The title of her thread was "Edit This."
She's been practicing her English on A2K for so long that I don't need to look at the tags. I automatically know that 99.9 percent of the posts initiated by her will be for assistance with English.
Many of her practice writings are about current events. She also reads through the forum here and posts questions about new English words and the usage of them that she needs clarification for.
It is very similar to people responding literally to Mark Noble's questions about winks and hand gestures, or HexHammer's challenge about the garbage men or Sunshine's question about why atheists are scary. They weren't looking for the literal definitions they got to their questions, they wanted to discuss the why behind the human behavior and examine reactions to that behavior.
You are more familiar with the unspoken (unwritten) idiosyncrasies of the people you regularly posted with on PhilForum than you are with the people who regularly posted on A2K before you arrived here. You are accustomed to everything on the forum being more figurative in nature. The people on A2K prior to your arrival are more familiar with the unspoken (unwritten) idiosyncrasies of each other than they are of the people from PhilForum. They are accustomed to everything on the forum being more literal
During this transition, we're on our first date, just trying to get to know each other and learn of the idiosyncrasies of the members and forum customs so we can make the merging of the figurative and literal more enjoyable for all of us.