If Jesus was God ...

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 08:59 am
SWORD of GOD;31780 wrote:
Instead of posting nonsense words, you can either listen to that american woman for only 8 minutes or you just write something useful instead of always spreading hate. You are rejecting the teachings of your biblical Jesus who ordered you to love even your enemeies! or do you have no trust in him or in your bible !!?

I have complete trust in Jesus, His Father Yahweh, and Their Holy Spirit. I love my enemies. That doesn't mean I have to accept their warped thoughts or choices of lifestyle. The Bible tells us to provide the Gospel to all the world. If It is rejected, we are to leave that town and shake the dust from our feet.

Unfortunately, the Internet isn't a town. If it were we wouldn't have a need to continue interaction with people who choose to wallow in the filth and scum of the gutter. Since the Internet brings these type of people into our homes, we have a responsibility to counter their filth with truth.

The battle was won more than 2000 years ago. We are just working to keep the casualties down.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 09:10 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;31854 wrote:
You have shown little respect for your enemy.
Can you love your enemy without giving him respect?


It's you -Christians- that bother us of this fabricated nonsense idea of "LOVE YOUR ENEMY" while you are the first ones who violate it. I never claimed it.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 09:49 am
SWORD of GOD;31884 wrote:
It's you -Christians- that bother us of this fabricated nonsense idea of "LOVE YOUR ENEMY" while you are the first ones who violate it. I never claimed it.

Then your God accepts in Heaven those who have lived with hate in their hearts.
Strange Heaven where hate abounds.

As in other faiths, all Christians are not the same. Perhaps I will find a better representative of yours.

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 04:25 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;31898 wrote:
Then your God accepts in Heaven those who have lived with hate in their hearts.
Strange Heaven where hate abounds.

As in other faiths, all Christians are not the same. Perhaps I will find a better representative of yours.


This is The Creator, Allah, answers you:

"Say (O Muhammad): If you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey Allah and the Messenger, but if they turn back, Allah surely loves not the disbelievers." (Quran 3:30-31)
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 09:02 pm
Hear this relaxing recitation. You will hear the birth story of Jesus and his Mother, Mary, peace be upon them. Click this yahoo video link The Da Vinci Code and the Jesus told by GOD fro - Yahoo! Video

This is chapter 19 "Mariam" (Mary) from the Holy Quran. Mary, the mother of Jesus (PBUT) is mentioned more times in the Holy Quran than in the bible. Follow along with the english translation of the Holy Quran and you will see for yourself that Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) were all messengers from the same GOD who preached the same message. "None has the right to be worshipped but GOD". "There is only one GOD" "Jesus replied,"
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 05:16 am
SWORD of GOD;31935 wrote:
This is The Creator, Allah, answers you:

"Say (O Muhammad): If you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey Allah and the Messenger, but if they turn back, Allah surely loves not the disbelievers." (Quran 3:30-31)

A loving God or Father would not give up on His children. Especially when He is the master of aptitude adjustments. To admit that God would give up on a soul that He created Perfect would indicate a weakness in this God.
God began with the whole universe. To loose some of it to a Hell would be back sliding. Not something a God would do.

God cannot be seen as looking out his window and seeing a blemish called Hell. Heaven and the universe is as always without blemish. Take the blemish from your thinking and you will get closer to understanding your God. He is the same as mine. No large blemish exists in His universe.
Look at the extra ordinary efforts of the shepherd. Would God do less?
If you believe in Jesus and His sacrifice to forgive all sin, how can you believe in Hell.

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Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 05:23 am
SWORD of GOD;31976 wrote:
Hear this relaxing recitation. You will hear the birth story of Jesus and his Mother, Mary, peace be upon them. Click this yahoo video link The Da Vinci Code and the Jesus told by GOD fro - Yahoo! Video

This is chapter 19 "Mariam" (Mary) from the Holy Quran. Mary, the mother of Jesus (PBUT) is mentioned more times in the Holy Quran than in the bible. Follow along with the english translation of the Holy Quran and you will see for yourself that Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) were all messengers from the same GOD who preached the same message. "None has the right to be worshipped but GOD". "There is only one GOD" "Jesus replied,"

Jesus was our best and last prophet.
I find it strange that God ,who frowned on the angel human procreation, would Himself procreate with Mary.
That God/Jesus would procreate with Mary the mother of God/Jesus is too strange.
It is also incest.
Jesus was wholly human or His sacrifice is meaningless.
Do you believe that He forgave all sin with His death?

Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 10:10 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;31993 wrote:
Jesus was our best and last prophet.
I find it strange that God ,who frowned on the angel human procreation, would Himself procreate with Mary.
That God/Jesus would procreate with Mary the mother of God/Jesus is too strange.
It is also incest.
Jesus was wholly human or His sacrifice is meaningless.
Do you believe that He forgave all sin with His death?


Have you heard that recitation I posted !? If not yet, then I would like you please to do then we can discuss whatever you want about God and Jesus (PBUH).
Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 08:46 am
SWORD of GOD;32025 wrote:
Have you heard that recitation I posted !? If not yet, then I would like you please to do then we can discuss whatever you want about God and Jesus (PBUH).

I listened for a short time. Not knowing the language it was just noise to me.

Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 11:51 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32160 wrote:
I listened for a short time. Not knowing the language it was just noise to me.


Be honest. I think you did not open that link otherwisw you'd have seen clear english translation on the screen along with the recitation!

Regarding the noise, I advice you to see a physician to check your ears. Maybe they are full of wax!
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 03:14 pm
Do you not assume he knows english? He could be translating like PW.
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Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 05:01 pm
Jesus was a leader, someone prepared to take others to freedom. Why would he be the last prophet/leader? Leadership is a position, Jesus is a position, to be filled by anyone who is capable. The problem is today we value men and women of action, these people don't have the self-detachment necessary to lead.
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 05:05 pm
markx15;32304 wrote:
Jesus was a leader, someone prepared to take others to freedom. Why would he be the last prophet/leader? Leadership is a position, Jesus is a position, to be filled by anyone who is capable. The problem is today we value men and women of action, these people don't have the self-detachment necessary to lead.

Parts is parts huh?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 05:14 pm
Well I truely believe so. Don't we all posses seeminly inherent abilities and afinities? We are extremely capable in certain areas yet woefully unprepared in others, why? Why are these shortcoming not the same for all of us, I could have great balance and have ease in gymnastics and martial arts, while you are an exquiste soccer player. Why the differance if we are not supposed to act on our strengths?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 06:02 am
SWORD of GOD;32198 wrote:
Be honest. I think you did not open that link otherwise you'd have seen clear English translation on the screen along with the recitation!

Regarding the noise, I advice you to see a physician to check your ears. Maybe they are full of wax!

If everything I say is to be considered a lie then there is little point in discourse. I have read and heard many prayers and am generally bored by them. Your prayers would be no different neither am I impressed with Christian prayers and I am a believing Christian.

I do not believe that God is impressed with rote messages reaching His ear on a steady basis. The praying en mass that some religions do I find useless. This is why I like the protestant mass ahead of my own RC mass. They discuss God and His philosophy more than the RC.

Put yourself in Gods shoes, what would you see if all the world was on their knees and basically asking for favours all the time. Would the phrase God helps those who help themselves not come to mind. Or are you too indoctrinated in custom to think of such things.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 06:11 am
markx15;32311 wrote:
Well I truely believe so. Don't we all posses seeminly inherent abilities and afinities? We are extremely capable in certain areas yet woefully unprepared in others, why? Why are these shortcoming not the same for all of us, I could have great balance and have ease in gymnastics and martial arts, while you are an exquiste soccer player. Why the differance if we are not supposed to act on our strengths?

The one with greatness must be recognized by the system he wants to lead. If it does not then he cannot take the position of leadership.

Perhaps the Bible here shows this when Jesus asked, who do they say I am.

Was He was asking if they wanted to make Him king or religious leader??

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 10:35 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32378 wrote:
If everything I say is to be considered a lie then there is little point in discourse. .....


Yes when someone is not sincere with you then there is no use to continue arguing with him!

You wrote that you heard the recitation but you could not understand it. But anyone who open the link i posted would see on his screen clear readable online translation along with the recitation!
I don't know what you call your claim then!!

Here again for others to check:

Hear this relaxing recitation. You will hear the birth story of Jesus and his Mother, Mary, peace be upon them. Click this yahoo video link [url=http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=139912&matchid=677131

This is chapter 19 "Mariam" (Mary) from the Holy Quran. Mary, the mother of Jesus (PBUT) is mentioned more times in the Holy Quran than in the bible. Follow along with the english translation of the Holy Quran and you will see for yourself that Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) were all messengers from the same GOD who preached the same message. "None has the right to be worshipped but GOD". "There is only one GOD" "Jesus replied,"
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 07:03 am
SWORD of GOD;32412 wrote:

This is chapter 19 "Mariam" (Mary) from the Holy Quran. Mary, the mother of Jesus (PBUT) is mentioned more times in the Holy Quran than in the bible. Follow along with the english translation of the Holy Quran and you will see for yourself that Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) were all messengers from the same GOD who preached the same message. "None has the right to be worshipped but GOD". "There is only one GOD" "Jesus replied,"

I do not read the Bible literally and I do not read the Quran literally as well. I believe that all the old writings took from each other as they would in preparing their text.

Consider that Satan or the devil have no physical or mental existence and are representations of evil ideas and notions. Angels are only representative of good ideas and notions. In our reality there are no supernatural entities except God.
God has no need of tools to give any message that He wants to transmit.

As to Mary, God would not need a human to create some kind of hybrid God/man.
In the Christian Bible God shows disfavour for angels reproducing with women. Would He turn around then and do the same Himself. Not likely.

Jesus was our best and last prophet. Wholly human as all prophets before Him.
If He were divine then His death looses it's meaning in terms of Him being the redeemer and savior of the world.

Your link is an example of prayer and I know quite nice for you. If I were to link you with a Christian prayer you would likely have the same impression of it as I have of yours. If you did not know the language, it would be just noise to you as yours is to me. I cannot judge the beauty of it as you could not judge the beauty of the Christian Hymn.

If you want to get off your high horse and reason religion then let us do so. This is the only way to convert anyone. Zeal is good when well directed in a soft voice. Screams go unheard.

If you would like to comment on my above logic do so with logic, not quotations from a Bible that cannot be taken literally without believing in impossible supernatural entities.
If God is God then you know that He is Perfect and would have no need for a Hell to store imperfections that He would never allow to touch His always Perfect universe. Hell would mean a God who somehow screws up the production of souls. Impossible. Right?

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 07:46 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32505 wrote:
I do not read the Bible literally and I do not read the Quran literally as well. I believe that all the old writings took from each other as they would in preparing their text.

Consider that Satan or the devil have no physical or mental existence and are representations of evil ideas and notions. Angels are only representative of good ideas and notions. In our reality there are no supernatural entities except God.
God has no need of tools to give any message that He wants to transmit.

As to Mary, God would not need a human to create some kind of hybrid God/man.
In the Christian Bible God shows disfavour for angels reproducing with women. Would He turn around then and do the same Himself. Not likely.

Jesus was our best and last prophet. Wholly human as all prophets before Him.
If He were divine then His death looses it's meaning in terms of Him being the redeemer and savior of the world.

Your link is an example of prayer and I know quite nice for you. If I were to link you with a Christian prayer you would likely have the same impression of it as I have of yours. If you did not know the language, it would be just noise to you as yours is to me. I cannot judge the beauty of it as you could not judge the beauty of the Christian Hymn.

If you want to get off your high horse and reason religion then let us do so. This is the only way to convert anyone. Zeal is good when well directed in a soft voice. Screams go unheard.

If you would like to comment on my above logic do so with logic, not quotations from a Bible that cannot be taken literally without believing in impossible supernatural entities.
If God is God then you know that He is Perfect and would have no need for a Hell to store imperfections that He would never allow to touch His always Perfect universe. Hell would mean a God who somehow screws up the production of souls. Impossible. Right?


personally i try to make it a rule to not have discussions with atheist , my reasoning is that if they can not figure out that there has to be a God , surely they don't have enough logic to see logic , but i just want to direct your attention to a single point.

Hell would mean a God who somehow screws up the production of souls. Impossible. Right?


God gave us the freedom of choice, we choose how to live our lives, we choose to do the right thing or the wrong one, when you do something right you are given a prize (heaven) , and when you do it wrongly its your (hell)
the imperfection of human beings actions is the reason that necessitates hell for the sinners, and heaven for the righteous, not the mistake in their production process.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 09:52 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;32505 wrote:
I do not read the Bible literally and I do not read the Quran literally as well. I believe that all the old writings took from each other as they would in preparing their text.

Consider that Satan or the devil have no physical or mental existence and are representations of evil ideas and notions. Angels are only representative of good ideas and notions. In our reality there are no supernatural entities except God.
God has no need of tools to give any message that He wants to transmit.

As to Mary, God would not need a human to create some kind of hybrid God/man.
In the Christian Bible God shows disfavour for angels reproducing with women. Would He turn around then and do the same Himself. Not likely.

Jesus was our best and last prophet. Wholly human as all prophets before Him.
If He were divine then His death looses it's meaning in terms of Him being the redeemer and savior of the world.

Your link is an example of prayer and I know quite nice for you. If I were to link you with a Christian prayer you would likely have the same impression of it as I have of yours. If you did not know the language, it would be just noise to you as yours is to me. I cannot judge the beauty of it as you could not judge the beauty of the Christian Hymn.

If you want to get off your high horse and reason religion then let us do so. This is the only way to convert anyone. Zeal is good when well directed in a soft voice. Screams go unheard.

If you would like to comment on my above logic do so with logic, not quotations from a Bible that cannot be taken literally without believing in impossible supernatural entities.
If God is God then you know that He is Perfect and would have no need for a Hell to store imperfections that He would never allow to touch His always Perfect universe. Hell would mean a God who somehow screws up the production of souls. Impossible. Right?


I understand why you do not want me to support my points from your own bible because as I have showed in this thread with many clear undisputable evidences from your bible that It is nothing but a man-made fabricated book and no sensible person looking for the truth can trust.

Any how, I just want to remind you here that comparing the Noble Quran which is the exact words of Allah (God) with a fabricated corrupted book like the bible is NONSENSE and any fair person would never accept the idea.

When the claims of truth become many, we as Muslims were ordered by Allah to seek the Truth by the proof, by the proof the Truth is known, because always there is only One Truth Which is the real truth.

The Noble Quran is the only book in history that challenges all its doubtful readers to find only one contradiction or error in it!

Allah says in the Quran:
"Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction." [Quran 4: 82].

Now, I will bring to you evidences from pure scientific sources that prove the Quran could have never been written by man. The perfect compatibility MIRACLES OF Quran (which was revealed 14 centuries ago) with modern Science prove that this Book could not be authored by man, rather a greater source had to have been the author of this Book

Check for yourself the Quran scientific miracles here The quran miracles encyclopedia

Watch on videos scientists’ comments on the scientific miracles in the Quran.

Click on the comment to watch the corresponding video.

(1)- Prof. Gerald G. Goeringer

"..this description antedates by many centuries the recording of .. traditional scientific literature."

(2)- Prof. William W. Hey

"I would think it must be [from] the divine being."

(3)- Prof. T. V. N. Persaud

"I would think it must be [from] the divine being."

(4)- Prof. E. Marshall Johnson - 1

"I see nothing in conflict that ...divine intervention was involved".

(5)- Prof. E. Marshall Johnson - 2

"Quran describes .. major events recognized by contemporary science".

(6)- Prof. Alfred Kroner -1

"It is impossible [Muhammad] could have known about the common origin of the universe, scientists only found this out in the last few years using complicated and advanced techology".

(7)- Prof. Alfred Kroner -2

"Someone 1400 years ago could not know the heavens and the earth had the same origin..".

(8)- Prof. Keith Moore -1

"It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God or Allah..".

(9)- Prof. Keith Moore -2

"The only reasonable conclusion is these descriptions were revealed to Muhammad from God".

(10)- Prof. Joe Simpson

"..knowledge in the Quran .. derived from God."

(11)- Prof. Yoshihide Kozai

“I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Quran".

(12)- Prof. Tejatat Tejasen*

"I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Quran fourteen hundred years ago must be the truth, that can be proved by the scientific means." [1 min 35 sec - he makes SHAHADAH: Declaration testimony of Islam].

*Professor Tejasen (above) accepted Islam during this speech [click here & watch him make shahadah]

These are short parts of many interviews with the Prominent Scientists in the Tv-Program (it is the Truth) which organized by the World Organization of scientific miracles in the Quran, which was broadcast on the Qatari- television for more than three consecutive hours.

The Scientists who were interviewed during this conference are:

1) professeur keith Moore (USA)
is an eminent specialist in world fame in surgery and embryology. this professor wrote live named (the human development). this book was considered as a best work in the world, written by only one author.

2) Professeur Van Bersoud (canada)
is a professor of anatomy, pediatry, and obstetrics-gynaecology and sciences of the reproduction at the university Manitoba in Canada. He was there the president of the Department of anatomy during 16 years. He is very recognized in its field. He is the author or the editor of 22 handbooks and he published more than 181 scientific articles. In 1991, he received price more distinguished allotted in the field of the anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B., Great Price of the Canadian Association of the anatomists.

3) Professeur Joe Leigh Simpson (USA)
is a president of the Department of obstetrics-gynaecology, professor of obstetrics-gynaecology, and professor of human and molecular genetics in Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas, the United States.

4) Professor Marshal Jhonson
is a professor highly skilled of anatomy and biology related to the development at the university Thomas Jefferson on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the United States.

5)6) Professeur Youchedi Kuzane (Japan)
is a professor highly skilled at the University of Tokyo with Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and he was already a director of the national astronomical Observatory with Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan.

7) Professeur Tejatat Tejasen (Thailand)
is president of Autopsy Department in the University Chiang Mai in Thailand.. he was a senior of the Faculty of Medicine of the same university.
He embraced islam after reading the Quran

8) Professor William W. Hay (USA)
is a very known maritime scientist. He is a professor of geological sciences at the University of Colorado with Boulder, Colorado, the United States. Previously, he was the senior of Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University from Miami in Miami, Florida, the United States.

9) Professor Alfred kroner (Germany)
is one of the world`s renowned geologists. He is Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.

"We (Allah) will show you (mankind) Our signs/patterns in the horizons/universe and in yourselves until you are convinced that the revelation (Quran) is the truth." [Qur'an, 14:53]
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