If Jesus was God ...

Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 02:59 pm
SWORD of GOD;34131 wrote:
Talking without documented proofs is cheap. Provide your documented proofs before I start doing it!

Ezekiel 39: 25 to 29. "Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will now bring Jacob back from captivity and will have compassion on all the people of Israel, and I will be zealous for my holy name. They will forget their shame and all the unfaithfulness they showed toward me when they lived in safety in their land with no one to make them afraid. When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind. I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the Sovereign LORD.
According to Ezekiel this prophecy will be fulfilled after the destruction of Gog which you can read about in the 38 chapter of Ezekiel. It appears the army that God will destroy will be made up of a number of Islamic nations that are mentioned in chapter 38. Also God states He will not protect Israel so much for their sakes, but for His Holy Name that the Jews have polluted where ever they wandered. The Bible tells us all this will happen in the latter years.
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:38 pm
Campbell34;34137 wrote:
Ezekiel 39: 25 to 29. "Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will now bring Jacob back from captivity and will have compassion on all the people of Israel, and I will be zealous for my holy name. They will forget their shame and all the unfaithfulness they showed toward me when they lived in safety in their land with no one to make them afraid. When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind. I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the Sovereign LORD.
According to Ezekiel this prophecy will be fulfilled after the destruction of Gog which you can read about in the 38 chapter of Ezekiel. It appears the army that God will destroy will be made up of a number of Islamic nations that are mentioned in chapter 38. Also God states He will not protect Israel so much for their sakes, but for His Holy Name that the Jews have polluted where ever they wandered. The Bible tells us all this will happen in the latter years.

Is this the only best thing you can bring!!? I want you to bring all your proofs, and also the claimed proofs about the Quran prophecies which you claimed none have been fulfilled!!!!
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:53 pm
We do not need proof, you koran is just a book. Paper nothing more or less, we know who the true god is and that's the LORD. Not Allah, he's a fake a hoax. Folklore past on to an uneducated people to this day, living in the year seven hundred and yet Christian's thrive and succeed without violence against one another in the name of our god. Islam is killing thousands daily in the name of Allah, including fellow Muslims without violence Islam would wither and die.

One only has to look at Turkey it killed over one point five million Armenians and yet it refuses to admit it commited the globes first genocide. In fact Hitler used it as a model to slaughter six million Jews. Some god you worship Sword. Islam will be remembered once it dies as the most violent cult during the duration of mankind. Nice legacy Sword.
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 06:06 pm
@Red cv,
Red;34175 wrote:
We do not need proof, you koran is just a book. Paper nothing more or less, we know who the true god is and that's the LORD. Not Allah, he's a fake a hoax. Folklore past on to an uneducated people to this day, living in the year seven hundred and yet Christian's thrive and succeed without violence against one another in the name of our god. Islam is killing thousands daily in the name of Allah, including fellow Muslims without violence Islam would wither and die.

One only has to look at Turkey it killed over one point five million Armenians and yet it refuses to admit it commited the globes first genocide. In fact Hitler used it as a model to slaughter six million Jews. Some god you worship Sword. Islam will be remembered once it dies as the most violent cult during the duration of mankind. Nice legacy Sword.

How dare you, with your self-righteous hypocrisy, chastise, defame and denigrate anyone else's religion, faith or belief. Just who do you think you are? What gives you the right? No one has that right.
There is but one God, some know him as Jehovah, some as Allah, some as the great Almighty, some as the Lord...a rose by any other name.....
The Islamic God is no or more less fake than your God....you think you know God...I say you do not...you do not speak for him/her...you can't even count the many hairs on your own head, let alone, discuss the do's and don'ts of God. Cease and desist...because you have no leg to stand upon. Intolerant and hateful...yet you want others to be understanding of you and yours...it's precisely people like you that are the problem.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 02:30 am
@Red cv,
Red;34175 wrote:
We do not need proof, you koran is just a book. Paper nothing more or less, we know who the true god is and that's the LORD. Not Allah, he's a fake a hoax. Folklore past on to an uneducated people to this day, living in the year seven hundred and yet Christian's thrive and succeed without violence against one another in the name of our god. Islam is killing thousands daily in the name of Allah, including fellow Muslims without violence Islam would wither and die.

One only has to look at Turkey it killed over one point five million Armenians and yet it refuses to admit it commited the globes first genocide. In fact Hitler used it as a model to slaughter six million Jews. Some god you worship Sword. Islam will be remembered once it dies as the most violent cult during the duration of mankind. Nice legacy Sword.

We do not need proof, you koran is just a book. Paper nothing more or less

you are too ignorant with too low an IQ to choose a matching pair of socks , such disputed opinions as you have tried to contribute too are way above your head.

we know who the true god is and that's the LORD. Not Allah, he's a fake a hoax

WHo are you ? nothing but an angry and pissed off woman , showering us through your posts with hatred and open racism , any one who try's to logic with you is in for a wall of prejudice that went up some where in the middle of a must be chaotic and (dont wanna say it) teenagehood , If you know anything about Islam the subject which you speak of so frequently you would have known it say's Allah is the LORD when translated to english , you dont differentiate between Prophet Mohamed and our LORD Allah , and you are too confused at the head to recognize it.

he's a fake a hoax. Folklore past on to an uneducated people to this day

Well we are educated enough to be able to hold an inteligent conversation with an adversary without resorting to scumbag tactics, sorry did i say tactics? you will have to have some inteligence to make tactics , i meant scumbag traditions.

living in the year seven hundred and yet Christian's thrive and succeed without violence against one another in the name of our god

you dont have a GOD , face it , the number of christians is dwendling , and rightly so , Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world , and we will rule where you stand reading this post sooner or later , whether we work for it or we dont its our destiny because we are right and you are wrong , your religion is totaly bogus and made up of dreams of some one who never met Jesus , and you are stupid enough to follow , and the violence christians have commited in the name of religion and GOD is unsurpassed , while they were the strongest their time was known as the worst ever , but when we were the strongest nation the whole world was at peace , when you were the strongest you started the crusades , when were the strongest we came up with the basic of all todays knowledge and science .
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 02:34 am
you should be thankful am rather busy right now to really answer you the way i would like to.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 06:08 am
@Red cv,
Red;34175 wrote:
We do not need proof, you koran is just a book. Paper nothing more or less, we know who the true god is and that's the LORD. Not Allah, he's a fake a hoax. Folklore past on to an uneducated people to this day, living in the year seven hundred and yet Christian's thrive and succeed without violence against one another in the name of our god. Islam is killing thousands daily in the name of Allah, including fellow Muslims without violence Islam would wither and die.

One only has to look at Turkey it killed over one point five million Armenians and yet it refuses to admit it commited the globes first genocide. In fact Hitler used it as a model to slaughter six million Jews. Some god you worship Sword. Islam will be remembered once it dies as the most violent cult during the duration of mankind. Nice legacy Sword.

Amen Red
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 06:24 am
aaronssongs;34178 wrote:
How dare you, with your self-righteous hypocrisy, chastise, defame and denigrate anyone else's religion, faith or belief. Just who do you think you are? What gives you the right? No one has that right.
There is but one God, some know him as Jehovah, some as Allah, some as the great Almighty, some as the Lord...a rose by any other name.....
The Islamic God is no or more less fake than your God....you think you know God...I say you do not...you do not speak for him/her...you can't even count the many hairs on your own head, let alone, discuss the do's and don'ts of God. Cease and desist...because you have no leg to stand upon. Intolerant and hateful...yet you want others to be understanding of you and yours...it's precisely people like you that are the problem.

Sorry aaronssong but we Christians see how some Moslems use women and children as human shields, we see how they kill their own people in the name of Allah. We see how they smash planes into buildings killing innocent people who are just trying to make a living for their families. We see these things, and we remember. We see how they blow up embasies killing hundreds of innocent people, and we remember they do this all in the name of Allah. And as the Bible fortells, the Islamics will someday try to drive the Jews out of the land of Israel, and on that day, you and the Jews together will see the real God. And both the Islamics, and the Jews, will not be happy. Zec. 12
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 06:37 am
aaronssongs;34081 wrote:
Greatest I am;34070 wrote:
God is a God of inclusion not exclusion.

If you really believe this, why are the lot of you so intolerant and judgemental?

Both Bible, if adhered to, will please God.
I kinda sorta almost believe this, but how do you know? I mean how could you possibly know, for real, exactly, what pleases God? It's not like he calls you on the phone...I'm thinking you have "a feeling", which may or may not be "divinely inspired"....so how do you know, unequivocably ?

GIA wrote
God touched my mind the one time for a very short time when I was (saved).
It tends to change your way of thinking in some areas. Some known or recognized, some indirect and vague.

He does not care what language you speak as long as your actions are fair and just.
Again, what are you basing your conclusion upon?

GIA wrote
Logic and reason.

Both of these works speak of Jesus. If we follow His philosophy we should be OK.

God is the God of all men, not just the few here or there.
The only thing that you have said that is patently true

Try to think like God looking down on all your works.

Will you punish someone who calls you by a certain name out of ignorance of your true name if he is a good man. No.

Will you condemn someone who reads the wrong Bible if He is a good man. No.
In fact all men are your works, how can you condemn any of them.

If evil must be a part of your works, will you condemn those who do it. No. It is that way because it must be so as your Perfect works.

You look from above and see things unfolding exactly as you foresaw and predicted. Why intervene unless someone cries out strongly for you. No reason.

You wait for more to seek you the right way perhaps. Some who have a place of glory waiting for you. Your throne has yet to be built so you wait.

You gather generation after generation to you and yet the living are not learning the lessons you have given. You wait. You have the patience of God.

Seeing from afar sometimes helps us see close.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 06:47 am
We should recognize that the rank and file of Islam does not support violence and are ashamed of their fundamentalist brothers. Why they are not more fundamental on their ass is yet to be stated. It is as if a protestant sect in Christianity were creating this impression of all protestants. These would be vocal and political on the asses that are offending their good name.
If Islam is not willing to clean it's own house then it will reap the reward that is presently being offered.

Those who are living by the sword should die by the same Islamic sword that they yield to the detriment of the larger body.

I don't mean you Sword.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 07:01 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34212 wrote:
aaronssongs;34081 wrote:

Try to think like God looking down on all your works.

Will you punish someone who calls you by a certain name out of ignorance of your true name if he is a good man. No.

Will you condemn someone who reads the wrong Bible if He is a good man. No.
In fact all men are your works, how can you condemn any of them.

If evil must be a part of your works, will you condemn those who do it. No. It is that way because it must be so as your Perfect works.

You look from above and see things unfolding exactly as you foresaw and predicted. Why intervene unless someone cries out strongly for you. No reason.

You wait for more to seek you the right way perhaps. Some who have a place of glory waiting for you. Your throne has yet to be built so you wait.

You gather generation after generation to you and yet the living are not learning the lessons you have given. You wait. You have the patience of God.

Seeing from afar sometimes helps us see close.


Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 07:08 am
Campbell34;34211 wrote:
Sorry aaronssong but we Christians see how some Moslems use women and children as human shields, we see how they kill their own people in the name of Allah. We see how they smash planes into buildings killing innocent people who are just trying to make a living for their families. We see these things, and we remember. We see how they blow up embasies killing hundreds of innocent people, and we remember they do this all in the name of Allah. And as the Bible fortells, the Islamics will someday try to drive the Jews out of the land of Israel, and on that day, you and the Jews together will see the real God. And both the Islamics, and the Jews, will not be happy. Zec. 12

Sorry Campbell, but I see how we treat human beings..at Abu Gharib, and Gitmo.
Are we any better than those? We have killed innocent men, women, and countless children, and we're somehow justified? You are mad.
We kill, we rape, we murder...yet, we think ourselves "the moralists"???
I will try hard not to laugh on Judgement Day, when God places a Muslim before you...just to show you how wrong you were, for your blind hatred, and your advocacy of murder and mayhem, all in God's name. Your God.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:17 am
aaronssongs;34215 wrote:
Greatest I am;34212 wrote:


Try your version.

Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:20 am
aaronssongs;34216 wrote:
Sorry Campbell, but I see how we treat human beings..at Abu Gharib, and Gitmo.
Are we any better than those? We have killed innocent men, women, and countless children, and we're somehow justified? You are mad.
We kill, we rape, we murder...yet, we think ourselves "the moralists"???
I will try hard not to laugh on Judgement Day, when God places a Muslim before you...just to show you how wrong you were, for your blind hatred, and your advocacy of murder and mayhem, all in God's name. Your God.


I am sure you love the Jews, just as the Bible predicted... right?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:23 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;34229 wrote:
aaronssongs;34215 wrote:

Try your version.


Hey, I'm on my path...and journey, just like everybody else...trying to find my way....at the end, we'll all know (or at least, that's what I believe)...until then, ain't nobody ever came back from the dead, to let us know how it really goes...so your insight doesn't trump my beliefs, and your beliefs don't cloud my insight.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:29 am
aaronssongs;33461 wrote:
How dare you compare gay people to Islamists, and using "tactics', no less...?
Gay people have been the objects of "hate crimes"....Matthew Shepherd comes to mind, as well as Michael Sandy. So for you to suggest that it's all a figment of someone's "wild imagination", is dishonest and hateful, in and of itself.
I wish you'd tell me to go and take a "flying leap"...so I can tell you where to kiss. You're hateful and despicable...is me calling a spade a spade going to get me banned?

Islamists are predators.

Homosexuals are predators. See the excerpts below.

North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a New York City and San Francisco-based unincorporated organization that advocates the legalization of sexual relations between adult males and under-aged boys. NAMBLA defends what it claims to be the right of minors to explore their sexuality more freely with older men. It has resolved to "end the oppression of men and boys who have freely chosen mutually consenting relationships," in spite of opposition claims that such relationships are child sexual abuse where the minor is unable to give consent. It also calls for "the adoption of laws that both protect children from unwanted sexual experiences and at the same time leave them free to determine the content of their own sexual experiences."[1]
ACLU NAMBLA RAGE PAGEJeffrey Dahmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHomosexual Myths
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:33 am
aaronssongs;34178 wrote:
How dare you, with your self-righteous hypocrisy, chastise, defame and denigrate anyone else's religion, faith or belief. Just who do you think you are? What gives you the right? No one has that right.
There is but one God, some know him as Jehovah, some as Allah, some as the great Almighty, some as the Lord...a rose by any other name.....
The Islamic God is no or more less fake than your God....you think you know God...I say you do not...you do not speak for him/her...you can't even count the many hairs on your own head, let alone, discuss the do's and don'ts of God. Cease and desist...because you have no leg to stand upon. Intolerant and hateful...yet you want others to be understanding of you and yours...it's precisely people like you that are the problem.

You are correct, there is only one God. God is not a rose. God created the rose and everything that is, seen and unseen.

Equating all religious beliefs as beliefs in the only God is disingenuous (a lie). Who is the father of all lies?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:34 am
Volunteer;34233 wrote:
Islamists are predators.

Homosexuals are predators. See the excerpts below.

North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a New York City and San Francisco-based unincorporated organization that advocates the legalization of sexual relations between adult males and under-aged boys. NAMBLA defends what it claims to be the right of minors to explore their sexuality more freely with older men. It has resolved to "end the oppression of men and boys who have freely chosen mutually consenting relationships," in spite of opposition claims that such relationships are child sexual abuse where the minor is unable to give consent. It also calls for "the adoption of laws that both protect children from unwanted sexual experiences and at the same time leave them free to determine the content of their own sexual experiences."[1]
ACLU NAMBLA RAGE PAGEJeffrey Dahmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHomosexual Myths

The only difference is the prey.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:36 am
aaronssongs;34232 wrote:
Greatest I am;34229 wrote:

Hey, I'm on my path...and journey, just like everybody else...trying to find my way....at the end, we'll all know (or at least, that's what I believe)...until then, ain't nobody ever came back from the dead, to let us know how it really goes...so your insight doesn't trump my beliefs, and your beliefs don't cloud my insight.

One person came back from the dead, the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:40 am
Volunteer;34233 wrote:
Islamists are predators.

Homosexuals are predators. See the excerpts below.

North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a New York City and San Francisco-based unincorporated organization that advocates the legalization of sexual relations between adult males and under-aged boys. NAMBLA defends what it claims to be the right of minors to explore their sexuality more freely with older men. It has resolved to "end the oppression of men and boys who have freely chosen mutually consenting relationships," in spite of opposition claims that such relationships are child sexual abuse where the minor is unable to give consent. It also calls for "the adoption of laws that both protect children from unwanted sexual experiences and at the same time leave them free to determine the content of their own sexual experiences."[1]
ACLU NAMBLA RAGE PAGEJeffrey Dahmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHomosexual Myths

What the hell are you saying....that all gays are predators and condone this type of behavior???? Not anymore than you condone that man in Florida, John Couey, who was was sentenced to death for abducting, raping and killing a 9-year-old Florida girl, Jessica Lunsford, by burying her alive in 2005.
I am a gay man...and I have never been involved with or interested in a child.
Child predation is an exception, not the rule...and for you to assert the contrary is malicious and appalling .
For you to malign the faith of others, in this case, Islam, is reprehensible.
You should be locked away in a mental institution for the criminally insane, for making such outrageous statements.

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