GoshisDead wrote:
mark noble wrote:
Nothing does not exist because something does.
Nothing is the opposite of something - Does this mean that there is no opposite to something (new thread).
Thank you North!
Nothing is not the opposite of something, nothing is the negation of something, and by their very nature they are not specific things they cannot have opposites. They are proforms, they stand in for things. The only thing that may be the opposite of and unspecified is a specified, yet being a proform they already stand for that which would otherwise be specified. You see the problem with trying to define a word that performs a grammatical function as a content bearing word? Something and nothing bear no content they are in essence place holders that express the grammatical ideas of unspecified thingess and and the the negation of unspecified thingness. This whole thread could have been avoided if people understood the difference.
Everything, every object, abstract or concrete is a place older, such that what they hold is what they are, starting as concept, and although there are size differences between place holders thus creating degrees of order between them (bigger or smaller then) what we cannot do is to say that a place holder has no property´s...actually it is exactly the opposite, you only can hold what in fact belongs to your nature, such is the definition of sets...
Everything refers not only to something very real, but to all that is real and True !
As Nothing also refers to everything precisely by negating it...of course this does n´t mean that nothing exists. It only means that it refers to the opposite of what is, in turn, nothing !
Last but not least, and to further clarify:
To say that a set is a sum of its components is not to say that a set is just that, given as a Unity, it becomes something else...but necessarily a something else,without negating what constitutes it, if only to confirming it !