OB is suffering from the same delusion as Mark. A lunar geologist Noah Petro (Im sure this is a "qwebby" name) has assembled a bunch of photos of the Lunar Missions and hes got a few that are blowups of some 40 year old shots of the various landing areas. In the last one you can actually see the shadow cast by the Lunar Module base.
AS far as "not seeing any dust"Theres plenty of evidence from the old HAsselblad shots to show the dust trails left on the surface. You can see the disturbance in the last photo pretty well. Im sure the laterphotos are even better.
What Im seeing is that, counter to Mark abnd OB's obsession, the evidence actually shows that the moon missions took place in as boring a detail as we need to see.
If some people dont buy it, thats not an example of being "a scientific skeptic" Its getting a tad bit over the top.
I put this in the same bag o **** as the "911 scholars for Truth" crap. SOmetimes ya just cant carry on a decent conversation and compare facts igf the minds of the "Moon hoaxers" are totally closed to facts and evidence.