Mon 21 Jun, 2010 08:01 pm
I haven't been diagnosed with bipolar or schizophrenia, but I do have some of the symptoms (no delusions or hallucinations that I'm aware of). I have experienced lots of emotional stress in the past few months, and now I really don't get stressed at all anymore; I don't feel to many emotions any more either. I can cry and I do have remorse and inhibitions, but it seems now to be more of a logical directive instead of emotional or moral (sorry if that sounds creepy). My head also feels pressurized, and my attentive field of vision has increased to almost my entire visual field, which is worrisome. I am getting to be very absent minded too (left the stove on and almost drove off the road). I also crave extremely complex puzzles to keep my mind busy.
Have any of you experienced any of the same things? I am currently working with my psychiatrist to help resolve things too.
Thanks everyone.
Sorry, I didn't specify what I was asking. Have any of you been able to resolve the condition independently, and do any of you have any theories about the cause of the problem?
Regarding the pressure in your head and the changes in vision, I assume your doctors have eliminated the possibility of brain tumor? If not, please insist that they do.
One of my boyfriends from many years gone by had an early diagnosis of epilepsy and petit mal seizures. Two years after we met, he suddenly dropped dead and it was discovered he had an enormous, but slow growing brain tumor that probably was the cause of his misdiagnosed life-long symptoms.
By the way, are you on new medications or has the dosage been changed in the last month? If so, have you alerted your doctor to what you are experiencing? It could be as simple as an adjustment in medication.
Thanks for the reply. I will ask that they consider the possibilities of a tumor, and thank you very much for the suggestion. Since the symptoms are getting problematic, I am going to consider restarting some of my meds too. Thanks again.