GoshisDead wrote:
Dosed wrote:
I've been in this situation. My concern was more for how do I please him? I'm not used to this. But there really isn't much of a difference except for the bell of the penis is more sensitive than a circumsized guy's and the foreskin is pretty tough and you can have a bit more fun with it.
But to be honest, penises always look silly. what's a little extra skin?
Owwwwww My fragile ego!
Uncircumcised ones make cute little sharpei puppies.
I have to agree...genitalia (both sexes'...though I have seen a lot more male than female ones, so I could be wrong about women's for all I know, but I doubt it) are NOT, generally, a very fetching part of the human anatomy.
I have seen very few balls and penii that I found attractive. As part of a fella you are rawther fond of, though, they get by ok.