The Bush Family

Brent cv
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 07:02 pm
@Johno cv,
Johno;7353 wrote:
Right because the 'enemy' has armored Hummers, Abram and Challenger 2 tanks equipped with Depleted Uranium rounds (wow... nuclear warfare... no wonder theres so many soldiers coming back with respiratory problems... along with 100,000s of Iraqis and Afghans) Apache helicopters, F16, Tornado's... yeah sure... man it's so unjust the 'enemy' fights back... really, I mean geeez... it really is uncalled for when citizens of a country defend it.

NO WHERE did I say the enemy couldn't fight back. I mean did you even read my post? My post was about the Geneva Convention... you know the one we have to follow but our enemy doesn't.

So I say again.... we will follow the Geneva Convention when they do!

They can fight how they wish. If they want to come out and fight dirty so we will. Why should we have to play nice? Answer that.
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 10:01 am
@Brent cv,
Brent;7355 wrote:
NO WHERE did I say the enemy couldn't fight back. I mean did you even read my post? My post was about the Geneva Convention... you know the one we have to follow but our enemy doesn't.

So I say again.... we will follow the Geneva Convention when they do!

They can fight how they wish. If they want to come out and fight dirty so we will. Why should we have to play nice? Answer that.

I heard some moonbat say "We should not fight dirty because the U.S is better than that..we have a reputation to uphold" Needless to say she was an idiot.
If she ever gets sexually assaulted, she should just lie there lest anyone think she is a troublemaker by screaming.
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 10:12 am
@Johno cv,
Johno;7350 wrote:
Your argument technically makes sense and I am honored that you are comparing my crimes to the war crimes of your leader on the very same level, however this argument is like drowning men grasping at straws, does not nullify what I say and is unconstructive.
Technically your a hipocrite. If you are caught you go to jail. Supposedly Bush is caught yet not in jail? Are you an American, then Bush is YOUR leader too, whether you chose to agree or not. You have yet to anser the question?

The difference between you and Bush is your an admitted criminal. And your opinion of Bush's war crimes is just that, an opinion.

does not nullify what I say and is unconstructive.

What nullify's your arguement is your lack of proof. Opinion does not make it true no matter how much you wish so. "unconstructive?" to you is constructive to me and that is my opinion.
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 10:17 am
NaterG;7351 wrote:
You folks scream war crimes committed by the highest people in our government. I say, show me some cold hard, solid proof. Wait, I am talking to a liberal here, never mind. I forgot that proof isn't the liberal dictionary. Never mind, continue with your left wing ramblings and conspiracy theories.
They never talk about any body else's war crimes, why? They must not mind others as they never, ever speak of such. Isn't beheading a war crime, what about blowing up civilians on purpose? It seems to me if they push as hard against terrorists as they did against Bush this war would be a whole lot different. It's like they almost agree with what is happening over there? And with some i think that statement is true.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 10:30 am
@Johno cv,
Johno;7353 wrote:
Hey I'm not going to run around after you, the "cold hard, solid proof" is out there, I have nothing to prove to you, but you have everything to prove to yourself. Just for the record I am not a liberal.

Right because the 'enemy' has armored Hummers, Abram and Challenger 2 tanks equipped with Depleted Uranium rounds (wow... nuclear warfare... no wonder theres so many soldiers coming back with respiratory problems... along with 100,000s of Iraqis and Afghans) Apache helicopters, F16, Tornado's... yeah sure... man it's so unjust the 'enemy' fights back... really, I mean geeez... it really is uncalled for when citizens of a country defend it.
Hey I'm not going to run around after you, the "cold hard, solid proof" is out there, I have nothing to prove to you, but you have everything to prove to yourself. Just for the record I am not a liberal.

So what your saying is you are basing your decision that Bush is a war criminal on somebody else's opinion?
the "cold hard, solid proof" is out there

Yet you have none? Not even a link to that other opinion. You can't or won't prove it to yourself but yet you expect us too? That's par for the course. Liberal can be used as a relative term for some ones views. Of which you seem to hold. I think the term fits.
Right because the 'enemy' has armored Hummers, Abram and Challenger 2 tanks equipped with Depleted Uranium rounds (wow... nuclear warfare... no wonder theres so many soldiers coming back with respiratory problems... along with 100,000s of Iraqis and Afghans) Apache helicopters, F16, Tornado's... yeah sure... man it's so unjust the 'enemy' fights back... really, I mean geeez... it really is uncalled for when citizens of a country defend it.
So now you think this war should be fair? Tell me what war was? You should argue with a little more logic and alot less emotion.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 10:32 am
GoodBoy;7359 wrote:
I heard some moonbat say "We should not fight dirty because the U.S is better than that..we have a reputation to uphold" Needless to say she was an idiot.
If she ever gets sexually assaulted, she should just lie there lest anyone think she is a troublemaker by screaming.
I think she would not be expected to fight fair by us or herself. How quickly she would change her thought when it applys to her.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 08:44 pm
@Johno cv,
You shouldn't fight at all!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 07:45 am
@Johno cv,
Not even for the honor of your wife? What about your kids. I'm one to almost always try and talk about it before aggression starts but such situations are not always possible. We are barely hairless apes, and being so are prone to fight for what ever reason we feel just.
Johno cv
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 01:10 pm
Drnaline;7360 wrote:
You have yet to anser the question?
Answer what question? Sorry it's just you're ranting on about my weed smoking when it has so little relevance to the actual topic I started... unless your going to bring up the fact I smoke weed as an argument every time I speak of criminal activity to somehow... well I don't know... what actually is your point? I smoke weed... therefore I break the law... therefore I can't talk... I just don't figure. Besides I live in England where by I can have a small amount of cannabis without being arrested.

Drnaline;7360 wrote:
Not even for the honor of your wife? What about your kids. I'm one to almost always try and talk about it before aggression starts but such situations are not always possible. We are barely hairless apes, and being so are prone to fight for what ever reason we feel just.

Drnaline;7360 wrote:
You should argue with a little more logic and alot less emotion.

Wow... how ironic could one be.
tumbleweed cv
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 01:36 pm
@Johno cv,
Johno;7619 wrote:
Answer what question? Sorry it's just you're ranting on about my weed smoking when it has so little relevance to the actual topic I started... unless your going to bring up the fact I smoke weed as an argument every time I speak of criminal activity to somehow... well I don't know... what actually is your point? I smoke weed... therefore I break the law... therefore I can't talk... I just don't figure. Besides I live in England where by I can have a small amount of cannabis without being arrested.

Wow... how ironic could one be.

Some of us wouldn't see a problem with it.Very Happy
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 07:46 pm
NaterG;7351 wrote:
You folks scream war crimes committed by the highest people in our government. I say, show me some cold hard, solid proof. Wait, I am talking to a liberal here, never mind. I forgot that proof isn't the liberal dictionary. Never mind, continue with your left wing ramblings and conspiracy theories.

proof, from the "conservative" dictionary: "what I believe is the truth."
see influenced by Fox News Corp.

proof, from the "liberal" dictionary: an assertion able to proved by documentation,
the scientific method of investigation or fact.

Waterboarding is torture, and thus a warcrime. If it isn't torture, then we need
to stop branding the Kh'mer Rouge as such dirty bastards. Obviously, they
were just like us, and were probably good guys.

Bush and Co. just hammered away at changing the "definition" of torture.
How liberal of them, redifining words for their own ends.
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 07:50 pm
Also, are you of the opinion O.J. had a just process, since there was no real
proof, no cold hard proof to without a doubt lprove he did it?

just curious, I've found "proof" has different requirement levels depending on
who you're talking about.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 10:36 pm
@Johno cv,
Johno;7619 wrote:
Answer what question? Sorry it's just you're ranting on about my weed smoking when it has so little relevance to the actual topic I started... unless your going to bring up the fact I smoke weed as an argument every time I speak of criminal activity to somehow... well I don't know... what actually is your point? I smoke weed... therefore I break the law... therefore I can't talk... I just don't figure. Besides I live in England where by I can have a small amount of cannabis without being arrested.

Wow... how ironic could one be.

Answer what question?

Are you a criminal?
Sorry it's just you're ranting on about my weed smoking when it has so little relevance to the actual topic I started...

I'm not ranting, you are the ranter calling the Bush family crinimals when in fact you are an admitted one yourself. Don't like it when the pot calls the kettle black, then don't do it.
unless your going to bring up the fact I smoke weed as an argument every time I speak of criminal activity to somehow...

Bush criminals? I guess it takes one to know one. That and i think i decide when and if i bring it up.
what actually is your point? I smoke weed... therefore I break the law... therefore I can't talk... I just don't figure. Besides I live in England where by I can have a small amount of cannabis without being arrested.

You can do what ever you like, i just find it hipocritical.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 10:43 pm
@tumbleweed cv,
tumbleweed;7620 wrote:
Some of us wouldn't see a problem with it.Very Happy
I don't have a problem with him smoking.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 10:50 pm
oleo;7627 wrote:
proof, from the "conservative" dictionary: "what I believe is the truth."
see influenced by Fox News Corp.

proof, from the "liberal" dictionary: an assertion able to proved by documentation,
the scientific method of investigation or fact.

Waterboarding is torture, and thus a warcrime. If it isn't torture, then we need
to stop branding the Kh'mer Rouge as such dirty bastards. Obviously, they
were just like us, and were probably good guys.

Bush and Co. just hammered away at changing the "definition" of torture.
How liberal of them, redifining words for their own ends.
Waterboarding is torture, and thus a warcrime.
Got link? We'll see who's definition it falls under? If it is a crime then all you have to do is prove we did it to some one but you will need a little more then hearsay.
Bush and Co. just hammered away at changing the "definition" of torture.
How liberal of them, redifining words for their own ends.[/[/quote]
Buch and Co finally go a little liberal and you get all in a tizzy. I would think you'd be happy, LOL. Don't like it when they redefine but it ok when Libbys do it, how hipocritical of you!
Johno cv
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 05:37 am
@Johno cv,
Drnaline... to put it rather bluntly I have no time for you and your righteousness. So save yourself the time and bother of replying to anything I say here out if it has little to do with the ACTUAL topic and isn't some 'neo-con' bullshit.
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 07:18 am
@Johno cv,
Johno;7665 wrote:
Drnaline... to put it rather bluntly I have no time for you and your righteousness. So save yourself the time and bother of replying to anything I say here out if it has little to do with the ACTUAL topic and isn't some 'neo-con' bullshit.
I didn't ask if you had time or not. This is a free forum and as such i can pretty much say and do as i please. You must have time as you are here. Unless your getting paid to be online, in which case your cheating your employer?
Funny of you calling me rightious when you are the one coming here spouting all kinds of hogwash and being able to back up nothing. I'll not save anytime as i enjoy replying to banter. If you don't like it, do not read my posts, even the ones addressed to you, it's that simple. People like you think they can go places and run roughshot over every one and they will stand idle. Not here buddy. You provided the info i used against you, and for that i get the blame? You Neo-Libs are all alike. Welcome to the real world. The one where you are held to the very words you write. And i expect you to do the same. Game on.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 06:41 pm
Drnaline;7418 wrote:
Not even for the honor of your wife? What about your kids. I'm one to almost always try and talk about it before aggression starts but such situations are not always possible. We are barely hairless apes, and being so are prone to fight for what ever reason we feel just.

A little Darwinism slipping in there, Drnaline? Yes, we are animals, but
evolved animals, capable of reason.

We do have to be better... sorry, but it's true.
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 06:50 pm
Drnaline;7642 wrote:
Got link? We'll see who's definition it falls under? If it is a crime then all you have to do is prove we did it to some one but you will need a little more then hearsay.

Prove to me the Jesus story.

Here you go, out of W's mouth


Drnaline;7642 wrote:
Buch and Co finally go a little liberal and you get all in a tizzy. I would think you'd be happy, LOL. Don't like it when they redefine but it ok when Libbys do it, how hipocritical of you!

I was being sarcastic, not hypocritical, using the conservative opinion of
"liberals." Sorry you didn't realize that.
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 08:38 am
oleo;7697 wrote:
A little Darwinism slipping in there, Drnaline? Yes, we are animals, but
evolved animals, capable of reason.

We do have to be better... sorry, but it's true.

No slip, i believe it. I will resort that what ever needs be. Just like any other animal.
0 Replies

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