Campbell34;34263 wrote:American's donot go out of their way to purposely target the innocent. Islamics do. And that is why they strap bombs on themselves and walk into markplaces to see how many they can kill. Bombs may not always find their mark, but when you hunt for radical Islamics that hide behind woman and children, thats what happens, and the innocent suffer. America wants peace in the world. Radical Islamics want a world that is Islamic or dead. Radical Islam does not incourage it's youth to be doctors, or nurses, rather they tell them to be suicide bombers. Large numbers of their faithful have the metality that comes right out of the stoneage. America does not dream of a day when Islamic countries will nolonger be. Yet the president of Iran dreams of a day when Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth, and America will nolonger exist. Rants like this can nolonger be ignored. We now live in a time when all the destructive power used in World II, can be delievered in the back of a pickup truck. To ignore this threat is to invite something much worse than another 911, only this time we will not be talking about thousands dead, we will be talking about millions dead.
How can you say all this crap, while we are bombing the hell out of the Iraqi and Afghanistani people? Why? Because somehow we're justified and they're not? Dog poo poo. So because we believe other countries and leaders have bad intentions, justifies our raining destruction down on their heads, while we are completely innocent in our meddling in their foreign affairs...so 9/11 was just pure hatred on their part?
How can you say you have a brain, and reasoning ability and you don't get that we brought 9/11 on ourselves? Radical muslims didn't just wake up one morning and say, "I can't think of anything better to do, than to kill some Americans, on their own turf...let's put a plan in motion". You'd be correct in your assessment, if our own hands were clean, which they are not.
And what I fully, and rationally expect is that the American public, loud and clear, would tell its own government how it wants its foreign policy conducted...not willy nilly, clandestine operations seeking to undermine leaders that don't cooperate with our world view, or raping other nations for their resources. I fully expect Americans to stand up for what is right and just....and they have been silent...so, what has this administration done?
It has used propaganda to further its own agenda...which, by the way, seeks to improve, not the American people as a whole, but fill the coffers and pockets of a select tony few, who are mad with lust for power and gain.]
Now, that's the God's honest truth. Whether or not you care to see it that way is your own "stuff". We don't like the truth...the truth, ofttimes, "ain't pretty"...but it's still "the truth".
Our government could care less about us...or about anyone else...it's all lip service. Research, or stick your head it the sand, ostrich.