SWORD of GOD;27420 wrote:I want you please to write them in their correct context as you claimed.
No need to. Instead of sniping with snipets, you can do as you suggest. Read the Bible and if you choose to quote it, quote the whole passage or the entire chapter you have in mind. That puts the passage in context. The power is yours to do this just as the power is mine.
If you are truly seeking the truth and not just proselytizing for Islam, then you'll do as suggested.
I don't read the Koran because I have no wish to. I don't criticize the Koran because it doesn't matter to me since I believe Islam is false.
You seem to have a need to tear down The Bible (The Book), Christianity, and Judaism. Is this because of Ishmael?
If you choose to tear down the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism, you would be more effective to your aim if you read the Bible with an open mind instead of to refute.
Then, after you've done this, if you still wish to refute the Bible, and more specifically, the Gospel (the Good News for all humanity), then you'll have more of an understanding of the beliefs you are attempting to shake. More understanding should make your arguments more effective. The way you're doing it now just shows your ignorance and predjudice.