TheoryJester wrote:
Can you please describe in what setting would something and nothing both exist together, I do understand this concept yet nothings main objective is to be nothing at all. How can it exist ?
Every being is nothing, including you and me, because nothingness in turn is any and every being, so being and nothingness continuously become each other. Any being (including you and me) is both a being and nothing, which is precisely what makes it a
temporal being.
We usually thing of being as independent of time and "immersed" in it. This is wrong: time
is being, precisely because being
is nothingness, which makes being and nothingness perpetually become each other,
originating time.
Your difficulty results from the old habit of thinking of being as "just being" and of nothingness as "just nothing," as if being and nothingness were totally
alien to each other. This way of thinking ultimately divorces both being and nothingness from
time--their becoming each other despite still different--while creating what Heidegger would call their "metaphysics."
The only way out of this "metaphysics" is then to reinsert time into the heart of being, which is only possible by reinserting being and nothingness into each other's heart.
(What people usually mean by not being able to "understand" the identity between being and nothingness is their inability to grasp it under a
static view--what you call a "setting." This is understandable, since that identity constitutes time, and regarding time a "static view" is forever impossible.)