Hatred hurled from the left towards Christians, why?

Reply Sat 13 Oct, 2007 06:55 pm
@Red cv,
Red;35529 wrote:
I've noticed several posters who are left leaning or liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians and Religion. Why, I'm curious where this hatred stems from? Also they claim the moral high ground yet they don't appear to stand for anything. So what is the cause of this hatred? I'm curious about the origins of their hate and loathing.

Its not realistic to expect everybody to love Christians, in fact Jesus long ago said that if they hated Him, they will hate you(Christians). And also, some under the banner of Christianity have done some unchristian things to some people. I have seen and listen to how some who call themselves Christian, go about doing what they call God's work/ministry(here in New York City on the trains) and frankly find it offensive.

Too many of these supposedly Christians, push, impose, make to feel guilty and make God appear as if He can't wait to punish those wicked sinners gospel....they preach a gospel of fear rather than what it is, a good message. Jesus came with a message, and He preached it.

It is interesting that Jesus never told the disciples that He was going to be crucified until at the end of His three and a half year ministry, and He defiantly did not directly tell any of those who did not believe in Him, that He was going to die for there sin, even though He did in a round about way. So what was He preaching/telling them for the most part of those years? He was preaching about His kingdom, which He will set up on the earth and that He was calling those who were predestined by the Father to be apart of that kingdom. He was constantly giving parables of what the kingdom of God was like. Jesus never try to force His message on anyone, nor did He condemn those who did not chose to become His deciple.
Reply Sat 13 Oct, 2007 10:15 pm
Brian@764;41472 wrote:
Its not realistic to expect everybody to love Christians, in fact Jesus long ago said that if they hated Him, they will hate you(Christians). And also, some under the banner of Christianity have done some unchristian things to some people. I have seen and listen to how some who call themselves Christian, go about doing what they call God's work/ministry(here in New York City on the trains) and frankly find it offensive.

Too many of these supposedly Christians, push, impose, make to feel guilty and make God appear as if He can't wait to punish those wicked sinners gospel....they preach a gospel of fear rather than what it is, a good message. Jesus came with a message, and He preached it.

It is interesting that Jesus never told the disciples that He was going to be crucified until at the end of His three and a half year ministry, and He defiantly did not directly tell any of those who did not believe in Him, that He was going to die for there sin, even though He did in a round about way. So what was He preaching/telling them for the most part of those years? He was preaching about His kingdom, which He will set up on the earth and that He was calling those who were predestined by the Father to be apart of that kingdom. He was constantly giving parables of what the kingdom of God was like. Jesus never try to force His message on anyone, nor did He condemn those who did not chose to become His deciple.
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 12:23 am
aaronssongs;41475 wrote:

those who sought to harm him....the Christians today are about as far away from him as Satan is.

I would not say that, because there are those who are truly Christians. The thing is that most people are not aware of what Jesus said. He said that among true Christians, there will also be false Christians and that He will allow that to be, until the day of harvest. And also, most people cannot really tell the difference between a true Christian and a false one. God knows those who are His, and those who are His know that they are. Jesus said that He would build His Church and that gates of Hell will not prevail against it. So Jesus has His Church, and Satan has his.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 08:39 am
@Red cv,
...and they all live happily ever after.



Now Jesus and God are going to HARVEST people?

I always thought Christians were mindless sheep but I guess I was wrong.

They are mindless stalks of corn?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 10:12 am
@Red cv,
In reply to Pinochet 73. Jesus was a soicalist and spoke more powerfully than Marx ever did. How more powerful could a statement be than, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kindom of heaven." I am sure that you also are against deregulation of businesses, and favor private insurance companies who take people's money and then try to get out of paying claims. I am also sure that you believe in the infallibility of the justice systems. You are wrong again. Since D N A several people on death role have been found to be innocent. I can not have mercy on you, but hope that God will.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 06:23 pm
@Red cv,
So, when I am forced to pay for abortions with my taxes, your not forcing your beliefs on me? How about when evolution is taught in schools as fact, and creation is not even allowed to be taught as theory, thats not forcing your beliefs on us? How about when Aurther the rabbit gos around telling kids that its OK to have two mommys or two daddys? Are you saying that its only OK to force your beleifs on someone if you are not a christian? You are a bunch of hypocrites! You sit up there on your high horse, rambling on and on about how much greater you are than the rest of us, then accuse us of having a holier than thou attitude. I will admit right now that I am just as big of a sinner as any gay man out there, I have never had a problem saying that, my problem with gays is that they are trying to FORCE christians to accept their sin as natural and OK.

I would love for one of you to explain how a Christian can force someone to accept Christianity, you do realize that to us, that would defeat the whole idea of becoming a Christian.

WVpeach, read your bible, you may be a Christian but you are definitley fighting for the wrong side. I dont care how you feel about the war, but if you think that God dosen't beleive in legislating morality, you may want to check out the old testament. Those books are PACKED with rule after rule, all meant to legislate morality. And yes, it is pretty clear that God hates homosexuality, he puts it on the same level as beatiality.

" 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Lev 20:13

Obviously, Jesus has already paid the price for sinners, so no one has to die for being gay, but its still a sin, always will be.

Oh and FedupAmerican, ever heard of a metaphore.
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Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 06:41 pm
tvsej;40246 wrote:
Totally wrong Fedup, he was born a Catholic but he was a Paigan(spell) he hated organized religion and not just one but all. He worshiped much the same as Wickan (spell again) people do. Nature was his bag. A good God fearing Christian man he was not, his work was completely his own creation.

This part I threw in;

He wanted Germany given back to the Germans, Healthy Germans that is. To create the "Master Race". The 6 million were not all Jews, they were many from all religions and countries including Germany. Retarded, weak, sick, very old, Jews, Catholics from all over, crippled people, and any other drain on society. That is how the 6 million is really calculated. Not all of them were Jews.
Have you ever read "Mein Kampf"?

Hiler a Pagan!???


thats hillarious

"We are all proud that through God's powerful aid, we have become once more true Germans"
- Adolf Hitler

"The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew"
- Adolf Hitler

It must be thoroughly understood that the lost land will never be won back by solemn appeals to the God, nor by hopes in any League of Nations, but only by the force of arms.
- Adolf Hitler

"The world will not help, the people must help themselves. Its own strength is the source of life. That strength the Almighty has given us to use; that in it and through it, we may wage the battle of our life The others in the past years have not had the blessing of the Almighty - of Him who in the last resort, whatever man may do, holds in His hands the final decision. Lord God, let us never hesitate or play the coward"
- Adolf Hitler

NOTICE: Hitler often refers to God, not to a god but THE god, meaning he believes there is only one god, he also refers to jews as THE DEVIL which is the belief of christians NOT pagans! Please next time you makes such an unfounded assertation, check your facts!
Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 04:04 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Did the checking I am looking for the ISDN# for the book explaning Hitlers involvment with the pagans, I never said he was not a christian just that he was at one point practicing pagan rituals. therefore a pagan. He was a believer. The book is in German so I am looking to see if it is even in English at all.Doubt it.
Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 08:02 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47657 wrote:
Hiler a Pagan!???


thats hillarious

"We are all proud that through God's powerful aid, we have become once more true Germans"
- Adolf Hitler

"The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew"
- Adolf Hitler

It must be thoroughly understood that the lost land will never be won back by solemn appeals to the God, nor by hopes in any League of Nations, but only by the force of arms.
- Adolf Hitler

"The world will not help, the people must help themselves. Its own strength is the source of life. That strength the Almighty has given us to use; that in it and through it, we may wage the battle of our life The others in the past years have not had the blessing of the Almighty - of Him who in the last resort, whatever man may do, holds in His hands the final decision. Lord God, let us never hesitate or play the coward"
- Adolf Hitler

NOTICE: Hitler often refers to God, not to a god but THE god, meaning he believes there is only one god, he also refers to jews as THE DEVIL which is the belief of christians NOT pagans! Please next time you makes such an unfounded assertation, check your facts!

As I have told you many times before: HITLER WAS NOT A BELIEVER. He did, however, pretend to be one in the early stages of his ascendancy, to win over the people. He came from southern Germany, eg, Catholic-country, so he played up his devotion to the Church back in the beginning, when HE RAN FOR OFFICE (German chancellory (sp)). After he consolidated total power sometime after 1933, he began to slime Christianity as a Jewish conspiracy. His SS were trained to disdain Christianity for the reasons just cited. Any attempt to claim Hitler believed in Christ because of the junk he spouted while running for election is propaganda. :FU1:
Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2008 08:05 pm
tvsej;54395 wrote:
Did the checking I am looking for the ISDN# for the book explaning Hitlers involvment with the pagans, I never said he was not a christian just that he was at one point practicing pagan rituals. therefore a pagan. He was a believer. The book is in German so I am looking to see if it is even in English at all.Doubt it.

Nope. Hitler only believed in a Germanic spirit, which he believed he possessed as Fuhrer. You're thinking of Himmler. Himmler was a Germanic, pagan, mysticism freak, big time. Hitler made fun of that aspect of him behind his back.:no:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 05:03 am
Pinochet73;54419 wrote:
As I have told you many times before: HITLER WAS NOT A BELIEVER. He did, however, pretend to be one in the early stages of his ascendancy, to win over the people. He came from southern Germany, eg, Catholic-country, so he played up his devotion to the Church back in the beginning, when HE RAN FOR OFFICE (German chancellory (sp)). After he consolidated total power sometime after 1933, he began to slime Christianity as a Jewish conspiracy. His SS were trained to disdain Christianity for the reasons just cited. Any attempt to claim Hitler believed in Christ because of the junk he spouted while running for election is propaganda. :FU1:

And you miss the target.

Hitler was a Christian. There is no getting around that, no argument will change that. Did Hitler attack and destroy Christian churches? Yes. No getting around that, either. Why? Because he feared their power being one thing that could screw the pooch for his grand schemes. That doesn't mean he wasn't a Christian.
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:29 am
@Red cv,
Red;35529 wrote:
I've noticed several posters who are left leaning or liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians and Religion. Why, I'm curious where this hatred stems from? Also they claim the moral high ground yet they don't appear to stand for anything. So what is the cause of this hatred? I'm curious about the origins of their hate and loathing.

Geeeze...........apparrently from mixing politics with Religion is a possible answer to your question.......hahaha! . Genral Jack Pershing had them muslims in control . Its all crap the lefts use to finish putting together Their Socialism Packet..........
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 11:50 am
GRUMP;54426 wrote:
Geeeze...........apparrently from mixing politics with Religion is a possible answer to your question.......hahaha! . Genral Jack Pershing had them muslims in control . Its all crap the lefts use to finish putting together Their Socialism Packet..........

Better than the Rights (read: CHRISTIANS) praying for what is, by absolute description, the end of the world.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 06:00 pm
Sabz5150;54424 wrote:
And you miss the target.

Hitler was a Christian. There is no getting around that, no argument will change that. Did Hitler attack and destroy Christian churches? Yes. No getting around that, either. Why? Because he feared their power being one thing that could screw the pooch for his grand schemes. That doesn't mean he wasn't a Christian.
Hitler claimed to be Christian. Any one can do that, right?
Reply Wed 12 Mar, 2008 07:25 pm
DiversityDriven;54466 wrote:
Hitler claimed to be Christian. Any one can do that, right?

The Pope claims to be Catholic.

Your point?
Reply Thu 13 Mar, 2008 02:50 pm
Sabz5150;54471 wrote:
The Pope claims to be Catholic.

Your point?

Touche. Especially considering the Vatican's killing of hundreds of thousands of Catholics and millions of others.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 13 Mar, 2008 06:49 pm
tvsej;54395 wrote:
Did the checking I am looking for the ISDN# for the book explaning Hitlers involvment with the pagans, I never said he was not a christian just that he was at one point practicing pagan rituals. therefore a pagan. He was a believer. The book is in German so I am looking to see if it is even in English at all.Doubt it.

Actually almost all christians practice pagan rituals it's called halloween.

practicing a ritual doesn't mean you believe in it's meaning....
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 13 Mar, 2008 06:50 pm
Pinochet73;54419 wrote:
As I have told you many times before: HITLER WAS NOT A BELIEVER. He did, however, pretend to be one in the early stages of his ascendancy, to win over the people. He came from southern Germany, eg, Catholic-country, so he played up his devotion to the Church back in the beginning, when HE RAN FOR OFFICE (German chancellory (sp)). After he consolidated total power sometime after 1933, he began to slime Christianity as a Jewish conspiracy. His SS were trained to disdain Christianity for the reasons just cited. Any attempt to claim Hitler believed in Christ because of the junk he spouted while running for election is propaganda. :FU1:

and I suppose you of all people know what Hitler 'truly' believed? :dunno:

Please don't make such outrageous claims!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Mar, 2008 07:00 pm
Reagaknight;54496 wrote:
Touche. Especially considering the Vatican's killing of hundreds of thousands of Catholics and millions of others.

Well, toss out the Catholic part and you've pretty much got it, well, nailed.

The killing of millions in order to enforce a strict belief and methodology.... yup, that's pretty damn accurate.

Oh, the torture... don't forget the torture!
Reply Fri 14 Mar, 2008 02:17 pm
Sabz5150;54515 wrote:
Well, toss out the Catholic part and you've pretty much got it, well, nailed.

The killing of millions in order to enforce a strict belief and methodology.... yup, that's pretty damn accurate.

Oh, the torture... don't forget the torture!

Go on, I'm sure there's lovely diatribe about the Inquisition that you can give us.
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