aaronssongs;32760 wrote:GRACE ANSWERS 5
The Old Testament word translated "mystery" or "mysteries" is most often the Aramaic raz . Daniel used the word in his writings often: (Daniel 2:18, 27-30 & 47 and 4:9). "During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision." The mystery in this case was a dream God had given to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The dream troubled the king. He summoned magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to explain the dream. They could not. Daniel asked God to reveal the meaning of the dream to him. God did. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar: "No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries." That is an excellent explanation about the nature of mysteries. They are God's secrets. Only God can explain His mysteries to humanity. God chooses who he will reveal them.
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Why waste His time speaking to us if we cannot be sure of ever understanding Him or His philosophy?
We discoursed with other philosophers till we were clear on their positions. Why be different with God. Why say mystery here and there for those things that do not make sense to us or the harder questions. Why believe that the greatest teacher cannot teach His philosophy. Why think that God is that stupid.
The king of the lions can make himself understood by lions.
The king of rats can make himself understood by rats.
The king of men can be understood by men.
It is only deficient or lazy men who cannot understand God.
You do man a disservice by denigrating his ability to comprehend the messages that God provides. God does not waste His time. If we could not understand then He would find a way to make us understand.
Only lazy fundamentalists will not take the time to understand and hide in senseless scripture and bow to mystery instead of dithering out the message.
Any follower who follows without knowing why is a fool that would have stayed in the garden of ignorance instead of escaping with Eve and the rest of us more enlightened people.