Re the pig having the wrong wings.
I believe the biggest bat wings in the whole world would not keep that pig aloft...it's just not a an aero-dynamically sound proposition.
Anyway, it couldn't have batty wings just sort of stuck on.....their wings are what their arms and hands turned into.
I think those are cherub wings, not birdy wings, by the way.
But...aren't indulgences even weirder than normal fraud? PAYING to get people out of purgatory (oh, wait...the church nixed purgatory a while back, didn't it?))....I mean, swallowing the god thing is one thing...paying MONEY to redeem souls, I'd have thought that would choke a boa-constrictor.
Whoa! Marvin's a powerful juju curse, is it?
I hope you have a Marvinous day!