...

Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:42 am
JesusDiedForU;34230 wrote:
I am sure you love the Jews, just as the Bible predicted... right?

Not to the exclusion of anyone else....what is that supposed to mean?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:43 am
Volunteer;34234 wrote:
You are correct, there is only one God. God is not a rose. God created the rose and everything that is, seen and unseen.

Equating all religious beliefs as beliefs in the only God is disingenuous (a lie). Who is the father of all lies?

You need to seek help.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:03 am
aaronssongs;34232 wrote:
Greatest I am;34229 wrote:

Hey, I'm on my path...and journey, just like everybody else...trying to find my way....at the end, we'll all know (or at least, that's what I believe)...until then, ain't nobody ever came back from the dead, to let us know how it really goes...so your insight doesn't trump my beliefs, and your beliefs don't cloud my insight.

They are not meant to. They ask you to see from a different position.
Regardless of who you follow it may help to look from the top.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:10 am
aaronssongs;34237 wrote:
What the hell are you saying....that all gays are predators and condone this type of behavior???? Not anymore than you condone that man in Florida, John Couey, who was was sentenced to death for abducting, raping and killing a 9-year-old Florida girl, Jessica Lunsford, by burying her alive in 2005.
I am a gay man...and I have never been involved with or interested in a child.
Child predation is an exception, not the rule...and for you to assert the contrary is malicious and appalling .
For you to malign the faith of others, in this case, Islam, is reprehensible.
You should be locked away in a mental institution for the criminally insane, for making such outrageous statements.

The subject of this thread seems to be a comparison between Christianity and Islam. The thread blasphemes the Name of Christ Jesus with that aim in mind.

The thread was started by someone who appears to be an Islamist. The stated aim of Islamists is to make the entire world convert to Islam. The immediate stated aim of Islamic world leaders is to recreate the Caliphate from India to Morroco and Europe to Africa. How do they intend to do that? Their intent is to use the same methods their forefathers used to create the first Caliphate, recruitment and forced conversion.

When someone calls them on it and exposes their lies, they claim to be victims. This is a tactic taught, in their training manuals, for countering and neutralizing the effectiveness of the alarm or light being placed on their aims and actions. This is the same tactic used by Homosexualists.

You didn't get to be a homosexual because you were born that way. You were introduced to it, or converted/recruited. It might not have been a forced recruitment, but it was a recruitment/conversion. Same as for Islam.

Know your enemy, read the Quran.

Since when is it a crime to exercise free speech?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:14 am
aaronssongs;34240 wrote:
You need to seek help.

I have help, my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:19 am
aaronssongs;34216 wrote:
Sorry Campbell, but I see how we treat human beings..at Abu Gharib, and Gitmo.
Are we any better than those? We have killed innocent men, women, and countless children, and we're somehow justified? You are mad.
We kill, we rape, we murder...yet, we think ourselves "the moralists"???
I will try hard not to laugh on Judgement Day, when God places a Muslim before you...just to show you how wrong you were, for your blind hatred, and your advocacy of murder and mayhem, all in God's name. Your God.


American's donot go out of their way to purposely target the innocent. Islamics do. And that is why they strap bombs on themselves and walk into markplaces to see how many they can kill. Bombs may not always find their mark, but when you hunt for radical Islamics that hide behind woman and children, thats what happens, and the innocent suffer. America wants peace in the world. Radical Islamics want a world that is Islamic or dead. Radical Islam does not incourage it's youth to be doctors, or nurses, rather they tell them to be suicide bombers. Large numbers of their faithful have the metality that comes right out of the stoneage. America does not dream of a day when Islamic countries will nolonger be. Yet the president of Iran dreams of a day when Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth, and America will nolonger exist. Rants like this can nolonger be ignored. We now live in a time when all the destructive power used in World II, can be delievered in the back of a pickup truck. To ignore this threat is to invite something much worse than another 911, only this time we will not be talking about thousands dead, we will be talking about millions dead.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:36 am
politically-wrong;34202 wrote:
you are too ignorant with too low an IQ to choose a matching pair of socks , such disputed opinions as you have tried to contribute too are way above your head.

WHo are you ? nothing but an angry and pissed off woman , showering us through your posts with hatred and open racism , any one who try's to logic with you is in for a wall of prejudice that went up some where in the middle of a must be chaotic and (dont wanna say it) teenagehood , If you know anything about Islam the subject which you speak of so frequently you would have known it say's Allah is the LORD when translated to english , you dont differentiate between Prophet Mohamed and our LORD Allah , and you are too confused at the head to recognize it.

Well we are educated enough to be able to hold an inteligent conversation with an adversary without resorting to scumbag tactics, sorry did i say tactics? you will have to have some inteligence to make tactics , i meant scumbag traditions.

you dont have a GOD , face it , the number of christians is dwendling , and rightly so , Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world , and we will rule where you stand reading this post sooner or later , whether we work for it or we dont its our destiny because we are right and you are wrong , your religion is totaly bogus and made up of dreams of some one who never met Jesus , and you are stupid enough to follow , and the violence christians have commited in the name of religion and GOD is unsurpassed , while they were the strongest their time was known as the worst ever , but when we were the strongest nation the whole world was at peace , when you were the strongest you started the crusades , when were the strongest we came up with the basic of all todays knowledge and science .

The number of Christians is dwendling? This just proves the Bible all the more, because the Bible tells us that just before Christ returns there will be a great falling away from the faith. Even Jesus Christ said that when He returns, will He find any faith on the earth? Thankyou for pointing that out for us. And all of this would have to take place during the time the Jews are returning to the land of Israel, so I would say the Bible once again, is right on target. That's the thing about the Bible, it tells us what to look for, to bad you don't have a Book that does the same. Yet only God knows the future, so maybe that's why you don't have such a book.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 10:39 am
Volunteer;34259 wrote:
The subject of this thread seems to be a comparison between Christianity and Islam. The thread blasphemes the Name of Christ Jesus with that aim in mind.

The thread was started by someone who appears to be an Islamist. The stated aim of Islamists is to make the entire world convert to Islam. The immediate stated aim of Islamic world leaders is to recreate the Caliphate from India to Morroco and Europe to Africa. How do they intend to do that? Their intent is to use the same methods their forefathers used to create the first Caliphate, recruitment and forced conversion.

When someone calls them on it and exposes their lies, they claim to be victims. This is a tactic taught, in their training manuals, for countering and neutralizing the effectiveness of the alarm or light being placed on their aims and actions. This is the same tactic used by Homosexualists.

You didn't get to be a homosexual because you were born that way. You were introduced to it, or converted/recruited. It might not have been a forced recruitment, but it was a recruitment/conversion. Same as for Islam.

Know your enemy, read the Quran.

Since when is it a crime to exercise free speech?

I did not start the thread, nor do I believe that Jesus is not Son of God, and a member of the Holy Trinity.
There is no such thing as "homosexualists"...so much so, it is not listed in Merriam and Websters'....contrary to popular belief you cannot go around inventing new words to embrace your insane philosophy. It only exist within the confines of your head, which is already "suspect", based on the nonsense you have posted in the past, and continue to post.
Don't make any false assumptions about me...do not sin, and bear false witness against me, as you have already done...Ask for forgiveness.
You don't know me...you know nothing about me, except what I have posted.
Know your enemy? You don't even understand the Bible, how could you possibly understand much else? Quoting scripture isn't proof of knowledge or understanding. What do you take us for?
It is a crime when your exercise of "free speech", is nothing more than lies and innuendo, and defames or demeans. Slander is a punishable offense. Be careful . You could wind up in a court of law, behind your loose tongue.
Imodium is a remedy for diarrhea.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 12:45 pm
aaronssongs;34287 wrote:
I did not start the thread, nor do I believe that Jesus is not Son of God, and a member of the Holy Trinity.
There is no such thing as "homosexualists"...so much so, it is not listed in Merriam and Websters'....contrary to popular belief you cannot go around inventing new words to embrace your insane philosophy. It only exist within the confines of your head, which is already "suspect", based on the nonsense you have posted in the past, and continue to post.
Don't make any false assumptions about me...do not sin, and bear false witness against me, as you have already done...Ask for forgiveness.
You don't know me...you know nothing about me, except what I have posted.
Know your enemy? You don't even understand the Bible, how could you possibly understand much else? Quoting scripture isn't proof of knowledge or understanding. What do you take us for?
It is a crime when your exercise of "free speech", is nothing more than lies and innuendo, and defames or demeans. Slander is a punishable offense. Be careful . You could wind up in a court of law, behind your loose tongue.
Imodium is a remedy for diarrhea.

I know you did not start this thread. Are you an Islamist? If not, why would you think I am referring to you?

New words are created every day in a living language. Normally, these words are created to describe a new phenomenon or something that hasn't been recognized before, but is an old phenomenon. American english is a living language. As a Poet, you should know it.

My assessments of you are based on what you express on this forum. My assessment is my assessment, that is all.

Another tactic common to homosexualists and islamists is the threat of legal action based on someone else's expression of free speech. Why?

Lomotil is another, stronger remedy for diarrhea. Ever try it?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 12:50 pm
Volunteer;34312 wrote:
I know you did not start this thread. Are you an Islamist? If not, why would you think I am referring to you?

New words are created every day in a living language. Normally, these words are created to describe a new phenomenon or something that hasn't been recognized before, but is an old phenomenon. American english is a living language. As a Poet, you should know it.

My assessments of you are based on what you express on this forum. My assessment is my assessment, that is all.

Another tactic common to homosexualists and islamists is the threat of legal action based on someone else's expression of free speech. Why?

Lomotil is another, stronger remedy for diarrhea. Ever try it?

What I want to say...I cannot....suffice it to say...that it involves you doing something to yourself...until you go blind. You need serious therapy. I can't help you. Fundamentalist, used as a perjorative...and that is a word.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:45 pm
[SIZE="3"]The Muslim Jesus [/SIZE]

British ITV Channel Documentary TV Film.

[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]The story of Jesus (peace be upon him) in the Islamic tradition. Muslims believe in the Virgin Birth, that Jesus performed miracles, and that he is the Messiah. They don't believe he was crucified, but he was taken up to heaven by God and will return to earth as a Muslim. This is an illuminating film with commentary from scholars who highlight the similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Gospels and in the Quran - concluding that the two faiths have more in common than most people realise, including an appearance by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, who was filmed quite extensively for this documentary.[/FONT]

The one-hour special, 'The Muslim Jesus', commissioned and narrated by Melvyn Bragg, used the Koran as its main source and featured various interviews with scholars and historians.

View Part 1: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 1

View Part 2: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 2

View Part 3: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 3

View Part 4: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 4

View Part 5: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 5
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 08:31 am
SWORD of GOD;34436 wrote:
[SIZE="3"]The Muslim Jesus [/SIZE]

British ITV Channel Documentary TV Film.

[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]The story of Jesus (peace be upon him) in the Islamic tradition. Muslims believe in the Virgin Birth, that Jesus performed miracles, and that he is the Messiah. They don't believe he was crucified, but he was taken up to heaven by God and will return to earth as a Muslim. This is an illuminating film with commentary from scholars who highlight the similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Gospels and in the Quran - concluding that the two faiths have more in common than most people realise, including an appearance by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, who was filmed quite extensively for this documentary.[/FONT]

The one-hour special, 'The Muslim Jesus', commissioned and narrated by Melvyn Bragg, used the Koran as its main source and featured various interviews with scholars and historians.

View Part 1: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 1

View Part 2: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 2

View Part 3: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 3

View Part 4: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 4

View Part 5: YouTube - The Muslim Jesus part 5

If Christianity is said to have helped form Islam then why not venerate it in reality by rebuilding the temple in Isreal?

Why the conflict in Israel if they are recognized as the root of Islam?

Or am I miss understanding the message?

Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 08:54 am
concluding that the two faiths have more in common than most people realise,
Really, i realized right away that you copied most Jewish and Christian doctrine. And then added your own twist too it. You know parts about having sex with children and stuff?

Also, youu keep saying these guys are scholars, what are there credentials?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 10:22 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34452 wrote:
If Christianity is said to have helped form Islam then why not venerate it in reality by rebuilding the temple in Isreal?

Why the conflict in Israel if they are recognized as the root of Islam?

Or am I miss understanding the message?


You seem always to miss understand all the messages (even your bible messages!).

The film was made by British ITV Channel. The film producers are christians (not muslims) and not all the ones interviewed in it are muslims (some are/or jews/christians).

Again and again..As there is only ONE GOD, there is only One Religion...Islam is the preserved pure religion of all prophets from ALLAH (GOD) (the pure true Monotheism). Islam means the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).

Islam is not a new religion but the final culmination and fulfillment of the same basic truth that ALLAH (God) revealed through all His prophets to every people.

"Not a single messenger did We (Allah) send before you (Muhammad) without this inspiration sent by Us to him - that there is no god but I, therefore worship and serve Me." [Quran 21:25]
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 11:46 am
Campbell34;34263 wrote:
American's donot go out of their way to purposely target the innocent. Islamics do. And that is why they strap bombs on themselves and walk into markplaces to see how many they can kill. Bombs may not always find their mark, but when you hunt for radical Islamics that hide behind woman and children, thats what happens, and the innocent suffer. America wants peace in the world. Radical Islamics want a world that is Islamic or dead. Radical Islam does not incourage it's youth to be doctors, or nurses, rather they tell them to be suicide bombers. Large numbers of their faithful have the metality that comes right out of the stoneage. America does not dream of a day when Islamic countries will nolonger be. Yet the president of Iran dreams of a day when Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth, and America will nolonger exist. Rants like this can nolonger be ignored. We now live in a time when all the destructive power used in World II, can be delievered in the back of a pickup truck. To ignore this threat is to invite something much worse than another 911, only this time we will not be talking about thousands dead, we will be talking about millions dead.

How can you say all this crap, while we are bombing the hell out of the Iraqi and Afghanistani people? Why? Because somehow we're justified and they're not? Dog poo poo. So because we believe other countries and leaders have bad intentions, justifies our raining destruction down on their heads, while we are completely innocent in our meddling in their foreign affairs...so 9/11 was just pure hatred on their part?
How can you say you have a brain, and reasoning ability and you don't get that we brought 9/11 on ourselves? Radical muslims didn't just wake up one morning and say, "I can't think of anything better to do, than to kill some Americans, on their own turf...let's put a plan in motion". You'd be correct in your assessment, if our own hands were clean, which they are not.
And what I fully, and rationally expect is that the American public, loud and clear, would tell its own government how it wants its foreign policy conducted...not willy nilly, clandestine operations seeking to undermine leaders that don't cooperate with our world view, or raping other nations for their resources. I fully expect Americans to stand up for what is right and just....and they have been silent...so, what has this administration done?
It has used propaganda to further its own agenda...which, by the way, seeks to improve, not the American people as a whole, but fill the coffers and pockets of a select tony few, who are mad with lust for power and gain.]
Now, that's the God's honest truth. Whether or not you care to see it that way is your own "stuff". We don't like the truth...the truth, ofttimes, "ain't pretty"...but it's still "the truth".
Our government could care less about us...or about anyone else...it's all lip service. Research, or stick your head it the sand, ostrich.
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 09:52 pm
aaronssongs;34507 wrote:
How can you say all this crap, while we are bombing the hell out of the Iraqi and Afghanistani people? Why? Because somehow we're justified and they're not? Dog poo poo. So because we believe other countries and leaders have bad intentions, justifies our raining destruction down on their heads, while we are completely innocent in our meddling in their foreign affairs...so 9/11 was just pure hatred on their part?
How can you say you have a brain, and reasoning ability and you don't get that we brought 9/11 on ourselves? Radical muslims didn't just wake up one morning and say, "I can't think of anything better to do, than to kill some Americans, on their own turf...let's put a plan in motion". You'd be correct in your assessment, if our own hands were clean, which they are not.
And what I fully, and rationally expect is that the American public, loud and clear, would tell its own government how it wants its foreign policy conducted...not willy nilly, clandestine operations seeking to undermine leaders that don't cooperate with our world view, or raping other nations for their resources. I fully expect Americans to stand up for what is right and just....and they have been silent...so, what has this administration done?
It has used propaganda to further its own agenda...which, by the way, seeks to improve, not the American people as a whole, but fill the coffers and pockets of a select tony few, who are mad with lust for power and gain.]
Now, that's the God's honest truth. Whether or not you care to see it that way is your own "stuff". We don't like the truth...the truth, ofttimes, "ain't pretty"...but it's still "the truth".
Our government could care less about us...or about anyone else...it's all lip service. Research, or stick your head it the sand, ostrich.

You want the truth, 911 happened because America went to the aid of our allie Kuwait. When that low life Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait America went to their aid, and kicked the little jerks army out of there. Where's your outrage about his actions. I don't hear you screaming about innocent Kuwait's being killed by his army. I don't hear you complaining about Hussein's attack on his defeneless neighbor. What happened after that, was the other low life Bin Laden crawled out of his hole and was upset that American's were on Holy Saudi land with the blessings of the Saudi Government, so he decided to teach American a lesson and hatched a plan to murder 3,000 Americans. America operated with in the civilized law, the other two Animals did not. And and I guess those are the kinds of actions you approve of. Our government gives more money to help more causes around the world than an nation on earth, don't even try to tell me about our government not careing.
If can defend the actions of murders like Hussein and Bin Laden, then it is a waste of my time to debate you.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 12:23 am
Campbell34;34660 wrote:
You want the truth, 911 happened because America went to the aid of our allie Kuwait. When that low life Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait America went to their aid, and kicked the little jerks army out of there. Where's your outrage about his actions. I don't hear you screaming about innocent Kuwait's being killed by his army. I don't hear you complaining about Hussein's attack on his defeneless neighbor. What happened after that, was the other low life Bin Laden crawled out of his hole and was upset that American's were on Holy Saudi land with the blessings of the Saudi Government, so he decided to teach American a lesson and hatched a plan to murder 3,000 Americans. America operated with in the civilized law, the other two Animals did not. And and I guess those are the kinds of actions you approve of. Our government gives more money to help more causes around the world than an nation on earth, don't even try to tell me about our government not careing.
If can defend the actions of murders like Hussein and Bin Laden, then it is a waste of my time to debate you.

So arrogant...you think that America has the right to invade other countries and tell them how to govern their people? What if they did that here? What would you think? You'd be outraged. But it's perfectly fine for America to be in cahoots with the Saudi royal family, who, by the way, are not favored by their own people for their dealings with America, hence Bin Laden's hatred, because we have interfered with his country...but that's perfectly fine, isn't it...because "We're America, and can do any frigging thing we want to...no matter the cost to anybody else, man, woman or child...gotta get that oil, don't we? Get outside of yourself, for a moment, and put yourself in their shoes, if you can....or are you blinded by your hatred, as well?>
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 12:53 am
You want the truth, 911 happened because America went to the aid of our allie Kuwait

you are 100% mistaken , the attackers of 911 believed they were responding to atrosities commited by the US (notice that i didnot say govrnment) against Muslims and Islam world wide , the support to Israel, the armies present in the gulf area , and the general attitude of your foriegn policy which is usualy and almost constantly anti-Islamic , Iraq was a tiny part of the whole picture , please dont deceive your self into believing that you were attacked because you rightfully freed kuwait , you are painting your self as a victim a totaly innocent one , which you are not
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:10 am
politically-wrong;34669 wrote:
you are 100% mistaken , the attackers of 911 believed they were responding to atrosities commited by the US (notice that i didnot say govrnment) against Muslims and Islam world wide , the support to Israel, the armies present in the gulf area , and the general attitude of your foriegn policy which is usualy and almost constantly anti-Islamic , Iraq was a tiny part of the whole picture , please dont deceive your self into believing that you were attacked because you rightfully freed kuwait , you are painting your self as a victim a totaly innocent one , which you are not

Polit wrong,
Don't think for one minute that all Americans think this way...some acknowledge America's complicity in the hatred the rest of the world feels for us..and justifiably so. It's not the righteous American people running things....it's a corrupt hierarchy, that is executing foreign policy that is exempt of compassion and the rule of law. The Democrats "will win" in 2008, and reclaim the country back, and govern with wisdom, intelligence, and respect for human life....while protecting the American people with a strong military, deployed effectively, defending our interests and protecting our borders and our ports (which have been neglected), from external and internal terrorism...instead of the nonsense going on at present.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:36 am
aaronssongs;34672 wrote:
Polit wrong,
Don't think for one minute that all Americans think this way...some acknowledge America's complicity in the hatred the rest of the world feels for us..and justifiably so. It's not the righteous American people running things....it's a corrupt hierarchy, that is executing foreign policy that is exempt of compassion and the rule of law. The Democrats "will win" in 2008, and reclaim the country back, and govern with wisdom, intelligence, and respect for human life....while protecting the American people with a strong military, deployed effectively, defending our interests and protecting our borders and our ports (which have been neglected), from external and internal terrorism...instead of the nonsense going on at present.

be assured aaronssongs that i never judge any one for anything but his own actions, and its quite clear how many americans stand up for whats right and are not ashamed of admiting mistakes on one's part if any , still i have to make it clear that there is nothing that could have possibly justified the attacks on WTC .

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