OCCOM BILL wrote:Why was none blown onto the foot of the Lander?
What would make dust in a vacuum go upward? The rocket shoots down. The rocket exhaust hits the ground. Everything then moves laterally. Nothing blows upward.
OCCOM BILL wrote:Why did it stop clearing right where the footprints begin?
How do you know that it does? Do you have evidence that they stepped closer to the lander?
And try the talcum experiment. Get a plate and put a layer of talcum powder down. Then blow (gently!) straight down at the center of the plate. You will create an indention in the center, with dust all around.
Better yet, take a straw to where there's some dry sand, and try the same thing.
OCCOM BILL wrote: Can you stop working backwards from your preconceived conclusion for once in your life?