DiversityDriven;56991 wrote:If we created them why do you claim them as your own? We are theists you are atheist funny you would be offended, is it not proper? I asked you if you believed in darwins theory, you said yes and this offended you having to say yes? Sounds like the truth hurt you.
Asking if I 'believe' in a specific section of science doesn't offend me. Not one bit. The term "Darwinist" and it's other forms are creationist-made. It's a label used for attack and degradation, it lets you feel that you can safely carve out a section of modern science from your "worldview" and still reap its rewards. Let's see... heart bypass or circle of prayer... heart bypass or prayer... hard choice there.
Quote:What's your opinion on abortion? A womens right, or the rights of the unborn person?
MY opinion? A woman's right. If a person (or couple) want to have an abortion, they can do so. However that is a cross they must bear alone.
I was given the choice of my (ex) g/f and I having our child or having an abortion. The decision came to me and I chose the child without a thought. That is what *I* do. I'm pro-choice because the argument is not mine... I have the incorrect set of genitalia to have any weight in a woman's choices. But when the choice is given to me, I choose life.
Quote:Does your atheist morality extend to all life forms or just born humans. How moral are you about what you eat? If it's just to humans, why just us, what makes us special?
Meat good. More meat better. We are predatory omnivores. This is natural.
I don't get what you're asking here...
Quote:How does your atheist morality conflict with your darwinist beliefs that only the strong survive?
Never does evolution say "only the strong survive". It does however say that those best suited for the environment will survive. Big difference, Sanchez. Let me elaborate.
CCR5-delta-32 is an evolutionary mutation brought about by a hunk of missing data in gene CCR5 (hence the name, delta means "deletion"). It does not make a person stronger than another, it does not make them faster, slimmer, able to do superhuman acts, etc. In fact, it puts you at a higher risk for certain diseases, technically making you
weaker. Strength and might do not make this evolutionary data mismatch important.
If you acquire the delta32 mutation from both your mother and father, you are immune to AIDS.
This is not a strengthening of the immune system, this is not a built in defense mechanism to the virus. It is a DNA screwup that alters the T-cells.
Wouldn't you like to have that.
So, as you see, evolution is not about "might makes right".
Quote:For darwinists there is not morality is there?
Religion does not equal morality. Morality is human, not religious.
Quote:So claiming your belief in darwin and how his theory contains no morality, how do you defive morality from atheism?
Again, Sanchez, your ignorance shines.
Are you saying that without your religion, you would be an immoral person? What little control you have over yourself... so sad that you need fear of eternal suffering to keep you in line. I don't need that to guide my life, I can do very well by myself, thank you very much. I have the ability to think for myself and understand for myself what the difference is between right and wrong. I don't need a magic man watching my every move and keeping a running file on my life to scare me into being a good little servant.
Morality comes from inside one's self. I do not need to draw upon anything to achieve that. I do not need a religion to instill that in me. I have morality without all of that.
To have to draw on something besides your own self for morals and sense of right and wrong is a sign of weakness. It shows that you cannot brave the world alone... you need your hand held the entire way.
I can walk for myself.