Is there a god?

Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 09:25 pm
@Brent cv,
Answer mine and i'll answer yours.
Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 10:06 am
@Brent cv,
Well i guess ns1clrk figured the only way to get out of my questions was the have a tantrem hoping to get expelled? I didn't work and he is MIA. So much for that science mind and his affliction for Hawking. Talk about emotional. Couldn't keep his mind centered when it counts. And i was really looking forward to him expanding my mind, LOL?
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 11:01 am
@Brent cv,
provoking? Lol
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 11:12 am
@Brent cv,
Maybe just a little, in case he checks in from time to time. I would really like him to answer those questions. If he can. Without getting emotional i mean, LOL.
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Reply Sat 23 Dec, 2006 02:51 pm
My thinking is that God does exist. The question though is "What is God?".

My thinking is that God is the Universe. God = Matter + Energy + Information + The Laws that Govern Matter and Energy. As per the Bible and other Holy Books, God is therefore everything. God is incomprehensible.

Since there is One Universe (Universe = One Song) there is only One God that gave us existence. The Universe creates us and gives us nourishment. The Universe also destroys us.We are part of God and we live in God.

We "humanize" the universe in order to better understand it. We develop the concept of faith to give us answers to questions we have. Most of use could not understand the true answers (quantum physics, differential calculus, cellular biology to name a few) even if they were given to us. We are just too uneducated to comprehend. Like children we need myths and fables to comprehend complex issues.

To understand God we need to study science so that we can learn Gods Laws so that we can understand God and our place in God's Reality.

The biggest question is "What happens after we die?" Is there a Heaven (as per another thread0? The fact is that none of us know. The probability is very very high that there is nothing after death. We do not like to accept the fact that this fact because our short pathetic lives then become meaningless. We then create stories to make up feel better and hope that there is something better waiting for us after the end of our existence. That unfortunately is delusion.

Because our existence is difficult the best thing we can do is make it less difficult for one another. That is where social laws come into place. Religion gives us some semblance of how to live better lives. Unfortunately religion has also caused more death than any other social construct.

Maybe "God" is some super advanced alien and the Earth and our existence is just a "Lab Experiment" and the answer is 42.

If I was God I would take better care of my "people".

Because our existence is wretched I do not believe that an Omnipotent and Omniscient God (the mythical humanistic entity we pray to) does not exist. Or maybe God is like a child with a magnifying glass burning ants.

Maybe I would make a better God than the God many worship today. I know that I would not have created the Great Flood not demolished Sodom and Gomorrah or created AIDS and cancer. Cigarettes would not cause lung cancer. Orgasms would last more than 15 seconds.
Mesh cv
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 02:08 pm
ndjs;1145 wrote:
But I can imagine a flying purple alligator...

Yes you can, but a flying purple alligator doesn't have proofs...
It lacks source. Unlike God,
God has texts and witnesses that says he exist.

I believe in a God. I am a protestant-catholic-hindu-buddhist, I've been through alot and I've experienced miracles that a few of you could say its coincidence, but they're not hehe.
Mesh cv
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 02:16 pm
@Brent cv,
We "humanize" the universe in order to better understand it. We develop the concept of faith to give us answers to questions we have. Most of use could not understand the true answers (quantum physics, differential calculus, cellular biology to name a few) even if they were given to us. We are just too uneducated to comprehend. Like children we need myths and fables to comprehend complex issues.

interesting, by that notion- you're saying he already exists.

Anthropomorphic, we humanize the understanding of an Omnipotent and Omniscient being... we can't push something that false so we carry on words that make it true and since we cant imagine it fully, we call it our own but what can you call your own if it wasnt there- to be a disbrief figure to begin with. So your answer is yes, there is One and yes its still undefined because its meaning is disfigured but the representation of the meaning is quite certain already because you try to understand something that allocates "nothingness".
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Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 04:28 pm
NaterG;1588 wrote:
God didn't create himself. He just always was and always will be. Proof?

The Bible is all the proof I need. It may be hard to comprehend, I know I find it hard to comprehend, but our human minds were not made to comprehend it. Just like we can't comprehend the universe never ending, just like we can't comprehend eternity, or infinity, but you believe that those exist don't you? Whats the proof? Because of what you were read and taught? Well, thats the same proof I have in God. To believe in all of those, you must have faith. So why is it hard to believe in God when you believe in the other concepts I mentioned?

[SIZE="2"]The "Bible" was a tool invented by the privileged rich, to control the masses. Worked out well for them. Hard to believe people could be that gullible for that many decades. Want proof? Someone in your family is ill. He/she dies after you pray to your forgiving God to save them. What is the conclusion? God ignored you, doesn't care, or it was God's will? That's just lame. To me, it would be similar to never questioning a politician, because they are always right.[/SIZE]
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 04:29 pm
@Mesh cv,
Mesh;8715 wrote:
Yes you can, but a flying purple alligator doesn't have proofs...
It lacks source. Unlike God,
God has texts and witnesses that says he exist.

[SIZE="2"]Texts written by men, witnessed by men. Hmmmmmmm...sounds fishy[/SIZE]
Mesh cv
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 04:48 pm
@Brent cv,
GeeWBushinator;8722 wrote:
Yes you can, but a flying purple alligator doesn't have proofs...
It lacks source. Unlike God,
God has texts and witnesses that says he exist.

[SIZE="2"]Texts written by men, witnessed by men. Hmmmmmmm...sounds fishy[/SIZE]

GeeWBushinator;8722 wrote:

The "Bible" was a tool invented by the privileged rich, to control the masses. Worked out well for them. Hard to believe people could be that gullible for that many decades. Want proof? Someone in your family is ill. He/she dies after you pray to your forgiving God to save them. What is the conclusion? God ignored you, doesn't care, or it was God's will? That's just lame. To me, it would be similar to never questioning a politician, because they are always right. fishy[/B][/SIZE]

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what sounds fishy? Or are you plainly incompetent... for centuries texts were written by different people in different time frames who had no chances of knowing each other to begin with, inspired by the same author--- what self-aclaimed doubt could there be if something like this has been tagged to be certain, you cant change this GeeWBushinator even if you would love to because it is proven to be a FACT

for your first case,

thats just like saying,
If a man is being beaten-up, who would be the badder person, a man watching the guy beating the man up or the guy beating the hell out of him.

to some insane level let me stoop to yours, it would be the man beating the crap out of him.. Its not by which or by whom but its by what, its the action of the person not the supreme being relenting the person of his day to day life. its ill-concieved but its how things go. Its by the Lord's mercy but its how the people reflect on His mercy that they act out the things they do...
so for your theory to be a heirarchy-its stupid
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 05:09 pm
The most incredible thing about "God" is how deluded people can so forcefully defend their delusions.
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 05:27 pm
@Mesh cv,
Mesh;8724 wrote:
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what sounds fishy? Or are you plainly incompetent... for centuries texts were written by different people in different time frames who had no chances of knowing each other to begin with, inspired by the same author--- what self-aclaimed doubt could there be if something like this has been tagged to be certain, you cant change this GeeWBushinator even if you would love to because it is proven to be a FACT

for your first case,

thats just like saying,
If a man is being beaten-up, who would be the badder person, a man watching the guy beating the man up or the guy beating the hell out of him.

to some insane level let me stoop to yours, it would be the man beating the crap out of him.. Its not by which or by whom but its by what, its the action of the person not the supreme being relenting the person of his day to day life. its ill-concieved but its how things go. Its by the Lord's mercy but its how the people reflect on His mercy that they act out the things they do...
so for your theory to be a heirarchy-its stupid

Ummm...no...stupid is believing in fairy tales as told by child molesting war-mongering men masquerading as speaking for some invisible overlord of all things. Now that seems quite unintelligent to me.
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 05:28 pm
z0z0;8725 wrote:
The most incredible thing about "God" is how deluded people can so forcefully defend their delusions.

[SIZE="2"]No kidding, using story books as their "proof". Incredible[/SIZE]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 05:31 pm
GoodBoy;7956 wrote:
He didnt tell me anything. He answered the question on another thread about where hatred comes from. I said nothing bad about Hawking whatsoever, it wasnt in my mind at all to say anything bad about him.

Hatred comes from Satan. His Hatred is towards God and Jesus. He couldnt stand it because I quoted scripture.. period. Satan is in control of his heart and mind. It where most liberals live, they hate God.

[SIZE="2"]1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs. Sounds aweful to be liberal.
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 05:33 pm
If God truly exists he should come and show himself.
What possible harm could it do?

Imagine God comes down for ONE DAY and tells us how fucked up we are.
He could tell us in his own words how to live and worship.

Imagine that - in one day all of humanity could be UNIFIED.
One religion with one world view.

Imagine how many wars would end.

... unless of course God likes to keep us confused and fighting one another in his many names.

I said it before and will say it again - if God exists he is one sick puppy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 05:36 pm
z0z0;8478 wrote:
My thinking is that God does exist. The question though is "What is God?".

My thinking is that God is the Universe. God = Matter + Energy + Information + The Laws that Govern Matter and Energy. As per the Bible and other Holy Books, God is therefore everything. God is incomprehensible.

Since there is One Universe (Universe = One Song) there is only One God that gave us existence. The Universe creates us and gives us nourishment. The Universe also destroys us.We are part of God and we live in God.

We "humanize" the universe in order to better understand it. We develop the concept of faith to give us answers to questions we have. Most of use could not understand the true answers (quantum physics, differential calculus, cellular biology to name a few) even if they were given to us. We are just too uneducated to comprehend. Like children we need myths and fables to comprehend complex issues.

To understand God we need to study science so that we can learn Gods Laws so that we can understand God and our place in God's Reality.

The biggest question is "What happens after we die?" Is there a Heaven (as per another thread0? The fact is that none of us know. The probability is very very high that there is nothing after death. We do not like to accept the fact that this fact because our short pathetic lives then become meaningless. We then create stories to make up feel better and hope that there is something better waiting for us after the end of our existence. That unfortunately is delusion.

Because our existence is difficult the best thing we can do is make it less difficult for one another. That is where social laws come into place. Religion gives us some semblance of how to live better lives. Unfortunately religion has also caused more death than any other social construct.

Maybe "God" is some super advanced alien and the Earth and our existence is just a "Lab Experiment" and the answer is 42.

If I was God I would take better care of my "people".

Because our existence is wretched I do not believe that an Omnipotent and Omniscient God (the mythical humanistic entity we pray to) does not exist. Or maybe God is like a child with a magnifying glass burning ants.

Maybe I would make a better God than the God many worship today. I know that I would not have created the Great Flood not demolished Sodom and Gomorrah or created AIDS and cancer. Cigarettes would not cause lung cancer. Orgasms would last more than 15 seconds.

[SIZE="2"]Religion in essence, is humankinds vain attempt of making themselves the most important in a world of millions of different species. The reality is global warming exists for a reason. Mother Earth wants to kill off a species known as man, just as it's killed off millions of species over the millenium, but humans don't want to admit the world does not revolve around us.[/SIZE]
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Mesh cv
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 08:52 pm
@Brent cv,
what parallel universe are you living in...
please check your facts because all i'm seeing are either theories or postulates, you're simply copying ideas and pasting the opinions of others, and then negating them... if you cant come up w/ a better arguement than post-lateralism then please syadaappppp
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 12:04 pm
GeeWBushinator;8721 wrote:
[SIZE="2"]The "Bible" was a tool invented by the privileged rich, to control the masses. Worked out well for them. Hard to believe people could be that gullible for that many decades. Want proof? Someone in your family is ill. He/she dies after you pray to your forgiving God to save them. What is the conclusion? God ignored you, doesn't care, or it was God's will? That's just lame. To me, it would be similar to never questioning a politician, because they are always right.[/SIZE]
The "Bible" was a tool invented by the privileged rich, to control the masses.

Prove it, or is it just your opinion? If you have no proof of this, where did you read the fairytail in your head?
Want proof? Someone in your family is ill. He/she dies after you pray to your forgiving God to save them. What is the conclusion? God ignored you, doesn't care, or it was God's will?

Where is the proof you said is there? All i see is speculation. How do you know that saving them did not mean taking them and there pain?
That's just lame. To me, it would be similar to never questioning a politician, because they are always right.

Whens the last time you questioned a politician?
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 12:08 pm
GeeWBushinator;8722 wrote:
Mesh;8715 wrote:
Yes you can, but a flying purple alligator doesn't have proofs...
It lacks source. Unlike God,
God has texts and witnesses that says he exist.

[SIZE="2"]Texts written by men, witnessed by men. Hmmmmmmm...sounds fishy[/SIZE]
Bout as fishy as anything you posted thusfar. So tell me, how many texts have you seen writen and witnessed by anything other then a human?
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Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 12:14 pm
z0z0;8725 wrote:
The most incredible thing about "God" is how deluded people can so forcefully defend their delusions.
Which God are you talking about? The one you believe in or the one you think is not there? Who would figure the "New Messiah' has doubts.
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