politically-wrong;33485 wrote:you know Aaron , first when i read the post comparing Islamists to gay people i got angry and wanted to reply with alot of emotion , but then i thought better of it , i didnot want to offend any Gay people on the forum , guess you didnot care about us .
just as muslims are now
Let me clarify...when I referred to Islamist, I meant the extremists (the radical Islamists), which, hopefully, was whom Volunteer was referring to, and not "run-of-the-mill" Muslims, who are devout followers of Islam, and believe in the rule of law, tolerance, and humanity. I certainly don't mean to assert or believe that all Muslims are radical, as much as I believe that all fundamentalists, and bible thumpers, and Christian zealots are representative of the whole of body of Christ...we could do without the lot of them, as they are mirror reflections of the other.
I just abhor all these "so-called" Christians, who spew nothing but hate and intolerance for any viewed as "other". They are intolerant of other religions and faiths...of gays and lesbians, of a woman's right to choose (which actually is a matter between a woman and her conscience, some would say, "God", but of course, there are so many taking on God's role of judging, while ignoring the fact that they too have sin and error on their heads...but in God's infinite wisdom, he somehow endowed them with the directive, that they were to point out the shortcomings and aberrations in others...something that even Christ Jesus did not do....so go figure)
I'd sooner believe that God will be welcoming a whole lot of gays and Muslims, into the kingdom of Heaven, before a whole lot of fake Christians and self-appointed and self-righteous demagogues.