If Jesus was God ...

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 10:22 pm
Dmizer;12958 wrote:
"Be advised: if you dispatch murderers to kill me, know that I have shown all this internet traffic to three friends who serve as Assistant District Attorneys. You will get caught."

A little Paranoid, aren't we?

Mohammad wasn't a man of God, he was a man of oppurtunity. He saw an oppurtunity to take advantage of the uneducated to swindle them and use their superstitions to make them sheep. Free will is a wonderful thing that God has given us. Unfortuately the lack of intelligence allows for the free will of man to be cut down by his own stupidity. Islam is the greatest example of a man's free will being quashed by all of the rules put in place by it's leaders. The abject domination of women, the brutal punishment, the prejudice against all those of do not subscribe to their religion. All primary examples of a religion created by man. If it were divine in nature, then all of Gods people would be equal before him. Not just those who have a penis, or wear a towel on their head.

No, a whole lotta paranoid, if you ask me. And weren't they supposed to have such an arsenal of protection to rival a militia? Must not trust that twittering shooting arm. LOL.
Indeed, free will is a wonderful thing that God has given to us...he also was prudent in his awarding of intelligence. Islam is not the only religion that begs for intelligence and common sense...there are those "so-called" Christian warriors, who are no different from the jihadists...they also reduce women in stature and importance, and essentially relegate them to second class citizens, especially in the church. Their lack of tolerance and self-righteous judgement against gays and lesbians, go hand in hand with their outright hatred for all others who do not believe as they do. Practicing humility and godliness is a little more that being able to quote scripture, and rant and rave about what you think God approves and disapproves of...people forget Proverbs...where so much wisdom can be found.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 10:28 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32378 wrote:
If everything I say is to be considered a lie then there is little point in discourse. I have read and heard many prayers and am generally bored by them. Your prayers would be no different neither am I impressed with Christian prayers and I am a believing Christian.

I do not believe that God is impressed with rote messages reaching His ear on a steady basis. The praying en mass that some religions do I find useless. This is why I like the protestant mass ahead of my own RC mass. They discuss God and His philosophy more than the RC.

Put yourself in Gods shoes, what would you see if all the world was on their knees and basically asking for favours all the time. Would the phrase God helps those who help themselves not come to mind. Or are you too indoctrinated in custom to think of such things.


Thank you for that. And what arrogance would prompt people to believe that God needs them to fight his battles (that is, if God had any battles to fight...personally, I believe God, in His infinite wisdom, is so over conflict...there would be no need) Holy wars! The idea! God is not that small to need you to fight any battles on his behalf....just who do you think God is?
Oh, that wouldn't be God. Ooops. Enlightenment.
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Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 11:17 pm
I see you christians who believe in the paganism idea of God died on the cross to forgive your sins never answer any question with sensible direct answer !!! You just try to play with words.

Let me repeat one question again and give you another chance, and for the christian apologists to have fun and play with words!

For the sake of argument. Now, according to your Christian believe, Juses died for the forgiveness of the original sin. Which means any christian is saved by the sacrifice of Jesus and accordingly God forgave him. Okay!

In your bible, it says as a punishment for the original sin:

To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children".(Genisis 3:16)

If Jesus had sacrificed & forgiven your sin, then "WHY CHRISTIAN WOMEN ARE STILL GETTING LABOR PAIN !?"
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 12:45 am
SWORD of GOD;32632 wrote:
I see you christians who believe in the paganism idea of God died on the cross to forgive your sins never answer any question with sensible direct answer !!! You just try to play with words.

Let me repeat one question again and give you another chance, and for the christian apologists to have fun and play with words!

For the sake of argument. Now, according to your Christian believe, Juses died for the forgiveness of the original sin. Which means any christian is saved by the sacrifice of Jesus and accordingly God forgave him. Okay!

In your bible, it says as a punishment for the original sin:

To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children".(Genisis 3:16)

If Jesus had sacrificed & forgiven your sin, then "WHY CHRISTIAN WOMEN ARE STILL GETTING LABOR PAIN !?"

I'm no theologian...but let me see if I can offer up a simplistic answer.
Christ did not die for man's original sin...his sacrifice was the propitiation of all of man's sins, even the ones we have yet to commit...the only requirement for forgiveness is belief that he died for our sins, and has interceded on our behalf with The Father.
As with the simplistic explanations listed in Genesis, concerning God and creation (6 days, and on the seventh, He rested...as if God needed rest, in human terms...but that's another topic)...For disobeying, God banished Adam and Eve from Paradise, and along with several edicts, prescribed that women, henceforth will bear children "in pain"....the scientific explanation reveals that because the baby's head is so large, the woman's pelvis has evolved to accommodate it, but with displacement of muscle and tissue, there is, undoubtably, "pain", in the birthing process...Could faith and science both hold some truth? Everything is seldom black or white. But rather, "grey".
Some of us choose to view the Bible as part divine inspiration, part allegory, part invention, part politics, part history, and part control and domination.
Since God didn't write the pages Himself and gave the manuscript to various indidviduals, of whom we can be sure of, what is written and why it was written should be taken into account, IMHO.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 04:49 am
politically-wrong;32511 wrote:
personally i try to make it a rule to not have discussions with atheist , my reasoning is that if they can not figure out that there has to be a God , surely they don't have enough logic to see logic , but i just want to direct your attention to a single point.


God gave us the freedom of choice, we choose how to live our lives, we choose to do the right thing or the wrong one, when you do something right you are given a prize (heaven) , and when you do it wrongly its your (hell)
the imperfection of human beings actions is the reason that necessitates hell for the sinners, and heaven for the righteous, not the mistake in their production process.

Who is an atheist? Surely not all who do not read the Bible literally.
It happens that At one time I did not believe but was (saved).

Your words thought tend to forget the love that God is supposed to have for man. For Him to loose as many as you think would be out of character of a loving father. Did the prodigal son not share in full measure.

Consider that a Perfect God began with a fully Perfect universe. You have Him backsliding to a point where He has somehow lost the Perfection of Heaven by placing a Hell in His back forty.

When exactly did God decide to backslide?
When did He loose the ability to create Perfect souls?

Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 10:33 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32638 wrote:
Who is an atheist? Surely not all who do not read the Bible literally.
It happens that At one time I did not believe but was (saved).

Your words thought tend to forget the love that God is supposed to have for man. For Him to loose as many as you think would be out of character of a loving father. Did the prodigal son not share in full measure.

Consider that a Perfect God began with a fully Perfect universe. You have Him backsliding to a point where He has somehow lost the Perfection of Heaven by placing a Hell in His back forty.

When exactly did God decide to backslide?
When did He loose the ability to create Perfect souls?


Credit it all to our imperfections, as human beings....we are not able to comprehend God and His Ways, so we invent or imagine stuff, and in human terms, no less! How arrogant.
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 12:23 pm
aaronssongs;32633 wrote:
I'm no theologian...but let me see if I can offer up a simplistic answer.
Christ did not die for man's original sin...his sacrifice was the propitiation of all of man's sins, even the ones we have yet to commit...the only requirement for forgiveness is belief that he died for our sins, and has interceded on our behalf with The Father.
As with the simplistic explanations listed in Genesis, concerning God and creation (6 days, and on the seventh, He rested...as if God needed rest, in human terms...but that's another topic)...For disobeying, God banished Adam and Eve from Paradise, and along with several edicts, prescribed that women, henceforth will bear children "in pain"....the scientific explanation reveals that because the baby's head is so large, the woman's pelvis has evolved to accommodate it, but with displacement of muscle and tissue, there is, undoubtably, "pain", in the birthing process...Could faith and science both hold some truth? Everything is seldom black or white. But rather, "grey".
Some of us choose to view the Bible as part divine inspiration, part allegory, part invention, part politics, part history, and part control and domination.
Since God didn't write the pages Himself and gave the manuscript to various indidviduals, of whom we can be sure of, what is written and why it was written should be taken into account, IMHO.

You got your faith from the Bible. If the bible was fabricated and corrupted then your faith must be fabricated and corrupted. Simple and clear.

Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal FOXNews.com - Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 12:29 pm
SWORD of GOD;32683 wrote:
You got your faith from the Bible. If the bible was fabricated and corrupted then your faith must be fabricated and corrupted. Simple and clear.

Ok, I was beginning to think that you were logical and rational...but if you can say what you said, then, clearly , you are not.
I said, all things in the Bible, if not, the Old Testament, should be taken with grains of salt....my faith does not come from the Bible...my faith came from my mother. We get our view of God, from our parents. We get our faith renewed and edified by holy writings...don't get it twisted. My faith is intact. Excuse me.
If the Bible is fabricated and corrupted then also the Quran is , as well.
Simple and clear.
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 01:46 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32638 wrote:
Who is an atheist? Surely not all who do not read the Bible literally.
It happens that At one time I did not believe but was (saved).

Your words thought tend to forget the love that God is supposed to have for man. For Him to loose as many as you think would be out of character of a loving father. Did the prodigal son not share in full measure.

Consider that a Perfect God began with a fully Perfect universe. You have Him backsliding to a point where He has somehow lost the Perfection of Heaven by placing a Hell in His back forty.

When exactly did God decide to backslide?
When did He loose the ability to create Perfect souls?


Who is an atheist? Surely not all who do not read the Bible literally.
It happens that At one time I did not believe but was (saved).

ok my apologies you are not an atheist, about reading the bible either you believe in it or you dont(there is no grey area here) , if you believe it to be Gods words then take it as it is, if you dont then better look for some other religion.

For Him to loose as many as you think would be out of character of a loving father

sure no problem, but where is the father you are talking about, me i think of him as my God , my father is right at home.

You have Him backsliding to a point where He has somehow lost the Perfection of Heaven by placing a Hell in His back forty.

When exactly did God decide to backslide?
When did He loose the ability to create Perfect souls?

Heavens perfection?!! how are we (humans) supposed to know anything about the perfection of heaven?!!

do you believe those in hell to have imperfect souls? , no they simply have imperfect faith, corrubted faith, it has nothing to do with souls or their creation.
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 01:49 am
aaronssongs;32684 wrote:
Ok, I was beginning to think that you were logical and rational...but if you can say what you said, then, clearly , you are not.
I said, all things in the Bible, if not, the Old Testament, should be taken with grains of salt....my faith does not come from the Bible...my faith came from my mother. We get our view of God, from our parents. We get our faith renewed and edified by holy writings...don't get it twisted. My faith is intact. Excuse me.
If the Bible is fabricated and corrupted then also the Quran is , as well.
Simple and clear.

I was beginning to think that you were logical and rational...but if you can say what you said, then, clearly , you are not.

If the Bible is fabricated and corrupted then also the Quran is , as well.
Simple and clear

ok Mr.Logical Very Happy show me the logic that say's if the bible is corrupted so is the Quraan?!!
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 02:48 am
politically-wrong;32730 wrote:
ok Mr.Logical Very Happy show me the logic that say's if the bible is corrupted so is the Quraan?!!

I was responding to his statement, " You got your faith from the Bible. If the bible was fabricated and corrupted then your faith must be fabricated and corrupted. Simple and clear."
Personally, I don't believe the Bible or the Quraan to be "fabricated" or "corrupted"....what I do believe is that some people "corrupt" or "fabricate" what is written in both the books. The Sword of God cannot discount or dismiss "The Bible" anymore than I can discount or dismiss the Quraan, as the fountainhead books of believers of Christ or Muhammad...that is what I meant. If one book is "corrupt", it holds true that all books are, IMHO.
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 03:20 am
aaronssongs;32731 wrote:
I was responding to his statement, " You got your faith from the Bible. If the bible was fabricated and corrupted then your faith must be fabricated and corrupted. Simple and clear."
Personally, I don't believe the Bible or the Quraan to be "fabricated" or "corrupted"....what I do believe is that some people "corrupt" or "fabricate" what is written in both the books. The Sword of God cannot discount or dismiss "The Bible" anymore than I can discount or dismiss the Quraan, as the fountainhead books of believers of Christ or Muhammad...that is what I meant. If one book is "corrupt", it holds true that all books are, IMHO.

what I do believe is that some people "corrupt" or "fabricate" what is written in both the books

[CENTER]is this the key to world peace or what!![/CENTER]
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 06:24 am
aaronssongs;32667 wrote:
Credit it all to our imperfections, as human beings....we are not able to comprehend God and His Ways, so we invent or imagine stuff, and in human terms, no less! How arrogant.

Any God worth following can make Himself understood by man. If He cannot then we should not follow Him.

To raise Him so far that we loose sight of Him, makes Him gone, as He should be.

Fundamentalists are always answering my questions, when they bother to try, by telling me about how we are not really supposed to understand God.

God created us to honor and worship Him. How can we if we do not know Him. How can we if the greatest teacher cannot teach?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 06:27 am
SWORD of GOD;32683 wrote:
You got your faith from the Bible. If the bible was fabricated and corrupted then your faith must be fabricated and corrupted. Simple and clear.

Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal FOXNews.com - Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

All Bibles were fabricated from the same old sources. All from ancient legends passed on by shaman and prophets. All bases on best guess formulae.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 06:34 am
politically-wrong;32729 wrote:
ok my apologies you are not an atheist, about reading the bible either you believe in it or you dont(there is no grey area here) , if you believe it to be Gods words then take it as it is, if you dont then better look for some other religion.

sure no problem, but where is the father you are talking about, me i think of him as my God , my father is right at home.

Heavens perfection?!! how are we (humans) supposed to know anything about the perfection of heaven?!!

do you believe those in hell to have imperfect souls? , no they simply have imperfect faith, corrubted faith, it has nothing to do with souls or their creation.

There is wisdom in all Bibles.
If you are to believe in God in the first place then you need to think of Him as Perfect. If He is not then He is not God.

A perfect God would never allow His Perfect universe to be spoiled by anything or anyone.

If you can't start with that then where can you start? With an imperfect God?

Give God the power or give Him the boot.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 06:36 am
politically-wrong;32730 wrote:
ok Mr.Logical Very Happy show me the logic that say's if the bible is corrupted so is the Quraan?!!

They both preach Jesus.

Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 07:54 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32736 wrote:
All Bibles were fabricated from the same old sources. All from ancient legends passed on by shaman and prophets. All bases on best guess formulae.

Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal FOXNews.com - Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 08:00 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32738 wrote:
They both preach Jesus.


The true Jesus (Essa) told in the Quran is completely different from the fabricated Jesus of the bible.

“The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was but a Messenger of God, and His word which He conveyed to Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him.” (Quran, 4:171)

"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with ALLAH (God) is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was." [Quran 3:59]

"I (Jesus) have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by ALLAH’s (God's) leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by ALLAH’s (God's) leave." [Quran 3:49]

“Indeed, the angels said: ‘O Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in this world and the Hereafter, and he shall be among those brought near [to God]. He will speak to humankind in the cradle and in manhood, and he is of the righteous.” (Quran, 3:45)

“And indeed God gave Moses the Book [Torah], and after him We sent Messengers in succession. We gave Jesus son of Mary clear proofs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit [Angel Gabriel].” (Quran, 2:87)

“Say [O believers: Muslims]: “We believe in God and [the Book: Quran] sent down to us, and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes; and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to [all] the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him do we surrender ourselves.” (Quran 2:136)

‘And We (Allah) made the Son of Mary and his mother to be a (miraculous) sign’ (Quran 23, 50)

Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal FOXNews.com - Mother Teresa Did Not Feel Christ's Presence for Last Half of Her Life, Letters Reveal - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 09:28 am

Now please note that I said that all Bibles were from the same corrupt sources. Corrupt in the sense that they are human best guess as to the meaning of what shaman and prophets were saying.

If your systems are better than others, it will show itself over time without denigrating other systems. A thing if good is known by it's goodness not by fanatical denigration of other systems.

Fundamentalist of all religions are doing harm to there cause. kindness of tongue is always better.

This is something many of us have yet to learn. Including you and I.

I wonder thought, if your God is better than mine, why does He need a Hell? Does He not create all souls Perfect the way mine does?

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Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 09:34 am

I have often said that I follow the philosophy and aptitudes of Jesus. I stand by this while at the same time wonder why Jesus is not mentioned by any of the historical writers of His day. No mention anywhere except in religious writings.
Can you offer any insight for this?

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