@Red cv,
So, when I am forced to pay for abortions with my taxes, your not forcing your beliefs on me? How about when evolution is taught in schools as fact, and creation is not even allowed to be taught as theory, thats not forcing your beliefs on us? How about when Aurther the rabbit gos around telling kids that its OK to have two mommys or two daddys? Are you saying that its only OK to force your beleifs on someone if you are not a christian? You are a bunch of hypocrites! You sit up there on your high horse, rambling on and on about how much greater you are than the rest of us, then accuse us of having a holier than thou attitude. I will admit right now that I am just as big of a sinner as any gay man out there, I have never had a problem saying that, my problem with gays is that they are trying to FORCE christians to accept their sin as natural and OK.
I would love for one of you to explain how a Christian can force someone to accept Christianity, you do realize that to us, that would defeat the whole idea of becoming a Christian.
WVpeach, read your bible, you may be a Christian but you are definitley fighting for the wrong side. I dont care how you feel about the war, but if you think that God dosen't beleive in legislating morality, you may want to check out the old testament. Those books are PACKED with rule after rule, all meant to legislate morality. And yes, it is pretty clear that God hates homosexuality, he puts it on the same level as beatiality.
" 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Lev 20:13
Obviously, Jesus has already paid the price for sinners, so no one has to die for being gay, but its still a sin, always will be.
Oh and FedupAmerican, ever heard of a metaphore.