
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 03:45 pm
Drnaline;11380 wrote:
Getting a little emotional are we? You make it a habit of calling people names? Who said you took it literally?
I understand that in your opinion i must take the Bible literally to call myself a Christian, the only thing is i didn't ask you. And even if i did, your answer wouldn't change what i believe. And that is also assuming your definition of Christianity is correct.

Are you mentally retarded? You accused me of saying that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally. Try and stick to the same tune, you change your mind more often than your underwear! Laughing

As I have previously said, it's not my opinion. The Ten Commandments are not open to debate. The clue is in the name. If you don't take them literally you are defying the word of "God". What makes you so special you can choose to interpret the Bible how ever you see fit? My understanding of Christianity is you have to do certain things to be one, in the eyes of "God". You claim that you have free will to do anything you please. That is correct, but doing as you please doesn't mean you are being a good Christian.

I am assuming my definition is correct, and until you rebut that I will continue. Why can't you?
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 03:53 pm
@Professor Chaos,
As I have previously said, it's not my opinion. The Ten Commandments are not open to debate. The clue is in the name. If you don't take them literally you are defying the word of "God". What makes you so special you can choose to interpret the Bible how ever you see fit? My understanding of Christianity is you have to do certain things to be one, in the eyes of "God". You claim that you have free will to do anything you please. That is correct, but doing as you please doesn't mean you are being a good Christian.

It is one thing to believe in the Catholic Church and another to believe in God. Let me explain. The CC has doctrine, God has truth, now the doctrine imposed by the CC is a reflexion on the truth of God, or it is supposed to be. What is writen in the Bible is approved by the CC, they have been known for obscurity, for that reason I prefer my conscience to their interests.
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 03:59 pm
markx15;11379 wrote:
You really don't understand, not by your own falt, it is fairly hard to explain faith, but I'll try again. To believe isn't a normal decision, were you can weigh the pros and cons of the situation, it is something you give yourself to, something you want to be a part of. It becomes your free-will, because it becomes what you want. You don't live the life you love, you begin to love the life you live, get it?
I understand what you are saying, but Drnaline seems certain that you maintain free will and don't need to follow dogma, either voluntarily or otherwise. In effect faith removes free will as you don't have a choice in what you do, it comes naturally. Like divine intervention. If that is true, why do Christians follow different paths? Surely they can't all be doing "God's" bidding, so which are right and which are wrong?

markx15 wrote:

You do what you think is right, what you think God might want. There are some guidelines in the Bible, but it is up to you to apply them.
So "God" doesn't help you very much. How can you possibly know what is "good" and will catch "God's" notice? I thought that is what the Bible taught, but now people are saying the Bible is only a rough guide which can be followed however the individual sees fit. Lets not forget certain individuals then go on to tell other Christians their version is false. You could all be doing what you think "God" wants, but none of you know. Sounds like a **** system to me. And claiming moral superiority of others is pure arrogance.

markx15 wrote:

Personally I stick to the New Testament, Jesus makes alot of sense to me, but that is my choice. One thing though you have to remember is that there are many branches of catholicism, each with their own views and beliefs, but all based on the Bible. How do they choose? You would have to ask them, I choose what feels right. I can't be sure today that those writings are all perfectly dictated by God, many have changed over time, so I take those that apply to me and my life. My consience guides me, I know noone who doesn't have one, so I would believe we all do wether we ignore it or not.
Are you implying that your conscience is divine? If not, and it is totally subjective then you have no moral superiority over anyone else of any faith or otherwise. You also have as much chance of impressing "God" as the next man, be he Christian or otherwise.
If you do believe conscience is divine that is another story, but it would also rule out the requirement of organised religion. So there is still no need for Christianity.

markx15 wrote:

What I meant was every aspect of your life, not just those related to spirituality.

Sorry, I misunderstood. But that still doesn't mean you can't sin in haste and repent at your liesure.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 04:06 pm
markx15;11383 wrote:
It is one thing to believe in the Catholic Church and another to believe in God. Let me explain. The CC has doctrine, God has truth, now the doctrine imposed by the CC is a reflexion on the truth of God, or it is supposed to be. What is writen in the Bible is approved by the CC, they have been known for obscurity, for that reason I prefer my conscience to their interests.
I understand and respect your thinking.
It agrees with the whole concept of this thread, organised religion is false. The Bible as I stated at the start encourages hypocrisy and contradiction, as it is translated and reinterpreted by mere men. Christianity in it's common forms is a false religion as far as I can see. It holds as much spiritual guidance as the back of a cornflakes packet, if you believe in "God" then surely you do "God's" bidding, not man's?

That is what the Muslim's think they are doing, that is why I respect what they are doing more than hypocritical Christians who are fully aware that they are following men, not "Gods".

As Reagaknight pointed out though, the Muslims only do this through ignorance. Maybe they should trust their conscience a little more too.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 04:12 pm
@Professor Chaos,
That is how I consider my consience, it hasn't lead me astray yet. That is why I don't practice religion in groups, I am noone to say what is wrong or right, I follow my consience, and I hope they follow theirs. I believe there is a thread were I said exactly that. Religious institutions create more problems than they solve, if they remianed solely in the area of mental, spiritual and phisical aide, not interfering in politics, either personal or national, then there would be merit.

But that still doesn't mean you can't sin in haste and repent at your liesure.

That still isn't repenting. To repent is to not sin again, ever.
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 08:39 pm
Morningstarr;11381 wrote:
So how does he decide? You're still avoiding answering then, do you even know?

So you are categorically stating that you are following your own interpretation and your entire faith revolves around what you believe to be correct? So the religion should really be called Drnaline, you can interpret Christ's words to mean anything you like. Christ, you interpret mine any way you want!
I answer most every time, if it's not the answer you want you go off on a tangent.
So you are categorically stating that you are following your own interpretation and your entire faith revolves around what you believe to be correct?

Took you long enough.
So the religion should really be called Drnaline, you can interpret Christ's words to mean anything you like. Christ, you interpret mine any way you want

I call it Christianity, you call it what ever you want. I can and do interpret what a man wrote down to be Christs words. See was that so hard?
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 08:54 pm
Morningstarr;11382 wrote:
Are you mentally retarded? You accused me of saying that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally. Try and stick to the same tune, you change your mind more often than your underwear! Laughing

As I have previously said, it's not my opinion. The Ten Commandments are not open to debate. The clue is in the name. If you don't take them literally you are defying the word of "God". What makes you so special you can choose to interpret the Bible how ever you see fit? My understanding of Christianity is you have to do certain things to be one, in the eyes of "God". You claim that you have free will to do anything you please. That is correct, but doing as you please doesn't mean you are being a good Christian.

I am assuming my definition is correct, and until you rebut that I will continue. Why can't you?
Are you mentally retarded? You accused me of saying that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally. Try and stick to the same tune, you change your mind more often than your underwear! Laughing

I don't wear underwear.

As I have previously said, it's not my opinion. The Ten Commandments are not open to debate. The clue is in the name. If you don't take them literally you are defying the word of "God". What makes you so special you can choose to interpret the Bible how ever you see fit?
So let me get this straight, God wrote down these commandments on stone tablets and handed them to Moses? Or did Moses carve the tablets as to what he thought Gods wishes were? If you believe either story does that make you not an atheist? What makes me special? Freewill.
My understanding of Christianity is you have to do certain things to be one, in the eyes of "God". You claim that you have free will to do anything you please. That is correct, but doing as you please doesn't mean you are being a good Christian.
I never said i was a good Christian.
I am assuming my definition is correct, and until you rebut that I will continue. Why can't you?

Why should i?
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 09:33 pm
@Professor Chaos,
Blind adherence to the written word always has dire consequences...Words are wonderful tools for telling stories, passing on information and communicating emotions. They are a writers paint brush. They can be art. But art is a reflection is not even a reflection of reality it is a reflection of the thoughts, emotions, images and dreams reality inspires in us. in our minds and spirits or whatever you believe in. Words can be practical too. They can change people minds either by logic or emotion, but lets face it they are not mightier than the sword just more clever.
No words or group of words can contain every aspect of thought, emotion and action...of reality that arises every day. The world is more complicated or at least more flexible than any group of written words can take into account....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Feb, 2007 10:05 am
@Professor Chaos,
I think Mornin prefers us blind?
Reply Sun 25 Feb, 2007 10:22 am
rhopper3;11328 wrote:
Harry Potter for president >>> where is the Harry Potter forum

It's called HPANA.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Feb, 2007 10:24 am
@Professor Chaos,
Professor Chaos,
No amount of education will enable you to quote the word "misbehave" from the bible. It does not exist in scripture. I would think a professer would be able to figure this out?
The verse I believe you could possibly be refering to, although since you seem to be afraid to provide the actual quote I can't be certain, says nothing about "misbehave".
Are you able to explain exactly who these "children" are and what they are accused of doing, since the word "misbehave" does not occur in scripture?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:45 am
Townhall.com::Letter to a Stupid Atheist::By Mary Grabar

Dear Sam Harris:

I hope you don’t mind that I’ve adapted the title of your bestselling pamphlet bound between two hard covers and foisted on to an ignorant public as a book. Of course, I am referring to your pretentious Letter to a Christian Nation.

In this little polemic you take the liberty of directly addressing those like me who believe in the divinity of Christ and in the truth of Bible. Your primary charge against me is holding thoughts and beliefs that do not square with yours. You do show some mercy and leniency toward those you deem moderate and liberal—those vaguely Unitarian, who believe Christ was a cool dude, with some nice ideas, who would have gone to peace marches--but not much more. I take your upbraiding personally, as I think you intend.

My letter is addressed also to those who fall into the category you do. I have seen them—biologists with visibly rising blood pressure at college debates, writers of angry rhetoric in “humanist” magazines, bitter middle-aged men still chasing skirts, and one college sophomore who stands out in my memory among the hundreds of students I have taught over the years.

I can’t remember the young man’s name, but I’ll call him Sammy. Since the class was a survey class on early British literature we couldn’t avoid reading distinctly Christian literature, like religious poetry and mystery plays.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 09:00 am
Great article, click for the rest.

Townhall.com::What Hath Darwin Wrought?::By Ken Connor
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 12:19 pm
@Professor Chaos,
I want my city hall to work...for me and my family...to put us their citizens first .......thats all
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 02:35 pm
markx15;11386 wrote:
That still isn't repenting. To repent is to not sin again, ever.

Well it's not, but if I repent on my death bed I wouldn't sin again so that's all fine then. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 02:39 pm
Drnaline;11404 wrote:
I answer most every time, if it's not the answer you want you go off on a tangent.
That's one way of looking at it. Or it could be you just talk gibberish, as has been shown, and don't answer anything rationally.
Tonto wrote:

Took you long enough.
In that case you are not a Christian, you're a Drnalinian. You present yourself as the figurehead of your own personal faith.
Tonto wrote:

I call it Christianity, you call it what ever you want. I can and do interpret what a man wrote down to be Christs words. See was that so hard?

You can call a piece of **** a diamond, but it will still be a piece of ****.
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 02:48 pm
Drnaline;11405 wrote:
I don't wear underwear.

So let me get this straight, God wrote down these commandments on stone tablets and handed them to Moses? Or did Moses carve the tablets as to what he thought Gods wishes were? If you believe either story does that make you not an atheist? What makes me special? Freewill.
I never said i was a good Christian.
The Bible says that "God" gave Moses the stone tablets already carved. I don't believe it, but that is "God's" version of events so if you belive in "God" that is the way it happened. You claim to believe in "God" but you overrule him. Free will isn't special, everyone has it. You certainly aren't a good Christian, you deny "God's" word and defy it.
Tonto wrote:

Why should i?
A rebuttal is standard procedure for an argument, all you are is a contradiction. Basically you have nothing to say and are simply trolling. Other people want to actually use this forum, not spam it with useless crap.
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 02:51 pm
Drnaline;11431 wrote:
I think Mornin prefers us blind?

No, but I prefer the blind to be genuine.
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 06:26 pm
@Professor Chaos,
Well it's not, but if I repent on my death bed I wouldn't sin again so that's all fine then.

Not in this life, but what of the next? And what of the time inbetween? To repent is to not want to sin again, you don't just do it on a whim, neither do I think it is granted on such.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Feb, 2007 06:26 am
@Professor Chaos,
So we're back to subjective opinion on how you get into heaven. Surely only one "person" knows what it takes to get into heaven. Why is it a secret?

With so many people interpreting the "word of God" to mean whatever they choose heaven must be an empty place. They can't all be right if they all have different subjective views.

The point of religion is to show people the right path, but it doesn't appear to be doing this, Christians disagree with Muslims, Jews, atheists, even other Christians.
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