Dear Diary,
Second topic,
Originally stated by Drnaline
BET TV Airing a PSA Telling Kids to 'Read a Mo F'n Book'? | NewsBusters.org
Black Entertainment Television has been playing what is being called a Public Service Announcement created by a rapper named Bomani "D'mite" Armah. It is in cartoon form and made in the Rapper music video style. However, it contains some very offensive language even as the underlying message is one encouraging children to read by telling them to read a "mother****ing book, N***er." It's a mixed message, indeed. Do we need to encourage kids to read by cursing at them every other word in a song aired to them on a black centric television station? Is this the proper type of work that should be seen on BET?
The thing begins in a school auditorium with bored kids looking on. The cartoon rapper starts by playing Beethoven's Fifth on a piano (the whole song is set to the Fifth Symphony). "D'Mite" starts off by telling the kids, "See, I used to do songs with hooks and concepts and sh*t, right? Well, f*ck that, I'm trying to go blacker!" It then goes into the first verse which is made up entirely of "Read a book, read a book, read a mah fuc*in book," repeated over and over again.
It's over-the-top and offensive to be sure. But is it the "right message" despite that and to be congratulated? BET sure thinks it should.
Laughed my ass off. Youtube link, not safe for work. YouTube - Read A Book
Wow, touchy subject but no laughing matter, I am not surprised. The last 20 years things have changed and turned around a great deal.There is alot of reverse racisum from blacks and over compensation from the white people because of our history of violence against black people. This new "Culture" has developed as the only original American culture over the past 200 years. We had the culture from all our original homelands when we came to America not just one shared by all American citizens. Now we have a shared and well known culture.
I think this is a degrading and seemingly embarrassing way to present ones self to any person or the rest of the world. It exudes disrespect on every level. The movies and cartoons our kids watch are filled with this rubbish. Alot of the music that people prior considered violent and crude is now main stream and excepted. Like refering to women as ***es and hoes, we have gone a step backwards with that.
This new culture is all over the world, the kids here are dressed like gangters, and talk with that disrespectful attitude and hand movement, the American Black community has great success all over the world. It is a truely remarkable and very successful achievement but at what advantage?
I think part of the Black community in some cases has gone way to far, they make racial comments about whites all the time on national TV. Black comediens and shows are always making racial remarks aginst whites and Hispanics. Because of the sensetivity of the subject no one says anything about it. Whites are not permitted to say such racial remarks openly on TV. I am not against any race of Americans, we are all the same in that sense. I am against racisum in all forms and it should include racisum against whites in this the 2100 century as well.
Two wrongs don't make a right.