@mark noble,
I think what the people here are trying to say to you is technicality. What you said about the cold rod is true, but it was just the way you worded it. Similar to this one
"Do you not perceive 'cold' and 'heat' to be forms of energy then?"
I think it would be more appropriate to say
"Do you not perceive forms of energy as 'cold' and 'heat' then?"
since what you are actually perceiving is how much agitation there is within the atoms ("energy") and we perceive the amount of energy through our receptors and is translated into words as 'hot' or 'less hot' aka cold. It's sort of like saying, "Do you not perceive NaCl to be forms of 'salty' or 'not salty'." cold, hot, salty are words to describe the way the world is that comes through our senses. Though you may still be able to argue that what you said was grammatically and contextually correct perhaps... Idk, just trying to understand your point and their point. The dispute is relevant if we are talking about say bioethics and stipulation is critical.... but in this case i really don't think anyone cares.
I agree with your quote if I agree with string theory, unfortunately I did not study that enough to say anything about "isn't everything a form of energy"
I'd say an absence of energy is not a form of energy, is it not?
It is a variation of, is absence of "stuff" called a void, or is there actually a thing called "void".