@Brent cv,
Don't flater yourself. Emotion has every thing to do with you.
"but we cannot make something illegal simply because your religion does not approve."
What are we making illegal?
"Again, I ask you, if we are to base our laws on religious beliefs, whose religious beliefs do we choose? Yours? And if so, why? (Please try to come back with some answer about “majority rules.” I love it when fundamentalist Christians do that.)"
As far as i know we live in a republic and that republic is rulled by what? Appears it's more then just Christian fundimentalists don't it? That is the way this Democratic Republic country works! Until you socialists gain control that's the way it's gonna stay. The object it to out vote us, something you haven't been able to do of late.
"I stand by my initial assertion. Arguments against allowing gays to marry are based on fear and prejudice. Fear that it will somehow cause the downfall of our great society, and religious prejudice. I’m truly sorry that you think our society is so frail that it cannot withstand something as trivial as what two people you don’t even know do. "
"“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” Where are we not following the constitution? Other then your opinion of it?
You stand by it but can you prove it! How is our society so frail if i'm willing to fight for it? I don't care what they do behind closed doors. None of my bussiness, but when they come out and then demand to be married i say no and guess who rules!
"it is discriminatory to pass laws that deny marriage to this segment of the population."
Here is where your wrong! Where is the discrimination? The law says you can marry the opposite sex. So a gay male can marry a female just like a hetero male, hence no discrimination! For some reason you take it as you can marry what ever you want. If that were the case what would stop you from marrying a chair a car your house? Remember the LAW says you have the right to marry the opposite sex.
"As to freedom of religion, your argument contains a serious error in logic. If we cannot be free from religion, then there is no freedom of religion. Freedom of religion implies that I am free to worship God in any way I see fit. Unfortunately for you, that also means I am free to not worship God, if that is what I wish. Christ himself did not try to legislate religious belief, did not try to beat people into religious belief, why should you?"
Your confused. You keep using the word "From" and it's not in there, i've checked. You are the one with an error in logic. I fail to see how you arrive at your choice to no religion and then seek to restrict my devotion to it, Why? You don't feel that hipocritical? Strange! You hold a double standard, one for you not hearing it, another for me praticing it?
"You ask why make it legal in the first place. Simple. If marriage is an institution that some gays want to participate in, then we can only deny them that participation if we can show some overriding reason, some tangible harm that will befall our society as a result of allowing gay marriage. Otherwise, under the first amendment we CANNOT deny them this participation."
Explain to me how they can participate when they cant have kids? You need a boy and a girl remember? OK then answer me this, what will your reason be when someone comes up and wants to marry his mother? Are you going to discriminate against him? What about the guy who wants to marry a 11 year old girl, you gonna discriminate against him? No, then your a sick person! Where will YOU draw the line? Because there has to be one drawn?
"Now, I’ve answered your questions. Might I ask you to answer mine? What harm can you possibly see coming to our society as a result of allowing gay marriage? The decline of the institution? Look around. More than 50% of marriages now end in divorce. I can give other examples, but the point is that it is an evolving institution. Allowing gay marriage is only another step in that evolution. More to the point, if gays are allowed to marry, how on earth will that harm my marriage? "
You didn't answer why we should change the constitution to accomodate gays? They are not discriminated against! When you can do that we'll talk about harm. You can give more examples? How long does the average gay couple last in a relationship? What is that percentage percapita compared to heterosexuals? Instead of harm you should be thinking about what good they do?
"In short, can you give me a solid, logically thought out reason, devoid of emotion and your personal religious beliefs to deny gays the right to participate in this institution? "
I'll make it simple. It's not in the constitution. When a guy marrys a girl then can participate in the institution until then keep walkin.