My thinking is that God does exist. The question though is "What is God?".
My thinking is that God is the Universe. God = Matter + Energy + Information + The Laws that Govern Matter and Energy. As per the Bible and other Holy Books, God is therefore everything. God is incomprehensible.
Since there is One Universe (Universe = One Song) there is only One God that gave us existence. The Universe creates us and gives us nourishment. The Universe also destroys us.We are part of God and we live in God.
We "humanize" the universe in order to better understand it. We develop the concept of faith to give us answers to questions we have. Most of use could not understand the true answers (quantum physics, differential calculus, cellular biology to name a few) even if they were given to us. We are just too uneducated to comprehend. Like children we need myths and fables to comprehend complex issues.
To understand God we need to study science so that we can learn Gods Laws so that we can understand God and our place in God's Reality.
The biggest question is "What happens after we die?" Is there a Heaven (as per another thread0? The fact is that none of us know. The probability is very very high that there is nothing after death. We do not like to accept the fact that this fact because our short pathetic lives then become meaningless. We then create stories to make up feel better and hope that there is something better waiting for us after the end of our existence. That unfortunately is delusion.
Because our existence is difficult the best thing we can do is make it less difficult for one another. That is where social laws come into place. Religion gives us some semblance of how to live better lives. Unfortunately religion has also caused more death than any other social construct.
Maybe "God" is some super advanced alien and the Earth and our existence is just a "Lab Experiment" and the answer is 42.
If I was God I would take better care of my "people".
Because our existence is wretched I do not believe that an Omnipotent and Omniscient God (the mythical humanistic entity we pray to) does not exist. Or maybe God is like a child with a magnifying glass burning ants.
Maybe I would make a better God than the God many worship today. I know that I would not have created the Great Flood not demolished Sodom and Gomorrah or created AIDS and cancer. Cigarettes would not cause lung cancer. Orgasms would last more than 15 seconds.