Drakej;30131 wrote:This is a clear case of damned if you damned if you don't. Every country has made mistakes. Has supported the wrong people, sold someone something at some point in time. The only reason America gets criticized so very much is well because the rest of the world wants to focus on it. Why don't other 1st world countries go to Nigeria and stop the genocide? Because I would be willing to bet if we did show a force in any third world country to help the little man out, we would still be hated. Every 1st world country turns a blind eye to horrible things. Hell you and I do every day, look at all of the things in your house. Chances are if it is made in China, Mexico, India ect. you are supporting some sort of abusive process. So why do you support slave labor?
The reason is America touts itself, not only as the "world's policeman", but as the moral authority in the world....no one else does that. It's as if God called a press conference and announced that America, high and mighty, without sin, can call anybody else out, as morally objectionable, as the "axis of evil", as devoid of God and spirituality, and as less than human. Except throughout American history, there is blood on our collective hands...we are no moral authority. We are even unwilling to admit that we ever did or do wrong.
What ever happened to saying you're sorry? What world would fall, if we admitted that we made a mistake. I guess we're too good for that.
I'll bet God is so proud of us, the moral authority that we are.
And all you bible thumpers , find me the passage where it says, Thou shalt not kill, "except".....