Did Jesus even exist?

Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:42 am
Drnaline;10839 wrote:
I could tell it was a question by the questionmark at the end. This thread question comes from you. Some one who does not believe in a supposed god. Your point of view is coming from "Jesus didn't exist" and you are asking for us to provide you with some evidence. That is why some are responding to you from that view question.

No, my point of view is "Did Jesus exist?" I don't know, and am seeking evidence. Nobody is capable of providing i.

Drnaline wrote:
Your belief in spirits and how you want one of the things you felt from that supposed spirit to be "your God."

What in the world are you talking about? Where did you get this from?

Drnaline wrote:
You ask us for proof of Jesus's existence, i asked you for proof of "your God." You said you had none but you were sure it was there because you felt it. Do you understand how hipocritical that sounds?
If every Christian makes this claim then it should be very easy for you to proof it? Name one and back it up?

Seriously, where are you getting this from? I never said any of these things.
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:44 am
@Professor Chaos,
Professor Chaos;10834 wrote:
You're simply an idiot. I asked you the question pages ago, "Do you deny that Mazda is the one true god?" I gave you your example. It's not my fault that you're ignorant of other religions. So keep avoiding the question.
You're simply an idiot.

Yup, that is what usual people say when they won't answer a question. Your no different.
I asked you the question pages ago, "Do you deny that Mazda is the one true god?"

You asked the first one with the thread title, you don't get to ask another till you answer my first question. You seem intent on not answering so here we are.
I gave you your example.

No you didn't, you gave me a name.
It's not my fault that you're ignorant of other religions.

Let me try and retify that. What do you call "your God?" Does your faith in this deity have a name? What should a person of faith think of your admitted lack of proof for "Your God?"
So keep avoiding the question

Avoiding no, waiting for you to answer yes.
0 Replies
Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:49 am
@Professor Chaos,
Wake me up when you realize that you're putting other posters' words in my mouth. Jesus tap-danciing Christ, pay attention.
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:51 am
markx15;10841 wrote:
You also seem to assume that embracing cristianity is the same as saying that you simply do not follow every other religion. Tolerance and belief are diferent issues.

Wasn't it mousey who said that?
Wasn't it mousey who said that

I may have them confused, if so i apologise.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:52 am
@Professor Chaos,
Prof. people have on this thread posted proof enough for a big part of the scientific community, and invited you to say something rather thatn its not true, tell us why none of the books Drnizer posted are proof enough?
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:53 am
@Professor Chaos,
Professor Chaos;10846 wrote:
Wake me up when you realize that you're putting other posters' words in my mouth. Jesus tap-danciing Christ, pay attention.
Nap time is over, Name one and back it up?
Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 11:55 am
markx15;10848 wrote:
Prof. people have on this thread posted proof enough for a big part of the scientific community, and invited you to say something rather thatn its not true, tell us why none of the books Drnizer posted are proof enough?

I already have, you can go back and read it.
0 Replies
Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 11:55 am
Drnaline;10849 wrote:
Nap time is over, Name one and back it up?

Name one what and back it up with what? Stop sniffing glue and try to make some sense.
Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 11:55 am
@Professor Chaos,
Why don't you answer the original question: Do you deny that Mazda is the one true god?
Tulip cv
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 12:37 pm
@Professor Chaos,
JESUS even takes those with anger issues and those who promote chaos, profess schizoprenia.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 03:28 pm
@Professor Chaos,
This is getting ridiculous. Zoroastrianism is, of course, a religion. However, Prof. Chaos can't back that up so... C'mon professor, you're making us give evidence for our much more relevent and undemiable claims- do the same with yours!!!

BTW, your ignorance is becoming more and more evident. Rejecting all other religions is not the basis of the Christian faith; also, no one truly aquanted with Christianity would use the words Jesus/Jehova. First of all, since you like "facts", 'Jehova' is just a mispronunciation of 'Yaweh'- 'I am'. Secondly, they are two separate entities. You make them seem interchangeable, but they are not. They, along with the Holy Spirit are, at least for most Christians, the three parts of the Holy Trinity, the one Godhead, if you will.
Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 03:53 pm
Reagaknight;10889 wrote:
This is getting ridiculous. Zoroastrianism is, of course, a religion. However, Prof. Chaos can't back that up so... C'mon professor, you're making us give evidence for our much more relevent and undemiable claims- do the same with yours!!!

This is ridiculous, indeed. Your ignorance is overwhelming. What in the world am I supposed to back up, lol. Freaking idiots. Zoroastrianism exists. If your puny little minds don't know about it, that's not my problem. What am I supposed to "back up?"

Reagaknight wrote:
BTW, your ignorance is becoming more and more evident. Rejecting all other religions is not the basis of the Christian faith;

But of course it is, moron. Did God say, "I am one of many gods?" Of course not. What's the first freaking commandment?

Reagaknight wrote:
also, no one truly aquanted with Christianity would use the words Jesus/Jehova. First of all, since you like "facts", 'Jehova' is just a mispronunciation of 'Yaweh'- 'I am'. Secondly, they are two separate entities. You make them seem interchangeable, but they are not. They, along with the Holy Spirit are, at least for most Christians, the three parts of the Holy Trinity, the one Godhead, if you will.

LOL! So which is it, a "mispronunciation" or a "separate entity"?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 04:11 pm
@Professor Chaos,
This is ridiculous, indeed. Your ignorance is overwhelming. What in the world am I supposed to back up, lol. Freaking idiots. Zoroastrianism exists. If your puny little minds don't know about it, that's not my problem. What am I supposed to "back up?"

Hey, guess, what! Everyone can say that! "If your puny little mind doesn't know the commonly accepted fact that Padre Pio had stigmata, I really can't help that. So, I guess I'll forsake any attempt to argue further or use proof."
I guess that argument is settled.

But of course it is, moron. Did God say, "I am one of many gods?" Of course not. What's the first freaking commandment?

Wow, moron. You are evil. Of course you're totally right. I forgot that specific minor details defined the things they are part of. Also, no one here has ever shown you such a high level of disrespect to you here. We all have attempted to be somewhat cordial.

LOL! So which is it, a "mispronunciation" or a "separate entity"?

You have an amazing inability to interpret things. Everything past the second sentence refers to Jehovah/Jesus, not the fat that Jehova is a mispronunciation, and it's not a contrdictory statement.
Professor Chaos
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 04:22 pm
Reagaknight;10896 wrote:
Hey, guess, what! Everyone can say that! "If your puny little mind doesn't know the commonly accepted fact that Padre Pio had stigmata, I really can't help that. So, I guess I'll forsake any attempt to argue further or use proof."
I guess that argument is settled.

My apologies, what are you, 10? I'll try to speak more simple-like fo' ya.

Zoroastrianism is a religion that exists, with hundreds of thousands of followers. You don't need to prove that something exists.

Your boy's "stigmata" is a supernatural event witnessed by nobody. See the difference, numbskull?

Reagaknight wrote:
Wow, moron. You are evil. Of course you're totally right. I forgot that specific minor details defined the things they are part of. Also, no one here has ever shown you such a high level of disrespect to you here. We all have attempted to be somewhat cordial.

This is beyond laughable. There's about two or three "cordial" people here. You ain't one of 'em.

Reagaknight wrote:
You have an amazing inability to interpret things. Everything past the second sentence refers to Jehovah/Jesus, not the fat that Jehova is a mispronunciation, and it's not a contrdictory statement.

Right. I should have known to ignore the first point of your argument, and only listened to the second one. LOL!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 04:52 pm
@Professor Chaos,
My apologies, what are you, 10? I'll try to speak more simple-like fo' ya.

Zoroastrianism is a religion that exists, with hundreds of thousands of followers. You don't need to prove that something exists.

Your boy's "stigmata" is a supernatural event witnessed by nobody. See the difference, numbskull?

That's funny, becuase most people here would probably agree that you sound like you're ten. Of course, I would assume that your mother proofreads your idiotic ranting.

Zoroastrianism exists, obviously, but I'm saying that you haven't offered proof of that. Therefore, you have no right whatsoever to demand proof from any of us.

And did you not read the requested article? It said he was praying in front of people (people= witnesses) when the wounds appeared.

This is beyond laughable. There's about two or three "cordial" people here. You ain't one of 'em.

Of course, no need to respond to the argument. There's two or three crazy people on here, I guess you mean. When have I personally degraded you?

Right. I should have known to ignore the first point of your argument, and only listened to the second one. LOL!

Of course, no need to offer a counterpoint now that I've explained it. Not really, you should've just made an attempt to differentiate.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 05:06 pm
@Professor Chaos,
History of Israel -by J. Bright
Jesus and the constraints of History- by A. Harvey
Revitalization Movements - by A.F.C. Wallace
The Quest of the Historical Jesus - By Albert Schweitzer

You want specific facts, as per your response, there is a small list of were to find them, given by Drnizer. Personally I have not read any of these books, but since it is your curiosity then I guess you should pursue it. On another note, people would be more cordial to you if your intention wasn't to slander their beliefs, if you only wanted to know the facts you would have bought any or all of these book and read them.

Your boy's "stigmata" is a supernatural event witnessed by nobody. See the difference, numbskull?

I hope this satisfies your need for names:

Beginning in August 1918 and over the course of several weeks, Padre Pio developed permanent, painful stigmata that bled intermittently for the next 50 years and disappeared only a few days before his death. The experience began on August 5 when he claimed to observe a vision of a fiery spear being hurled at his chest. He suffered excruciating pain for two days, resulting in a chest laceration. A few weeks later, in September, a similar incident left him with permanent wounds on his hands and feet. A series of doctors examined the wounds of Padre Pio and verified the existence of the condition, but left no written comment or explanation. Luigi Romanelli, chief physician of the City Hospital of Barletta, examined the priest's wounds five times over the course of one year. Dr. Giorgio Festa, a private practitioner, viewed them in 1920 and again in 1925. Professor Giuseppe Bastianelli, physician to Pope Benedict XV agreed that the wounds indeed existed but made no other comment. Angelo Maria Merla of San Giovanni Rotondo noted that the wounds were not tubercular in origin, but made no diagnosis; nor did pathologist, Dr. Amico Bignami of the University of Rome. The wounds bled severely at times, although medical examiners reported no fever, nor anemia or change of blood pressure associated with the condition. According to witnesses the wounds of Padre Pio emitted a distinctively fragrant odor, and all other abrasions to Padre Pio's body healed normally during those years, including an incision to repair a hernia.

Padre Pio: Information from Answers.com
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 11:36 pm
@Professor Chaos,
Professor Chaos;10853 wrote:
Name one what and back it up with what? Stop sniffing glue and try to make some sense.
Maybe you should stop smokin crack.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 11:38 pm
@Professor Chaos,
Professor Chaos;10854 wrote:
Why don't you answer the original question: Do you deny that Mazda is the one true god?

Not your turn, tag your it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Feb, 2007 04:16 am
@Professor Chaos,
"Do you deny that Ahura Mazda is the one true god?"

Your question is buried in some of your many postings and I took it as just another swing of your method of avoiding answering other's comments with sensible justification of your positions .

Yes , I deny that Mazda is the one true god , especially since he was not the only one revered by a long discarded Persian religion . As a matter of fact , his father , Zurvan supposedly fathered twin sons after some penitence of 1,000 years he had to go through to get sons since he was androgynous himself .

by Micha F. Lindemans
"The primordial god in Persian religion, and the god of infinite time and space. Zurvan is the father of the good god Ahura Mazda and the evil god Angra Mainyu.
He had to make sacrifices for 1,000 years to get them because he is androgynous. With children representing the two opposites, Zurvan himself is regarded as a neutral god; one for whom there is no distinction between good or evil. Zurvan is also the god of destiny, light and darkness. In Zurvanism, the state religion of the Sassanides in the 3rd-7th century CE, Zurvan is the highest god and lord of the four elements.

This sort of multi-theistic religion has not managed to continue to exist in modern culture except in India and Asia .
The ancient pre-Islamic religion of Iran, still present there in isolated areas. There is a greater group of followers in India, the descendants of Zoroastrian Iranian (Persian) immigrants, known as Parsis, or Parsees. In India the religion is called Parsiism. Founded by the Iranian prophet and reformer Zoroaster in the 6th century BCE, the religion contains both monotheistic and dualistic elements.

These quotes are from Encyclopedia Mythica
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2007 01:08 pm
@Professor Chaos,
Prof. Chaos isn't back yet to explain his lunatic ravings? Last time it was only about two days before he could think up an answer, I guess we got him pretty good this time.
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