If Jesus was God ...

Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:10 am
Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible? THE BIBLE - THE BOOK THAT BELITTLES GOD AND GLORIFIES SATAN .- By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya.
Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible?

Examples of the Biblical Verses that Belittle God

1-Would you agree with the Bible when it says. "The Lord is man of war; the Lord is His name" (Exodus 15:3)? Is it not a blasphemy to say that God is a man, even a man of war?

2-Is there man a superior than God? Why does the Bible describe God to be merely prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6); whereas, Melchizedek as the King of Peace (Hebrew 7:2)? Does not God deserve the grand title, the King of Peace?

3-God is not omniscient. How come the Bible portrays God's limited knowledge of His creatures? (Genesis 3:8-13; Job 1:7) Would you believe that God did not even know Satan, of where he came from? (Job 1:7).

Examples of the Biblical Verses that Glorify Satan

1-Satan is the prince of the world. The living New Testament says that Satan is the prince of this world who shall be cast out (John 12:31). The Amplified version even describes Satan as "the ruler (evil generous, prince) of this world" (John 12:31).

2-Satan is the ruler of this world. He is the ruler of this world who is Judged. The King James says that the ruler of this world is coming (John 14:30). The Amplified version specifies that the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world who is coming is Satan (John 14:30,31). The same version of the Bible stresses that Satan is the ruler of this world (John 16:11). He is the ruler of this world who is judged (John 16:11) according to the other versions (i.e. King James, Living New Testaments, and the Revised Standard).

3-Satan is the god of this evil world. The Living New Testament even recognizes that Satan is the god of this evil world (2 Corinthians 4:4). The King James states that the god of this age has blinded those who do not believe (4 Corinthians 4:4).

4-Satan is imbued with all power. The King James writes: "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders" (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

More details and examples can be found here Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible?
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:11 am
SWORD of GOD;32885 wrote:
Can't you just be humble and answer my simple question with yes or no...Did you Jesus has a human father ?

Humble, I am not. And I can't ( or won't) answer your question with a simple "yes or no"....so, that means you're going to have to get off your ass, pull out a book and do a little research....I gave you the answer...just because you choose not to accept it, is not my problem. You don't really want the answer...you want to appear superior, and are failing, miserably.
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:15 am
SWORD of GOD;32888 wrote:
Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible? THE BIBLE - THE BOOK THAT BELITTLES GOD AND GLORIFIES SATAN .- By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya.
Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible?

Examples of the Biblical Verses that Belittle God

1-Would you agree with the Bible when it says. "The Lord is man of war; the Lord is His name" (Exodus 15:3)? Is it not a blasphemy to say that God is a man, even a man of war?

2-Is there man a superior than God? Why does the Bible describe God to be merely prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6); whereas, Melchizedek as the King of Peace (Hebrew 7:2)? Does not God deserve the grand title, the King of Peace?

3-God is not omniscient. How come the Bible portrays God's limited knowledge of His creatures? (Genesis 3:8-13; Job 1:7) Would you believe that God did not even know Satan, of where he came from? (Job 1:7).

Examples of the Biblical Verses that Glorify Satan

1-Satan is the prince of the world. The living New Testament says that Satan is the prince of this world who shall be cast out (John 12:31). The Amplified version even describes Satan as "the ruler (evil generous, prince) of this world" (John 12:31).

2-Satan is the ruler of this world. He is the ruler of this world who is Judged. The King James says that the ruler of this world is coming (John 14:30). The Amplified version specifies that the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world who is coming is Satan (John 14:30,31). The same version of the Bible stresses that Satan is the ruler of this world (John 16:11). He is the ruler of this world who is judged (John 16:11) according to the other versions (i.e. King James, Living New Testaments, and the Revised Standard).

3-Satan is the god of this evil world. The Living New Testament even recognizes that Satan is the god of this evil world (2 Corinthians 4:4). The King James states that the god of this age has blinded those who do not believe (4 Corinthians 4:4).

4-Satan is imbued with all power. The King James writes: "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders" (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

More details and examples can be found here Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible?

You, sir, are no better than Volunteer. You can post sources that endorse your argument...but you cannot persuade those who subscribe to a belief system...anymore than you could win me over to your side...Two opposing viewpoints can exist within the same room, as long as both sides agree the other has the right to exist. Dayum ...that's kinda deep, ain't it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:16 am

The link below is to a web site that provides answers to almost any question you can think up concerning Christianity.

Christian Answers Network (ChristianAnswers.Net): Multilingual answers, reviews, ministry resources, and more! [Home]

The site was prepared and is maintained by people who are well equipped by 100s of manyears of study to answer your questions concerning Christ Jesus and Christians.

I challenge you to go to that web site to get answers to your questions. If you choose not to go to an expert source, then all you are doing with your questions is attempting to destabilize Christians who do not exercize their faith by reading God's Word and putting it into action. I believe this is what you are attempting to do with every post.

I challenge you to prove me wrong by getting your questions about Christianity answered by the experts at the link above.
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:21 am

The link below provides access to many translations of the Bible. There is even an Arabic translation available if you feel more confortable reading it in your primary language.

BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 50 versions and 35 languages.

The translation you use seems to have provided you with a distorted view of Christ and Christianity.
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 11:25 am
aaronssongs;32890 wrote:
Humble, I am not. And I can't ( or won't) answer your question with a simple "yes or no"....so, that means you're going to have to get off your ass, pull out a book and do a little research....I gave you the answer...just because you choose not to accept it, is not my problem. You don't really want the answer...you want to appear superior, and are failing, miserably.

Well now Aaron, it seems we agree on something. Although I'd have used different language to point it out. Sorry I misspelled your name on the first edit.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 02:03 am
The link below provides access to many translations of the Bible. There is even an Arabic translation available if you feel more confortable reading it in your primary language.

BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 50 versions and 35 languages.

The translation you use seems to have provided you with a distorted view of Christ and Christianity.

thanks , i never did try to read the bible , finding it in arabic i suppose will help alot in understanding it better , i wish you would do the same about the Quraan(on the condition that you leave out all images and opinions you already have), by the way i understand that there are many versions of the bible, how popular is the one translated?
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 05:10 am
aaronssongs;32846 wrote:
One topic at a time? Please, with your understanding of God, surely you should be able to juggle more than one ball at a time. And again, you overreach.
My ability to comprehend is solely dependent on your ability to be coherent, which has fallen short, of late. You overestimate your knowledge of the subject matter...if not, begin, wherever you like....I'm all ears.


We should try to speak to the Thread title and recognize that if Jesus was God, then He actually forgave all sin as the savior and redeemer of man and that Hell, not being required further, is no more.

God started with a Perfect universe and must therefore end the same way. No blemish like a Hell would be tolerated. In fact no imperfections at all are allowed.

How's that for knowing God and His standards?

Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 06:37 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32997 wrote:

We should try to speak to the Thread title and recognize that if Jesus was God, then He actually forgave all sin as the savior and redeemer of man and that Hell, not being required further, is no more.

God started with a Perfect universe and must therefore end the same way. No blemish like a Hell would be tolerated. In fact no imperfections at all are allowed.

How's that for knowing God and His standards?


Speaking to the thread title, and being a Christian (Episcopalian, by birth), I believe in the Holy Trinity...I have come to the conclusion/revelation, that God is the author of the universe, which encompasses both good and evil....why evil, I cannot begin to understand...but if He, is the author of all that exists, it surely must include the evil in the world, as well as the good (see "Winning Through Enlightenment by Dr. Ron Smothermon). " The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to unfold.'
....so that theory would conflict with yours...and God created imperfect man...and mosquitos, so I guess imperfections and pests are, in fact, allowed....so you couldn't be more wrong, on that tip.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 08:27 am
aaronssongs;33000 wrote:
Speaking to the thread title, and being a Christian (Episcopalian, by birth), I believe in the Holy Trinity...I have come to the conclusion/revelation, that God is the author of the universe, which encompasses both good and evil....why evil, I cannot begin to understand...but if He, is the author of all that exists, it surely must include the evil in the world, as well as the good (see "Winning Through Enlightenment by Dr. Ron Smothermon). " The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to unfold.'
....so that theory would conflict with yours...and God created imperfect man...and mosquitos, so I guess imperfections and pests are, in fact, allowed....so you couldn't be more wrong, on that tip.

Many mosquitoes would not agree with your notion that they are imperfect creations.

Perhaps when you can dither out why evil is a requirement then the (mystery) that you create will disappear.
God provides information for us to understand Him. He does not give mysteries, He gives solutions and guidance.

If you agree that evil is a requirement then Eve must have made the right choice. Right?

Did I miss your reply to my comments of Jesus?

Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 09:26 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;33012 wrote:
Many mosquitoes would not agree with your notion that they are imperfect creations.

Perhaps when you can dither out why evil is a requirement then the (mystery) that you create will disappear.
God provides information for us to understand Him. He does not give mysteries, He gives solutions and guidance.

If you agree that evil is a requirement then Eve must have made the right choice. Right?

Did I miss your reply to my comments of Jesus?


All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great an small...
One doesn't have to venture too far, to understand you understand very little...what a mosquito thinks is a non issue...and it's ridiculous for you to assert than it is.
It is not a matter for me to "dither out", as to the hows and whys of evil...I'm trying with all my might to embrace and foster "the good". God does, indeed, give us information, which with, we can know him, as much as we are able.
God is a mystery, in and of himself...and God's ways are "mysterious"...
Guidance, providence, wisdom, are things God imparts to us....solutions are the stuff of life and destinies.
I didn't say evil is a requirement...you have misrepresented me. We were given free will....I said God is the source of both good and evil...two different things.
What commentary concerning Jesus were you referring to?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 09:32 am
aaronssongs;33041 wrote:
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great an small...
One doesn't have to venture too far, to understand you understand very little...what a mosquito thinks is a non issue...and it's ridiculous for you to assert than it is.
It is not a matter for me to "dither out", as to the hows and whys of evil...I'm trying with all my might to embrace and foster "the good". God does, indeed, give us information, which with, we can know him, as much as we are able.
God is a mystery, in and of himself...and God's ways are "mysterious"...
Guidance, providence, wisdom, are things God imparts to us....solutions are the stuff of life and destinies.
I didn't say evil is a requirement...you have misrepresented me. We were given free will....I said God is the source of both good and evil...two different things.
What commentary concerning Jesus were you referring to?

Redeeming and being the savior of the world.

Why does He need to do it again. For God, once should be enough to end Hell.

Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 09:37 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;33043 wrote:
Redeeming and being the savior of the world.

Why does He need to do it again. For God, once should be enough to end Hell.


Personally, I don't know why he would need to "do it again"...since I'm not in his league, it's not in my realm to question him....then again, you might...you know, you kinda "godly" and all....closer to him than me...so you question him, hear?
See how far you get...don't back down now...you seem to know him and his "ways', better than the rest of us mortals...tell us how it go.
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 11:18 am
Volunteer;32892 wrote:

The link below is to a web site that provides answers to almost any question you can think up concerning Christianity.

Christian Answers Network (ChristianAnswers.Net): Multilingual answers, reviews, ministry resources, and more! [Home]

The site was prepared and is maintained by people who are well equipped by 100s of manyears of study to answer your questions concerning Christ Jesus and Christians.

I challenge you to go to that web site to get answers to your questions. If you choose not to go to an expert source, then all you are doing with your questions is attempting to destabilize Christians who do not exercize their faith by reading God's Word and putting it into action. I believe this is what you are attempting to do with every post.

I challenge you to prove me wrong by getting your questions about Christianity answered by the experts at the link above.

I can post to you here a long list of those sites by Christian Apologists who tried to defend the bible no matter what nonsense the bible states and no matter what false information it contains that even contradict the very basics of modren scientific facts. They will try to defend the fabricated man-made bible with deception and lies but No sensible logical answers!

For example:

They can defend the nonsense biblical passage that tells you not to drink water alone because it is harmful to your health!


They can defend the nonsense biblical passage that states that there are birds/insects with four legs!

[ Lv:11:20 ]-[ All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you. ]

They can defend the nonsense biblical passage that states that rabbit chews cud!
[ Lv:11:6 ]-[ the rabbit also, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you;]

I want you here -if you really trust your bible- to defend such nonsense biblical passages and try to explain the crystal clear errors and contradictions in your bible.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 11:22 am
Volunteer;32894 wrote:

The link below provides access to many translations of the Bible. There is even an Arabic translation available if you feel more confortable reading it in your primary language.

BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 50 versions and 35 languages.

The translation you use seems to have provided you with a distorted view of Christ and Christianity.

I got all the sources for your man-made bible. Thanks for the try though.

I advice you to try this searchable online Bible too with several versions and translations (even arabic!) and it contains your biblegateway site too !! Online Parallel Bible: Weaving God's Word into the Web
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 12:27 pm
aaronssongs;33045 wrote:
Personally, I don't know why he would need to "do it again"...since I'm not in his league, it's not in my realm to question him....then again, you might...you know, you kinda "godly" and all....closer to him than me...so you question him, hear?
See how far you get...don't back down now...you seem to know him and his "ways', better than the rest of us mortals...tell us how it go.

Believing that we are all saved thanks to Him is a good start.

As to questioning, the Bible contains the tree of good and evil. It is to us to decide who is speaking. We must question and judge all the time. How else are we to know what to follow and why.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 12:32 pm
SWORD of GOD;33062 wrote:
I got all the sources for your man-made bible. Thanks for the try though.

I advice you to try this searchable online Bible too with several versions and translations (even arabic!) and it contains your biblegateway site too !! Online Parallel Bible: Weaving God's Word into the Web

The book of the dead is also a great place to see where many of the stories for both Bibles came from.
Even Jesus seems to be plagiarized from this source.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 12:46 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;33077 wrote:
Believing that we are all saved thanks to Him is a good start.

As to questioning, the Bible contains the tree of good and evil. It is to us to decide who is speaking. We must question and judge all the time. How else are we to know what to follow and why.


The arrogance is just overwhelming. As an article of my faith, I already believe that Christ was the propitiation for our sins. So what are you telling me that is new or revealing? Nothing, I might add.
The bible contains no such "tree of good and evil"....you've been reading too many fairy tales, and have gotten confused. Knowledge is the source of both good and evil. Inherently we know the difference between the two, which leads us to "choice", using sound "judgement". That is how we know what to do, and which direction to go. As I suspected earlier, you are the one confused and pompous, for no good reason. You, of all people, should change your screen name...it seems some cruel joke.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 12:50 pm
aaronssongs;33085 wrote:
The arrogance is just overwhelming. As an article of my faith, I already believe that Christ was the propitiation for our sins. So what are you telling me that is new or revealing? Nothing, I might add.
The bible contains no such "tree of good and evil"....you've been reading too many fairy tales, and have gotten confused. Knowledge is the source of both good and evil. Inherently we know the difference between the two, which leads us to "choice", using sound "judgement". That is how we know what to do, and which direction to go. As I suspected earlier, you are the one confused and pompous, for no good reason. You, of all people, should change your screen name...it seems some cruel joke.

Is this a normal Christian aptitude? Usually only fundamentalists comment about my name. I guess when logic fails attack personally.

Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 01:16 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;33086 wrote:
Is this a normal Christian aptitude? Usually only fundamentalists comment about my name. I guess when logic fails attack personally.


I wouldn't know what the normal Christian aptitude (if there is such a thing, in the first place) is...I don't consider myself "normal"...I consider myself "atypical"...that being said, why would fundamentalists be the only ones to comment on your name. And how have I attacked you personally...I looked at your profile, and there is nothing there to describe who you really are and what you're about, so I don't know you...how could it be personal?
I attacked your assertions and what you have represented. Nothing more.

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